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Other Chat / Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:20:04 AM »
No, the eye hurts because you scratched it with your finger because it itched because of syphilis because that girl was so hot because she seemed to take care of herself, because clothes are deceiving, because designers made them that way, because it gets the most money, because they have friends that understand business, because they went to college because they did well in high school because they never had a girlfriend because those girls were into jocks because those guys were good at sports, because they played since they were little, because they're dads made them, because they're living their dreams through their son, because they got a girl pregnant, because they weren't careful, because they were idiots.

So who is really to blame here?


Tim tebow?

It's a football joke.
No wonder I didn't get it

Tim Tebow is an american football player who prays a lot and is super religious.  People joke that he has super jesus powers.  Because he is terrible but, he always finds a way to win.

Other Chat / Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:03:47 AM »
No, the eye hurts because you scratched it with your finger because it itched because of syphilis because that girl was so hot because she seemed to take care of herself, because clothes are deceiving, because designers made them that way, because it gets the most money, because they have friends that understand business, because they went to college because they did well in high school because they never had a girlfriend because those girls were into jocks because those guys were good at sports, because they played since they were little, because they're dads made them, because they're living their dreams through their son, because they got a girl pregnant, because they weren't careful, because they were idiots.

So who is really to blame here?


Tim tebow?

It's a football joke.

Games / Re: Male or Female Pokemon
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:02:38 AM »
Idk, there are some pokemon that feel better as male and some that feel better as female.  But for the most part I don't really care.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Battle: King of the Stadium
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:00:28 AM »
Idk, it's just a pain that I can't challenge anyone.  Cause I sat on the server for a hour earlier and no challenger even tried.  I'm not saying that I'm so unbeatable, I'm just saying it's annoying.  If they get enough points then then can just hide and not challenge.  We should be able to challenge those who have more points than us.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 16, 2011, 06:57:58 AM »
If random people couldn't post, then how would people post saying they want to join?  Outside of PMing someone.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Battle: King of the Stadium
« on: December 16, 2011, 06:56:03 AM »
I don't like how I can't challenge.

No one has challenged me...

Art Work / Re: Trainer Avatars!!! (Requesting Thread)
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:45:12 PM »
lol nthey better speaka englae they are in cali...

nthey better speaka englae?

That's not english either.  Please before you make a joke about a language.  Learn it.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Battle: King of the Stadium
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:15:10 PM »
I think the royals should be able to challenge any challenger with a higher point total. Otherwise if a challenger gets a higher point total than a royal, the royal is basically stuck.  If nobody challenges them they can't even try to defend their title.

General Chat / Re: Who you gonna battle?
« on: December 14, 2011, 07:46:26 AM »
i saw nothing wrong with zoro's top 5...except the order...bing is not better than me nore i him  same with john flame and jerry...as far as i know we'd all be tied for 4th or third lowest would be bing because he has the mjost ppl that can beat him...

Sir, please understand.  You only beat me by essentially cheating.  You use a spore ledian.  Which as Level5Pidgey pointed out.  Will not be in PU. 

Also, Don't pull Jerry into this.  Jerry is a far better battler and person than you will ever be, as is Roloc, as is Noah, as is Cortex and as is John Flame.  I'm sorry but you have severely missed the boat.

I mean come on.  When you lose you rage about how the balance sucks, and how your team is terrible with their new stats.  You constantly call out PU members and whine and cry.

I know I might get a warning for this post but, I don't care.  I flat out do not like you.  You are just annoying, please do not bother mentioning me ever again.

Thanks, Your pal.


Oh, and I'd like to fight well, every EE member and some PK members (The one's who are into the competitive battling.)  I guess I just want to fight everyone.

General Chat / Re: pokemon episodes
« on: December 14, 2011, 07:16:59 AM »
i would have to agree there is some seasons that are very gay and i prolly wont watch those >.> ima cheat and skip em lol

Hmmm, gay isn't a word I'd use.  But then again.  I don't like social injustice. 

I would call the pokemon show annoying.  Because Ash never learns.  He does not understand basic pokemon battling.  I'm not taking about nit picking IV's and EV's.  I'm talking about basic type advantages.  I mean every time one of his pokemon takes a super effective hit.  He just stands there and goes "Crap, well I didn't see that coming.  I thought bulbasuar could take that magmar."

Quests & Plots / Re: [QUEST] Search for the missing Caterpie
« on: December 14, 2011, 07:12:47 AM »
This quest could be in the beginning of the game, right after the first quest (dont know what it will be).
I will surly make some grammar mistakes so pls correct them. So lets begin.

Right after you come to the next town, you will be stopped by some strange guy. He will shouting Help! Help! and bump into you. He will say sorry and you will ask what happened. He says that his Caterpie was stolen from some guys in black suits (Team Rocket or however the evil team from region will be called). You asks where did they go. Then he points towards your home town (beginning town however it will be called). You says you will take care of that. And head back. Almost at the end of the route, you will notice the guys in black suits that want to steal Pokemon from some kids. You come there and say STOP! They will turn into you and the battle starts. (They wont have strong Pokemon because it is just beginning quest). After you won, you says that they need to release Caterpie which they have stole earlier. They release it and head towards. After that the strange guy comes to you and say thanks and give you 5 Potions. The END.

It could be interesting.  But, it needs more.  Dialogue would be nice.  Also better organization than just a paragraph slapped together.

Also, it's been said but, the reward is a bit much.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Battle: King of the Stadium
« on: December 14, 2011, 07:06:52 AM »
There needs to be a rule about the number of challenges.  I'm really gonna get sick of constant challenges from certain people.  This is a cool concept, and I like it.  But, without a rule for that, it's gonna be annoying.

Oh, and you should know who I'm talking about.  If not, don't worry.  You'll prolly get a rage filled message of why they are not a starting royal.

General Chat / Re: Who you gonna battle?
« on: December 13, 2011, 07:42:13 AM »
Hmm having a rival to battle you and push you ingame would be pretty nice.

Well, there is the whole of the EE.  That might get competitive.  And then there are the Pokemon Knights, some of them are into the battling scene.

General Chat / Re: Who you gonna battle?
« on: December 13, 2011, 06:46:11 AM »
So the whole we both have level 5 pokemon and battle, then a while later when we both have teams.  We battle again.  I'm assuming that's how you want this to go lol.

General Chat / Re: [guild] YIN YANG
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:47:21 PM »
No offence to anybody but all pokemon from gen. 4 and up doesn't work for me, the originality from the original generation has faded since generation 4. Any opinions please state them. I want an opinion from everybody in the guild

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