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Messages - Kuhns

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Art Work / Kuhns' Pokemon Art Topic [Pics]
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:14:06 AM »
Kuhns' Art Topic [Pics]

Meaning pictures done by me. I'll place them in the first post as I do them, so yah'll won't have to look for 'em. Yes, I'm that nice.  ::)

I don't want useless posts on here. You can talk about the pictures you like, but I don't want any four non-worded sentences. :| I mean it. You can always make suggestions to another picture you think would look cool. No chances that I'll make it or give you credit for anything though.

Don't steal my artwork. I'll let you use it if you ask though, maybe.


I'll start of with this:

Some of you might be able to make the connection between this and this, although my rocks turned out more orange than they did red. (-_-); This is what I pictured the Red Mountain's insides would look like, along with the player's face as they wander around lost. xD Ignore the blandness of the background, as I got quite lazy on some of it.

Player/Trainer: This isn't on the map....

Tools Used: Paper, Pencil, Pen, Colored Pencils, PS for the watermark. :P


Scarf blowing for dramatic effect:

This is actually an older one. It's just simply a girl trainer. ;) ...And yes, I realize that her feet are oddly uneven. :P

Tools Used: Paper, Pencil, Pen, Colored Pencils, PS for the watermark.


Lol for all the negative white space at the top ::):

I'm sure you can already tell what this is. Bleh, I can't believe I did it all as a vector. I feel like I betrayed my raster roots.  :P

Tools Used: My brain (which is dead now) Patience (which I never really had), and some Vector program ( ::)). +1 for cuteness though.

Dedicated to a certain someone who leiks these kinds of smiley faces.


I'd give it a B- at best (:|):

Yes, I know, 'Gasp, Kuhns! What did you do to Jolteon's legs?!' The only real reason I'm putting this up here is because I think I did a badass job on Jolteon's upper body lol. :P

Tools Used: Vector Program, pencil and paper.


My new signature should look like:
...But it's all blurry kinda. >.> But I think I might know the cause of that now.... And I can also see where I missed some cleanup. xD *Too lazy to fix right now*


Because Spirit told me to. Geez, I never knew Ninetales was such a priss. >.> Done at about...3-something in the morning. Ima go to sleep now.

P.S. I do not like Ninetales' face. That is all.

Other Entertainment / Re: Which SciFi universe would you live in?
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:42:12 PM »
1) Star Wars

2) None of that dramatic-ness of the movies. I'd probably be some kind of explorer, wandering the universe in search of treasure, adventure and...other stuff that catches my fancy. I'd probably write books along the way, and would most likely get into everyone's business as a way to pass the time.

3) I'd live wherever I could afford.  :P

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Stars
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:34:03 PM »
um phosphorous I have been here like a week so I dont know why your saying welcome in fact I actually posted in several of your topics and if I remember right you posted in a few of mine

He was saying Welcome because you posted in the New Trainers/Welcome instead of Site Support::)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:58:43 PM »
All right you guys, take this-->

Copy-Catch [Item]:

Info: Effective until an item or skill is used, or the active Pokemon in which the item was used is taken out.

Effects: Covers the active Pokemon in a sticky spray, enabling the Pokemon to steal the next item or skill the opponent uses.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:47:35 PM »
Skill-Last Stand

Info: The active Pokemon gains a 95% chance that they will survive the next attack. [Can't use unless Pokemon has 10% or less health--With a 100% chance their next(last) attack will hit.]
*cough* COD *cough*

Modern Warfare? :P Totally wasn't even thinking that until you said something.

Isnt that like... Endure?

Probably, I'm just trying to think of things thatll make PvP insanely fun with all the twists and turns that could happen. ;)

And the skills, uh trainers use them?:\

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:41:26 PM »
Skill-Last Stand

Info: The active Pokemon gains a 95% chance that they will survive the next attack. [Can't use unless Pokemon has 10% or less health--With a 100% chance their next(last) attack will hit.]

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:17:30 PM »
[Pokemon Type]Guard Spray: Guards against type moves for two turns, no matter the Pokemon Type.

Example:[Geodude Vs Mudkip. Player uses a Water Type Guard Spray on Geodude. Mudkip uses Water Gun...the attack is only 1.0x effective.]

That's not to say the opponent wont switch out with a Grass Type and use that for a super-effective attack. [X] Guard Sprays can't can't be stacked or anything like that. ;)

*Post Below*: Not at all. ;P

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:11:16 AM »

My suggestions are a couple posts up if you didn't see them before.

Why not? Players use them all the time in battles with NPCs. If restricted right, items can add a new twist and layer to PvP battles. Although, yes, I wouldn't want to debate on what items to use/not use before the battle. My thought was banning the use of some items altogether, while continuous use of others raises the chance that those items will fail.

Yes I have read them, but I think in my personal oppinon that they are very vauge, however you might be on to something.
How about making a totally new set of items designed to work in pvp battles?
Or something in the line of "talents" as you level up, some once in a battle usable cooldowns.
For example: lvl50; Pokemon crusade; Used instead of a pokemon ability.
Boosts the morale of your pokemon making the next attack to have 50% chance to critical hit.
Something in that along that line.
This would remove the whole "no items/more items!" argument and still adding a bit of extra depth to the PVP in PU.
This could ofcourse also be an item that you obtain ingame, but a PVP designed one.

Oh, I like that one about cooldown timers. Based on turns? ;) New Items have been discussed before, but I don't think for PvP specifically. It might be a cool idea to post a brainstorming topic for the other members to fest think on.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:47:53 AM »
Guys please. One of you thinks that a few items should be allowed, and the other thinks they shouldn't. If you don't like someone else's idea, say exactly what part of it would be bad for the game. Don't resort to cheap shots like mimicking. In a game that will involve a lot of PvP I personally think they should be allowed with the multiple use penalties.

It is a valid point about not wanting to answer a questionnaire about the battle every time you are challenged, and to that end I think the rules should either be fixed or be set by the challenger. This way once the challenge is made, it's just a matter of clicking accept.

Yes ma'am! :P

Im astonished by your ability to argue against my suggestion by completely avoiding my arguments and not adding any of your own.

So to help you out a bit here, im going to re-frace my response into a question.
Why should there be items allowed in battle?

My suggestions are a couple posts up if you didn't see them before.

Why not? Players use them all the time in battles with NPCs. If restricted right, items can add a new twist and layer to PvP battles. Although, yes, I wouldn't want to debate on what items to use/not use before the battle. My thought was banning the use of some items altogether, while continuous use of others raises the chance that those items will fail.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:21:26 AM »
OR we could just keep it the way it is... hence no items at all
What would being able to use items bring to PVP? More fun? More strategies? More balanced play?
no,no, and no.

 ::) Your unwillingness to compromise astounds me. There's nothing wrong with having the players decide before the battle, whether or not they want to use items.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:00:41 AM »

Then how about this: only certain items are allowed AT ALL in the PvP battles. No revives, no full restores, none of that. Potions through Hyper are allowed, Heals are allowed, Held items are allowed, stat boosters are allowed.

Item Stat standing:

Use of a Hyper potion: 75% rate-->down 10% at every use (all the way down to 1%) etc.

Or how about this: Just put the use of items as a PvP option that both players decide on before the battle.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Attraction
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:29:04 PM »
It's an interesting idea, I'll give you that. But I question the usefulness of such an item. Repels were made for the sole reason of players not wanting to run into Pokemon. It also sounds like a lazy item for lazy players.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:07:16 PM »
I think it's a good quest, but it needs more of the basic elements, such as how big is the cavern and are there trainers inside etc...

There are going to be trainers somewhat, but a lot of the fighting is with Pokemon. That's why I didn't really mention any of that. ;)

yeah, all the stuff that you said you were planning on writing, but would only do so if people asked for it. well im asking for it. email it to me. do it! do it now!

just click on my account and click on my email, that should work nicely

Oh all right. Just give me some time to make it look decent.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 09:44:15 PM »
There's only one thing I'm wondering about. What will be the 'tools' equipped to the player? Something to keep him/her cool (literally) in that hot cave? Or some more things?

'Tools' mean more along the lines of the items necessary to complete the quest and solve the mystery. ;) But yes, the Player will need them if they ever hope to...beat Magmortar.

Oh, and lastly, there could be more 'fire' items on sales there, like for example, flame orb, TMs (fire type moves), etc.

I was thinking something like that. A special reward item that'll boost fire type moves more so than regular common items. But the item I was thinking of is essential to the mystery plot a secret.

everyone seems to like the idea, but now the real test.... will spirit like it? dum dum dudududududuummmmmmm

i'm too tired right now, i'll read it tomorrow and let you know


ok fine, i like what you have so far... and am intrigued to see what you would do with side quests and such

please email it to me instead

How mean. xD Email you the smaller quest arcs and whatnot?

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 06, 2010, 09:32:16 PM »
There aren't only potions in the games! There is the item 'revive'. Say a pokemon gets OHKOed by an attack, a revive would quickly get that pokemon on its feet, while the PP of the attacker will be decreasing. This also means that in a particular battle, one player might be fighting against 12 pokemon (6 revived) instead of 6.

The chances of success or failure of using an item isn't bad, but it will put the weaker trainer on more of a disadvantage. That doesn't sound that fair to me... I think it's the stronger trainer who should have a handicap I know, now that's unfair because he has more experience, but this handicap should be agreed by both trainers before battling), to make it more fair to both trainers.

My post explained that no matter what item the trainer uses, there'll be some kind of percent chance that it will fail. If a low leveled trainer decides to use a Revive on their next turn, it might fail, wasting that turn and letting the opponent attack the active Pokemon. It goes for any player item in battle.

Besides, if a weaker trainer goes knowingly into a battle with a higher leveled trainer, then is it no fault but their own. That higher leveled trainer might not even have a high item stat either. I also explained that even if the trainer is high leveled and they have a high item stat, the chances of them using any kind of item (including Revive, Full Restore, Max Potion, Whatever) again and again with success will go down.

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