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Messages - Lance_Stormblade

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Ideas & Suggestions / Companion Characters
« on: November 03, 2010, 08:06:44 PM »
This is an Idea I got from watching stuff from Bioware games (creators of such games as Knights of the old republic, Mass Effect and others) how about having NPCs that join you on your quest for various reasons, such as they owe you a dept for saving their lives, one may have his own reasons like he/she is searching for something and thinks that if he/she joins you he/she might have a better chance of finding it, and there may be times that some of them have joined for secret reasons and turn on you, there are many other Ideas for companion characters too many to list off the top of my head tell me what you think

In-Forum Games / Re: The "in my pants" Game
« on: October 28, 2010, 10:36:57 PM »
Born to be Wild in my pants

In-Forum Games / Re: The "in my pants" Game
« on: October 26, 2010, 05:53:20 AM »
wheels of fire In my pants

song by Manowar the kings of Metal!

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: October 07, 2010, 04:35:17 AM »
^_^ glad I can be of help!

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:24:29 AM »
I am glad to hear that you don't really fear spirits, that is a good thing, don't see that much these days, I don't just watch those shows, I have also sent TAPS some of our alleged evidence to get their take on it.  If you need an opinion on the subject or if you want someone to share something that happened to you or your family my door is open and I will do my best to help

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: October 06, 2010, 12:59:05 PM »
okay, what your describing sounds a LOT like psychic capabilities and it is not uncommon for spirits to send visions of the future through dreams, it is believed in a few traditions of magick especially Necromancy (a form of divination revolving around summoning spirits of the dead) that when a person dies and the spirit is released the spirit is privy to ancient secrets especially those pertaining to the future, Necromancy works in a way to glean answers from the dead about these questions.  essentially wht you are describing sounds exactly like a spirit trying to make contact, tell her for me on this subject that it is NOTHING to be scared of, they are merely people without bodies and they merely wish to communicate, and tell her for me that I based on the info provided here think that she has psychic abilities, they are nothing to be scared of, Lewellyn publishing company has published a lot of books on the subject, I haven't read any myself, I've seen them in the Magical studies section of Borders (for the sake of the Lord & Lady DO NOT CHECK OUT THE BOOKS BY ANTON LAVEY)

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:58:45 PM »
those are good fields to be in! I have on occasion brought both in for certain cases to talk with clients about what they are experiencing.

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: October 03, 2010, 04:57:33 AM »
Okay, when it comes to the claim of the ordeal your mom went through, I don't know what to say to be honest, the only thing I can think of is a spirit trying to communicate with your mother through emotions, this has been known to happen, though I only know of it happening to those who are mediums, now personally I have reservations on using Mediums in paranormal investigations, but like I have said before the option is open to the client, has ANYONE in your family ever shown potential signs of psychic capabilities? it has been known to skip a few generations but this is speculation at the moment.

Okay, I googled the story about the bizarre Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask cartridge, and allow me to relate to you a story about this,  about a year ago now, my Girlfriend came back from our apartment building's mailbox with this package with an enclosed letter, the letter said that this parcel included an allegedly demonically possessed copy Banjo Kazooie for the N64, and if we wanted further details about the case contact info was enclosed as well, Now I've never owned an N64 in my life and the only game I actually know how to play on the system is the pokemon stadium games.  but I had a contact that could help me, so my girlfriend and I headed down to the local game shop that also sells used video games and systems, the owner is a friend of mine so he set up an N64 and we popped the game in and played around with it for a bit and sort, and sort of the same thing happened as with the Zelda game,  Being someone who has been present at 2 excorcisms and has actually seen a demon, I had know idea why the f*** a demon, a creature that roams this earth seeking the destruction and ruin of human souls would want to possess a game cartridge.  my first thought was that it was hacked, so I brought it to an expert on this sort of thing, who has hacked games for various older consoles the N64 included, and he was able to prove that the game was hacked.  after my girlfriend and I had that sussed out we called up the person who sent us the game asking her how she got it, and she said it was in one of the closets in the house when she moved in and she was referred to my team to have us take a look at it, I asked if she had experienced any weird activity around the said house and she said no and we told her the results of our examination of the game and our conclusion that the game was hacked.  that is what the story looks like to me, they hear a story that the game belonged to a kid in this case Ben who died an untimely death and believe he is haunting the game, looks to me like whoever obtained that game was nothing more than someone a prank was pulled on, though the claim that the guy who gave him the game vanishing is a little strange but all in all I am feeling quite safe in saying that it is just a game that somebody hacked the sh*t out of


Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: September 28, 2010, 01:28:17 PM »
what exactly was going on in the second one? I'll need all the details before my team and I can make a conclusion, it would also be a good Idea to have her talk to a therapist, when I was in High School I would have anxiety attacks a LOT when big projects were being announced OR tests were coming up, more specifically in MATH, I have hardly understood math back then and I usually do to this day (except with money), I am no psychologist but I do believe these kinds of attacks can happen under serious stress, one thing that I recommend if this is the case is meditation, it was something that usually helped and still does when I have problems

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:05:09 PM »
I am an equal listener to all cases of the paranormal, I set aside my spiritual beliefs when someone needs help in this field, as the Navajo shamans say there is more than one way to the great spirit, it doesn't matter how it is prayed to as long as it is known to exist as long as nobody is harmed in the process.  I am impressed with the priest she spoke to, he does seem to know the signs of a demonic infestation, that is pretty darn rare among priests these days, prayer on any form as long as it is not to the source of the problem has been known to make these entities leave, though it takes a strong will of faith, I've been known to assemble my coven to aid people in this sort of thing. 

your second claim doesn't sound like paranormal to me, Anxiety attacks are not really malicious work, just concentration and atempting to calm the mind can work wonders!

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:40:34 AM »
hmm... that is pretty darn interesting, however it doesn't sound like it was anything to fear, apart from the part where your bro got shoved down the stairs, possibly your bro did something to offend the entity, I respect your family's belief that the thing was a demonic entity, however the way you described the activity doesn't add up, were there any bad smells around the place? smells resembling rotting flesh or sulphiric acid? heavy objects moving (like over 25 lbs?) if so Plz tell me, I am interested in what U has to say about this

« on: August 09, 2010, 01:11:27 AM »
yeah, Lance's Ghost hunting pointer #1: do not investigate graveyards unless requested to!  they are place where people should rest and they deserve that rest, death is like going to sleep after a long day, and we all deserve that rest. 

« on: August 08, 2010, 11:26:11 PM »
You pretty much got it right on why not to do it, I have seen some messed up stuff as a result of summoning the dead one of which I believe had the potential to KILL, I nearly lost my girlfriend (who is now my fiance) in one of themwhere she was dragged across the room and thrown down a flight of stairs!

Yes there are entities I never want to face again, one being the one I faced that night with the Ouija board I spoke of in the first posting of this thread (I used to Be known as Janus here) another one I never wish to encounter again is any satanic rooted cases I had to do a LOT of prepping going into those such as blessing myself with the traditions of my kind, it doesn't completely protect me but it provides some protection and I am still in one piece, one case of that sort had one weird man come up to me and tell me he knows of that night I encountered a demon for the first time, he says if I delve anymore into that case I might attract what I saw that night.  that was a year ago and so far no entity has revealed itself to me praise to Isis!

to let you know I am ultimately no expert on the paranormal, I do know a good deal in my 4 years as an investigator but I am NOT on the Level of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society), I am in contact with a large number of other investigators and groups around my home state and I talk with them about EVERY claim that is brought onto this thread so I can get other opinions of your problems in other words I have a LOT of help on this thread so it isn't just me

My team and I  don't investigate cemeteries (Unless the client requests it) because they are supposed to be places of rest and we wish to respect that.  it is your choice wether you want investigators checking out your church or not, I have never investigated a church, usually because I already get nailed A LOT from the church-going community because I am wiccan.  you are fully within your right to arrest trespassers, I actually had to call the police on a few 9-year-olds after I caught them on a security camera vandalizing my herb garden, I have a negative history wit the said kids so it was... satisfying XD

« on: August 08, 2010, 07:11:27 PM »
If Bloody Mary is an entity, its most likely demonic, Ive heard many variations of it, too. Im guessing a few ppl try it at 10, 11, 12 pm. every night. What are the chances That one entity, Bloody Mary, responds to mulitple Summonings.

Lance, Im just Theorizing from what I know, Confirm or Disprove this.

Note: Im not an expert, Lance is, any Questions on Paranormalities? ask Lance.

Demonic entities are INHUMAN spirits, they have NEVER existed on this earth in human form so that part is debunked, if this method of summoning spirits does work (which I severely have my doubts about) I discourage it flat out, I've said once before and I'll say again Summoning the dead is NEVER a good Idea for one: there is no way to send them back to their point of origin (at least none that I know of), you do not know if the entity has malicious intent that could harm somebody, an entity could fallow you home and reek havoc where you live causing problems for not only you but your family, so either way, wether it works or not, DON'T DO IT I HAVE SEEN NASTY RESULTS MY MENTOR WAS NEARLY KILLED BY AN ENTITY ALMOST SCARING ME OUT OF THIS WORK JUST DON"T DO IT THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE WHO READS THIS!!!!

« on: August 08, 2010, 04:55:51 AM »
Is it true that if you go to the bathroom at 10:00 at midnight you get an apple and stab a knife in it and put candles around it and you say I killed your son or something a spirit will kill you... I heardd

O_O... Who... the... F***... told you that?!?! now I have heard some crazy claims in my work as an investigator but that is really off the wall! stabbing the apple sounds a bit random to me, but what you said about what to say, sounds like a method called provocation, that is a method my team don't really use that often, but when we do it, we pull out all stops profanity and all, one case we did where these wine glasses would fly off the rack by themselves at these little girls, and I started saying some smack talk calling the alleged entity a f***ing bully, i shook my butt at the glass rack telling him to bring it on.  during that, my partner was saying "Now you just look silly" and we caught an EVP of another voice saying "Yes I agree" but what you described sounds totally off the wall, it sounds silly to me and nobody who has not had training in this sort of work should try provocation, you never know what entity it may be, could be human spirit, could be an inhuman entity (aka demonic), just don't try it, it looks silly and if you are not careful you could end up hanging by your neck from a rope on a single nail, like my mentor did

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