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Messages - Yume Tsuki

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45] 46 47 ... 62
Japanese Entertainment / Re: I don't get it
« on: November 04, 2011, 02:05:59 PM »
I like anime for the plot, I don't really dislike western cartoons though, I love them. ^^
It's just that cartoons usually have a 1 episode plot while Anime gives me the thrills to continue watching the plot.

Other Chat / Re: Motion gaming.
« on: November 03, 2011, 07:32:38 AM »
I do like motion gaming.
It gives more feeling that you are the person who is in the game. Like in legend of Zelda you have to swing the wii-remote to swing your sword stuff like that.

The only problem is that they use far too casual games with motion like dancing, I hate dancing, If I want to do sports I want to do it outside and run for myself instead of smashing the ball and then wait for my character to run around.

Thing is, not all gamers excersise so the motion-hype is to make the gamer stand up out it's lazy chair and move to play.

It's a cool idea but they should come up with better games.

Other Chat / Re: Level up!
« on: November 01, 2011, 04:36:35 PM »
happy b-day :3

Other Chat / Re: Silver's birthday time.
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:38:06 AM »
Happy barfday silvah! ~

Heart Gold/Soul Silver Features:
- The first Pokémon in your party will walk behind you.
- Two seperate regions for you to explore so your game isn't finished after the elite four yet.
- AI reaches a maximum level of 80+ so you can train very well.
- Phone system with NPC's calling you when they got your number
- Apricorns to create special kinds of Pokéball.
- Sidequest the Ruins of Alph.
- Battle Frontier.
- Pokéthlon containing various minigames.
- Possibility to catch all Pokémon in combination with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
- Both legendaries Ho-oh and Lugia are catchable in both versions.

Diamond/Pearl/Platimum Features:
- Pokémon Contest with three seperate rounds. (Dressing up your pokémon, dance round, preformace round)
- Amity Square where you can walk with a pokémon behind you. (excluding all pokémon that aren't considered cute.)
- After the elite four the battle tower is available and the island the battle tower is located is also explorable.
- (platinum only) All legendaries available
- (platinum only) Girantina, shaymin, rotom have diffrent forms when holding a specific item.
- (platinum only) Battle frontier.

Black/White Features:
- Until you've beaten the elite four once, you will only find 5th gen Pokémon.
- Musical Theater (dress up your pokemon and let them dance.)
- Gymleaders have side jobs next to their job as gymleader.
- After defeating the elite four they get stronger and the champion is switched.
- Half of the world still needs to be explored after the elite four
- You have to find all sages after the elite four.
- Battle Subway instead of battle tower but now any pokemon will be level 50 it doesn't matter what level they are.

I'm an old school player, nfi what any of the moves you guys said were..
but I can honestly say
being confused, and paralyzed at the same time, is the worst thing, you can ever come up against.
especially if your pokemon is trying to use Thunder, or Fireblast because they're not 100% accuracy.
I'd rather jump off a cliff, it's so hard to land a hit.

ohoho you haven't seen the worst yet dude, I once had a blissey with attract, sweetkiss and thunderwave. xD

Jobs / Re: Pixel artist
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:08:45 PM »
apparently you're good with working with bases, I bet you'll be a very valuable overworld sprite creator for the PU ^^

General Chat / Re: Pokemon: Best Wishes... (Opinions)
« on: October 20, 2011, 07:25:28 PM »
In my opinion from the first few episodes I saw, Ash suffered braindamage not knowing how to catch a Pokémon at all, while in the diamond/pearl series he was the know-it-all guy towards Dawn. But next to that the overall storyline seemed a bit better...

But I gotta say about the diamond and pearl/galactic battle seasons, those were very repetitive, I got sick of Dawn feeling like a total failure all the time, basically every episode had the same kind of content only the story diffrent told.

- They travel
- Find a place
- A person/pokemon has problems and gets explained or not.
- Ash n Co go help him/her/it out
- team rocket focuses the goods/pokemon/pikachu
- team rocket gets beaten up and blasted away.
- problem all of a sudden gets solved because: team rocket made the trouble/when team rocket got beaten up the main problem was solved.

Wooohooo... Amazing...

Point is just that they kinda lost their touch for stories there, because this anime and game is getting quite 'dried-up' I love pokémon for the gameplay. And I did like the anime, but the anime kinda went down to childish level with repetive story base as most children's cartoons do.

What I liked were the contests as these were amazing and fresh instead of battles only. Those were the only episodes I liked to watch in the Hoenn and D/P series. For the rest I only watch pokémon when it's on TV at the moment I'm watching TV.

Art Work / Re: Yuki's Drawings of BOOM!
« on: October 02, 2011, 09:14:15 PM »

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:04:23 AM »
You return to the man after recieving the right badge.

"Hey, you're back! We just finished the investigation and what we found is that the thief was most probably a Pokémon. One with claws having a hard time to open a door, we didn't find any footprints so it might be a light weighted Pokémon or a flying one. Could you have a look around town? The Pokémon might be around somewhere."

After this you go around speaking with the townsfolk. In the park you find a girl who just walks towards her Pokémon with is a Buneary.

"Ah there you are Tipsy! What's that? Oh what a cute clothes you're wearing! Who gave you those? Mhh they feel soft and smooth kinda like silk..."

After this small eavesdropping you go talk to the girl.

"Hm? What is it trainer?"

- Why hello there, would you mind giving those clothes to me?
- Those clothes aren't yours give them back!

Red answer: "No! They look cute on Tipsy, I won't give them to you."

She runs away with her Pokémon and you got to chase her. You'll find her running into a dead end.

"N-no those clothes are Tipsy's. I won't give them to a meanie."

A battle starts and you have to fight her Buneary. Winning the fight she will cry.

"No. Tipsy, how could you do that." *snifle* "You happy now meanie? You hurt my friend."

The man from the entrance of town joins you looking at the situation. And will ask the girl:
"Hm, may I ask you how you got those clothes?"

The girl answers:
"Tipsy found them while we were playing hide and seek."

The man will turn towards you and say: "Looks like we got ourselves another clue this time." Then he turns back to the girl. "Did you know silk got stolen from the tailor's shop?" The girl will reply: "Huh? You mean Tipsy stole clothes?" The man quickly replies: "Oh no no no, that is impossible. It's more likely that your Buneary found it somewhere." The man turns back to you again. "You should be less aggresive. At this right no one might want to tell you a clue."

Green Answer: The girl will look at you for some while and then ask:
"Why do you need them?"

"Silk has been stolen from the Tailor's shop, I'm helping out investigating who stole the silk. Those clothes might be a clue. Where did you find them?"

"Oh really? Thats too bad, I like these clothes... Oh well... Tipsy found them while we were playing hide and seek..."
She hands over the clothes.

"Fredrique sells clothes for a far too expensive price, and these clothes look better than his..."
The girl says.

After this to go to the man at the entrance.

"Hey, you found a clue! Where did you find it?"

"A girl's pokémon found it. While they were playing hide and seek."

"Hmm Intresting. We have to find out more about this matter."

This marks the end of quest part 2

Green answer Reward: Silk Clothes (Quest Item), 200$ and 25+ exp
Red answer Reward: Silk Clothes (Quest Item)

Part 3 will start when you go back to Frederique to show him the clothes.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: I wanna be the BEST!
« on: September 28, 2011, 07:20:00 AM »
Hai thar :3
another Fire type fan ~
Welcome ^.^~

Quests & Plots / [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:13:14 PM »
This quest will be made out of a few quests that are chained to each other. This quest can be started near the entrance of a town. It's still WIP so far I have quest number one.

"Oh hey there trainer, you look like someone who likes investigating. Would you mind help me?"

- Sure, what's up?
- No, you got it wrong.

If you answer the red line the man will say:
"Oh, too bad. I need a good trainer to investigate this..."

If you answer the green line he will say:
"Good! I go right to the point to keep it short. Fredrique our local tailor has reported pieces of cloth have been stolen from his shop. We'd like to find out who is this thief. If you need some more details on this case go talk with him."

After this you go to the tailor's shop and have a talk with Fredrique:
"C'est terrible! Without la pieces of clothes I cannot express my artistic feelings! Un momente, who are you?"

- I'm helping out with the investigations involving your stolen goods.
- Just looking around in your shop...

If you say the red line Fredrique will answer with:
"Sure, have a look around. I make le finest clothes."

If you answer with the green line he will say:
"Finally! Someone investigating this in a serieux way. What can I help you with?"

You will ask the following questions:

- Can you tell me about the stolen goods
"Those were one of my finest pieces of cloth. Specifically made of Caterpie Silk!"
- Do you have any ideas who it could have done?
"Non, all I know is that moi was stupide leaving the door unlocked last night."
- Can I look around for any clues?
"Naturellement! I want my piece of cloth back, I'll do anything to get them back."

After this you inspect the other pieces cloth in the shop. There are no traces found here so you go have a look at the door. You see quite a deep scratch on the doorknob. When you ask Fredrique about it he'll answer:
"Non, le scratch wasn't there until le day mon silk c'est stolen."

After this you go back to the man you started the quest at.
"So, did you find anything intresting?"
"Well, whoever broke into Fredrique's place has slashed the doorknob. While it was possible to open it the normal way."
"Hm intresting, we'll investigate the clue you found if we can find fingerprints on it we can find the culprit. Come back later, I will reveal the results about the culprit to you."

Reward: 500$, 25 exp to Skillpoints

Not really much since it's a pretty small quest.

The next quest will begin after you've got the next Gymbadge

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Marriage
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:47:58 PM »
Funny idea, and we shouldn't be too seriously about it. It's just a game right?

Reminds me of Flyff, you could marry there too and use extra kinds of powerups like the power of love because of being married. XD

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Silent memories
« on: September 27, 2011, 07:50:28 AM »
Chapter 4

David pointed a gun at Yume. This one contained real ammo, cages are not going to save him this time he knew that since Yume was having more mobility due recovered wounds. Thinking about he was having the advantage of having a modern weapon over the blade Yume had made him cocky. Yume was stading on the roof now, staring down at David with a strong determination. Then a strange noise could be heard. David didn't realise what it was but Yume's expression went from determined to shocked. "Very bad timing for this." Yume whispered. David was looking around questionable about what might come. Then the sound of growling came close. "Well, I'm out of here before they surr- poop..." Yume saw Dremacies popping out everywhere from the brushes. "Wait this isn't your trap!?" David shouted to Yume. The Dremacies drew closer, Yume jumped of the roof and landed next to David. "I think we have to get away from here... Can we keep our fight for later?" Yume said to him. Was this an act or was Yume really serious about this? Whatever it was there was no time thinking about it now. "Right." David answered. Yume tightened her hold on her katana.
"Okay... We have to wait for the right moment." Yume said while throwing a chained kunai in a random direction. Dremacies were growling and drawing closer. Yume and David stood with their backs against eachother backing eachother up. Yume watched the movements closely. "When is the right moment?" David whispered. "When they decide to dash towards us, they always attack in frenzies starting with a jump." Yume answered. "I hope you know what you're doing." David prayed while looking nervously at the Dremacies. He saw the Dremacies lowering a bit. "Ready?" Yume asked. "What? Oh, yes." David answered. The dragons jumped as Yume gave a small tug to the chain and grabbed David's arm. "Here we GO!" At the moment she said the last word they all of a sudden sped up sliding under the beasts through that jumped. At high speed they sled through the forest. It was all but comfortable with all the roots there were littered around the ground. When Yume let go of the chain they stopped just before an cliff. David looked down, and saw the chain following a large rock that fell down. "So... How did you know that rock was unstable, and how did you even know that rock was even there?" David asked Yume. "Come here alot." Yume answered. They heard a roar. "Gotta keep moving" Yume said as she stood up and slapped dust from her clothes.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Silent memories
« on: September 26, 2011, 08:04:35 AM »
Time for some bump :3

Chapter 3

Yume just found her way outside of the building and ran as fast as she can to the entrance. It was heavily secured with a tight lock with cameras all over the place. When she came close weapons popped out of the ground. She stopped running and silently stood there looking around. The weapons were pointing at her. "I really have to get out of here, I made it so far..." She whispered herself. She walked near to the closed gate and stood there. Waiting for the right moment... Then the weapons fired their rockets at her and she jumped out of the way. The gate got bashed by the rockets and finally it broke and Yume spurted through the opened gates to freedom. Disappearing in the forest.
David was staring blankly for some time. Then he realised Yume escaped, so he ran right off to get his bike ready. "Wait for us David!" But he was already setting his mind to get Yume back. He had to get her back or there might be big trouble coming up. He started his bike and spurted hoping to find and catch up with Yume. He rode through the broken gates and went for the most logical direction for her to go in, the forest.
He rode as far as his bike could take him until it was impossible for vehicles to drive onto the narrow path. He saw a small sign the text on it was faded away. He set hit bike against a tree and locked it properly. He walked further into the forest. Only rustling leaves could be heard, and not a single voice from any animals that might possibly be around. That made him a kind of nervous, but he moved on quietly.
After some time of walking he ended up in some kind of open field, but what he knew this was a place of ruins. He walked around the place, it was even more quiet here than in the forest. "What happened here..." He whispered. "This place got raided." David knew that voice, he looked up and saw Yume sitting on a roof that was still standing. "Yume, I'm here to take you back, you're under arrest." David said. "So come down here and surrender yourself." Yume was looking at him tilting her head. She remained quiet. "I give you three seconds to come down, after that I have to hurt you." David decided when he knew Yume wasn't planning on coming. Yume had not enough space on the roof to evade she even knew that herself.
She just looked at him with the same face and said. "I rather keep my freedom." She answered as she was pulling out an katana. David was looking at her in wonder, how was she going to hurt him with such primitive weapon? Most blades nowadays were made of laser energy, not metal. What also intrested him was the mysterious material it was made from. It was a black shining katana. Apparently she was ready to put up a fight.

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