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Messages - Baka
« on: March 28, 2016, 08:18:26 PM »
I rise from the dead to say that it was a pleasure gentlemen.
I was in a bad place when I first joined. Upon reflection, I'm quite surprised at how much PU helped numb my emotional distress. So thanks for that guys! I'm a Voice Over Artist and Film Director trainee at the moment, and will always accredit the PU community for keeping my creativity and enthusiasm stimulated during a bleak part of my life.
Nostalgia and fond memories!
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:05:48 PM »
Well, I am up for helping remake/develop it if people are still willing (Education purposes).  I know Unity may not be as efficient as SDL, but it sure is faster to develop with.
« on: July 09, 2015, 06:01:26 AM »
There are many factors to blame. First off Mr_Dark, you and Urmel made yourselves the organ of the whole project. Obviously that meant the project would die with you. It also meant everything was dependent on you and that this may have demotivated many of your team members. - For example. When I tried to push the art-team in a tough direction, discarding applications which I believed would only create a bad image, you blamed me for destroying it. I was not allowed to exert power, because the project "belonged" to you an Urmel. Furthermore you blamed me for one of the pixel artists deciding to quit, which was totally not true. Criticism is an important factor in any project, and this person was too political about everything. In the end, I got demotivated and sabotaged my addition to the project as a form of protest. This is normal organizational behaviour. I do admit that I was being unreasonable to a certain degree however. Second off, if you wanted to make it open source, then you should have released the map-software (day 1) as well as the main map. Should have been completely open day 1. Third off, the Pokemon community in general is full of people who want a lot but don't wish to contribute. There were no monetary incentives in this project, and thus it may have been a better idea to change the concept into a new game. Certainly there are Pokemon-like games that have achieved success, and that are far less than what PU thrived to be. The Pokemon community may be against it at first, but would in the end go along with it. Hence the success of the Pokemon-like games. (Eg, Micromon) This could have been your real job.  Additionally, while pixel art could have temporarily have been replaced by placeholders, the programming was a different case. This whole rewriting process made sense the first time (due to bugs), but not any more than that. Also, the full game should have been decided before any programming took place, so that you would not have to rewrite code all the time. Stuff like addition of Pokemon from newer games also made things unmanageable. I think the constant changes is what made you think the code was "poop". Either way, like any short or long-lasting communities, this project created many friendships. That's what I will remember it for.  I would also like to thank Mr_Dark and Urmel for all the time they put into the project. I hope you learned a lot. I'm sorry if you feel this post is an asshole move however.
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:06:22 PM »
Well look at that.  Congrats you tw.... Four.^^
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:45:28 AM »
I'm so sorry if it sounded like I was suggesting to drop this project entirely.
I merely tried to suggest this: 1. Keep developing current code 2. Kickstart it as a different game (a Pokemon clone for PC and mobile platforms/whatever) 3. Use money to pay for additional programmers, and graphical art through websites like "fiver". 4. Sell the game or make it f2p/whatever. Premium accounts? You name it! 5. Develop an original Pokemon mod unofficially and release it for free. If it's open source anyway, it's a simple task.
Basically let other people do the job for you. I may be optimistic, but if the project is stalling anyway then it doesn't hurt to try right?
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:00:41 PM »
Well yeah, the point of this MMO was that it would be entirely f2p without any stuff to pay for. The game was made because people found it fun to do and that was all that mattered. =w=;
Yeah, but people are more willing to add for free/fun if a game already exists (Eg. Skyrim). So make the game, and make this a free unofficial mod. Hell, you could even kickstart it, and Ninty won't be able to do anything.
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:15:59 AM »
They said it was a new lang, much faster and efficient. Obviously turned out to be the complete opposite.
Programming languages are like language families. One you know one, it is much easier to get into the other. I remember GO is somewhat close to Java, and believe that with little effort programmers could adjust to it, thus I don't find the whole GO thing the problem. People seem to forget though that this project is mainly an experiment, a hobby project if you would like, to develop own programming capability and to build a community. It's hard to believe it is still being continued considering there is no monetary incentive to finish it, especially since Nintendo will probably kill it few days after official release. At this point, not to offend anybody, but I believe the knowledge/art could have been used to make a new game outside the Pokemon franchise, and sell it on steam/mobile platforms.
« on: April 23, 2011, 05:21:24 PM »
The flaw of capitalism.
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:51:04 PM »
We will make no exceptions for you, or waste our time banning you within set timeframes. If you don't apply to our rules, we will just ban you permanently
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:49:24 PM »
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:39:13 PM »
As kamaran stated. The right part of the top roof shading is either too wide or too dark. Great work though.
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:50:44 PM »
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:41:32 PM »
Approved. Waiting for team input. Keep up the good work.
« on: April 02, 2011, 04:15:43 PM »
HE replaced his SDL_TTF with a precompiled one. Reinstall the client, and tell us what error you had before.
« on: April 02, 2011, 03:41:40 PM »
No, we're gonna have fun with the people who don't know how to read. :p