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Messages - Yume Tsuki

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43] 44 45 ... 62
Art Work / Re: Yukimenoko's Pixel Parade
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:06:34 PM »
First I take diffrent kind of parts, from these parts I make a diffrent kind of limb.
But because I do this, the entire shading sceme gets messed up and would look this:

So I highlight the parts I use and order these in diffrent catogories to avoid anatomy confusion. And edit a few outlines here and there to make it look more smooth.

Then I choose the colour palette. (this one happens to be exactly the maximum amount of colours (including Black and White) you're allowed to use in the official DS games: 16) And give each part a colour.

Then the shading begins, not forgetting the outline which also helps creating even more depth into the sprite and keeping the rule in mind that the light source is always coming from left above.

Art Work / Re: Yukimenoko's Pixel Parade
« on: November 27, 2011, 06:20:51 PM »
How it works:

Other Games / Re: League of Legends
« on: November 27, 2011, 06:16:57 PM »
First of all, theres nothing wrong with boots silver. As solomid player I usually let my first item depend on what kind of champion I'm up against. I do this in two steps:

1. Look at the enemy team, which champion is the most likely to go mid? These are usually mages that can carry a team late game. A few standard mid players are Brand, Lux, Morgana, Nidalee, Kennen. An AD range is rare in mid but possible usually Caitlyn, Ashes very rare. It's usually range mid because you need a good harassment in mid. When they have no good mid player then it's sometimes an Assasin on mid for which you have to be really careful since you're very squishy.

2. Now I know which champions is most likely to go mid I decide between Doran's Ring and boots+potions.  This I base off what kind of abilities the enemy champion has. If they got a lot of skill shots I prefer the boots with 3 Potions since you need to be able to evade attacks. Doran's Ring is the actual 'Core Item' early game, I take this one when I face a champion that doesn't need to aim. It gives me more sustainability than boots can do Manawise.

Also, a friend of mine used an AP Cho'Gath build on tristana and the enemy team lost half it's HP with the jump he did. ._.

Other Games / Re: League of Legends
« on: November 25, 2011, 03:20:11 PM »
Me too, I'm ready to throw cut-off faces right into the thrashcan.

Other Games / Re: League of Legends
« on: November 24, 2011, 08:00:00 AM »
No hard feelings, but LoL totally sucks. LoL is the game for the players who are not good in other games like HON, Dota etc.
If LoL players try to play HON they will get owned so easily.
The only thing good in LoL is graphic..

Hum, based on a opinion without playing the game? All i know so far is that level 30 NA players who act like a boss because they win everything won't survive in the level 30 european servers. I know this sounds like stereotype and that there are those few that actually break this theory, but asians are the best players usually, after that, dutch gamers. Don't know for the rest tho.

Japanese Entertainment / Re: [Anime] The official One Piece thread
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:08:15 PM »
I watch the anime :x

General Chat / Re: Potential Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Remake on 3DS
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:58:26 AM »
Im sry but b/w was the worst games ever made... 3ds is my favorite sytem(x-box 360 2nd) to whoever said it was a joke. I dont see y they would remake ruby and so on they remade the rest and emerald was one of their greatest games.

I think you don't get it. Usually when a remake comes they merge the features from the newest version with the old version. Like in HG/SS they merged crystal with gold and silver.
So they would probably make Ruby & Sapphire remake both merged with emerald. If they didn't I see no reason to buy the new ruby/sapphire remake because after you've beaten the elite four there was nothing to do in R/S while in emerald there was still the battle frontier.

Japanese Entertainment / Re: [Anime] The official One Piece thread
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:49:46 AM »
I like the new character designs for one piece. Now that they're finally going to fish-man island but it looks really impossible to survive underwater where nobody can actually counter anything because otherwise the bubble will pop or either lose their strenght because they're devilfruit users...

General Chat / Re: software for a banner maker
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:42:45 AM »
I had a better one before explaining the tools better too but couldn't find that one...
Also, you can make your own brushes too as well as downloading GIMP brushes from the internet. Most brushes are pretty awesome. ^^

General Chat / Re: software for a banner maker
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:10:05 PM »
Tutorial I found.

General Chat / Re: software for a banner maker
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:26:09 PM »
A really professional program for this is Paintshop. However this one you should pay for.
I use GIMP for graphical works. This one is free but called a program that can be quite hard to master.

After you got such a program you gotta learn using tools and layers. ;)

Other Chat / Re: EZ OUT for ever
« on: November 21, 2011, 05:36:59 PM »
I am pretty busy too but that doesn't mean I give up on PU. I got my school to attend, my job to attend, and korfball. And a boyfriend. Usually I skim through all the forums I'm registered too and give a reaction to a topic when I feel like it. So I don't spend too much time on forums. But thats just because I do more gaming and stuff like that.

If you still think you don't have enough time, fine with me. But most will probably miss you. Good bye.

- Yuki

General Chat / Re: Potential Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Remake on 3DS
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:08:20 AM »
I have a 3ds so no problem here, as well as the 3DS wasn't selling well so they dramatically dropped the prize for the console.

If they really come with 3d Pokémon games I would say they keep the features from black & white, especially the battle system. In which they can add more dramatic effects (like they zoom in and out now...) by letting pokémons come even closer to the screen.

Don't know what they will do with the contests... Would be awesome if they were there. And I guess they just add all features emerald had.

Other Games / Re: League of Legends
« on: November 20, 2011, 10:30:03 AM »
hmmm... Maokai is easily counterable all I hate about him is his snare, his suicidal saplings get easily distracted by minions all that's left is his ulti that rises defence for allies in the zone and lowers defence for the enemy inside the zone.

Poppy... Just don't die on her. She won't get that strong without kills.

Miss Fortune, quite squishy. And most of her abilities you can simply walk out. MF outranges you early game since you start with low range on Tristana, while lategame you got the upperhand with bigger range.

Shyvana doesn't have any CC (stuns, snares, silence, supress, etc.) just try to harass her when she tries to come close, and when she is really close you can just push her away with your ability or either jump away from her.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:58:16 PM »
You talk to Frederique

"Oh my goodness, c'est mon silk!"

He remains quiet for a while.

"W-who did this to my silk?"

You'll answer: "That's still a mystery, a buneary was found wearing it."

"You! You need to find the one who did this!"
Frederique demands you. Is he furious because his silk was used to make clothes?

After this you go back to the park to look for more clues. You'll find the girl.

"Oh hey. It's the investigator. Whats the matter?"

"Could you show me the place where you found your buneary?"
"Maybe not... Sorry I bothered you."

Green answer: "Oh right."

She steps aside from the brush where a small hole is visible.

"I found Tipsy right here."

Now that she stepped aside you can identify the opening. It's just big enough to let you through so you go investigate some more.

In the back of the brush you find the forest behind the park, you notice buneary footprints and very small footprints of a unknown Pokémon. You decide to follow the footprints deeper in the forest until you end up running into a Pokémon.

It's a wild Leavanny, it got startled and begins to attack you having no choice but to fight it.

After you win the battle the little girl appears together with the man followed by Frederique.

"What's happening here?"

The man asks.

Frederique steps forward. Looking at the situation, the environment it littered with pieces of silk.

"This pokémon is the fashion designer I admired?"

He says.

"This pokémon created the masterpiece you gave me before?"

He walks towards the pokémon.

"This pokémon is a real talent! You should work in my boutique!"

Leavanny cries a bit afraid. The little girl steps in front Frederique.

"Stop it you scare her!"

The girl turns to the Leavanny.

"Hi there... You seem to like making clothes... Am I right?"

The leavanny answers with another cry this time enthausiastic.

"Would you like to come with Frederique? He isn't that scary, just a bit too much into designing."

Leavanny jumps happily.

"Really? You want to help me out?"

Frederique says.

Leavanny walks towards him.


Then Frederique turns towards you.

"I have to thank you for your effort, thanks to you I found myself more inspiration for my work. Come at my boutique I give you a great reward."

The man also turns towards you.

"You did a good job there, you should consider becoming a detective."

After this all of them leave you can get your reward at Frederique's shop.

Reward: Choice out of a few clothes your character can wear.

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