Games / Re: Pokemon X and Y
« on: February 01, 2013, 04:33:47 PM »
Err, okay I was looking in the wrong section and now I feel dumb. This can be deleted now...
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Games / Re: Pokemon X and Y« on: February 01, 2013, 04:33:47 PM »
Err, okay I was looking in the wrong section and now I feel dumb. This can be deleted now...
Games / Re: Pokemon X and Y« on: January 31, 2013, 02:38:36 AM »
Maybe I need to look further, but the search bar screwed me as X and Y aren't longer than 1 letter >.>
Games / Pokemon X and Y« on: January 31, 2013, 02:33:24 AM »
Why haven't I seen a topic on here about the 6th generation of Pokemon games? The first fully 3D game in the series and no discussion? Whaaa..
News & Announcements / Re: [Faction] Team Rocket« on: March 05, 2012, 07:53:01 AM »Im assuming the leader is Leopoldo right? If not why did you include his story. So my problem is, you're saying losing a simple election was enough to convince this devoted kid to throw away his old good ways and turn to a life of crime like his dad? That just doesnt sound believable to me. That was my first thought. I thought something more tragic should have happened, like maybe his adversary played it really dirty to win, and Leopoldo is mortified and left questioning what to do with himself? I don't know, I feel like there's more to this as others have stated, which is probably true. 5
Trainers Lounge / Re: Greatest Legendary Of All Time?« on: March 01, 2012, 06:29:44 AM »
For me it's MewTwo, hands down. There's just something about it that screams epic to me, not to mention in the anime it was wise as poop and can make you sound intelligent if you quote some lines from the first movie hahaha
Btw, Arcanine is under "Legendary Pokemon" for species type, but the developers love throwing that word around. Arcanine really isn't that hard to obtain seeing as Growlithes are like puppies in the Pokemon World, and fire stones don't seem *that* difficult to obtain in both the games and anime. With that said, you have to remember that in the first gen, there were numerous rare pokemon that could be considered legendary, at the time. This includes all of Dratini's evolved forms, the ancient fossilized-Pokemon, Arcanine, Rapidash, and maybe even a few others. I think because of there being very few legendaries at the time, rare Pokemon were thrown in that group to compensate, whereas today they really shouldn't be there as we have way too many legendaries. 6
Games / Re: Pokemon black and white...2« on: March 01, 2012, 03:23:09 AM »
Well, they have a great opportunity here to do something new, unique, and original compared to all of their past games. A sequel, and hell, there are a lot of ideas floating around about what it could be about. I just hope they actually do it, rather than remaking the games and having these two new Kyurem forms as the only real addition. I definitely like what the people defending the games have been saying, but I also understand the concept of "not getting my hopes up" with Nintendo. We can praise the possibilities of a sequel, but what if it is just another remake because "Pokemon Gray" sounded terrible? I'm just saying, my hopes aren't up too much just yet.
News & Announcements / Re: [Faction] East Miryus Trading Company« on: March 01, 2012, 03:02:50 AM »Ooo they sell rhyhorn horns and donphan tusks? I'm sure some use for such things could be thought up. Something to do with crafting? Maybe special pokeballs or other items? 8
Development / Re: Any idea of what the system requirements will be?« on: February 17, 2012, 10:15:30 AM »
Well, I'm not certain about this as I'm not staff or anything, but I would imagine the system requirements would be fairly low. Netbooks are generally used as supplementary devices for writing documents/surfing the web/etc, but because PU is a 2D game with seemingly minimum graphical processing, I'm thinking it could render fairly well.
Also, there's this: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,1623.msg30846.html#msg30846 9
Anime & Movies / Re: Why the Anime Sucks« on: February 14, 2012, 05:48:43 AM »Which is one of the reasons why I'm watching it in Japanese. Voices had changed since the beginning of Battle Frontier season (for the worse). However, the plot has improved and Ash is catching a lot more Pokemon than the other regions. Only sad part is that Team Rocket lost their comic relief. You've hit the nail on the head. B/W had a lot of potential but they just make Ash look like a joke. He's not even like the original Ash, he seems way more childish, and I hate Iris. Cilan is *okay* but Iris is beyond annoying with all her criticism. The sad part is that she's not wrong. Like I said, Ash is a joke. His new rival pissed me off because lets be honest here, Ash should be somewhat known as a trainer. He's competed in a ton of leagues and tournaments and he's a Battle Frontier Pokemon Champion. Then Skip or Trip or whatever the guy's called just disrespects him like that. If that were me, I'd say screw all the Unova Pokemon, get back Charizard, Snorlax, Sceptile, and whoever else I need to pwn the league. I know it's a kids show and they have to keep the format going so it's stays alive, but my god, it wasn't this annoying when I was little. 10
Anime & Movies / Re: Why the Anime Sucks« on: February 10, 2012, 06:54:31 PM »The different voices don't trouble me too much. The only thing I don't like about the progression of the show is the different animation styles. Really? I think the animation has improved for the better. If they're doing anything right, it's that. But I don't even watch the Pokemon anime any more, I'm just angry because when you're a little kid watching, you don't expect them to keep it going forever and juice every little penny out of it they can. I want a damn ending. A proper ending. 11
Anime & Movies / Re: Why the Anime Sucks« on: February 10, 2012, 04:31:05 AM »
Exactly. As far as the anime goes, I honestly don't think it was that bad until after the Advanced Generation. Ash mentoring May made him seem older and more mature, and he seemed better at catching and battling. He even managed to win the Battle Frontier. Then what do they do? Send him home to Pallet where he is easily beaten by Gary who hasn't even been a trainer for at least 4 seasons at that point. After that he just seemed like a nobody, I mean I understand why he wants to only bring only Pikachu and restart in each new region, but come on, he sucks. I've only seen about 2 and a half episodes of Black and White, but he's terrible. He's always being laughed at and taunted because he seems like he doesn't know how to be a trainer...when in reality, he should be a damn master by now. I just don't get it.
Trainers Lounge / Re: Question about Time Period« on: February 09, 2012, 09:41:47 PM »
Or perhaps say that Alder's grandfather witnessed the battle, told him the story as a child, which sparked his interest in legendary Pokemon research? He hears about Miryus possibly being the birth place of Mew and boom, incentive to go there. Just a thought.
Trainers Lounge / Re: Question about Time Period« on: February 08, 2012, 07:08:53 AM »I wrote that story and i fully intended it to be the same wallace and emerald from the games with the same event. I did not know that the game would take place 100 years after B/W and if that is true something will have to be changed. I really enjoyed that story. I would love to see it be true lore but then again, I can see why putting the game 100 years in the future would be a safe idea. 14
Trainers Lounge / Re: Question about Time Period« on: February 08, 2012, 12:42:57 AM »Wallace could also be a title..... And maybe all pokemon trainers bust be boys with white hair and green bandanas.... Well I was referring to a story written in the wiki that mentions specifically while following "Wallace", Alder saw him talk to a white-haired boy with a green bandana. So it specified pretty well ![]() 15
Trainers Lounge / Re: Question about Time Period« on: February 07, 2012, 09:07:35 PM »
And I suppose the white haired boy with the green bandana is a total coincidence too, eh?
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