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Messages - WhatThePumpkin

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 137
General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: September 07, 2012, 02:56:37 AM »
Well guess what, all I have to do is ORDER A PIZZA, and I'm done. Heck, I don't even need to order a pizza! I could just write what I want >:D Who's laughing now? Hahaha!

And, No, you lied, lol. I'm not good at it.

*takes a deep breath*

What are you doing this for anyway? You're making me want to do an arts and crafts project, lol.

Halloween costume...for next year. And if it's well made, I may start wearing it to other places...Maybe ComicCon, if me and a couple friends decide to go.

Along with this, I need to make Protoman's shield and sunglasses...so that's going to be fun. :P
For next year? Hm. That sounds like a long wait ;w;
If I were you, I'd totally wear that around, like, in the winter or something, lol. Maybe we could get some pics of the completed project...
And sunglasses? That sounds like a fun project.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:28:19 AM »
Aww, damnit! I was hoping you were gone for good! >:(

Naw, I'm just kidding. It's good to at least know you're still around.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to have any suggestions about me making something like this, would you?

Ayara told me you were good at this sort of thing, so I thought I'd ask while you were here for a moment.
And no, she lied big-time about me being good at something like that. I know how to do it, but I can't do it with my own hands.
Okay, First off, what exactly is this being built for? if it's being made to be worn at home, or outside, only on rare occasions, then I would suggest painting a white hoodie with acrylic paints, or just a dye. For example, when I made my Italy scarf, what I did was mix green acrylic and watercolor paints in a cup of water, and then mix red paints with water in another one. I just dipped the ends into the paint, and it dyed the white fabric I was using, and then I left it it to dry overnight. It was a little stiff the next morning, but I washed it, and it was all soft again C:
But, if you want to wear it as an everyday-kind of hoodie, I have a vague idea of what you could do.
Lol, I have yet to try this, so take my word with a pound of salt. Besides, what I'm thinking of depends on your sewing skills.
One of my current running art projects, is a Casual Cosplay. Basically, I make everyday outfits, but each of them follow the clothing theme of a character. What I think you could do, if you're willing to spend some money, is what I'm doing for my Stein shirt. What you could do, is buy a monochrome Grey Hoodie, and then a mono Red hoodie. Then, all you'd need, is some soft yellow fabric, and either some white fabric, or some white acrylic paint (neatness is needed for this, lol).
What you do, is measure your arm. Looking at concept art of Protoman, where you're gonna cut the Grey sleeves off, is exactly at the elbow, maybe an inch down. Then, taking the Red hoodie, you'd cut the sleeves off about 3 inches above your elbow, give or take. Basically, you'd just need to sew the cut parts together, and then hem it to keep things from falling apart. Then, you could simply either paint the white on, or sew it on. Both will require neatness. As for the yellow cloth, I think you could just get some yellow cloth, and fashion it like a scarf, and then get...maybe....that special iron-on paper, print out the yellow markings (taking cuff size and arm length into consideration), and then iron it on.

Now, if you're feeling REALLY artsy (or just bored), you could just buy a huge amount of fabric from the fabric store in the colors that you want, and then put the entire thing together yourself. But this is a lot of work, because you'd need to measure yourself, then decide how baggy or tight you're gonna want the outfit to be, and then...
*takes a deep breath*

What are you doing this for anyway? You're making me want to do an arts and crafts project, lol.


*insert la face here*

I was pretty worried for a while, but I'm glad your still around. ^^

Lol, I'm still around. You'd all have my will by now if I wasn't. How's school o3o
How 'bout the nuzelocke challenge? =w=

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: September 06, 2012, 04:47:13 AM »
*WhatThePumpkin breaks through a wall, flips a table over, and then holds out Old Spice, while riding on a chimaera*
Anything's possible when your W.T.P. smells like Old Spice, and not a lady.
How's that for an entrance?
*chorus of Booo!"
Okay, okay, I get it. Next time, It'll be a rocket.
Banned? I thought she ragequit.
ALMOST Rage Quitted, Nexa. Almost.
I said, in the words of Ainetta the Moodsetta,

But I haven't rage quitted just yet.

Now, I know you're all pissed that I'm back on the guild. And I DEFINITELY know that you're ll happy to hear that I won't be back for a while. If you ask Blades or Meowth, I haven't been very stable recently, so I don't think I can really do much. lol.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Eternal War
« on: August 23, 2012, 06:45:32 PM »

Nightshade, can I ask you to mod your post? It's up to the mod of the Hydra to decide if the head gets cut or not.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Eternal War
« on: August 22, 2012, 07:21:00 AM »
Yo guys! I haven't been on in a while! Miss me?
*insert chorus of NO here*
Good! Now, from now on, I'm gonna do my best to run this right. That means, I might pull my own characters out of the RP, and just run this thing, since Blades is in school. I'm about to go back to school, but that won't stop me.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:59:28 AM »
yes i saw the after credits scene.
and least favorite pokemon would be pikachu. (in fact i dont even know if im spelling the name right)
For your safety, I hope Ayara won't notice that post.
Agreed. Ayara will have a hissy fit if she does.
And, Yeah. I think there was a picture here on the board somewhere, where it showed fanmade eeveelutiouns. o3o I liked the ghost one, although the poison and Normal looked cool owo

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:10:02 AM »
lolwait, what?
The Umbreon looks like something from Nights.

Japanese Entertainment / Re: Your favorite Anime/Manga quotes
« on: August 08, 2012, 02:19:33 AM »
Oh my god, Luffy XD

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:11:58 PM »
Same here. Eevee would be an even better Pokemon than it is, if it had ALL types. It would have been so much better ;w;

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:00:30 PM »
THat's true too.
*reference, anyone?*

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:50:11 PM »
Oh okay. Well, I thought Meowth was answering to the post directly above, which was yours... Sorry ^^;
It's okay, Jerry~ Honest mistake.

We've got enough Monkey Pokemon around here. W need some more Poisons, or Snakes, or...Bugs. Not enough of those, if you ask me.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:34:39 PM »
That should be WTP.

Also, a single roar and they'll all flee tail between legs :P
Nooo....I'm not Laurel. My name's Seth. :I

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:09:35 PM »
Wait, random topic changes so fast XD
I don't watch movies often. :L I likes Hunger Games, although now I know what parts thy missed...
I kinda sorta liked Iron Man. But that's because a certain someone convinced me to watch it. I'm not always a fan of Superhero movies. I love the Men In Black series. And....Horror movies. I also LOVE the Human Centipede, although, it's not on my list of movies that I would drag people to see :L

Hmmm. I forget. Was I the one who made you watch it? Because I know I like the Iron Man movies. Robert Downey Jr. FTW! I love that guy~
No derp, Sherlock XD During the storm when I was over, we watched it. :L
I don't hate any...Wait a sec...PANSEAR. Most of the Black and White PKMN are ones I can easily dislike. I like some of them, but for the most part, I HATE them. :L

Japanese Entertainment / Re: Your favorite Anime/Manga quotes
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:02:29 PM »
sdhfgjk You HAVE summoned the Resident Evils Fans. We shall flock here by the millions..
wait huh?
Okay! Favorite Quotes!
 Starting with my ALL-TIME Favorite, Dr. Stein, and my All-Time favorite anime Soul Eater~

Stein: I have a simpler motive. Experimentation and observation that's all a true scientist cares about. And I am a scientist. Everything in the world is an experimental test subject, of course that includes myself as well.

Stein: I think I'd like to dissect you now!

Stein: "Made you look." *After telling Spirit that he has swapped the Death Scythe's middle toes when he was sleeping. It was a hilarious scene, I just HAVE to add the link :L http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4F0nxvzr14 )

My favorite quotes from Both Stein and Medusa from Soul Eater, Since they're from a conversation...

Stein: Are you helping because you're a doctor? Or is it because you're a Witch?


Medusa: You're horrible! Commenting on my appearance like that! I don't have to listen to this from you! It's sexual harassment!

Stein: Ha ha ha ha! Promise me something if you're gunna sue, go after Spirit first, okay? *spins off in his chair, hits a wall, falls, chair flies up in the air, and hits him in the crotch. Epic flailing ensues*
Spirit Albarn/Death Scythe, because he's my second favorite character in Soul Eater.

Death Scythe: Are you trying to tell me that my Makas not attractive?! Why haven't you made a move on her?! You're a man aren't you!?

Death Scythe:
Maka your dad loves you.

Death Scythe: Maka! Please don't hate me Maka! I love you and momma! I promise Maka! It's true! It's true! I love you! I love you!

Death Scythe:
How was that Maka? Isn't your old man cool? a*Turns around to see that Maka's looming over Stein and talking to him instead*


Death Scythe: Hang in there! Millions of men everywhere are on your side!
Lord Death/ Shinigami-Sama

Lord Death: REAPER CHOP!

Lord Death:
Yeah, yeah. Hello, hello.

Lord Death: Well hello son! What's up? It's good to see you! I've forgotten how cute those stripes on your hair are.
Medusa Gorgon

Medusa Gorgon: Um well Miss Maka? Can you do me a favor and help me out with your father? I can't get him off my leg.
*followed by Spirit, who , and I quote, "Oh my darling. My dear white coated angel. Please heal me! My heart is in need of your sweet, sweet medical lovin' only you can cure!"*

Medusa Gorgon: The Kishins power surpasses human understanding. It is evolution itself. Lord Death and his little academy have protected the world by acting as a check against power. The DWMA seeks only to maintain the status quo, that's its mission. But still... time continues to march forward. It's only natural for the rest of the world to progress with it, don't you agree? That's how nature works. And yet Professor Stein, this academy has made a point to keep that from happening. Do you really want to live in a world of stasis? Where nothing changes, you're a scientist like me surely you must understand.
Crona "Gorgon" as I call him, or Demon Swordsman Crona

Crona: "I don't like it, the dark circles under my eyes will come back and I don't know how to deal with the dark circles!" *My sister's new catchphrase, because I keep yelling SLEEP DEPRIVATIONNN! in her ear. Based off a Ragnarok Quote as well*

Crona: I've never seen a man with a screw sticking out of his head before. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with a guy like that!

Crona: Thumbtacks in my shoes would stick into my feet whenever I tried to walk. It would hurt. I don't think I could deal with that really.

There are stars and planets floating around me. I don't think I could handle astronomy right now.

Crona: Hey. My blood is black, you know.

Crona: Do you want to know where the real hell is hiding? It's inside your head.

And, the most famous,

Demon Sword Ragnarok

Ragnarok: Astronomy is a lot easier to deal with than death you moron.

Ragnarok: Well, I'll tell you! It's like when you haven't crapped in 3 days and 3 nights, and then you get a toilet water splashback when you unload it all!!

*To Maka* Wow, that panty-shot of you was more ov' a turn off than I'd expected, you cow!

I wont help you, not even for 3 pieces of candy...
Holy Sword Excalibur

Excalibur: My legend dates back to the 12th Century thank you very much.


Excalibur: The taller the chefs hat the greater the chef.... FOOLS .... Who said I was a chef?!

No autographs!

Excalibur: This brings us to number 278 of the 1,000 provisions you must observe. I hate carrots. Never even think about putting them in my food, you get it?

Excalibur: SILENCE! This is number 349 of the 1,000 provisions you must observe. Meisters should eat everything regardless of personal likes and dislikes. Never say anything as selfish as "I don't like carrots." again. (Uhh...Problem?)

Free, the immortal Wolf-Man,

Free: What kind of person do you think I am? You think I take handouts from whoever comes along?

*few seconds later*

Free: Thaaaannnnkkkk youuuuu! It's easy to get outta there when you got someone on the outside with a key, but you wanna know what I was gunna try before you showed up? I had a plan! Se I was planning to try that thing they do in the movies, ya know where they tunnel under the wall using a spoon to steadily dig away at the ground underneath it? I always thought it was a really cool idea when they did that! So... I decided I would give it a try myself. But all they ever gave me was chop sticks! You can't dig with those! Well I tried to think of another way out, I thought about it all the time, and I realized something. I'm just not an idea man!"

*after skewering himself with some giant icicles* I always forget not to put those things where they can skewer me. But it's okay, no problem at all, nothing to see here. After all, I'm immortal.
Blair the magic Cat

Blair: Pum, Pumkins, Smashing Pumkins!

Blair: I never said I was a witch did I? You just made that assumption all on your own. I'm really just a cat with a ridiculous amount of magical power.

Now which one of you young men wants to take a bath with me?!

Blair: "Good Morning, Soul... There's no hurry, right?"

Mifune: My name is Mifune. I am the guardian of the witch Angela.

Mifune: If I have to kill a kid I'll get nightmares.
Finishing up my Soul Eater Quotes with Ox Ford, and a certain someone.


Ox Ford:
Oh the humanity.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 07:00:40 PM »
Wait, random topic changes so fast XD
I don't watch movies often. :L I likes Hunger Games, although now I know what parts thy missed...
I kinda sorta liked Iron Man. But that's because a certain someone convinced me to watch it. I'm not always a fan of Superhero movies. I love the Men In Black series. And....Horror movies. I also LOVE the Human Centipede, although, it's not on my list of movies that I would drag people to see :L

Oh, and off topic, it is possible to defeat a legendary using a level one Rattata:

1) Dude sends out Lugia you send out Rattata. You then select endeavor as an attack.

2) Since Lugia is faster he will attack which usually leads to instant faint, but since Rattata has a focus sash it leaves 1 HP.

3) Endeavor will then activate breaking Lugia down to 1 HP.

4) Select Quick Attack as your next move and since it allows Rattata to attack first it will instantly knock out Lugia. Congratulations you just beat a legendary using a level 1 Rattata.

That's frikken hilarious XD It might not work so well, but that IS frikken hilarious XD I'm gonna try that some day. Maybe.

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