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Messages - duotent
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:20:40 PM »
my pokemon would be a evolved form of ditto named duoface(no not doofus) it would be the first  type and it could copy anything perfectly but can also transform things from memmory without difficulies
« on: August 31, 2010, 12:27:01 PM »
Jerry um i meant no starting as a evolved one unbreakable where do i write like that im australian thats how we talk
« on: August 30, 2010, 04:10:36 AM »
done this for a few reasons 1. ooc chats seem to be popular 2. i wanna stay updated 3.i wanna system to report bugs through 4. im super forgetful
« on: August 30, 2010, 03:53:00 AM »
THE STORY SO FAR In the world of pokemon their are to kinds of pokemon: the normal pokemon and, what the human people who try and catch us, pokemon call shiny pokemon or differently coloured pokemon. A Milotic decided against being the one who was battled mostly because of its colours. After finding out about other shiny pokemon, the Milotic left its home and came to a cave where it sent out a message to all shiny pokemon stating the following: "Dear shiny pokemon, I am a shiny Milotic who is sick of being attacked by humans because of my colours. I am calling all other shiny pokemon to help me build a colony of shiny pokemon. We will protect each other from humans and grow our land. Please come join me at the beach near the human settlement of Slateport City. I've driven everyone of the beach so come. Yours truly Siran The Shiny Milotic"
EDIT by mod: Added punctuation and corrected typos.
« on: August 30, 2010, 03:34:39 AM »
PU User:duotent Char Name:siran Kind of Pokemon: Milotic Job:Healer Bio:milotic was a shiny pokemon and was thrown out of its group after hearing about other shiny pokemon HE started a colony of only shiny pokemon and sent out the message he now awaits in a cave for members to help him build this colony
« on: August 30, 2010, 03:23:53 AM »
i will post profiles here all charcters are shiny pokemon each will have a job around the place
PU user: char name: Kind of pokemon: Bio: job: Appearanc(optional):
« on: August 30, 2010, 02:58:04 AM »
Gyarados swam lazily about and travelled down the only river he hadn't explored. On the way it became a stream then a lake with a whirlpool. Soon he was sucked underground. Finally after a brutal bruising he woke up in a spring in Viridian City (thought I'd go since that seems to be the main place) after a while a nurse joy healed him then returned him to the spring. So gyarados slept at the side of the spring. All the pokemons that tried to touch him got caught up in a powerful dragon rage.
« on: August 14, 2010, 07:27:37 PM »
after finding a map on the road he decided to goto raichville soon he decided to start going along the road and meet other trainers after get all his stuff together he went along the road and battled alot of trainers till he found a small cave he battled a few zubat and his eevee evvolved into umbreon if eevee evolves in cave at full happiness its always umbreon
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:54:38 PM »
gyarados came out and a giant ravine had been cut by a steelix so a new river had formed he managed to find the steelix who told him he had made a ravine to every body of water in all regions he created this as a last dieing wish of his best friend who by chance had also been a gyarados so gyarados searched through the new rivers and just swam but when he went home the pokemon centre were he had lived had been ransacked and the nurse joy kidnapped after a few hours it exploded so gyarados decided to search for the people or pokemon who had done this and punish them he appeared to many trainers and practiced to get way stronger
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:46:23 PM »
siran walks from his home and into the nearest town to buy supplies for his journey but decideds to stay in the hills to find some more pokemon with his foster brother walking beside him they quickly found many pokemon but kept making them faint soon his foster brother got really strong so they decided to go to the next town but tried to avoid most other people but sometimes couldnt he stayed in the trees near the road he soon managed to befriend a chansey who gave him a egg and by the markings they thought it would most likely hatch into a fire pokemon
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:43:55 AM »
gyarados wakes up in a startle as a bunch of baby azurill were using his long tail as a slide into the water he lets them play then moves his tail so they slide to their parents who are shocked at this gyarados being nice to the baby azurill but gyarados explains what happened to him but he managed to not get the attitude change when he evolved he then does a few laps around the lake stopping near the pokemon centre(or center if youre american) for a feed after that he does his job of helping pokemon cross the water when they couldnt touch water or were to weak to swim after the day he curls up under the pokemon centre in a glass tank they made for it the top was made of glass and was in built into the pokemon centre's floor so he could watch the trainers and the pokemon and they could watch it annd he kept repeating this till one day................... will be contiuned(soz i just like making suspense lol just like the pokemon episodes)
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:38:48 PM »
after awaking in the morning and saying good bye to his parents and grandmoterEEVEE TRAVELED TO THE LOCAL TEAM BASE FOR POKEMON WANTING TO PROTECT OR FIGHT HUMANS FOR THEIR LAND he traveled all day and part of the night trying to reach the base and finally found in the entrance was on the rock he was standing on located on the highest moutain in his hometown hoping he could see the base he went up there after finding the base eevee approached the team manager and asked if he could join a team the team maanager asked "what team to ou wanna join or do you wanna start your own sqaud" to which eevee replied "i wanna join a team but i dont know what team to join so ill just see if one of the wants me""ok you will just have to go to the adopt a team member area and say i said to put you up for team adoption"so eevvee did and sat around waiting and playing till he gets accepted by a team
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:24:14 PM »
finally waking up from his nap he walks around and goes through the local town and is constantly chased by little girls but they gave up when he went outside the town he was chased heaps then he cam across a grass feild filled with rapidash he wanders up to have a look but the ones he walks up to are all mean males protecting the females but when the herd left he secretly followed them and because he was apart from the herd trainers saw the herd and him and tried to catch him after a while one of the female rapidash adopted it but it was still scared of tthe male rapidash protecting the herd(sorry i havent been on much i was banned from pokemon universe by my mum -.- but anways feel free to catch me
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:17:04 AM »
Lol ill just join a group if someone invites me into one but im only for good guys or girls................. lol either way how are eevee gunna evolve into glaceon or leafeon?