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Messages - spirit

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 33
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Honey pokemon
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:18:55 PM »
It is said in the first post spirit, it's from DPPt, it's very recent, and is found only there.

And, yes, the move is headbutt in GSC and in HGSS, I confirm.

i know, i was stating that the honey thing from DPPT was derived from headbutt in GSC and HGSS, i confirm

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Pokemorphs?![Discussion]NC-17
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:09:17 PM »
Name: Kin Adams
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Primary DNA;Lucario (Fighting/Steel)
Secondary DNA; Arbok(poison)
Apearance:-human: His appearance was never very much of a concern to him; he figures there are more important things to be worried about than what one looks like. He has trouble finding attire that fits him, and eventually along with a good friend began to make his own clothing. His pants are a cross between cargo pants, which make for easy storage, and gi pants (martial arts pants), so that maneuverability is at its best. He can always be seen wearing a hoodie over a t-shirt as well, but that is of less importance. His hair has been let grow long, and can never quite be tamed, but seems to suite him, and so he likes it, even if it doesn't make him the most attractive person. He knows that if he kept himself well dressed and groomed he would be quite good looking, but as stated previously, that is not his primary concern.

-Battleform - As Lucario DNA is his most superior form, he takes a similar shape to that of a human, even when transformed. The thing that seems to set him apart is the tail He has grown. The tail is very strong and is even powerful enough to support lifting him off his feet, hanging him from a tree, or picking someone else up. The fur from his Lucario DNA grows shorter and shorter as it goes down his tail, and very quickly becomes more like a thin over layer, rather than inch-thick hair, such that the tail does not look hairy, but when felt has more of a texture to it than a smooth snake skin. The only other difference, is the color of fur along his forearms and down to his hands; they gradually fade from the standard blue, to gaining a hint of purple, to indicate the poison that he is capable of unleashing at will

moves: (fighting)
- aura wave - is capable of hitting all targets in an area, or being focussed into a single target (one or the other, nothing in between), Kin closes focuses his power and unleashes a wave invisible to the eye that can only be felt by creatures with a spirit, and sends a pulse through their system, not only hurting them, but knocking them back as well. (does more damage if focused on one target)

-aura armor - strengthens the aura that surrounds his body to almost solidified form (still cannot be seen by normal vision). when hit by another attack, the aura armor takes a portion of the impact, decreasing the amount of damage taken.

-aura boost - similar to aura armor, but instead of boosting defense, it boosts the attack power instead. (i.e. a punch is made, and makes contact with someones nose, because of the invisible force of energy surrounding the fist, the inside of the opponents skull also takes an impact)

-extra energy - takes the power of the aura and harnesses it into the rest of the body to give it a temporary boost, all stats are increased, and sensory level is increased as well. he can now run faster, hit harder, react sooner, and is generally more in control of his body, however, as a downside, when the effects wear off, he becomes weaker, slower, and more vulnerable to attack. needless to say, this move is used primarily in a pinch.

-nagashizuki- a powerful "flying punch" that ends in an evasion. this technique has high power, and avoids moves that take advantage of being hit first, such as counter

-control-using knowledge of jujitsu he is able to manipulate joints and place the opponent into a type of submission hold, however, this also acts as a bind, as the hold is maintained until either control is released, or the opponent breaks out. being under the effects of control does not mean no moves can be used, but only a limited number can, such as aura boost (control, puts opponent in an arm bar, aura boost, sends a shockwave into the opponent through the hands grabbing the opponent)

-aura hijack- for a short period of time, he can superimpose himself into someone else's body and control their actions. the more energy is put into the move, the longer the effects. while in someone else's body, physical damage that is sustained is also carried over when he returns to his body (so causing intentional self inflicting damage is not recommended). this also leaves him vulnerable to attack as his own body becomes an empty shell, so it is wise to be either well hidden, or have someone protecting the body at the time. the further away he takes the body he is controlling the harder it is to stay inside the other person. the more energy that is needed to stay in the other body longer, or create a greater distance, etc. the more fatigue is created when returned to the original body. however, these additional fatigues do not start taking effect immediately upon transfer, so for a brief period of time or distance, no additional fatigue is calculated.

-aura cleanse- he takes a moment of vulnerability to cleanse any and all status ailments. the downside is that he is vulnerable to attack for a moment while performing the move, and actually takes an increased amount of damage if hit while using it

moves: (steel)
-sudden defence- by focusing energy, he can create a body of steel hard armor for a brief period of time. he cannot move when in this form, nor can he be pushed (unless the attack coming at him is just too high of a level), if the attack that hits him is a physical one, the attack takes the damage instead. depending on the speed of this move it may fail, in which case, the fatigue is still calculated but now he also takes 1.25 times the damage as well, but if the move is successful, the only thing lost is a little fatigue.

-solidify ailment D- turns any status ailment into a solid exterior form boosting defense

-solidify ailment A -turns any status ailment into a solid exterior form boosting attack

moves: (poison)
-negative energy- using the power of negative energies, poison is placed inside someone without necessarily touching them (must still come close to contact though). this move ignores any kind of barrier that prevents such an infliction

-poison wave- by manipulating the aura, a wave is unleashed from the body that hits everyone within a small radius (unless they shield themselves or hide behind some kind of barrier). being hit by this move does not guarantee being affected by it, but if it is successful it inflicts a poison into the opponents personal aura and causes greater and greater damage the longer it is dealt with

-poison barrier- an invisible wall is constructed around him, and if any physical attacks are made, poison is inflicted on the attacker

-sick feelings- a poison time bomb is placed within his own aura, so long as a move involving the aura comes into contact with another person, the poison is transfered to them. the poison continues to be transfered from person to person by means of aura enabled moves for 20 seconds at which time, whoever has the poison attached to them is infected

-negative advantage- a boost is given to all physical attacks so that they may inflict more damage, but after a short period of time, he himself is poisoned

background: i'll post this in the thread for the actual RP

oh, btw.... post
# 100

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:56:20 AM »
everyone seems to like the idea, but now the real test.... will spirit like it? dum dum dudududududuummmmmmm

i'm too tired right now, i'll read it tomorrow and let you know

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Honey pokemon
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:53:30 AM »
anybody remember where this idea originated? back in gold/silver i think they had a version of this were you just shook certain trees to the same effect, but if the pokemon was going to appear it did it then and there instead of making you wait several hours

if this was going to be put in game, this is the more applicable way to go

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Support Skills
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:41:22 AM »
i like the idea of having tournaments based around type built teams
but i actually like the idea of having a boost for type built teams as well. i wasn't sure at first, but it would encourage people to do so, and could allow for more balance. if this were to be implemented i do not think there should be a negative effect though, and the boost should be a little higher than 1% (i know you were just using that as an example). the reason i think that it should only be a positive is that it would begin to discourage mutli-type teams from being built. this way, there could be the people that try to play on type advantages (i base my team on working well together), and then there would be people that would be able to have a single type, and be rewarded for making their team have a collective weakness as well.

Games / Re: pokemon soulsilver and heartgold (new info)
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:33:44 AM »
Once this game comes out, i'm going to play all day and not come out of my room.  :P

not going to leave your room? what about the pokewalker? are you going to do laps around your bed?

General Chat / Re: Generation 5 vid.
« on: February 06, 2010, 12:22:44 AM »
its ok, i understand

its nice to dream

General Chat / Re: Generation 5 vid.
« on: February 06, 2010, 12:06:16 AM »
both are fake, i think the first one even stated "unofficial pokemon"
also, they were uploaded almost a year ago (good indicator considering nintendo is keeping tight raps)
lastly, they are for pokemon acanthite edition which is a fan made game (in development i think)

Games / Re: pokemon soulsilver and heartgold (new info)
« on: February 05, 2010, 09:39:54 PM »
Ooooo ok lol that makes more sense, she's pretty chanseyin awesome

first of all.... did you just call me a girl?

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:37:32 AM »
no, no, i think you look cute! definitely better looking than i do

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:34:06 AM »
i meant my pic. im saying i don't think my pic makes me look too photogenic

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:32:14 AM »
Lol. pictures are pictures. I'm not photogenic friendly :*( unlike you guys. :/

im sorry, being handcuffed to your light while wearing nothing but a towel is considered photogenic?

Games / Re: pokemon soulsilver and heartgold (new info)
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:10:51 AM »
i have found no evidence to support the claim that yellow is being remade by nintendo (or game freak). there is however a guy who is making (made?) a port of fr/lg and modded it to be a new game called lightning yellow

Game Features / Re: 20 Ideas
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:04:12 AM »
Idea 17. a Pokemon Universe Library, For beginners.

i have actually been playing around with the idea of making an in game library lately.... there could be useful tips, random fun stuff to read, quest rumors, etc.

Games / Re: pokemon soulsilver and heartgold (new info)
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:01:39 AM »
ok..... i do hope you know i was just kidding, im feeling a little nutty lately
lol when i first read your post, i didn't realize there was a previous page, so i thought you made an entire thread to bost that, that would be the only reason i would have said what i did.

but to be perfectly genuine for a moment, i am actually jealous of you and your awesome girlfriend.....any chicks out there wanna PU team member boyfriend? i am open for business

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