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Messages - Raikt

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News & Announcements / Re: A wild zubat appeared!
« on: July 22, 2010, 05:28:51 AM »
You only find Zubat in caves(or near caves at night).  Zigzagoon and Bidoof were residing in almost every route.  Sure Zubat is in every game, but at least you don't see it everywhere you go.

Pokemon BW - Now with 400% more Zubat.

Games / Re: Big thread of Wifi
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:06:53 PM »
Sorry you had to get them for nothing but I don't  want them anymore, keep them though and then one day I may just see this post and go "I really want a Feebas! and Snorunt!"

It's fine. I breed because I enjoy it. I'll just keep the Milotic and Snorunt for you, or anyone else, that want them. (Hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge.)

How did you get the JAPENESE Scizor? But cool that you were able to figure out the Wi-Fi.

I have a Japanese: Bronzong, Scizor, Kingdra, Ditto, and Dragonite. They're pretty easy to get if you can sort through all the trash trades on the GTS.

I'll have to wait until I get my HG. Or should I get SS?

Go with whichever one is more aesthetically pleasing to you, in my opinion. It's easy to get all the version exclusives outside of the game itself. So, which one do you think looks cooler? Get that one.

Other Chat / Re: Something you are currently trying to learn
« on: July 11, 2010, 11:51:59 PM »
Learning how to BBQ... ._.

Baking, Cooking took some time, but BBQ is taking longer than expected... :/

If you have a little patience and pay attention, BBQ'ing is pretty easy. But I also love cooking...

Anyway; something I'm currently trying to learn is Japanese (so original, I know) and Kanji. Success rate: .3%

Trainers Lounge / Re: Your most interesting facts about Pokémon.
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:30:16 AM »

The best type combination is dragon/fire and dragon/ground, because only empoleon & heatran resist the former, while only skamory & levitating bronzong resist the latter

Ghost/Fighting is unresisted by every Pokemon in the game. Period.

General Chat / Re: Sunny days + work
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:16:24 PM »

We understand, yo'. That's how it was when I first moved. I didn't do much but lay around and enjoy the sun for about a week. Still, intrawebz is the first thing I got hooked up. It was up minutes after I moved in.


I look forward to you coming back, though; we haven't done much balancing without you.

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 06, 2010, 05:24:59 PM »
Bashing != productive criticism.

We have an ideas and suggestions forum for a reason; we're not only open to ideas and suggestions, but we would also like to hear back from the players. (Once that game is out, at least.) So, you can be sure that we're reading your ideas. If people don't like a time period between losses, but only because it bothers them, it's not a valid complaint.

If quite a few people complain that it is too long and they can't get in a victory more than once, say a week, because of time constraints, then we can easily modify it.

There is already a fine line between welcoming casual players and appeasing hardcore gamers. Keeping both audiences in mind is what I do when proposing ideas.

Games / Re: Big thread of Wifi
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:18:28 PM »
I updated the FC section; if I missed you, or you want me to put you up there, let me know.

@Lucario: I finally finished breeding your two 'mons. Hit me up on IRC whenever you want them.

Trainers Lounge / Re: talent trees
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:08:50 PM »
Not much of a surprise, really; we are doing a Talent Tree system. (If you want an example, check out the Weekly updates thread.) Your Pokemon is going to get a Talent Point every 3 levels, giving you a total of 33 Talent Points by time they are level 100.

You can distribute them however you wish.

I have to admit; I'm surprised. Some, keyword being some, of those new Pokemon look interesting. Like they actually have thought behind them. One of the main reason that I didn't like Gen 4 was because of the lackluster designs behind most of the sprites. (And I don't mean Bibarel.) It just felt like they didn't care about the Pokemon that generation.

These, though, definitely required a smidgeon of thought. True, they are starting to look like Digimon, but what do I care? I loved Digimon when I was a kid. (Still might, haven't checked...) I don't see them looking like Digimon as being a bad thing. Really, how could they not be eventually? The same way that, given enough time, Digimon would have started looking like something else.

Either way, the mole thing is what I'm interested in. Dark/Steel? Fire/Steel? Ground/Steel? I can't tell, but it intrigues me.

<Actually has the title; Krag Jenkins.>

Yo, and welcome to PU. I have no idea if we'll send out a mass email when the game comes out (most likely), so you can expect one. Otherwise, just find a way to chill around the forum until we finish. It's a pretty cool place with interesting people.

Also hit up the News and Announcements section for the rules and to keep up to date on our progress.

Games / Re: Big thread of Wifi
« on: July 03, 2010, 08:46:10 AM »

You can only Get his Origin Forme on Platinum, and when you try trading it, He drops his Orb.

This was only true before the Sinjoh Ruins event in HG and SS. Now, you can acquire a level 1 Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina (all with their respective orbs) by taking a TRU event Arceus to the ruins.

Game Features / Re: Gym leaders
« on: July 03, 2010, 08:40:40 AM »
This has good intentions, but if you wanted a poll, you should have just asked one of us. We would have put a poll into the original thread if the creator so wanted it. Otherwise, this is just a second thread for the one he made.


Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 03, 2010, 08:39:24 AM »
Phew. Topics move fast around here. (Or maybe I'm just slow...)

I was actually just thinking about this the other day after reading the newest posts in the other Gym Leader thread. It's like you guys here always know what is on my mind. I consider that a good thing. Anyway, to answer your question, I'm for a wait period in which a player cannot challenge a Gym Leader again. My thought was around ~2 hours. This gives them ample time to go train, learn, try out some new combinations, but without being overly annoying. (If you ask me.)

It also stops one, crucial thing; power leveling. There would be, unless we did something odd like giving  you no experience, no way to stop someone from power leveling their Pokemon by just losing over and over again while still accumulating experience. Trust me. People would do this; in fact, I can guarantee it would happen unless we impose some form of limit to Gym Battles.

The battles are already going to be hard, to stop people from breezing through them. I'll make sure of that myself. (Talent trees, IV's, and movesets if you will.) So, I can pretty much assue you that, unless you know what you are doing, the Gym Leaders aren't going to be anything like in the handheld games. I think people will enjoy it more this way. C/D that with me, but would you really want an MMO you can beat in like a week?

Another thing I think is that, once you beat a Gym Leader, there will be a wait period before you can challenge the next one. One to two days, at the most. Again, some people might see this as a drag, but with seventeen gyms, this will add a lot of playability while giving you incentive to explore and try other things out.

I think I started to ramble, lol, but I hope that answers your question. That's what I intend with PU, and I'll bring it up when we come to it.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello everyone
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:34:32 AM »
Yo, and welcome to PU Pac! I think Boyben was getting at; just make sure you use the search function before posting new threads, to see if it's something already being talked about. None of us like browsing hundreds of threads to see if something was done before or not. :)

Other than that, hit up the news and announcements section for the rules and updates to the games progress. Hope to see you around.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Uknown - <Witty title hereya.>
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:31:17 AM »
lol, "unique" is nothing I'd ever attribute to my own writing style, to be honest. It pulls from many different authors. Brian Jacques, R.A. Salvatore, Christopher Paolini, and that's only naming three off the top of my head. (Books by them happen to be right here, so yeah...)

I do realize I need to get into a habit of shortening my sentences more and trying to be more concise. At least, I believe so. I've started reading new books recently. (Ever hear of The Lightning Thief?) The style of writing is quaint and charming. After finishing it, it made me realize that other styles work just as well and trying to expand isn't a bad thing.

I digress, however. Since you guys have shown interest, and if anyone else does, I can post up the next section when I'm finished writing with it.

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