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Messages - TheSolx

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 33
Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOC] In a corrupted world
« on: December 20, 2011, 09:34:16 AM »
Hehe... Nah, Dark. Probably didn't. Rhay's mind is pretty messed up right now, as you probably can understand. Wouldn't notice much around him anyway.

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOCC]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« on: December 20, 2011, 06:44:14 AM »
Meh... I know I'm being inactive here.
Let's say I'm on my way up to Opelucid (or whatever). Even though that will take a few days... I'll post a few times when something happens ^^ I just don't feel like reading through 20 posts about the same conversation... U know... Meh. Just me solxing

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« on: December 20, 2011, 06:31:31 AM »
Rhay woke up in a cage. He looked confused as he scanned his surroundings. He was clearly in the same room. The smoke from the explosion were still hanging in the air, but Geode were nowhere to be seen. Just beyond a couple of other cages, the remains of King's lay shattered in a 10 meter radius. King were being dragged out by a couple of hybrids - Rhay shuddered when he saw which kind. Nidoking hybrids.

Rhay were locked in a small cage. He just sighed. The humans didn't seem to have learned though. The top and bottom were made of concrete. Rhay would have no problem crushing it. But he didn't feel like doing so...
Had Geode told the truth? Were the others dead? Rhay felt his throat tighten at the thought. If that were true, then he had nothing more to fight for. His friends were either dead or had switched sides.

While he were lying there, he heard a door open. A man he had seen somewhere before walked over to his cage.
"So this is the one that escaped 3 months ago? Well, well... Thanks for coming back old friend. Hah."
Rhay looked at the man. He was the officer that took Rhay and the others from their trainer. He had once been part of a world-wide organization that they had fought more than once on their journeys.
When Rhay recognized the man, he felt a rage stronger than before to break out of this place.
The man grinned at first, then suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost.

Rhay stood up, breaking the top and bottom of the cage. The heavy steel bars fell to the floor, cracking it under their weight. A guard started poking Rhay with a teaser, without much result.
Then a huge boulder hit Rhay in the back and pushed him to the floor.
"Huff... Good job, Golem. Now take this one to a armored cell in the basement. He's to dangerous to put with the others."
Rhay were escorted down to the basement by about 10 guards and a couple of hybrids. They wouldn't let him escape this time...

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOC] In a corrupted world
« on: December 20, 2011, 06:01:21 AM »
That's good to hear Zoro :) Like me back when I was RPing in WoW... though I used way too much time for that :-\

Anyways, I just wanna share another thing: This government... Is it just me, or do they sound like they're having much the same goals as Team Rocket?
Just saying we can use that :)

Also: About Geode. I allow any trainer sided with the Government to use him and anyone can use him as a NPC as long as he stays in the building until I say otherwise. I might take control of him while/after someone have used him though. Just saying ^^

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOC] In a corrupted world
« on: December 20, 2011, 05:45:16 AM »
I find one thing ironic: You are talking about Zoro having bad grammar... Well, I'll agree that he does. And he got the worst in here so far, to be honest. BUT... Have all of you looked at your own grammar? I see a lot of mistakes from others than him here, just saying. At least he is trying, and I suppose you are too.

Now let's put that aside. I don't wanna start a fight over it.
Up to now, I suppose it looks good. And yes Cortex, the evolved Pokemon are supposed to be captured. But as I described in my profile, Rhay managed to escape the facility he was at, and Geode sided with the Government. And King... well, I doubt you'll see more of him anyway.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 20, 2011, 05:30:19 AM »
GOD JUL (Mrry Xmas) from Norway

Though it's still 5 days left >.<
I don't caree about chirstmas because i got no family that cares about me. :'(
Plus, I don't get anything for chirstmas. plus this holiday suck that my girl dump me. :'(

Wow... And I thought my life sucked.
Too bad I've got no chance to send you anything Zoro. Too late :( + I don't know where you live anyway.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: [PU|Suggestion] Newspaper
« on: December 19, 2011, 07:39:47 PM »
I would be glad to come with advice and such towards the paper, but I'm not interested in creating anything for it. Unless you want very bad drawings that is.
I'm gonna get a bunch of spare time between xmas and new year's, so I might actually do something creative except of Minecraft. Might as well try some drawing on paper...

That had nothing to do with the paper... ???

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOC] In a corrupted world
« on: December 19, 2011, 07:17:33 PM »
K. Sorry... My teacher tells me not to use paragraphs unless there are timeskips... :| I know it's hard. I'll edit it ^^

There.. Won't be back before tomorrow morning... Hope someone have posted some by then :)

Trainers Lounge / Re: What about Espeon and Umbreon?
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:45:09 PM »
Yeah... It need a happiness level of 220 either at Daytime or Nighttime.


All the videos and screenshots I've seen so far shows a Pokemon following the trainer... So I guess it's implemented already, like Genbor said

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOC] In a corrupted world
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:15:10 PM »
Noticed, and posted what I got ;D

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] In a corrupted world
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:12:12 PM »
((I'm starting this fast, just to get into something :P ))

A loud boom could be heard as the Rhydon broke through another wall. It had rampaged through 3 levels now and the guards had tried to stop it without many of them getting out unharmed.
As the third wall crumbled behind Rhay, he stopped. More than 20 guards were waiting for him there together with a few "corrupted" Pokemon and a couple of the "cross-breeds".

As they looked, Rhay backed away slowly. He didn't seem to be doing anything as some of the guards carefully started going towards him with devices to catch him. There were also a couple of guards coming up behind him.
As the nearest guard lowered his gun to find his stunning device, Rhay took his chance and grabbed him. Rhay lifted the guard and threw him towards the group in front of him.
As the other guards partly dodged, partly tried to catch the flying one, Rhay went down on all four and plowed through a couple of guards as he ran toward the corridor to the left.

"The goal is simple... Find the others and leave!"
Rhay charged through a few doors blocking his way before coming to the place he was looking for. It was a big room where many Pokemon were held in cages and armored cells. Most of them were evolved, though some where still only small.
Rhay scanned the room and found what he was looking for. He charged towards the north end of the room, where a huge Nidoking were held. The Nidoking looked up as he heard the rampaging noises coming towards him. He was surprised to see one of his old buddies out of captivity and stood up in the way too small cage. "Rhay!"

But as Rhay closed in on the cage, a huge boulder fell from above and landed on top of the cage. "Huh? What's happening?!" Rhay stopped. He knew that this wasn't a regular boulder. The boulder on top of the cage streched out his arms, legs and head to show it's true form.
"Hmpf. I heard you had escaped Rhay... But I can't say I belived it. I'm impressed someone like you ever could have."
Rhay didn't recognize the Golem. It had a dark glow to it and the boulder-like body looked like it was about to fall off. "You know, we three are the only ones left. The rest had to be taken down... I would think they were smarter. At least Marshe. Throwing boulders at the guards didn't seem like the smartest thing to do... And I heard both Stox and Mopp blew themselves up in their cages..."

"Who are you!" the Nidoking asked. "How do you know who we are!?" "But King..." The Golem grinned. "Don't you know your old friends?"
Rhay looked up at the Golem. "Geode..." "Haha. So you recognize me, do you Rhay. Well, I guess it shouldn't be that hard. I haven't changed that much... or have I?" "Rhay..? Is that really Geode? Is he telling the truth?" Rhay just stared at Geode for a while, then down at King. When he realized what would happen next, it was to late. Geode started laughing as he turned red and blew himself up. The cage splintered and Rhay were thrown back.

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOC] In a corrupted world
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:02:12 PM »
I made 2 profiles right away ::)
At least then I know which ones I will use. Though Geode will be more of a side-character, as Rhay will be my main character in this RP...  Now to wait for this to begin *sigh*

Games / Re: New game is coming :D
« on: December 19, 2011, 05:50:05 PM »
We're screwed... And personally, MD is the only good Spin-off I've played

Games / Re: Male or Female Pokemon
« on: December 19, 2011, 03:53:26 PM »
Wel i never cared as what ever pokemon i had i got it to mate with a ditto that way you get the exact pokeon you want if whatever pokemon mated with the ditto.

Sad fact: You never get a Ditto... or do you?
Mind = Blown

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