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Messages - Yume Tsuki

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55 56 ... 62
In-Forum Games / Re: defeat the person above you
« on: May 12, 2011, 12:15:21 PM »
Yuki sent out Lucario.

Lucario used foresight. Spiritomb is now vunerable for fighting-type moves.
Lucario used Close Combat.
It's super effective.
Haxed Spiritomb fainted. ~

Ooops Yuki you missed out the last question

43) Mr_Dark is the coolest guy on the planet.
Made a little mistake there mate :)
As did you.

My question. What got you intrigued into Froslass?

Good question ~

To be honest, when the games Diamond/Pearl still had to be released in our country I was looking on serebii at what legendaries would come. I found it a pretty large amount of legendaries and suddently my eye caught the name 'Froslass' on the list of Sinnoh Pokémon near the legendaries. For the lolz I clicked at the name intrested what a Froslass would look like. At first I was a bit like 'Yipes!' but after that it was just like, that I found it actually a pretty nice Pokémon as it was based on some sort of Geisha.

I think I just have something about lady-like Pokémon. As leavanny is on par with Froslass for me. ~
But Froslass is the actual first Pokémon that I really liked alot.

Other Chat / Re: Your past life.
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:36:50 AM »
654 – Emperor K?toku of Japan (b. 596)
1468 – Jean de Dunois, French soldier (b. 1402)
1531 – Johannes Oecolampadius, German religious reformer (b. 1482)
1541 – Margaret Tudor, wife of James IV of Scotland (b. 1489)
1572 – John Knox, Scottish reformer (b. 1510)
1583 – René de Birague, French cardinal and chancellor (b. 1506)
1615 – Sethus Calvisius, German calendar reformer (b. 1556)
1650 – Manuel Cardoso, Portuguese composer (b. 1566)
1722 – Johann Adam Reinken, German organist (b. 1623)
1741 – Queen Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden (b. 1688)
1770 – Charles-Jean-François Hénault, French historian (b. 1685)
1775 – Lorenzo Ricci, Italian Jesuit leader (b. 1703)
1781 – James Caldwell, American Revolution figure (b. 1734)
1793 – Clément Charles François de Laverdy, French statesman (b. 1723)
1801 – Franz Moritz Graf von Lacy, Austrian field marshal (b. 1725)
1807 – Joseph Brant, American Indian tribal leader (b. 1742)
1848 – William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1779)
1870 – Comte de Lautréamont, French writer (b. 1846)
1885 – Nicolas Avellaneda, Argentine president (b. 1837)
1890 – August Belmont, Sr., Prussian-born financier (b. 1816)
1916 – Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, American-born gunsmith (b. 1840)
1920 – Alexandru Macedonski, Romanian writer (b. 1854)
1922 – Robert Erskine Childers, Irish nationalist (b. 1870)
1929 – Georges Clemenceau, Premier of France (b. 1841)
1943 – Doris Miller, American navy cook (b. 1919)
1948 – Anna Jarvis, American founder of Mother's Day (b. 1864)
1956 – Guido Cantelli, Italian conductor (b. 1920)
1957 – Diego Rivera, Mexican painter (b. 1886)
1958 – Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, British politician, Nobel laureate (b. 1864)
1959 – Dally Messenger, Australian rugby player (b. 1883)
1960 – Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia (b. 1882)
1961 – Ruth Chatterton, American actress (b. 1893)
1963 – Marotrao Kannamwar, Indian politician
1963 – Lee Harvey Oswald, American accused assassin of John F. Kennedy (b. 1939)
1965 – Abdullah III Al-Salim Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait (b. 1895)
1967 – Louis Fratto, American gangster (b. 1908)
1968 – d.a. levy, Cleveland poet (b. 1942)
1973 – John Neihardt, American writer (b. 1881)
1980 – George Raft, American actor (b. 1895)
1980 – Herbert Agar, American journalist and historian (b. 1897)
1985 – Big Joe Turner, American singer (b. 1911)
1987 – Jehane Benoît, French Canadian culinary author (b. 1904)
1990 – Fred Shero, National Hockey League player and coach (b. 1925)
1990 – Dodie Smith, English novelist and playwright (b. 1896)
1990 – Juan Manuel Bordeu, Argentine racing driver (b. 1934)
1991 – Freddie Mercury, Zanzibar-born singer (Queen) (b. 1946)
1991 – Eric Carr, American drummer (KISS) (b. 1950)
1993 – Albert Collins, American blues guitarist (b. 1932)
1996 – Sorley MacLean, British poet (b. 1911)
1997 – Monique Andrée Serf, French singer (b. 1930)
1999 – Hilary Minster, British actor (b. 1944)
2001 – Melanie Thornton, American dance/pop singer (b. 1967)
2002 – John Rawls, political philosopher (b. 1921)
2003 – Floquet de Neu, Ecuato Guinean albino gorilla (b. 1964)
2003 – Warren Spahn, American baseball player (b. 1921)
2004 – Wong Jim, Hong Kong songwriter (b. 1940)
2004 – Arthur Hailey, British-born author (b. 1920)
2005 – Pat Morita, American actor (b. 1932)
2006 – Juice Leskinen, Finnish rock singer (b. 1950)
2006 – George W. S. Trow, American writer (b. 1943)
2006 – Zden?k Veselovský, Czech zoologist (b. 1938)
2007 – Casey Calvert, American guitarist (Hawthorne Heights) (b. 1981)
2008 – Cecil H. Underwood, American politician (b. 1922)
2008 – Kenny MacLean, Scottish musician (Platinum Blonde) (b. 1956)
2009 – Abe Pollin, American professional sports team owner (b. 1923)
2009 – Samak Sundaravej, Thai politician (b. 1935)
2009 – Chan Hung Lit, Hong Kong actor (b. 1943)
2010 – Huang Hua, Chinese statesman (b. 1913)

Hmmm oddness.. ~

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP]Experimantal
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:52:16 PM »
Yume's heart was pounding with fear and excitement. If she would get captured the punishment would probably be huge. "I'm screwed If I gonna get captured." She whispered out loud. She really has to get rid of the chain. But first she needs to find a way outside. She saw a window at the end of the hall. Carefully she crept to it and looked around if there were any gaurds. Silently she looked down through the window, watching if she could jump out. It was pretty high and it would certain to break something if you jump out.

"HEY!" One of the gaurds shouted at Yume. Yume looked in shock at the gaurd. From the other sides also gaurds appeared. She was cornered. There was no other way. She opened up the window and lept out without thinking.

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOCC] Dimensional Disasers
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:33:58 PM »
true, that makes charmander level extremely fast.
And I guess you meant level up instead of evolving.

Um... I wouldn't mind :)

(Referring to your very first question ;) )

Zoals Jerry al zei, een schets ofzo zouden we niet erg vinden ;) . Let's continue in English. I really like answer nr 5, really creative. Now referring to nr 18: Do you collect game consoles or what?

I don't collect them, I'm just like

Well yeah, I have many game consoles, but not because I want to collect them, but just to play. ~ I also got a PS2 and a PS3 but I don't play on those. ~

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] Dimensional Disasters
« on: May 11, 2011, 09:29:36 PM »
Yume turned around "Of course you barely hurted the Litwick, normal type attacks like scratch don't work on a ghost type..." Then she continued concentrating on her chimchar who was still fighting against the shadow inside of him.

Development / Re: Get to know the team: EbonyDark
« on: May 11, 2011, 09:02:11 PM »
Welcome to the team Ebony ~

Take your time creating stuff. All that matters is quality, not the speed. ^^

In-Forum Games / Re: defeat the person above you
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:22:37 PM »
Yuki used Pikachu's thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Mmmm cookies :)

Nao gimme one for posting 42 facts about myself. <;'x

Good job, you're a fast pixel artist which means you are able to help releasing the game earlier.

I'm just so hyper that I want to pixel. ouo

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [Profile] Dimensional Disasters
« on: May 11, 2011, 05:41:11 PM »
looks nice ~ You're accepted. ^^

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] Dimensional Disasters
« on: May 11, 2011, 05:11:01 PM »
Yume coughed, "It's a, *COUGH* cloud of *CHOUGH* smog!"

Name: Lisanne (Yukimenoko)
Age: 17
Location: Netherlands
Quote: "You're screwed."
Position: PU Team Pixelartist

1. Do you have pets? I did had them, but we can't have them because I'm allergic :<
2. What is your favorite colour? PURPLEEEEE *o*
3. What kind of music do you like? At the moment mainly J-Rock and J-Pop
4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on PU? Gaming, Canoëing.
5. What are your goals/dreams in life? I wanna be, the very best like no one ever was, become a biologist is my real test, to travel around the world is my course ~
6. What got you involved in PU? I joined the forum, and many people kept asking me to join the team so I did, three days after I joined the forum I became a PU Trail team. Three days later I became a official pixelartists.
7. What makes you different from the rest of the PU team? I'm a very fast pixelartist. (they say)
8. Who do you admire? Why? Diggeh, he makes amazing splices, and he's the first spriter I ever saw on the internet.
9. Are you into sports?  If so which ones? Korfbal ~
10. What is your dream job? I have two of them: Sea Biologist and Game Designer.
11. What was your first screenname? Lk200
12. Do you have any piercings? Earrings ~
13. Are you a lefty/righty? I was once both but now I'm right handed.
14. Do you have any tattoo's? No, and I'm not planning to take one
15. Do you have any siblings?  If so, how many of each? Two older brothers.
16. What is your favorite website? Deviantart.
17. Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones? Yes I do, at the moment I play League of Legends alot.
18. Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? GB, GBA, NDS, N64, NES, XBOX, Wii.
19. Are you married or planing to get married? No and Maaaaaybee~?
20. Which languages do you speak? Dutch, English, French, German, Little Japanese.
21. Do you drink? No
22. Do you smoke? NEVUR D:<
23. Do you have a license? No, have to be 18 for that.
   a) Do you own a car? Not allowed yet.
   b) Have you ever been stopped for speeding? I'm not allowed to drive yet.
24. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Sometimes, I'm jsut too excited to sleep sometimes.
25. How do you sleep? Lying in bed seems logical to me?
26. Have you ever been on an airplane? Ya.
27. Have you ever broken a bone? tore one, but broken, no...
28. Do you wear jewelry?  I forget it sometimes but I do.
29. How do you dress? Usually, a tank top with a scarf, long jeans and a pair of glasses.
30. How many keys are on your keyring? 4.
31. What time do you go to bed? When there's school I go at 10.30 PM otherwise around 11.30 or 0.30 pm 
32. What's the freakiest thing you have done? Calling spirits.
33. Do you live alone? No.
34. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Very much...
35. How many hours a day do you spend in PU? In IRC? A lot, doing pixelart work.
36. What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other? Apple Juice.
37. What do you hate? Trollers.
38. What do you love? Cookies, Chocolate and Friends. ~
39. What is your religion? None, I'm neutral and rather don't think about it.
40. What is your hair color? Blonde.
41. How tall are you? 180 centimetres.
42. How much do you weigh? Around 62,4 kg.

Anime & Movies / Re: Pokemon Apokelypse trailer
« on: May 11, 2011, 02:24:34 PM »
They put so much trouble into making a trailer, that they made me curious why couldn't they just make an entire movie. XD

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] Dimensional Disasters
« on: May 11, 2011, 02:07:33 PM »
Yume placed an arm on the guy's shoulder. Not knowing what would happen, but she wanted to know what was going on with the little chimp.

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