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Messages - Bing

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20] 21 22 ... 88
Balance Server Testing / Re: Post Awesome Sets Here!
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:43:20 PM »
item (sitrus berry/focus sash/norm gem)
252 atk
252 spd
4 whatever/usually hp
ability: unbruden
male-(females cant have max atk in real game despite nature)
substitue-sitrus berry/quick atk-norm gem/i used to have grasswhistle...for focus sash (aerial ace should do or brick break)
rock slide
leaf blade
sword dance

What?  Females can't have max attack?

Seriously,  I never knew that.  I'm so shocked!  Your intelligence in the game of pokemon is astounding!


Oh, and for those who don't know pokemon.  A normal gem is pointless without a normal attack.  If you use quick attack, it will boost one quick attack.  It will not make SD more effective.  And it's prolly not the best item for Sceptile.  Since you have SD.  For this set the best item listed is the focus sash.

General Chat / Re: [guild] YIN YANG
« on: December 12, 2011, 06:53:56 AM »
Please stop double and triple posting. Use the modify button.

I'm gonna post this for all to see.

Roloc just give up.

The members of this guild just don't get it, and never will.  As of now, I give up.  The stupidity has caused me to give up.

General Chat / Re: Who you gonna battle?
« on: December 10, 2011, 07:08:48 AM »
Bing and Fred just to name two that I mentioned
They aren't that good. I can beat them.

Everyone gets beat on occasion.  It happens.

And at Darkstar.  Bring it.  My fire is ready anytime.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 10, 2011, 04:57:46 AM »
Depends on the situations really.  If I lose certain pokemon early, it's a problem.  Mainly Arcanine.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 10, 2011, 04:50:26 AM »
We know what you were talking about.

You don't always need stab to OHKO your threats.
Find a way.

Actually it's kind of funny.  I'm the opposite.  I have problems with a pokemon that I can one shot.  Ledian.  If it's left at the end of the battle it kills me.  That super fast spore gets me every time.

General Chat / Re: Who you gonna battle?
« on: December 09, 2011, 08:38:29 PM »
Roloc, you can't rule the world if I burn it first.  Because after the flames are done there will be nothing left to rule.... AHhahahahaha!

News & Announcements / Re: Public Beta coming this december!
« on: December 09, 2011, 07:39:03 PM »
After the beta's over they will release the final version of the game.

No we won't

This game is never coming out.  Ever.  Am I right?

Balance Server Testing / Re: Speed/Spore Analysis
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:15:14 PM »
And incidentally, that's the exact thing I met when I went on PO today to see how things were going =/

It gets annoying when the person doesn't put up the sleep clause. :-\

Honestly I look at the clauses now when anyone challenges me.  And yeah, I've seen a lot of people using sleep moves recently.  Mostly because with the new 3-5 rule.  The sleeping pokemon will almost never wake up. 

I still believe that sleep should be 2-5 instead of 3-5.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:10:34 PM »
Now I was thinking of starting a mono-type project like they tried on Smogon (but it never finished it's first type). We would use our experience in pokémon battling to make a great monotype team for each type, following PU rules. What do you guys think about this? Sounds nice huh? (but maybe in another thread)

This could be a fun way to pass the time waiting for the beta.  We should start with types that we have to trainer for.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 09, 2011, 07:10:55 AM »
I can't wait to see what it looks like.  :P

General Chat / Re: [guild] YIN YANG
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:36:44 AM »
hey vengeful when we breed we shouldn't just breed let's breed counter types. like a water and fire pokemon. I was able to do it on pokemon silver, I used the HM surf on my dratini and when it became a dragonite i bread it with a charizard the dratini that hatched was a water and fire dragon

Ok, first of all.  That is not how breeding pokemon works.  You can't breed a fire/water dragon simply by giving Dragonite surf and breeding it with a Charizard.

And second... Wait!?  Second!  Forget what I just wrote.  You can't breed a fire/water/dragon pokemon because, wait for it... ... ... There is no such thing.  I've never seen a pokemon that is water/fire and then to tack on dragon type.  Really?  Hell there has never been a pokemon with three types at all.  So good luck with this.  You will be severely disappointed.

Balance Server Testing / Re: Speed/Spore Analysis
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:47:47 PM »
I'd like to add that the new 3-5 turns for sleep can be a bit much as well.  Combined with super fast pokemon and even battle can turn ugly real fast.  I've noticed that if you last pokemon is asleep you've pretty much lost.  I feel that 2-5 would be more effective and balanced.

On topic, I agree with Noah, it's extremely easy to abuse a sleep move that really never misses.  And some of these pokemon honestly don't need it.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: December 08, 2011, 09:17:53 PM »
Well if you want days off for each element.  You should use real elements.  Air, Fire, Water, and Earth are not elements.

These are elements.  Just think of how many days off that is.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: [PU|Suggestion] Newspaper
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:59:48 PM »
In all honestly this isn't gonna go ahead or if it does most likely fail.

Well, what it needs is some serious organization.  Laughing at someone's attempt to help is well, not helping.

What we need is someone to take the time and create a nice template for the paper.

I still like the idea of a monthly paper, with upcoming events, interviews, trainer help columns and so on.  Well what it needs is an official staff. (Not PU team official)  But, some decided people to work on a prototype.  One person do design that template, a few people to write a few mock articles, and maybe an editor.

General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: December 08, 2011, 06:01:44 AM »
It does make it look like we just started lol.  On a serious note though, It's chansey snowing here.  I'm so pumped.

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