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Messages - Raikt

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Site Support / Re: What are these stars for?
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:45:48 AM »
You know what? I want lulz too.


So I guess this means no new evolutions either? Darn, I've been hoping for a Mawile Evolution.

You can catch evolutions for Pokemon in nature, assuming they don't add any awkward evolution clauses to them. (Magnezone and Probopass.) So, there is a good chance you'll be able to catch an evolution for Mawile in the wild.

Mind you, it may be something like, "Only evolves into ____ from Mawile while in the region of Issu" or something along the line.


Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Some questions
« on: August 18, 2010, 05:32:09 PM »
Will there be a safari zone and bug catching event like in Pokemon gold and silver? Also, will Master balls be avilable through events or as game cash items (limited).

1 - Safari Zone is highly debatable. Maybe later in the game, but don't expect to see it any time soon.
2- Bug Catching Contest is a fun thing. I could easily see this. Even if we don't get a program for it up and running, any member of the team that is on that day could host it just for fun.
3- Master Balls are a no.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon Breeding.
« on: August 18, 2010, 03:11:28 AM »
Manaphy is a Legendary Pokemon.

Lucario is not a Legendary Pokemon.

Legendary status it attributed to any Pokemon that can only be "captured" once in the entire game. Meaning, there is only one.

Does that clear things up?
  does that mean Snorlax is a legendary in HG and SS? I don't think so. You guys are claiming that Manaphy is a legendary, but all other legendaries can not breed. That proves that Manaphy is just a rare pokemon that can breed, like snorlax in SS. Plus, Phione is the pre-evolution of Manaphy, no other legendaries have pre-evolutions. And someone said Lucario is a legendary?! where did you get that from? The movie? you can't judge which pokemon are legendary from the anime, if they made a movie with a legend about a caterpie would you say that it's a legendary?

Taking things out of context, then going off on a rant about Caterpie being Legendary, does not prove your point. Also, your example holds true for one generation. In others, Snorlax can be caught multiple times. The same cannot be said for any Legendary.

Try looking at the link that Jerry posted.

If anyone wants to argue what should or should not be a Legendary, start a new thread for it. As far as I'm concerned, the off topic chatter in this thread is done.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon Breeding.
« on: August 17, 2010, 08:30:07 PM »
Manaphy is a Legendary Pokemon.

Lucario is not a Legendary Pokemon.

Legendary status it attributed to any Pokemon that can only be "captured" once in the entire game. Meaning, there is only one.

Does that clear things up?

This thread is about mechanics changes and the like. Anything involving the workings of the game, etc., goes here.

The other thread is for the Pokemon.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Heylo.
« on: August 17, 2010, 03:09:40 AM »
I set fire to small children



Is this what love feels like?

Jobs / Re: First Attempts at Balancing
« on: August 17, 2010, 02:55:15 AM »
Let's rock this party.

Firstly, you should give more insight into your changes. "I felt like it" or "I think this would work better" really won't cut it when it breaks down the math behind all our current changes. How will this effect his attack specifically? (In regards to Scizor.) Who won't he be able to OHKO now? What will the improved defense save him from? How will the decreased Sp. Def allow for a 'chink' when rarely anyone hits him on the special side outside of a fire move?

Posting damage calculations from a damange calculator would really be an improvement. This is the one I use.

Next, if you want my advice:

Kingdra - You lowered all his stats. That is a bad idea all on its own. Most Pokemon are not consider OU just because of their stats, but because of their movepool and typing as well. (OU is actually all about usage, but that is neither here nor there.) I honestly think that Kingdra is mostly fine where he is. Probably a few points out of his attacking stats. (6-8 from both stats) followed by a measly couple from speed would be more than enough to drop him down a notch. Seeing as his speed (In the rain) and his overpowering STABS (Draco Meteor) are what really make him powerful.

Scizor - His attack stat is fine. A few points from it would be the minimal to take. Honestly, in competitive play, Scizor is OU for one reason alone: Bullet Punch. The access to STAB'd, technician'd priority is what makes him. Without Bullet Punch, he would fall in usage rapidly. Even then, it's not as powerful as you would like to think. It's mostly due to the fact that Steel isn't resisted by some of the most common sweepers and that Scizor can take a hit in return.

If you want some proof of this, look no further than our favorite rat, Raticate: Scizor's Bullet Punch has a small chance to not even OHKO him with Choice Band and 252 Attack EV's. That's not as powerful as many would lead you to believe.

But, in the end, we work as a team. It's definitely give or take. So, you can work with what I said, or try something else. Either way, I'd like to see more of your ideas. (Either here, through PM, or on IRC) That way Pidgey, Gammal, and I could better evaluate it. If you have any previous experience with competitive battling, that is a major plus as well.

Jobs / Re: Silver's maps
« on: August 16, 2010, 01:15:25 AM »
Other than a few minor errors here and there, and the weird purple trees in the last image, they are very nice.

The purple trees are called Sakura.

As for errors, the town has a lot of them. the Landscape maps however look good. You will have to wait for Kamaran to get a closer review.

I meant they look weird within the context of the image. Not in general.

Games / Re: UK London Gamerbase Tournament - Sign up now!
« on: August 13, 2010, 12:42:41 AM »
Sounds like I need a flight to London...

And a mustache I can twirly carefully, but oh so evilly.

I don't know man.... They are some pretty heavy dudes.

Are you implying that I am not "heavy" enough for this?! I take offense! Unless you are implying weight... In which case, most likely.

In-Forum Games / Re: "Unanimated" Swordfight
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:10:41 PM »

You have my sword.

Games / Re: UK London Gamerbase Tournament - Sign up now!
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:02:10 PM »
Sounds like I need a flight to London...

And a mustache I can twirly carefully, but oh so evilly.

Marissa is promoting violence on these forums? I approve. Continue on.

Other Chat / Re: How many post for stars?
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:58:39 PM »
I've wanted purple stars, but whatever. I guess I can deal with green...

Quests & Plots / Re: A couple of ideas.
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:38:38 PM »
An idea we could test would be; having a "bounty" like board in every 'major' city. You could interact with this board and acquire quests from it. However, they wouldn't be normal quests. Things such as: rescuing lost Pokemon, defeating evil trainers, etc. Or, once the game is up and flourishing, it could even host player made quests.

Like Alais's signature says, though. It's all speculation until we all agree it's happening. Still, keep an eye out.

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