Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Heracross
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:54:16 PM »
Done. Looks much better now, thanks

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Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Heracross« on: May 12, 2014, 10:54:16 PM »
Done. Looks much better now, thanks
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Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Heracross« on: May 10, 2014, 01:49:29 PM »
My knowledge of Mega Heracross isnt great, feel free to add to it
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Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Heracross« on: May 10, 2014, 12:18:27 PM »
Yea, definitely one of my favourite also
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Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Heracross« on: May 09, 2014, 04:46:50 PM »
Pokemon #214, Heracross, Bug/Fighting Type, Single Horn Pokemon.
Intro : Heracross is a bipedal beetle-like pokemon that is cover in a blue exo-skeleton. It has large oval-shaped yellow eyes. It has a long pronged horn with a cross on the top on its forehead. On either side of the base of the horn, it has an antenna with a circular tip. Heracross is a well armored pokemon as it has two sharp spikes on either forearm and a single spike on either leg. It has two sharp claws on its hands and one on its feet. It also has wings for flight at reasonably high speeds. Habitat : Heracross can be found in forests or anywhere trees can be found. Diet : Its favourite food is tree sap but happily settles for honey. It can be found hanging from trees sucking sap from holes it makes in the bark with its horn or claws. When it finishes its meal, it leaves the hole in the tree open for smaller, weaker pokemon to feed. Biology : Heracross is a very docile pokemon. It normally spends its time looking for tree sap and fighting off competition for it. It often gets attacked by swarms of Beedrill that live in the trees, but due to its immense strength and combat abilities, it normally fights off the competition. It is said that Heracross can lift 100 times its own weight with its horn. This isn't surprising as it is more then capable of hurling enemies into the air if it gets its horn under the opponent. Its claws are used for burrowing under trees and grappling the bark for climbing up through the branches of trees. Heracross can mega-evolve into Mega Heracross through the use of heracronite. Mega Heracross is bulkier then his previous form. It has grown a long nose curving upwards and its horn has become bigger. It no longer has wings and its back is completely yellow. Its antennae have grown longer also and its forearms have lost their spikes.Mega-Heracross has several significant changes, mostly improvements, over its regular form. Its primary improvement is its enormous increase in attack power. Mega-Heracross' attack is easily amongst the highest in all the pokemon kingdom. Additionally, Mega-Heracross' ability has changed to Skill Link, which allows it to use powerful moves such as Rock Blast, and to a lesser extent Pin Missle, optimally. After Mega-evolution, Heracross has sacrificed a little speed in order to gain a tremendous amount of power. Pokemon League Commission notes : Class D. There are many Heracross in the wild but it is very unlikely to find them as they are normally after climbing high trees and settling there to feed on sap or honey. Trainers may find it hard to catch also because it can KO trained pokemon easily, therefore there are no restrictions for catching this pokemon. 5
Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!« on: May 08, 2014, 12:50:20 AM »
Omega Ruby for me, cant wait
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Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Bagon« on: May 06, 2014, 10:48:19 PM »
Thanks guys
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Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Bagon« on: May 05, 2014, 11:54:30 PM »
Pokemon #371, Bagon, Dragon type, Rock Head Pokemon.
Intro : Bagon is a small, blue, reptilian pokemon with patches of yellow on its underside, jaw and ear areas. Despite it's size of 0.6m, it is very muscular and possesses great strength in it's neck and legs. Its arms are short and thin which make it hard for Bagon to grasp objects but occasionally they manage to pick up food such as berries or nuts, other then this they are almost useless. Bagon has a exo-skeleton that covers its head and runs down it's neck to the upper back. It is as hard as tempered steel as a result of continuously bashing its head into rocks and other pokemon. Habitat : Bagon are an uncommon species of pokemon. They can be found in mountainous areas or on the edge of various cliffs. Diet : Despite its rather sharp canines and fierce image, Bagon prefers to eat fruit and nuts found in the wild. It bashes trees and tall bushes with its head to unhinge the fruit or nuts for them to fall to the ground. Biology : Bagon is a very ambitious pokemon. Bagon has a dream of one day soaring above the high clouds. Everyday it hurls itself off a cliff or mountain in an atempt to fly, smashing its head into the ground below and then spending the remainder of the day trekking back up the mountain or cliff. Because of these daily actions, its neck muscles keep developing. Because of its inability to fly, Bagon can easily become frustrated and takes out its rage on other pokemon and surrounding scenery. Bagon is not a territorial pokemon and rarely socialises among other bagon. Bagon is recognised as a lonely pokemon but doesnt make an effort to socialise as its interests are solely in flying. Trainers Notes : '' A stubborn little fellow, capable of dishing out serious hurt, tough as nails. But hes just a pokemon that needs a hug sometimes! '' -Drake, Hoenn Elite Four. Pokemon League Commision : Bagon is qualified as a Class B pokemon. Bagon possesses many traits desired in pokemon such as toughness and focus but can be destructive in environments due to its violent nature. There are few in the wild but an increase in population could lead to destruction of public locations or protected habitats. Bagon should only be caught in limited quantities and kept on a short leash in public places. Any violations in these rules can result in a hefty fine and a sentence to solitary confinement. 8
Pokedex Entries / Re: Pokedex entries: Fuzzy takes requests!« on: May 05, 2014, 10:34:02 PM »
Can you do Aerodactyl? Prehistoric pokemon can be interesting
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New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello« on: April 30, 2014, 11:22:12 PM »
Hey guys, nice to meet you too.
![]() I definitely plan on sticking around a bunch of people who love pokemon as much as i do ![]() 10
New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello« on: April 29, 2014, 12:10:20 AM »
![]() I hope the wait isn't long either but you guys gotta do what you gotta do. 11
New Trainers / Welcome / Hello« on: April 28, 2014, 09:35:42 PM »
Hello everyone,
My name is Tom. I recently found this site and looked around to see what this is all about. Needless to say, im very excited to see a game like this being produced. Im a big fan of pokemon. I own pokemon yellow, sapphire,ruby,emerald,diamond,platinum and heartgold. My favourite pokemon is Lucario. I cant wait to be a part of this adventure. ![]()
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