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Balance Server Testing / Re: Spiritomb Over powered
« on: November 22, 2011, 07:00:25 AM »
It can make a nice special wall after the balance. They turned it into a freaking Noctowl. What I do with stats, meowth, is compare them to other pokemon who have the same type [to see what is reasonable]. I dont care about move pools, I care about strong stats, and that is never going to change. If they have [poor] stats, what is the point in using them. The only time I don't look at stats is when I raise a pokemon who supports/hinders teams,[while figuring out which one has better speed to support]. Say what you want, stats are everything to me.

That's why im having problems on the PU server, because the ones who were good just aren't really that good [anymore], they've been slightly altered, and it shows in battles. Dragonites Aqua Jet does [little] damage now, so to me, he is useless. My whole team [became] weaker now and to make a mono flying team, I probably would use Pidgeot as a speacial wall if it turns out better than Togekiss.

[On another note] it's like I have to relearn pokemon, [the new system is tough to grasp]. now we got [Butterfrees] walking around ohkoing garchomps without using Quiver Dance. Bugs became [better] in this PU server, and bug mono was already one of the best mono teams you could make.

Only because it must be done. This will make it easier for future people to read.

On this, think about what you're saying, or a bout to write. It's not that any pokemon became horrible, the ones that are balenced now have a chance to fair against them, but even then, they all have weaknesses. Their stat spreads make sense for each one of them, and do have its flaws. That's why we're helping with the public testing, to find anything that can be considered OP, but Bugs are not OP, most of them got a boost for a reason, and some got nerfed as well. Roloc has been doing this a while, 6 years? IN any case, he is a veteran battler (not like the game) who will always be a challenge, and I have beaten him on a couple occasions. And Noah is right, stats are not the only thing you should take into consideration. Some abilities and moves make up for the stats if you know how. You wonder why you're losing all the time because you refuse to take everything into consideration. You don't even want to try the new pokemon sets, or even contribute to the testing, all you do is complain how your team is not good, your pokemon got lame. Here is what I suggest for you, shut up, and play, figure it out, and you will be fine. I am annoyed by the fact that all you do is complain, as well as  annoyed by the fact that you refuse to use proper grammar. I had to spell check your entire post, and I omitted parts that were just plain rantings, or just unintelligent altogether.

Back on the topic, please. This is about spiritomb, and this had to be said.

This, makes all the sense in the world.  I'm impressed that even Cortex has become annoyed.

Well anyway, under the new balance server all pokemon have a chance.  So some were nerfed and some were boosted.  Please do us all a favor and get over it.

If you don't like it then leave.  You will not be missed.

Well anyway.  I'm sorry, but spiritomb is not OP in any way.  He's just a wall, and well walls are annoying.  Physical attackers can take him out.  It's just another reason that your team should carry both special and physical attackers.

News & Announcements / Re: Public Beta coming this december!
« on: November 22, 2011, 06:57:07 AM »
Just a little update and heads-up from my "department".

A few weeks ago I heard I had to move to another house before the end of the month. So these last 3 weeks I've been busy with getting the other house ready and packing my stuff, which would not let me keep much free time to work on PU. I'm officially moving this weekend so I hope to have more free time for PU after that.

Due to this you can expect the beta to be released somewhere in the the third or last week of December. We're still trying hard to make the December deadline.

I'm sorry for this "inconvenience", but I do hope you understand. If you don't.. I don't care.


Don't worry about it.  I'm in college I'm used to having to move often on account of landlords not enjoying the parties. 

Balance Server Testing / Re: Spiritomb Over powered
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:17:29 PM »
Well, I got the idea behind deadae's post from Roloc's.  I couldn't stop laughing at cater pie!

Well, it makes sense that bug pokemon get a bit of an increase.  Most of them were just to frail to be of any use.  With Roloc's current team you just have to stop his sweepers from setting up with QD.  Which isn't to hard.  Toxic works nicely and Physical attackers do damage, cause QD does not raise defense.

But, really?  Cater-pie!?


Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:56:03 AM »
Not really because if this game is like most games, you and your bulbasuar will fly through gym leaders faster than evceryone else! Giving you an advantage of finding other pokemon b4 most of those who chose fire starters and struggle through the begining

Not really.  I'm pretty sure there will be one gym of each type.  So that would make about 17 gyms I believe.

General Chat / Re: Potential Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Remake on 3DS
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:54:14 AM »
I'm just annoyed that I picked up a DS for black/white and then a few weeks later the 3DS was released.  I really didn't know about it til after it came out.

General Chat / Re: Potential Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Remake on 3DS
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:44:44 AM »
Um, no it isn't a joke, also I find it funny that he was trying to troll me and I found evade nice that it might be true.

I meant the 3DS as a system is a joke, a gimmick.  As in I don't really get the whole 3D craze.  It's kind of pointless.

General Chat / Re: what you hope for from Gen 6
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:28:13 AM »
deadae vs zoro

deadae go squirtle!

Zoro go bulbasaur

rap battle begin

squirt,squir-squir squirtle squirt squ squsqusquirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt!

yeah great job squirtle end with a rain dance.

(lol get it? suirtle makes it rain on dem hoes)

This is nothing but spam.  It has no relevance to the thread.

And I agree with bringing back the touch screen menu.  The C gear was pointless.
actually it was showing how ridiculus the above poster's idea was

That still makes no sense.  At all, for real.  Please from now on, do not post stupid things, that have no relevance, and fix the typing.  It's annoying to read.

Oh and for the record, in generation 6, I'm hoping for new pokemon types.  Laser and silk are something Meowth and myself came up with.  While trolling RocksEvo. lol.

News & Announcements / Re: Public Beta coming this december!
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:23:12 AM »
ok, you can miss out then, while we get some practice using the system and helping to find bugs.

Agreed.  Enjoy not playing the PU beta.  You will not be missed.

General Chat / Re: Potential Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Remake on 3DS
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:21:36 AM »
A remake would be cool but, the 3DS is a joke.  I mean really?  A 3D handheld?  I don't even like the 3D tv's.

I guess this stems from the fact that I picked up a DS when black/white came out.  And then bam!  New chansey system...  It's just frustrating.  I hope they make it playable on a regular DS.

General Chat / Re: baby pokemon
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:44:24 PM »
Do you guys think it will work if a hatched pokemon is a baby and you will have to raise it from that state. It will help to evolve pokemon who evolve with happiness faster


General Chat / Re: [guild] YIN YANG
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:42:04 PM »
Guys will we be able to 1 catch all the starters and 2 breed the starters?


Balance Server Testing / Re: Minor Issues
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:31:05 PM »
All Pokemon-Universe services has been out of service for a short while today.

Our testing server aswell as the sign-up services might still be down and will be up and running as soon as possible.

The reason for this is the upcoming beta that we're preparing.

Eh, it's not a big deal.  I'm sure it'll get fixed.  Til then I still have skyrim... 

I just thought at first when the site was down, that maybe, just maybe, PU got shut down.

I was quite scared.

Balance Server Testing / Re: Minor Issues
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:20:00 PM »
Not sure why but the server is refusing to connect. Just posting in case.

It's doing the same thing for me.

General Chat / Re: what you hope for from Gen 6
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:19:59 AM »
I want lasereo!  The ultimate laser pokemon.

Balance Server Testing / Re: Post Awesome Sets Here!
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:59:59 AM »
Well, here's my new favorite.  Emboar.

Pain @ Choice Scarf.
Trait: Reckless
Evs: 4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Sp
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge

This is a very simple yet effective set.  It takes advantage of Emboar's high attack stat.  The choice scarf makes up for it's lack of speed.  Basically Emboar is going to hit hard and out speed most of the meta-game.  Flare Blitz is your main STAB attack and it also receives a boots from Reckless.  Wild Charge is one of my main ways to repel water pokemon (I use mono-fire), it also gets a boost from Reckless.  Superpower is just a nice STAB fighting move.  Use it when it's super effective, a revenge kill is it's best play.  Switch after because the loss of attack cripples Emboar.  And well Earthquake allows Emboar to deal with other fire types that may cause it problems.  As they resist Flare Blitz.

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