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Messages - Yume Tsuki

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 ... 62
Art Work / Re: Yukimenoko's Pixel Parade
« on: September 10, 2011, 02:10:06 PM »
Bump with a recolour

If you can draw well, making proper anatomy you can try drawing something between the 94x94 pixelsize and then trace it with a black pixeloutline. However since you aren't good yet I suggest you train some more with recolouring sice even that isn't going pretty well.

For example your Arceus, you call it gold, but all I see is a dull yellow colour on the lightest shade of the arceus' main body. You're supposed to do the entire body. So all the darker coloured grey spots should've been yellow too (but then a bit darker yellow) and even after that is doesn't look pretty gold-ish because gold should look a bit shiny.

Your snorlax is a little bit better... But... You removed all the shading from his body by making everything the same yellow. And the worst part is: You resized the sprite, NEVER resize a sprite, if you want to work more exact you can always zoom in by holding the alt button and use your mouse scroller to zoom in or out. Same suggestion as at arceus: use darker yellow for the darker shades on the body. If you don't pay attention to shading you end up with a pokémon that looks flat.

Theres still a lot you need to learn, but if you have the patience you will become better at pixelart. If you practise alot you'll improve and become better. Stay with recolouring for now until you are statisfied with the sprites you make.

Mixing sprites is the next step into learning pixelart by learning about anatomy of sprites and how to put these up.

General Chat / Re: what you hope for from Gen 6
« on: September 09, 2011, 09:22:53 PM »
What i hope for in Gen 6:
1. No more pokemon based off random objects, i.e. Vanillite the freaking ice-cream cone.
2. Better storyline, they have gotten dull over the generations, and are basically the same. Start your quest, fill your pokedex, start gym battles, meet bad guys, bad guys winning, beat the bad guys, get last badge, fight elite four, become champ, continue pokedex quest.
3. For once, since it hasn't been done, a fire/water type. Makes for an interesting addition to fire or water mono team, and could be very fun altogether.
4.More fire types in general.
5. A character named cortex who is the tough champion in the end. Hey, a guy can dream, can he?

1. Pokemon is just based of everything because they are supposed to be the animals of the pokemon world.
2. Storyline b/w: Gymleaders had a job next to being gymleader, were involved with team plasma, all of them and team plasma (on N's command) had no intention of taking over the world, only liberating pokemon.
3. Could be.
4. Totally agree, they are so few of them, but they are kina hard to create because all we know of fire is: Warmth, lava, fire.
5. Nah...

General Chat / Re: what you hope for from Gen 6
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:32:46 PM »
point is that there is limited space in a gamecard. (first pokemon gen had 500 mb left and that was the reason mew was added (later removed in an improper way and could be found by glitching the game))

It would be hard to make a truly customizable hero. If you add all the regions it will take alot of space too, and all pokémon from all generations should be added too. Takes alot of space...
If you include an new region and new pokémon  into it it would be far too much space taken in.

As what I hope from gen 6, that the new pokémon will be as good designed as black and white it was better than R/S/E D/P/Pt
If you say they aren't very original, first gen was also based of alot of stuff. (pile of muck called muk)

Games / Re: Why do people ask for good teams in certain games
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:28:33 PM »
in competetive play people try to counter type weaknesses as perfect as possible, and they also look at the base stats each pokemon has to find out which pokémon belong to the strongest of the strongest. Pokémon can even be trained in stats to be better than usual ones.

In metagame you can win the game with any pokemon. Because AI are usually pretty much too dumb to play smart plus there are level diffrences.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: EXP modification
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:18:56 PM »
We're going to have skills in PU too keep that in mind,
Including training that also will become a skill making it easier to grind pokémon when you train more than other players.

Also, magikarp was extremely tweaked in the original games, giving just very little exp.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PokeDolls
« on: September 08, 2011, 07:31:12 AM »
Hmm I would be kinda horrored if a cute doll all of a sudden starts attacking. But it would be funny to have Pokédolls since everyone can have his/her own house ingame might be some decoration for your own room. Like we had in R/S/E ~

KamEdit: Pokedolls appeared already in generation 1 :)

Trainers Lounge / Re: Rarity of Pokemon
« on: August 31, 2011, 10:23:45 PM »
Even with the synergy debate, 95% of pokemon would go good in a battle team rather than to show off, including the pokemon with a higher rarity scale, if something like that exists. As someones signature said, win with your favorites. Therefore, build your team around your favorites to create something solid.

That would be my signature :)
The whole PU-balancing idea is to make sure that everyone could use their favourite pokémon (Even if it's something like a Farfetch'd or wooper) without always having to lose to a basic OU-team. You still will have to put some effort in it to raise in the proper way and build a solid team around it, but it won't be impossible anymore.

This is exactly why I think PU is gonna be the greatest pokemon thing ever.

I love battling with my Favorite pokemon,  actually it's all I do.  I mean is my team on PO pretty good, I think so.  But, it's built only with pokemon I like, not with ones just because they are good.  My team right now is Froslass, Scizor, Infernape, Weavile, Ferrothorn and Carracosta.  These are some of my all time favoites from across the game.  I don't care about rarity.  I just like the way these guys look. lol

Kinda reminds me that my team of favourites all came from all kinds of tiers, I had a OU, a BL, UU, NU but that was before the BW series came. I got new favourites and some pokémon got kicked up or down.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Rarity of Pokemon
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:42:41 PM »
Balance does not mean a pidgey can beat a golem.

Balance means that altough the pidgey can't beat a golem,many can but golem to shame.

Pokémon like Alakazam in 1st generation were overpowered.The only reliable ghost whas Gengar(can't remember another),and yet again alakazam could learn shadow ball to pwn Gengar...

Ofcourse some pokémon must be stronger then others,but balance is about having somethink to counter that strength.

In first gen the only reliable pokémon to defeat the psychic type was indeed gengar, or an bug-type pokemon like beedrill.

However, Gengar's poison type was weak against psychic making him no match for Alakazam. As well as the only ghost type attack there was was night-shade, so that made psychic type pokemon pretty much impossible to defeat.
Beedrill was the only pokemon with an useful bug-move (twineedle) but that one was also poison, making the psychic type still hard-to-defeat.
Butterfree didn't learn any bug moves, making jolteon (knowing pin missle) the only one who could actually do a super-effective move against these psychic friends because beedrill gets outrun, and gengar only knew nightshade and this only did 40 damage.

Art Work / Re: Yuki's Drawings of BOOM!
« on: August 27, 2011, 07:31:09 AM »
New drawings \o/

Trainers Lounge / Re: What is the cutest pokemon?
« on: August 25, 2011, 03:31:31 PM »
I say, Azurill, Sandshrew and Shinx

Trainers Lounge / Re: Where would you come from?
« on: August 19, 2011, 10:57:15 AM »
I go for fortree city, treehouses ftw :>

Jobs / Re: Freelance pixel artist (minor update)
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:52:54 PM »
Intresting stuff. I do see a few flaws in the outline a few times but pretty good.

From the item icons.. Just wondering, did you take the original item icons from the game and resized those?

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:28:14 AM »
Okay, I somehow calmed the entity down by just simply talking to it, but I can now communicate with it completely through my mind. Although I knew I could this before (becasue everytime it wrote I knew exactly what it was going to write) Anyways, I don't think this makes an end to the problems I have since I only calmed it down. Point is, sometimes I'm staring at one direction, being sure that it's standing there. Still I don't see anything.

This reminds me, I feel Ill whenether I stare in the big mirror in my room, there's no other mirror that makes me feel like that, so maybe that's where the entity probably comes and goes...

Also I still remember a bit of the conversation I had with it. She probably ended up suprised because she asked why I still acted politely against her in some way. Yes I'm polite thats just who I am... But I do have resisted alot so far. I pretty much just want to bring her to rest. She can't do that if she keeps a watch over me.

Also, another paranormal experience I had is that I've learned to create psiballs. (For those who don't know, a Psiball is used for recovering from fatigue, illness, that kind of stuff.) People that carefully put their hands near it can feel it too. However, I haven't tried using it for healing yet because it has one con for healthy persons.

Site Support / Re: Having trouble getting onto IRC
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:10:48 AM »
Thats a reason I use icechat. Because the usual chat suddently disconnected at my PC, with Icechat I have no such troubles. :>

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