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Messages - Mr. Fox

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 333
Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:34:05 AM »
You have strong enough mental power to speak directly to his source of power, the Great Cleanser. Only he can strip Felix of his power, convince it and you win... Go reread the Great Cleanser's bio, it created The Father so it decides who get's the power, I made it as a check that you could access if you wanted to.

Using the Cleanser to speak for me I answered Warren. "I am The Father, I am devoid of weakness, I am perfect. All will be revealed in time as long as you serve me faithfully..." (it's a very loud voice that could easily make a person so deaf.) Then I focused on dividing the forces I would need to attack into their respective positions. Soon I would allow those who would yield to yield, and kill the rest...what a wonderful day! I smiled to myself...

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:18:57 AM »
Don't try to kill Zandra, she dies Felix has no reason to live any more, and he will simply unleash the Reapers on the entire planet and laugh while he watches every living thing die.

I felt his presence. He was thinking of killing Zandra. I touched his mind and let him hear Silene's pleas. Then I spoke it to him "Do it and she will become a Reaper and be tormented with her mindless thoughts until she is killed. Make your decision..."

I resumed on my way to the throne room, I had an army to command. I leaned over to one of the skeleton warriors and whispered to it. "Bring me the new one, alive please." It nodded and ran off. The throne chair was waiting for me and I sat down, at once I could hear the Cleaner in my mind.

"Your actions...harsh...could hurt you...then him..."
"Never mind this now Cleanser, lets begin the Great Cleansing!" I focused my mind then the skies went dark from the sheer number of Locust in the skies...

I kicked him in the face then began to choke him with all my strength. "You might not respect me, but you will obey me. I am The Father, I and I alone control this entire army! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" I dropped him then began to pace furiously around the room, then I had an idea.

"I will spare your life now, I will not plead my case to The Great Cleanser, but you actions must be punished." I raised my hand and Silene was brought in. "Love is a weakness my soldiers can't have." I brought my hand down in a chopping motion and a skeleton warrior drove it's blade deep in to her small and fragile body... I felt her soul enter my body, it was a spirit of pure fight; and it's taste was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted. "Once you earn it I will revive her, resist and she will become a Reaper." I turned my back to him and began to leave the room...

Using my powers I sent everything in the room into the air then brought it crashing back down. "WARREN! BRING HIM TO ME RIGHT F*CKING NOW!" I turned and stormed out of the room as quickly as I had entered, leaving the room in complete chaos and probably scarring the crap out of the little Demigod...

I sent twenty Mega Locust to retrieve him, if he resisted Silene was to be dog food...

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:45:36 AM »
Because alot of monsters like to hid out in various rooms... you just might get your fave chewed off. :D

I shot out of bed with a single thought in my head: "Who the F*ck is in my head?!" I ran to the window and saw Warren flying around like a drunken fool, if not for his powers he would have been dead a long time ago... Then I realized that somehow a new person had found their way onto the Great Cleanser. I quickly threw on my jacket and mask then left my room.

"TAKE ME TO THE INTRUDER!" A skeleton warrior pointed down the hall and directed me to a door that I promptly kicked in with great vigor "And just who the f*ck do you think you are?! Answer me!"

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:36:49 AM »
lol kitty, their's plenty to do in your "cell" it's a rather large living room with two Skeleton Warriors outside the door keeping you from leaving. Who know's what cool things are hidden around, you might even find a little friend.  ;)

"Because Felix holds all the cards... you touch me and he will destroy everything you love then change you into a mindless monster thinking of your failure for the rest of eternity..."
I walked inside, I didn't want to see the poor kid get ripped to shreds by the Locust once Felix noticed what was going on, we would be seeing enough death in the months to come.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:31:38 AM »
I'm waiting for Medicham and my fight team will be complete, then I will become the Fight Elite for sure!

"I'd like to see your boytoy Felix kill me. I've already returned from the dead once although why pretail does he hate me so much.."
The voice echoed through my head, it was annoying but I shrugged it off. I decided I would try to send Warren a little message just for fun. "He hates all living things. I think I am the only thing he cares about. Also, he can't kill you, but if you betray him the only creature that can, will." I walked out onto a patio structure and breathed in the air, just beyond the mountains I could see the glow of Tarturs, the war was about to begin for real.

As soon as the Skeleton Warrior had led the new Demigod out of the room I pushed Warren against the wall and held him there.

"And just what the F*ck do you think your doing?! Felix is paranoide as hell, and you running away to pick up stays isn't going to make him too f*cking happy! For all we know he's going to kill your friend out of pure suspicion! Is that what you want!?" I dropped him and started pacing around the room. "You have no idea what I had to do to keep Silene alive, he wanted to kill her and drag her around the city to lure you out! You have no god damn clue how much he hates you! I recommend you and Silene keep a low profile and avoid the Scared Swordsmen if possible." I went to leave the room but stopped half way out the door. "I think Felix means to make your head a trophy..." I left the room, I needed to clear my head, too many things were going on...

"For starters the Scared Swordsmen can't be killed while inside the Great Cleanser, second he will have to be detained until Felix verifies his loyalty. Sheath your weapons Swordsmen." They looked at Zandra, then did as they were told, I had just as much standing with them as Felix did; they would do anything they were told.

I snapped my fingers and a single Skeleton Warrior aproched. "Take this newcomer to a holding cell until Father Felix wakes up." It nodded then pointed towards a door.

"Warren stick around I would like to have a word with you."


"Might I ask you where you went Warren?" Me and my two Scared Swordsmen saw the newcomer at the exact same time, they drew their blades and moved in front of me to provide protection. "What is the meaning of this? Speak or your new friend dies Warren..."

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