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Messages - Counter Bug
« on: August 07, 2010, 10:34:56 PM »
I am German
« on: May 20, 2010, 07:37:39 PM »
I like yur map Counter Bug ..Its really pleasant to my eyes ..I could deff see this in PU ..How long did it take you to finish it ?
Thank you. Uhm, didn't need lots of time to map it. But inserting the tiles in a rom was hard work =/
« on: May 09, 2010, 12:59:46 AM »
Ok, here's a map done with my own rombase. Special thing is I used a 10-tile tree.  Credits(tiles): -Alistar -WesleyFG -Kyledove -Alucus
« on: February 25, 2010, 08:51:40 PM »
Oh man, where did you learn Pokemon? You can't tell me im a noob, cause that wouldn't explain I pwn Netbattle >_> Anyway, I know what im talking about. I already used them all and my experiences really showed whats better.
1. I didn't tell you to use a lead-meta with offensive set. And yes, Choice item meta owns, one of the best leads. Why? You can use Stealth Rock. You can trick the oponent every time. You can attack with a chansey high attack. Its bulky enough to be a lead. Other trick-leads will get the choice band. You can switch that Meta in later when you predict trick. 2. You seem not to know Dusknoirs base attack. Brick Break is good enough and can break the reflect and light screen. I mean, Brick Break will also pwn Blissey, so wheres the difference? I will just switch in a pokemon, which stalls or a bulky roarer etc. 3. Trick is not just a mov to beat Blissey. But if you really can't beat it, then im sorry for you 4. Sry, I meant Speed. Even worse than sp. defense haha 5. Yeah, you have no skill u bob 6. doesn't matter you are copying from smogon >_> 7. muahah you noob, learn how to play pokemon against other players, not against the weak cpu's.
Don't try to make my post be wrong, I know I'm right
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:02:21 PM »
So here is das team!
 Swampert @Leftovers Ability: Torrent EVs: 240 HP/216 Def/52 SAtk Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd) - Earthquake - Protect - Ice Beam - Stealth Rock --- MixPert
This is a standard mixpert, with SR instead of Hydro pump. With leftovers and EV´s in both defense and HP makes this guy a beast, able to sponge quite a few attacks while being able to hit back pretty hard himself.
Earthquake is probably not a surprising option seeing as its STAB and has good coverage, and I don't see any reason explaining it any further. Ice beam is there to take care of Dragons and flying types, and same goes here, the move in itself is pretty much self explanatory Now on to the key move of this set; Roar.
Protect now replaces Roar. Works as a scoutting move, but also for some free Leftovers healing.
If all goes according to plan Swampert will roar away a threat and make something it can kill come in, of course that only forces a switch, but given SR and a Hydro Pump even the things resisting the latter will lose a big chunk of HP.

Dusknoir @Leftovers Ability: Pressure EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Substitute - Focus Punch - Sucker Punch - Fire Punch --- Sub Punch
Thanks to Dusknoirs many immunities and of course the ability to take a few hits allows him to setup Substitute, and then deal large damage to the opposition from Dusknoir's often underestimated Attack stat, and its impressive physical move pool. This set often comes as a surprise to most people who I fight. Often switching in something thats weak to fighting, or even Gengar to counter it. Gengar is OH-KO´D by Sucker punch, Tyranitar is OH KO´D by Focus Punch. WOW now replaces Fire Punch, and im looking forward to seeing this in action.

Porygon2 @Leftovers Ability: Trace EVs: 252 HP/216 Def/40 SAtk Bold nature (+Def, -Atk) - Discharge - Ice Beam - Recover - Psych Up
--- Defensive Duck
So here is my Gardevoir replacement. Using its near exclusive ability, Trace, Porygon2 copies Intimidate and cuts Gyarados' and Salamence's Attack on the switch in, allowing it to easily take the beatings. Discharge does a minimum of 75% to Gyarados, OHKOing after Stealth Rock. But the fun doesn't end there. It can safely switch into Heatran, Vaporeon, and Jolteon, with ease, thanks to Trace. It is immune to Fire when it switches into Heatran and forces a switch. Also boasting Recover for self healing, and one interesting move Psych up. This move allows me to come in on something that is trying to set up, steal it stats boosts, use recover and hopefully come out on top. Ice Beam is there for coverage, making short work of those nasty dragons
 Metagross @ Choice Scarf Ability: Clear Body EVs: 28 HP/252 Atk/228 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Zen Headbutt - Earthquake - Thunder punch - Explosion --- Offensive Choice Scarf So yes, a pain train coming your way! MetaScarf is really useful, and brings some speedy power to a generally slow team. Working part-time as a semi tank, since it´s pretty bulky. I chose Meteor Mash over Zen Head butt just because I know the move better, I also felt that MM has better coverage than ZH. Earthquake is great as always, and should be used on every pokémon able to use it. Thunder punch work great for me, if my other Gyara counter is out of commission this one seals the deal. It also takes a pretty OK chunk of HP from the ever-present Skarmory.
With the scarf this guy reaches a quite impressive speed, it out speeds all base 130speed pokemon. I'm not gonna lie guys, I freaking love Explosion! There is few things that are as satisfying as blowing up in the face of some fragile sweeper! .
I wish I could give you more info about this awesome poke, but I feel I would just be quoting from smogon since I haven't had the time to play with this guy to much.
 Vaporeon (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 188 HP/252 Def/68 Spd Bold nature (+Def, -Atk) - Wish - Surf - Roar - Protect -- Loud vaporeon Ok, so thanks to you guys here on smogon, this guy now replaces my former team mate Jolteon. He basicly uses the same setup. Wish is a given to provide a "free" switch onto the correct counter. Now I have placed roar on this guy over HP electric since this is a Wi-Fi team, and not only for smogon. Im thinking of going with SUB instead of Either protect or Roar, but I cant really descide. I really need the roar on this team, as many of my poke´s are easy to set up on, and with protect replacing Roar on swampert, this guy is my last hope of getting some sort of phazing move. Protect does on the otherhand have a lot of perks, mainly getting a free heal, or just as a scouting move. What sets this guy appart from Jolteon is his bulk, and side by side with swampert, this guy works hard as a damage spounge. Since I just added him to my team I find it hard to be any more precis about his exakt role, and how well it works. But have a look at the Moveset for me will ya?
 Venusaur @ Black Sludge Ability: Overgrow EVs: 252 HP/6 Spd/252 SDef Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Sleep Powder - Leech Seed - Grass Knot - Sludge Bomb --- Standard
Even if I said it in the beginning of my post, I'm gonna make myself clear. Don't underestimate this guy, hes a valuable asset to my team, and brings a lot to the table seeing as this guy is the only means of dealing with a strong grass type hence, he carries Sludge Bomb. You are welcome to help me improve my team, but just saying "switch Venusaur for Roserade" ain't the kind of help I'm looking for.
So this is how it works; Put something to sleep, Leach Seed on the switch, assuming SR is up (which is usually is considering my lead) the pokemon that decides to switch in has already taken some damage, and in some cases healed venusar some as well.
Some might also argue that Celebi does this job a lot better, and there for think Venusaur should be discarded entirely. But the thing that puts venusaur above Celebie in my eyes are the ever increasing presence of bug moves such as U-turn and X-scissors. Celebie also fears Pursuit and Shadow Sneak, which Venusaur shrugs of.
"Venusaur can come in on some of the major physical offensive threats of the meta-game like Gyarados, Electivire, and Medicham along with special stars like Raikou, Zapdos, Jolteon, and Suicune and foil any chance at a sweep. Venusaur’s ability to sponge hits from both ends of the offensive spectrum while still maintaining his own offensive capacity with dual STAB sets him apart." -
I'm using BlackSludge instead of leftovers here, just because Venusaur is a pokemon many people would like to trick to equipping a choice item. But by trying this they will get a bad poison instead .
Grass Knot is for coverage and of course STAB, which does surprisingly a good amount of damage to anything not resisting it. And last but not least, Sludge Bomb. Not only is this move my 2nd STAB move, but it also takes care of pretty much anything els that resists my grass attacks, with Venusaurs great defenses I can even take on a celebi and come out on top. ---
So this is prolly something I will be using for casual pve and some pvp. I have a couple of competative teams aswell, but I dont feel like posting those.
@Swampert: Boring smogon set. The standart is 252 def evs... Use Metagross as lead. @Dusknoir: its better to use Brick Break for Focus Punch, cause theres not always the chance to use substitute. If you want a sweeper, there are better options. For example Salamence, which is often used, has a good resist and is useful in lots of situations. @Porygon-2: Tbolt > Discharge imo. And use Tri Attack as stab move insteed of Ice Beam. I mean Tbolt will also do enough damage if Salamence etc. is switched in. Then the next moves can do it. @Metagross: wtf, Wheres is Trick? Really useful on a choice-Meta. Replace it with Zen-Headbut, that move is chansey unusable. I'd use Choice Band, which also wears my Lead-Meta. Even if the oponent switches in a pokemon with resist, youll do high damage cause of the high attack. @Vaporeon: why sdef evs? @Venusaur: yeah, Smogon set, too Btw you should give a pokemon Sleep Talk. Its always useful to have a sweeping pokemon with Sleep Talk. Also, you need Rapid Spin. Venusaur is able to remove Toxic Spikes as long as it can survive, but you cant survive the Stealth Rock and spikes...
« on: February 13, 2010, 07:20:30 PM »
I like pie.
_____ _ _ _ / ____| (_) | | | | | (___ ___ _ | |__ ___ _ __ __| | _ _ \__ _ \ / _ \ | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | | | | | ____) | (_) | | | | | | | __/ | | (_| | | |_| | |_____/\___/ |_| |_| |_|\___|_| \__,_| \__,_| LIEK MUDKIPZ
« on: February 12, 2010, 10:22:36 PM »
NOOO thats gay... But I wasnt talking about PU, lol
« on: February 12, 2010, 10:18:45 PM »
This is no idea -_-
He offers other users his help to make profile pictures for them....
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:36:15 PM »
Scyther takes 50% damage by Stealth Rocks, very bad. Another point is that Scizor knows Technian. So give him Choice Band, full attack evs, +attack nature and use Bullet Punch. Bullet Punch's damage will be 90 with a high attack stat. You can also use Life Orb and teach him Swords Dance, which will do more damage. And Scizor is able to learn Superpower, which you should use when you predict that the oponent will switch in Magnezone.
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:36:15 PM »
Electivire or Jolteon would be better to combine with Gyarados.
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:57:02 PM »
Happy Birthday, Mr. Dark. I hope you had/have a great day
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:46:33 PM »
255 in Sp. Attack 255 in Speed = capped at 510 points
You forgot the last 6 EVs, which are one extra point
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:02:11 PM »
I don't have a fav, I like/need them all.
But I found out that poison pokemon are really good. I made a mono poison team (1wildcard only) for a tournament, including two NU pokemon, one OU and the other ones UU.
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:06:27 AM »
There will be all pokemon but legendarys (catchable anyway).
Well, I don't like both. All pokemon, you can catch at the beginning, are weak.
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:54:17 PM »
Well, if you only have one pokemon, you have more weaknesses.
And btw, such an area wouldn't be at the beginning, so people would already have more than one pokemon.
Oh wait. If everybody starts at a random place, it will not work.