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Messages - Kuhns

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 15
Game Features / Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:35:39 AM »
I'm not following you, are you saying you're for noobs running around with high-level Pokemon that they didn't train/earn?

Because I far as I know, noobs won't be allowed to use high level Pokemon.

Quests & Plots / Re: The pub with no ???
« on: March 13, 2010, 07:23:14 AM »
Lol. Jerry you're doing it wrong. The whole point of correcting a badly written paragraph is to correct the badly written paragraph...completely.

Obi did a better job. Nice comments. xD

Duotent, you need to think about your quests more. Also, try to refrain from typing '???' every five words. KTHANX!

Art Work / Re: Map Showroom (PKMN)
« on: March 11, 2010, 06:53:32 PM »
Oh, I didn't pay much attention to that. Maybe it's water from a hot spring, and it is the water supply of the town? ;D

Exactly!  :-X  ;D
*It was a fountain with lava in the first place xP*

Water from a hot spring is usually turned into an attraction to lure in travelers. Not to mention the fact that the 'hot water' isn't steaming, looks like water (and not lava), and is coming from a fountain:P

Art Work / Re: Map Showroom (PKMN)
« on: March 11, 2010, 11:18:55 AM »
One has to wonder why there is a random fountain in the middle of the residential portion of your town. Furthermore, why isn't the water in the fountain frozen over?


But mainly, why is there a fountain in the town at all?  :P

Quests & Plots / Re: The war of the rapidash and gyarados gyms
« on: March 10, 2010, 08:10:48 AM »
Um...if I understand it, the enemy gym leaders were opposite genders right? So...how can they be brothers? Unless the chick suddenly changes gender halfway through and in that case you should really make a note of it.

Well, in duotent's defense;
discover they used to be brothers

That would be pretty epic though.

Trainer called back RAPIDASH

Trainer sent out [words deleted]
What will you do?

FIGHT            BAG

That proves nothing! xD


The final plot twist.... The hot chick is actually a man!

Quests & Plots / Re: The war of the rapidash and gyarados gyms
« on: March 10, 2010, 07:55:43 AM »
The War of Gyarados versus and Rapidash

A This quest that changes place every day. like on Fridays it will be on 1st island on Tuesday it will be on the 6th island and so on..

Anyway, you swim across a small pond with an island in the middle where there’s two people--a guy in a Gyarados costume and a chick in a Rapidash costume--arguing about which a gym on the???  a secret island. They are, apparently, going to join for the war there because both sides and are recruiting members.

I don't think a quest like this can be implemented in the game. As you...describe it, there has to be a tiny island on each island, and from those tiny, and completely random, islands, comes a fight between two opposite leaders. This alone is kind of...a useless idea. A random note (leading to the fight location/dock) or something of that nature would be much more plausible.

The two unofficial gyms are called: The Flaming Rapidash Gym and The other gym is called the Flying Sprinkler Gyarados Gym.

You may can join either side but may can choose to switch sides in middle of the quest later on.

You talk to the two kids and then once you talk to both of them talk to the one you want to join one of the gyms with After talking to both, you are given the choice to join one or the other. then After, you hop on a boat based on which gym you choose. If you choose the Gyarados gym you will set sail on a boat with a red Gyarados painted on the mast, and the same goes for the Rapidash gym except the boats are is red and the mast has a Rapidash that’s standing on its hind legs.

While on the boats there’s a sub-mission were you have to board the opposite coloured other ship. before the boarding of the enemy ship You have to choose one of the other rookies on your ship to help you because all the battles are tag battles. (the trainer you choose waits at gate of gym and you can choose to go with them during the battles)

Why do the players have to board the enemy ship? And why are the enemy ships traveling together at the same time?

After you arrive on the island which you find out that the island is actually just two islands that were join by a volcano on one in the middle of one half there’s a large volcano filled with fire PokémonAnd on the other side is a giant lake filled with rare water Pokémon You then land on an island that is split in two and separated by a large volcano. One side contains a massive lake and the other is a hot rocky surface.

[Unknown to either gym that the war is because Kygore and Groudon you walk up to your Oppent head of the gym and discover they used to be brothers and that they were the first to discover the island on that eve they discovered it on brother was visited by Groudon and the other by Kygore while they were exploring  you walk were the two islands join and Rayquaza comes before you and uses a telepathy to tell you  that he is sick of the fighting and the only way to calm Kygore is to defeat Groudon and the way to calm Groudon is to defeat Kygore  after that Rayquaza gives you a ride to the lairs of each were you discover that Rayquaza set them against each other Groudon and Kygore join you to defeat  Rayquaza you may only use Kygore and Groudon to defeat Rayquaza] <----???

Um...if I understand it, the enemy gym leaders were opposite genders right? So...how can they be brothers? Unless the chick suddenly changes gender halfway through and in that case you should really make a note of it. The rest is confusing and I rather not get into it. It has potential, but it is far from actual quest material (IMO). Clean up some of your prose and think about your storyline a bit more.

Quests & Plots / Re: Write a quest contest
« on: March 08, 2010, 09:06:57 PM »
Ahem. I would like to invoke a certain rule known as "Bros Before Hoes"

Rule Denied.

Oh, excuse me, yes, you are right!

Quests & Plots / Re: Write a quest contest
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:58:24 PM »
I think you just described almost every quest I have ever read on this site.

Seriously crap - almost all of them

Super awesome - mine

:< My quests were/still are awesome.

News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:55:55 PM »
At first i started reading this thread to see what was up with the pre-beta, but the more, and more i read i was just in it for the lulz. Some people don't read any posts but their own it seems like. But considering the pre-beta is so close and all the spots are probably filled, just wanted to say good luck to all the pre-beta testers and the PU team, make this the ultimate pokemon game for us! I'll be lurking around the forums and IRC to see how you guys are doing.

If you read the first post you'd know we have around 12-18 spots still open for people. Getting on the list is not a matter of post count or how long a member has been here. Make some well thought-out posts and you could be on the list just before the Pre-Beta starts. ;) Besides, lurking is creepy.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] The Shady Thief
« on: March 08, 2010, 04:10:34 AM »
oh i was wondering what it had to do with the quest, that's why i was somewhat lost.

Lol, no not part of the quest. I just put it in there because I could. and because I am vouching for scooters in PU.

Other Games / Re: Final Fantasy I & II OMFG!!!
« on: March 06, 2010, 08:38:45 AM »
I believe this and this are what Daystar meant.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] The Shady Thief
« on: March 05, 2010, 04:04:21 AM »
Lol that's awesome Kuhns  ;D I really like the multiple levels of immersion and hunt for the scraps  ;)
I think the 5000 at the end reward is a little excessive though, although I don't know much about PU's economy or costs yet, I'm assuming you know more than me on that subject   :P

Thanks. I actually don't know what they plan to do with the money, or what levels they're going to set everything as. Plus quests can be placed anywhere in a game so 5,000 to a noob might be a lot, but to a higher-ranked player it might just be some spare change. xD

Quests & Plots / [Quest] The Shady Thief
« on: March 05, 2010, 03:35:55 AM »
*[Quest: The Shady Thief]*

The player begins the quest when they chance (or hear about it in a rumor or something) upon a small factory. The player can walk in and take a look around, but will be stopped by the owner of the factory who is in quite a rut.

Apparently, the factory is a small, family owned Pokeball manufacturer, and just recently someone stole a very important blueprint to a new Pokeball.

The owner asks the player to help out and then sends them to the ground floor of the factory to 'ask' the employees if they saw anything. The ground floor will have wild Pokemon battles and there are seven trainers in all to battle. Battling 4 of them will get the player the information they need, but battling all seven will get the player an extra reward afterward.

The story: [A couple nights ago, factory workers noticed a shady-looking man standing by the forest's edge watching the building. They have not seen him since the robbery.]

Returning to the owner will complete the first part of the quest.

Reward (Four Trainers): 5 Greatballs

Reward (Seven Trainers): 5 Greatballs, 2,000 [Insert Currency Here]


The owner sends the player next to a back room where a security guard is waiting. There is a vault on the far side of the room, opened, where the theft took place. A Mightyena will engage the player if they try to walk by and into the vault, and the guard warns against this, as the Mightyena is very strong (kinda like a mid-boss). The thief took down the Mightyena when they stole the blueprints, and the Mightyena is still angry about it. So the player really has no choice but to fight the Pokemon. When they beat it, the player goes into the vault and looks around, and eventually finds some "white powder" on the ground near one of the shelves, and some "bits of blue paper". The guard, after talking with him again, will direct the player behind the factory and through a thick maze of woods to a cave, where a type of white rock rests. It might be where the Shady Man has been hiding....

After a trip through a forest and a 2 level cave system the player comes across the Shady Man and begins to battle him. When they win the Shady Man drops a scrap of blue paper and reveals that the Mightyena took him by surprise during the theft and tore the paper up. In his haste to leave, the theft dropped the paper scraps on his way to his hideout. Not that he cares anymore, as his only goal was to insure the new Pokeball will never be made. The player then returns to the owner with the news.

Reward: 2,000 [Insert Currency Here], and maybe some player XP.


The player speaks to the owner again, who states how overjoyed he is that nobody got the Pokeball blueprints. The player then has to go on a search for the last remaining pieces of the blueprints; one hidden in each of the three locations (the factory (in a sub-basement level), the forest and the cave). Clues and hints will help the player out a bit. When they have all the pieces they will (try) to return to the owner only to find the Shady Man challenging them to one last battle for all the blueprint scraps. The Shady man will be stronger this time around, and have more Pokemon.  So, blahblahblah, the player beats the Shady Man and then returns to the owner who is so happy and crap that his blueprints are safe and sound in several pieces.

Rewards: 5,000 [Currency], Player XP, and a small, strange tin coin

The owner explains that when the new Pokeball is ready, the player can come back and exchange the tin coin for the Pokeball and any number afterward (the first is free, the rest aren't) for testing purposes. And with a final goodbye, the player leaves the factory and the quest is over.


The Shady Man

One of the Players on a Scooter

The Shady Man and Player (without a Scooter) in a dramatic confrontational scene!


And then, because I did a badass job on the floor tiles and conveyor belts, there's THIS.       (Ignore the white rectangle thing.  ::))

Quests & Plots / Re: Write a quest contest
« on: March 02, 2010, 06:59:41 PM »
OMiGosh!11! Ima write the bestest quest story evar! And totally beat everyone for first place for no other reason than to beat them for first place!

Art Work / Re: Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:44:42 AM »
Gee, thanks Spirit, for taking over my thread. xD


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