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Messages - Redthebeast

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Luke: Yea, I'll be gettin my third badge, too. But i'm gonna go get a growlithe on Route 7 or 8 when I get the chance. So lets go heal our pokemon and get going.

*walks out of door and heads for pokemon center*


Luke: Thanks I sure will treat him well.

Luke walked toward the exit when he was confronted by the same kid he saw battling much earlier. The boy continued to ask if he could join Luke....

Luke: Sure, why not? But let me teach my poliwag Ice beam first.

*Luke set the tm on Poliwags forehead and let it go to work......Poliwag learned Ice beam and forgot how to use Bubble*

Luke: You are going to Vermillion right?

*waits for response*

Jolteon is hit with the the Twister head on having no way to dodge and faints....Luke walks over and picks him up as he regains conciousness and whispers: You did great, now rest. *returns Jolteon to its pokeball, which is very rare*

Luke: Alright, here's my Trump Card. Come on out Pidgeotto! *pidgeotto is released* Alright, use Wing Attack to clear up the debris then use Quick attack as hard as you can!

*once the debris is cleared Pidgeotto begins flying straight at Seadra with intense speed*

Luke: Damn, how am I going to get through that? Argh, try using Quick attack in a big circle to create some wind!

*Jolteon begins to run in circles very fast creating some wind..*

Luke: Jolteon, use Thundershock while your attached to starmie! Then try to get off before you hit the ground!

Luke: Jolteon, let him come at you and when you collide, latch on with bite!

*Jolteon continues to charge for starmie*

*poliwag floats up fainted*

Luke: *Withdraws Poliwag* Alright Jolteon, your up

*Jolteon steps up*

Luke: Make this fast, Jolteon. Use Quick Attack now!

Luke: Poliwag, meet its headbutt with doubleslap!

*poliwag begins speeding toward seel, but at the last second turns its full body toward seel..*

Luke: Great, you learned Body Slam!

Luke: Poliwag, dodge and take off into the water!

*Poliwag is rammed by seels headbutt*

Luke: Use Doubleslap again to get him off of you! Then use water gun!

Luke: Alright, Now use Double Slap as many times as you can before it wakes up!

*begins to slap Seel repeatedly*

Luke: Alright then, Poliwag Quick use Hypnosis!

*pink radiating waves are shot at seel*

As Luke watched the second battle rage on in agonizing boredom, he began to analyze Misty's battle strategy and think of a good way to fight against it, then suddenly the battle was over and it was finally his turn. He walked up to the platform priming Poliwag's pokeball.

Luke: Do you need to heal your pokemon first? *tosses out poliwag*

Luke watched as the battle raged and a giant purple wave was formed and frozen, wondering what the purpose was, then the battle moved to the behind the wave and was unable to be seen. Finally the kid had won and Luke started to walk up to the platform when another person  went in front of him, because he had been waiting there before Luke....

Luke: Damn, guess we'll just have to wait....

Luke: Arrgh, Pokeball go again!

*The pokeball smacked into the poliwag as Luke hoped it would be caught this time*

The pokeball shook three times then remained motionless, Poliwag was caught*

Luke: *walks over and picks up the pokeball, grins* *whispers* Welcome, Poliwag. Alright come on out its time for some training!

*a llittle bit later*

Luke: Alright, Poliwag, use Hypnosis then top it off with bubble!

*Uses hypnosis, wild caterpie falls asleep, but then before he uses bubble, the rain begins to fall extremely hard, then uses bubble and caterpie faints*

Luke: Alright, rain dance! I think we're ready for the gym!

Luke ran to the pokemon center and healed his pokemon then dashed nextdoor to the gym only to find someone else battling Misty.

Luke: Ugh, great, guess I'll just watch and wait.

Luke began to spectate the battle.......

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