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News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: February 08, 2010, 06:04:50 AM »
This sounds like it could be epic and would love to get at a chance to test it out, it seems so epic its just hard to believe right now...

It is so epic that "Trainer Sloppy Steve" becomes so impressed, inspired and motivated, that he starts becoming active in the forums, and in the IRC. Overtime "Trainer Sloppy Steve" makes enough viable, helpful, and apreciatable posts, that the PU team decides to add him to the list, so that he too can see the epicness for himself.

Sorry to narrate your life there, who knows if that will be the case, only you can make it happen, I just wanted you to know what you should do if you want to be respected here....
....and now you know....
....and knowing is half the battle

oh yeah, and welcome to Pokemon Universe

Other Entertainment / Re: Which SciFi universe would you live in?
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:59:41 AM »
I cannot believe I am saying this, but Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, is probably one of the places I wouldn't live; it's a great place to read about, but I don't really fantasize about it.

And please people, I know this will probably sound like a cop-out since this is so new, but as a highly analytical person, who delves into story telling from a backgroundish perspective (if that makes any sense) I would have to choose

2)a Na'vi philosopher/teacher, I would teach the young ones about the way of the world, while at the same time, continue to explore it myself, and most importantly connect with nature

that, or

1)Star Wars
2)A jedi (in either the pre clone wars, or the New Republic after Luke Skywalker started the new Jedi Academy) who spends most of his time connecting with the spiritual nature of the universe. I would wander through the universe, moving from planet to planet, teaching padowan's as I went. Periodically I would return to the Jedi Academy and work there instead; teaching either martial arts (with the force of course), or philosophy of life.
3)long since forgotten (unnecessary)

I'm sure their are other SciFi universe's that I fantasize about, but I cannot recall them right now, so perhaps I will have to change my answer later. Normally, SciFi isn't my fantasy point, generally I fantasize more about various other worlds, some that are based off of something, some that are in my own mind; perhaps we will have to make some other threads about those universes as well.

Jobs / Re: job request and quest idea
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:45:39 AM »
hiteryan your never online plz reply to my pm I want to know what you thought of my music I also have guiter tabs for a few of my sons if you want those

Hiteryan is on a fair bit, just because you don't see him in the forums doesn't mean he isn't around. if you join the chat you have a better chance of seeing him

News & Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday Mr_Dark!
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:31:19 PM »

Once a year we celebrate
With stupid hats and plastic plates
The fact that you were able to make
Another trip around the sun

And the whole clan gathers round
And gifts and laughter do abound
And we let out a joyful sound
And sing that stupid song

Happy birthday!
Now you're one year older!
Happy birthday!
Your life still isn't over!
Happy birthday!
You did not accomplish much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough

So let's drink to your fading health
And hope you don't remind yourself
The chance of finding fame and wealth
Decrease with every year

Does it feel like you're doing laps
And eating food and taking naps
And hoping that someday perhaps
Your life will hold some cheer

Happy birthday!
What have you done that matters?
Happy birthday!
You're starting to get fatter
Happy birthday!
It's downhill from now on
Try not to remind yourself
Your best years are all gone

If cryogenics were all free
Then you could live like walt disney
And live for all eternity
Inside a block of ice

But instead your time is set
This is the only life you get
And though it hasn't ended yet
Sometimes you wish it might

Happy birthday!
You wish you had more money
Happy birthday!
Your life's so sad it's funny
Happy birthday!
How much more can you take?
But your friends are hungry
So just cut the stupid cake

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, dear...
(random calling out of names, including ralph, bill, ralph kramden,
Skippy, the bush kangaroo, and the b-b-b-b-b-bu-bu-bu- that leads into

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Quests
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:54:03 AM »
in regards to what aspect, that is a very general question...

i could just answer: you go out to achieve something, you complete it and might get a reward

please be more specific

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Pokemorphs?![Discussion]NC-17
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:52:25 AM »

i feel like the length of my posts has just been challenged. its so emasculating! please join us in the other RP thread under a very similar name, here you establish your character, there you play the game

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Pokemorphs?![Discussion]NC-17
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:12:20 AM »
sounds good, lets play

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Pokemorphs?![Discussion]NC-17
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:44:05 AM »
i don't remember you stating only 2 types, also, i kept the same number of move sets.

....and believe me, when it comes to fantasy, nothing should be easy, there should always be some complexity, it tends to give an extra punch to character and story development

Other Chat / Re: Red vs Blue
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:51:34 PM »
have you people been living under a rock!?!?! how do you not know of red vs blue or roosterteeth.com ?!?! and you call your selves gamers! : P
im not living under a rock, i was even a sponsor for a season

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Attraction
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:39:16 PM »
im not shooting you down, so please don't get too defensive, but there is already an ability to do this in pokemon games, (sweet scent for example), i do not know whether that will be implemented but i like the concept.

your right, to my knowledge no one has written about this yet, so thank you for bringing it to our attention.
i also like how there would be a different spray for each type, it would make getting the pokemon you want more likely.
(im for the idea)
however, i don't think limiting it to a few stores will make it rare, nor do i think this needs to be a rare item, if people don't want it they are not going to spend the money on it. perhaps it would only be placed in a large department store sized building, perhaps not, that does not matter. its rarity all boils down to if people want to pay for it or not

but here is my suggestion to you. stop being worried about whether your ideas will be shot down or not, just think them through before posting, you do not need to come up with a brand spanking new topic thread based around an idea every day. take your time, slow down.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Poffins
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:02:50 PM »
ummm why is there a feebas tutorial attached?

can you say copy/paste?

also, i don't know about poffins, i say no, at least until contests are in placed, and i don't think they will be for a llllllooooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg time

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 10:31:06 PM »
yeah, all the stuff that you said you were planning on writing, but would only do so if people asked for it. well im asking for it. email it to me. do it! do it now!

just click on my account and click on my email, that should work nicely

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Pokemorphs?![NC-17] RP
« on: February 06, 2010, 10:26:51 PM »
I always knew I was different. I never really was part of the "in crowd", but I had my friends, and the friends I had, I was close to. It was my friend Grey who got me started, she said it would be fun, and I would never experience anything quite like it. She was right.

The first time was strange, I spent the next 13 hours unable to sleep. I enjoyed it sure, but, well, the first time is always the weirdest. There is no real way of describing the feeling of your whole molecular structure shifting from one form to another, people always try to describe what it must be like, but only those who have done it know for sure. The best I can say is its a mix of insomnia, euphoria, and that tingly feeling you get when your falling too fast. It's a strange sensation, but after a couple of times, there is nothing like it.

I don't know if she knows I like her, I'm too shy to say. It was one day when i was out alone thinking about her that they caught me. It was them that made me into who I was. If it weren't for them, I would still be a splicer, but I got hooked. The acute, enhanced senses, the lengthened vertebrae, it was all too much to take, I wanted more. Before I knew it, I had become an Esper.

I didn't mind of course, I liked it in fact. I had always had a heightened sense of nether worldly existence, and had even once seen the color of my own aura -violet- but nothing could compare to how real it got when the Lucario DNA flowed through my veins. Every time I come across a Lucario now I look at his aura, hoping that i will see the distinct features like a fingerprint, that will tell me which one I got it from so that I might thank him.

It wasn't only the Lucario in me that I liked. The Arbok that i mixed with gave me a tail, and it felt awesome. It must be strange to conceive what it is like to have another limb, and all the time I try to remember back to before I was what I am now, trying to do just that, imagine another body part, but it has been too long, and the pokemon that courses through me has made me long since forget those trivial thoughts.

Grey is still a splicer, and I suspect she will stay that way. She always did have a little more self control when it came to these sorts of things. Or so she tells me thats the reason, I am not convinced, I believe she just doesn't know who she is, and that reflects in her inability to choose a pokemon mate. It's fine though, I know she has issues, she has gone through a lot in her life, and it makes sense that she has conflicting emotions and thoughts inside her. It's not like she is a ticking time bomb like other emotional disconnected people. She deals with it by splicing and going out into the world, and so when you speak with her, you feel as though she is normal, gene splicing aside. I don't get it though, I mean, I know I'm one of the only people that knows her troubles, but people are always putting down these drugs as bad. How can something so bad, contain someone and keep them so stabilized? It keeps her happy, and functional, I say she is doing what she needs to. But maybe I'm just being selfish, she did come to me and ask me to do it with her. She didn't like splicing alone, and now I'm an esper, I have her to thank, her and those assholes at the lab.

But I digress. As for me, I don't mind being alone. I was always alone, and I have grown kind of accustomed to it. True, I have never had a girlfriend, and I only have a few friends. But like Grey, I'm happy. And it's not like I'm hard to get along with, people who meet me, normally like me a lot, i just don't feel the same connection i with most people that I do with some. Perhaps that comes from my ability to sense this others can't. Being in-tuned does make one a little different.

So when I'm out and about, I'm sometimes alone, like I am right now, and sometimes I'm with one or two other people. I guess you could call me a drifter; I don't mind being alone, but I can make friends and hang out with various people. I go out on adventures for days at a time, and sometimes i meet someone like myself, or a pokemon, or a group of other splicers or espers, and I may spend a day, or even a week with them before separating again. You learn things this way, things you wouldn't learn by only being with the same people all the time.

These are the things I think about when I'm on my own. These and many more. unlike Grey, I don't have the whole upsetting background, well I do, but not the same flip-flop way, well I do, but... oh, I suppose it must be like describe the transformation process if you have never done it, you can't really understand what I mean, unless your in my head.... and unfortunately that is usually pretty difficult, not that it would be a good place for most sane people to vacation. anyway, back to where I was. Unlike Grey, I don't have the whole need for splicing to keep myself sane, but like her my mind does wander and I do think about things in a process most people don't understand. I guess thats the best way to explain it.

So here I am, thinking to myself, and enjoying the scenery. There are many pokemon around, and I am not surprised to see a pack of espers down the hill, but what does strike me as odd, is there seemingly unaware nature. There all absol's so I would assume they can feel that omniscient presence not too far away. I may not be able to sense danger the same way they do, but thanks to the power of aura, I can sense negative energy, and this one is not very pleasant. Normally, I would just ignore something like this. It may not be positive, but if it's no threat then I will continue walking and eventually it will be too far out of range. But this time people's lives are at stake. It's strange, but only one of the espers down there seem to feel something.

For the time being I will remain perched on a high branch atop an oak tree and watch. If i'm needed, I will do what I can to keep them safe, but I would rather keep my presence unknown.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Honey pokemon
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:28:45 PM »
soooo just to sum up the general thoughts of myself and others who have commented on this thread
Headbutt = Yes
Honey = No

please have a cookie

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:25:55 PM »
ok fine, i like what you have so far... and am intrigued to see what you would do with side quests and such

please email it to me instead

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