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Messages - Level5Pidgey

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 32
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Skills!!
« on: May 10, 2011, 11:55:40 PM »
Sounds like a good plan, but I think there is already a talent tree-like system to EV-train your pokémon. You might train fishing instead?

I dunno if it'll be that system...
But yeah. The EV system has been up in the air for a while now.

Other Chat / Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:01:04 AM »
O u guyz.

Completed Reports / #130 - Gyarados
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:56:33 AM »
Name: Gyarados
Number: 130
Type: Water / Flying

Abilities: Intimidate, Moxie

Base Stats:
85 / 120 / 75 / 60 / 90 / 78

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Aqua Tail
Icy Wind
Iron Head

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Rageface @ Leftovers
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Intimidate/Moxie, Jolly
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Explanation of Set
Gyarados is bulky, strong, and can Dragon Dance. After a DD Gyara becomes a raging fish capable of sweeping entire teams. Intimidate allows Gyarados to switch in easier, while helping your team against physical attackers - while Moxie means that, if you get one kill down, more will likely follow.
Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2892.0.html

Completed Reports / #068 - Machamp
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:45:47 AM »
Name: Machamp
Number: 68
Type: Fighting

Abilities: No Guard, Guts, Steadfast

Base Stats:
95 / 130 / 80 / 65 / 85 / 55

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Magic Coat
Knock Off
Ice Punch

- Bullet Punch

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
LeadChamp @ Lum Berry
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
No Guard, Adamant
- DynamicPunch
- Stone Edge
- Payback
- Ice Punch

Explanation of Set
Machamp is crazy strong... and I don't think that constitutes a pun.
He is an effective lead - capable of threatening a lot of other standard leads.
DynamicPunch and Stone Edge are both 100% accurate - Payback lets you attempt to punish switch ins, while Ice Punch can be handy against Gliscor and Dragons.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2890.0.html

Completed Reports / #242 - Blissey
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:03:20 AM »
Name: Blissey
Number: 242
Type: Normal

Abilities: Natural Cure, Serene Grace, Healer

Base Stats:
150 / 10 / 10 / 75 / 115 / 55

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Icy Wind
Heal Bell

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Special Wall @ Leftovers
252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Natural Cure, Calm
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave / Aromatherapy
- Softboiled

Explanation of Set
It can take nearly any sort of Special Hit easily (just as well as Tentacruel and Noctowl) - and, with this defensive investment, it can take weak physical hits well too. Stronger ones will often be two-hit KOs, however.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2827.0.html

Other Chat / Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« on: May 09, 2011, 04:27:23 AM »
Chill out guys. Step it down.
I have more warns in me yet.

Completed Reports / #598 - Ferrothorn
« on: May 09, 2011, 04:24:45 AM »
Name: Ferrothorn
Number: 598
Type: Grass / Steel

Abilities: Iron Barbs

Base Stats:
74 / 85 / 125 / 54 / 100 / 30

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Wall @ Leftovers
252 HP / 48 Def / 208 SpD
Iron Barbs, Relaxed
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball / Protect / Thunder Wave
- Power Whip / Protect

Explanation of Set
Pretty standard Ferrothorn. Set up Spikes, Leech Seed your opponent for lovely recovery - Gyro Ball hits extremely hard, while Thunder Wave is useful for your team, and Protect can be used to stall your opponents for HP, while you get 12% of your health back. It also helps you scout for Hidden Power Fire. Power Whip can be used as a powerful STAB.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2837.0.html

Art Work / Re: ~Spriters Academy! :)
« on: May 09, 2011, 03:48:32 AM »
I havent' offended any of the devs so to get banned would be pretty harsh just becuase you dislike me doesn't mean i should be banned.

It might not be enough to ban you, but along with all the other posts of yours I've seen, it's enough to take you to your final warning.

One more infraction and you will be banned for 2 weeks.

Though, that said, Trainerx, please control yourself around this guy. I've seen something like 3 or 4 threads where you are arguing with him, one where you pretty much started the argument with him (On Slaking or something) - don't drop yourself to his level. You got an infraction too.

Completed Reports / #569 - Garbodor
« on: May 09, 2011, 03:22:07 AM »
Name: Garbodor
Number: 569
Type: Poison

Abilities: Stench, Weak Armor, Aftermath

Base Stats:
70 / 100 / 140 / 90 / 60 / 75

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Rock Slide
Poison Jab

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Weak Armour Sweep @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Weak Armor, Jolly
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Explosion
- Poison Jab / Gunk Shot

Explanation of Set
While Weak Armor seems like a poor ability, Garbodor can make fair use of it through his great physical bulk. Switch in on a weak or resisted physical hit, propelling you to 409 Spe (faster than max base 130s) - then, proceed to deal as much damage as possible. This is best done when your enemy is already weak, as your defence won't hold up so nicely with the negative modifier. When you get low on HP, Explode!

Example Set
Weak Armour Specs @ Choice Specs
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Weak Armor, Timid
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Wave
- Focus Blast / Psychic
- Hidden Power Ice / Fire

Explanation of Set
Again, Weak Armor is great as a one-turn set up. Switch into a physical weak or resisted move, and hit the enemy as hard as you can with a boosted Special attack. Garbodor has fair coverage with Thunderbolt and Hidden Power Ice - while Sludge Wave gives STAB, and Psychic guarantees you're an amazing counter to fighting Pokemon. Focus Blast will hit Steels hard - who are likely to come in to absorb a Poison move, so if you take Psychic, you may want Hidden Power Fire.

Example Set
Physical Wall @ Black Sludge
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Aftermath, Impish
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Poison Jab
- Protect / Haze

Explanation of Set
Garbodor can serve as an amazing physical wall - with access to both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, and defensive stats that Skarmory envies. What Garbodor lacks however, is reliable recovery (Roost), or even "semi-reliable" recovery (Pain Split). Still, if Garbodor can get Toxic Spikes up, with Protect, he can recover while the enemy suffers. Haze can be used to counter many physical boosters.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2667.0.html

Completed Reports / #284 - Masquerain
« on: May 08, 2011, 05:23:42 AM »
Name: Masquerain
Number: 284
Type: Bug / Water

Abilities: Intimidate, Unnerve

Base Stats:
85 / 60 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 75

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Signal Beam
Icy Wind
Air Cutter

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Quiver Tank @ Leftovers
252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Spe
Intimidate, Bold
- Scald
- Ice Beam / Bug Buzz
- Quiver Dance
- Roost / Baton Pass

Explanation of Set
If you were ever wondering how Masquerain could ruin your day, this is it. So, Masquerain switches in on an attack from your physical sweeper - lowering his Attack with Intimidate. It takes the hit nicely - and as your attacker is now far less effective - and facing down a physically bulky wall, so you switch out. And, as you do - the Masquerain gets a Quiver Dance up. Ruh-roh. Now its specially bulky, and its Scald packs a real punch.
Basically, switch in, set up, Roost off any damage you take - then dent everything as much as possible while keeping yourself healthy. If you would prefer to pass the Quiver Dance boosts to a different Poke - you can replace Roost or Ice Beam with it.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2699.0.html

Completed Reports / #166 - Ledian
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:59:32 AM »
Name: Ledian
Number: 166
Type: Bug / Flying

Abilities: Iron Fist, Swarm, Early Bird

Base Stats:
65 / 105 / 65 / 55 / 110 / 130

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Dizzy Punch
Shadow Punch
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Bug Bite

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Revenger @ Expert Belt / Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Iron Fist, Jolly
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch
- X-Scissor / Fire Punch

Explanation of Set
Simple - you switch this guy in to kill things. If you can get him in on a resisted hit (like a special resisted hit), or, after one of your own Pokemon is fainted  - and it's a somewhat easy KO - or, if they switch, it's a free hit. The main things about Ledian are its strong attacks, huge speed, and its greatly varying coverage. If you can predict correctly, especially with the Expert Belt - you'll be punching big holes in the team, possibly grabbing KOs in the process.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2666.0.html

Trainers Lounge / Re: favourite pokémon team
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:02:59 PM »
- Bidoof
- Bidoof
- Bidoof
- Bidoof
- Bidoof
- Bidoof

Completed Reports / #012 - Butterfree
« on: May 07, 2011, 04:55:24 PM »
Name: Butterfree
Number: 012
Type: Bug / Flying

Abilities: Compoundeyes, Tinted Lens

Base Stats:
65 / 45 / 65 / 90 / 105 / 109

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Signal Beam
Ominous Wind
Iron Defense
Aurora Beam

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Double Powder @ Focus Sash
252 Spe / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Compoundeyes, Timid
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Signal Beam
- Aurora Beam / Hurricane

Explanation of Set
Butterfree works pretty nicely with this set - you can use it as a lead, as a mid-game statuser, and - with Aurora Beam and Focus Sash - a decent Dragon counter.
With 252 HP, Butterfree can easily take resisted special hits.
After you sleep a Pokemon (hopefully your opponent's biggest threat) - you can get to work on either paralyzing the rest, or, lowering the Attack of your opponents with Aurora Beam - hopefully forcing many switches.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2809.0.html

Completed Reports / #398 - Staraptor
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:55:41 PM »
Name: Staraptor
Number: 398
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Intimidate, Reckless

Base Stats:
85 / 120 / 70 / 50 / 65 / 101

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Recoil @ Leftovers
252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Reckless, Jolly
- Brave Bird
- Double Edge
- Close Combat
- Roost

Explanation of Set
Hit hard, Roost off the damage.
This set is as simple as it comes - just hope the enemy doesn't find their Blissey free for sacrifice! 

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2615.0.html

Completed Reports / #470 - Leafeon
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:30:55 PM »
Name: Leafeon
Number: 470
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf Guard

Base Stats:
75 / 110 / 130 / 60 / 65 / 98

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Knock Off
Seed Bomb
Heal Bell
Fury Cutter

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Swords Dance @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Chlorophyll, Jolly
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Double-Edge
- Synthesis

Explanation of Set
This guy is scary. He comes in on a physical attacker - sets up a Swords Dance, and that generally ends badly for the other team. Synthesis is awesome for resting off the Life orb and recoil from Double Edge.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2627.0.html

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