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Messages - Mr_Dark

Pages: 1 ... 56 57 [58] 59 60 ... 76
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: HM Usage
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:11:35 PM »
what are all the HMs being used?

We don't know yet.

why not keep all of them and include a move deleter like jerry said and maybe you have to acheive something to be able to get  HM so you can unlock more areas as you go along
Yes there will be a move deleter, and you don't have to "unlock" areas like in the gameboy games. But maybe you need to do some kind of HM move on a special switch or something which will open a door for a couple of seconds or minutes.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Stadium PvP
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:08:31 PM »
Nah I don't feel anything for it. We will have tournament where you can win prices.

About the bidding system, you can get mafia like stuff as Oslash said losing on purpose. Example:
A player does it really well and wins for x number of rounds.
The ods of him/her will win will rise and more people will bid on that player to win.
When the stakes are high, the "mafia" will bid all their money on the other player 2 and let player 1 lose on purpose.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon Locator
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:03:42 PM »
Sorry for the bad idea I get them every few years.

Why should you need to battle a Pokémon multiple time to learn new stuff about it? The PokéDex is created for the purpose of giving you all known information which has been collected by Professors (like Prof. Oak).
I remember you having to catch all the pokemon to help the professors collect information and I know that there was rewards in RBY for having a certain amount of info. I just thought that since it was an original point in the games maybe it could have some point in this one as well even if not to the level of my idea

Sure but we're not a new region with new Pokémon, so all information has already been collected :D

News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:01:31 PM »
Could this forum get destroyed and restarted as an announcement only one so anyone who is trying to find if anything actually coherent has been added doesn't have to fish through 5! pages
Of post post post or I should be picked  because of this. Those should obviously have a less... way less important forum. Not to sound negative it was just repetitive and I really felt bad for everyone who goes through it.

All the important information is on the first post. Why feel sorry for someone who can't understand that?

QFT, if someone doesn't read the first post they don't even deserve to be in the pre-beta.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: What about some boats/ships?
« on: January 27, 2010, 11:24:05 PM »
I wonder if you're going to include one, or more in the game. You said that the region will have islands, and as such, why not having some ships linking some islands.

Two-Three ports that hold at least two boats. Fast (non-PVP) and slow (PVP) would be ideal
and a PVP boat would be great. Only thing is what happens to the losers?

Do they respawn at their last Poke'Center? Do they enjoy the rest of the boat ride with fainted pokemon?

30 minutes is a long time

If I've lost a battle 2 minutes into the boat ride, i wouldnt know what to do to pass the time.

Ahhh, that gave me a great idea. What about allowin people to observe battles?

Someday in the future maybe.

Games / Re: pbr
« on: January 27, 2010, 11:23:27 PM »
i dont know how to change topic and pbr are the initials for pokemon battle revoltion

use the Modify button

Games / Re: pbr
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:42:26 PM »
Please change the topic title to something more readable. Thanks.

News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: January 27, 2010, 09:11:25 PM »
Can I ask?

How many Islands will be avaible in the pre-beta/beta?
Only the first island.

News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:40:01 PM »
Nice Idea's but 1 question... when u walk in the pokemon center will ur pokmon atoumatticly heal or u gutta talk 2 joy?
You'll have to talk to nurse Joy for pokemon healing

another question why dont u guys make a little intro video like when you first join the game u should have a 10-30 sec video of a new start?
If we ever get some really skilled video animator dude/girl.

For the last time:

How do I get on this list?!!
If you make enough sensible, informative or helpfully critical posts between now and when the beta list is full or April 1st (whichever is sooner), you will be added.

The staff read every post in the more serious forums, so your efforts will not go unnoticed, I promise. Note also that unhelpful, pointless, or badly thought-out posts will go against you. We will notice if you are just posting in every thread to make a name for yourself but with nothing to add. Coming on IRC will also help us determine whether you are mature and likely to make a good contribution, plus it's great to chat!

Remember, a closed pre-beta is not just a ticket to have fun, we are looking for serious feedback and testing.

Good luck!

What will happen if I ask you to choose me?
Don't ask us or say you hope we choose you. If you do,, You'll not be chosen.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: What about some boats/ships?
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:37:09 PM »
Since our region exists of servile islands, there will be boats. We don't know how long the trips will be. I do know you'll have to buy a ticket for it.

As for on board battles, if we allow this there will probably be a PokéCenter on the ship.

News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: January 27, 2010, 07:54:00 PM »
Ladies and Gents....this is the best example of not what to do if you want to be on the list.

Also, I have a question about the character. Will Character have stats? whats the max level of a character?

Don't quote other people when you're doing it wrong darling. Use the search "player levels". No max level known.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP and PvE areas
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:43:29 PM »
Will there be a way to look up trainers or find out their lvl range before randomly battling them so the match is evenly leveled. Im sure at some point there will be people that lie about their lvls to get more wins, so that's not a very reliable method.

You'll be able to see their player level.

Other Entertainment / Re: Seriously Overrated Stuff
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:38:45 PM »
Twitter. C'mon who wants to know when I'm taking a leak?

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon Locator
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:34:56 PM »
Why should you need to battle a Pokémon multiple time to learn new stuff about it? The PokéDex is created for the purpose of giving you all known information which has been collected by Professors (like Prof. Oak).

So unlocking info in your PokéDex is lame.

However you'll only see information about the Pokémon you've encountered once, then you'll also see the locations.

For noobs: Don't worry there will probably be fans who'll create pages in our wikia with all information about where to find what.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: HM Usage
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:31:27 PM »
Will PU members have to worry about teaching Pokemon things through HMs


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