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Messages - spirit

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 33
Quests & Plots / Re: Write a quest contest
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:06:02 AM »
Overall how are you liking the quests? Or can you not say?

He can't say anything specifically until the day the contest ends.


Quests & Plots / Re: (Quest-Easy) Bugmaniac
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:05:20 AM »
Well it doesn't seem to difficult you succeeded with that, but I think we should try to make every quest exciting, because many games I have played are just skimmed through by the players with only one thing in mind, getting the reward. Hopefully we can make it to where we actually pay attention to what the NPC's are saying, not giving. Note: ( I am not saying everyone does this I have just seen this happen.)

yeah, if only we had a story writer to come up with quests that actually have a purpose, and are at least mildly interesting

Quests & Plots / Re: Write a quest contest
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:30:16 PM »
I want to thank all those that have already submitted their quests, and encourage/remind those who haven't to still do so; yes, you have almost two weeks still to submit your entry, but you don't want to miss this opportunity, so don't procrastinate (like me) for too long.

I also would like to mention that I will confirm your submission when I receive it, so if you do not hear back from me for a day after you submit an entry, please resend it, or send a notification to my email in my profile, or let me know on chat, and I will get back to you about how we can fix that.

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: March 03, 2010, 09:24:44 PM »
Haha Yay! I can't read it because it is backwards, but yay! ;D

is that better?

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: How about secret bases?
« on: March 02, 2010, 07:55:12 PM »

Quests & Plots / Re: Write a quest contest
« on: March 02, 2010, 07:33:24 PM »
This is gonna be easy but I gots ta go soon.

Edit: Since you can summit 5 quest, are you qualified to place in all 3?

Good, point, I think I was planing on mentioning that, but I was really tired when I posted.
No, you cannot place in all three, unless the other submissions just suck that bad. If you place in one, I'm going to try to give other people the other spots first

*updated rules*

Quests & Plots / How to write a quest
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:38:46 AM »
I have noticed people trying to write quests lately, and I figured I would write some guidelines to follow when doing so.
Please remember, that these are guidelines, and are not the only way to write.

  • dont rite liek this plz is vry sad 2 c r lnguage b-come so poor tht ppl cnt tipe n e thing nd not evan use grmmr either
  • Write in as proper English as you can. A few mistakes is acceptable, what is written above, is not
  • Write in any format you want (point form; list; sentences/paragraphs; webs; whatever)
  • I recommend thinking out your quest for some time before writing it. When I write quests for PU, I usually spend a whole week thinking about it to make sure it is possible, and in fact, a good idea
  • If you're unsure if your idea is any good, ask a friend, often times if you can get someone else interested in your idea, more people will like it, not to mention, your friend might help you make it better
  • Remember your context. (for example: in Pokemon Universe you will not be able to catch legendaries, so don't even suggest it)
  • Consider approximately when in the game your quest would be best suited (a great climactic battle will probably not be appropriate for the first quest of the game)
  • Remember your "three R's": Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! (Don't reuse the exact same quest you have seen in a previous game, people will know. that isn't to say you can't base it off an idea from one, but don't give us the same thing.) (When taking a previously established idea and making it your own, try not to reduce it until it has none of the good stuff left. That's like trying to make a cake and thinking: "if i take out the yeast it will be better" That's like trying to make tea and thinking: "if I don't use water, than I will be able to enjoy the tea leaves/bag more!".) (Don't recycle 'the same plot devices from season one', again, if you're going to take a previously used idea, make it something new don't just copy other people's work and call it your own.)
  • I find stories are always better when you think of a back story. Some of my favorite stories (movies, books, games, etc.), have an incredibly developed back story that you only see if you're looking for it. (take Lord of the Rings for example, JRR Tolken, created an entire language, and history for all his characters, and look what it has given us). Many times, what goes on behind the scenes is more important than what goes on center stage.
  • Look all around you for inspiration, I think most people would be surprised where a lot of authors get their idea's from. Next time you're bored, look around you, and ask yourself what is going on with the most simple of concepts.
  • Ask why! Why did this happen? Why did my character react this way? etc.

  • I was thinking of many more things I have wanted to say, but it is late and I have forgotten many of them. I will come back and add to the list as i think of things. Also, feel free to add you're own suggestions, if they are valid, I will add them to the list, and give you credit for them.

Quests & Plots / Write a quest contest (Closed)
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:13:37 AM »
Alright everyone, I have been noticing a few quest suggestions around the forums lately, some good, some ok, and some kind of disappointing. That said, I wanted to give everyone a little more incentive into writing good quest ideas. Also, since Pokemon Universe is a group project, I like to encourage people's suggestions.

I remember always having wanted to work on a project like this before, and am honored to have been given the privilege, so I try to remember what it must be like for those of you that haven't been given the opportunity that I have, but recognize that I am not ready to give it up too easily either.

So here's the deal. You write a quest, and I read it (yes, I read every quest idea on the forums), but now there is a little something extra involved for you. This is a contest to see who can supply the team with the best quest suggestions!

* You have two weeks to submit your work. No submissions will be accepted after Tuesday March 16th (I recognize many people live in a different time zone, so I will be fair and not be too picky if you haven't submitted exactly on time, but that's not to say that you should submit at the last possible moment anyway, as I have ultimate veto power.)
* You can make your quest about anything as long as it follows the rules of Pokemon Universe. (for example: legendaries cannot be caught). If you are unsure about what is acceptable, please take a look around the forums first.
* Use English! i cnt tell u nuf how iritating is 2 red posts whn u can not spelled properly if post liek tis i wil ignor u. That isn't to say you can't make a mistake or two, but at least try not to.
* It can be any length, but I will be honest when I say: I take posts more seriously when they have a couple of paragraphs at least (they just have a better chance of having been thought out).
* You must submit a NEW quest. If I have seen your quest before, or find it anywhere on the internet, I will immediately disqualify you from the contest.
* You may submit up to five quests, with a limit of one per day, just know, that if I find that you keep submitting poor quality to me, I may not be as inclined to take your next one seriously.
* You cannot win more than once. I say this because I wan't to give the competitors a chance to win as well, however, if ALL the other submissions fail to impress me at all, I may be kind and let you win a couple more times.
* I can't think of anything else right now, but i will let everyone know if I think of something later

Please submit your quests to [email protected]
I will notify you that I received your entry, so if you don't hear from me within about 24 hours after submitting, please let me know so we can ensure you still get your quest entered in the contest.

1st place:
* get your quest in the game
* get on pre-beta (if you're not already)
* surprise (I will reveal this one at a later date, but I think you will like it)

2nd place:
* get your quest in the game
* get on pre-beta (if you're not already)

3rd place:
* get your quest in the game

Good luck to all our competitors, I do hope this encourages many of you to get out there and think up some great ideas

Oh, and one final note: while it is not required, it is definitely recommended that you view the following topic before writing anything.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: How about secret bases?
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:21:49 AM »
I thought the secret bases from R/S/E were pretty fun. :3 That might be a cool addition.  You could get the right to a secret base for completing a quest or event or reaching a certain level or other milestone or something. Maybe you could agree to share a base with another player and have a "roommate" and space for more items.

Yeah...we have somethin called a "house" in PU. The best part about it is you don't need to reach a certain level, milestone, quest or an event to get it. You can just purchase it!

Says you!

...just for that, I am going to write my longest quest yet, that will be required to be completed if anyone want's a house....and i will be sure to mention you in the quest, so that everyone knows who to blame for all the tedius, and nearly impossible work!

Art Work / Re: Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:09:24 PM »
Gee, thanks Spirit, for taking over my thread. xD


No problem, we should do more together!

Art Work / Re: Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: February 28, 2010, 08:04:06 AM »
I do admit that there are features reminiscent of certain Naruto characteristics, but that's not what it's based off of.

Oh, and that symbol on the headband, thats a symbol I made for myself probably three or four years ago now.

But hey, let's see Kuhns do this....


Unfortunately, the orange looks more red than it should. It disapoints me that the coloring isn't how it actually looks on paper.

Art Work / Re: Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: February 28, 2010, 12:08:35 AM »
You know, I find it kind of weird that ever since Naruto, everybody instantly associates anyone wearing a headband with being a ninja. Well I have news for society, ninja's don't wear all those flashy outfits, nor do they tell everyone their names, were their from, or that they are ninja's (with the exception of "the ask a ninja, ninja", "ninjablaze", and myself...we all got special permission)

But yeah, i love fingerless gloves to. I have a pair for biking.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: joystick
« on: February 27, 2010, 04:29:20 PM »
I can't even understand why you would want a joystick for a game like this. Most of the joysticks I see, have about a billion different buttons, and allow for movement on several axes. Guess what? In this game, a joystick with that capability is wasted. It would make more sense if you wanted to use a game controller, but even then, I'm not sure. Besides, using an input device, kind of ruins the chat, but maybe you weren't planning on using that.

Oh well, if it really means that much to you to use an input device, perhaps you will see one implemented some time in the future, but for now, let me just say that the keyboard, is working just fine.

Art Work / Re: Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: February 27, 2010, 06:38:51 AM »
Does this rival the epic Kuhns?

Art Work / Re: Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: February 27, 2010, 03:42:13 AM »
I must say, I am really looking foreword to seeing more out of you! This stuff is really good, and I can't wait to see what you do next!

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