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Messages - SnapDragon
Pages: [1]
« on: January 08, 2010, 05:20:51 PM »
Unless he has a 100Mbit (full-duplex) connection, no..
OK so is that 100Mbit down, up, or split 50/50. You would need more upload then download of course. I can handle the connections. 50Down 25Up. This works perfect for all the web/game servers i host. ~Mcfly~
« on: January 08, 2010, 04:55:07 PM »
I play Dragon Age at full specs with 4x AA. :3 It still looks like horse crap. The only thing I like about the game is the story. The rest can go away.
I've been buying older ps1 games AND enjoying them more than newer games!! >< And as for dragon age, sex plays a more second in the story line. Whether your straight gay or lesbian it's in there. I didn't expect it even if they didn't show anything. Why do dragons have to always be the bad guys? I just hate having to slay them...
Rofl. That'll be interesting. I was playing it today, until it decided to be a little prick and freeze.
Edit: I changed the name of the thread. This is now the official gaming thread. There is no subject on what kind of games are discussed. Just gaming in general.
Yeah my print screen doesnt work in game. I had two wolfies at the same time cuz My character is a ranger. There are so many glitches in that game.
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:37:50 AM »
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:29:39 AM »
For the following pokemon effects, why don't you just take what its like from yellow?
I own yellow, and the pikachu turns around when you're at a standstill, and you can check it's feelings, too.
just ideas people, they're just ideas 
You have reminded me of the agony each day brings me as I am anticipating the DS release of Pokemon SOUL SILVER!!! WHOOO! If you love pokemon as much as I do go get a soul silver emu it worth it but dont play to far! you can't trade your pokemon from the computer! (I was gonna attach a link but now I dont care, dail-up sux)
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:52:45 AM »
IE was ok till the updated or they had the new version what ever happened. Now I hate it, I really hate it and to Mozilla I <3 you!
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:49:12 AM »
I play Dragon Age at full specs with 4x AA. :3 It still looks like horse crap. The only thing I like about the game is the story. The rest can go away.
I've been buying older ps1 games AND enjoying them more than newer games!! >< And as for dragon age, sex plays a more second in the story line. Whether your straight gay or lesbian it's in there. I didn't expect it even if they didn't show anything. Why do dragons have to always be the bad guys? I just hate having to slay them...
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:43:19 AM »
Pokemon Universe -> DUH!! Unreal Tournament ('99 and III) Age of Empire II (only at school) Age of Empires III + 2 Expansions
Wow... U just named all the games we used to play in my IT class back in high school. (-pokem, +halo) You know the games that replaces all the class work we were supposed to do, it was a unanimous vote.
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:33:06 AM »
You know I love MC Chris =) Fettes vette, MC Chris is dead. If you listen to his skits you will love him too. Caution: His music is both hilariously addicting and possible offensive. Tab to>skits>Segue
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:22:14 AM »
I'm learning Magick, I know it sounds crazy but I am!
Yes, and I can fly.
I hate the damn censors on the forum. -_-
Magic as in fire breathing and pulling a bird outta your sleeve, that isn't bull crap it's really cool. I hate people who r really good at magic, I know it all illusion but that just means they pulled a fast one over on me >=P
« on: January 07, 2010, 06:56:52 AM »
east cost, best place to put the server because most of the US's population is on the eastern side of the country (and i don't want lag...)
This is the second, third person to mention this? I suppose East Cost is getting their server! =D Sound good to me why don't you put it in Buffalo, right by my house! XD I gotta friend who needs a project you probable don't want some kid hosting your sites game but he's quite a fine techy. He's the nerd that linked every computer, ps3, printer, cellphone and watch to his home server. lol But I'm just throwing that out there he can give you advise on what to do will your servers if you like it. I talk to him alot in person so I don't have his e-mail but i'll try to get on tomorrow and send his e-mail to one of you GMs. Umm... yeah, ok. o.o'
Unless he has a 100Mbit (full-duplex) connection, no..
You do not need to be smug. Instead of trying to render images, he can maintain your server and never, hopefully, be out of things too do. I really don't like the rendering farm idea. Hosting a server won't take up so much room or make as big a mess... I hope one of the GMs has AIM, I can get you his AIM now and his e-mail a little later. He is the techy brain not myself so for the sake of pokemon just chat with him. The sooner pokemon is up the better for EVERYONE!! ^^
« on: January 06, 2010, 08:33:06 AM »
east cost, best place to put the server because most of the US's population is on the eastern side of the country (and i don't want lag...)
This is the second, third person to mention this? I suppose East Cost is getting their server! =D Sound good to me why don't you put it in Buffalo, right by my house! XD I gotta friend who needs a project you probable don't want some kid hosting your sites game but he's quite a fine techy. He's the nerd that linked every computer, ps3, printer, cellphone and watch to his home server. lol But I'm just throwing that out there he can give you advise on what to do will your servers if you like it. I talk to him alot in person so I don't have his e-mail but i'll try to get on tomorrow and send his e-mail to one of you GMs. Umm... yeah, ok. o.o'
« on: January 06, 2010, 08:11:21 AM »
Shroomish may not be so hot but Breloom packs a huge punch in the first two elite four since all the the first trainers pokemon are weak to its fighting moves. It's leech seed pulled me through the final elite. I have to admit I didn't like the pokemon at first but it grew on me, now I think it's pretty cool. I thought leaf green and fire red's Elite four were harder than in previous versions. When I got to the final elite his pokemon were almost 20 lvls higher than mine!!
« on: January 06, 2010, 07:58:44 AM »
Only 1 Pokémon comes to mind... Snubbull

Does it need any further explanation??
Aw! Come on that thing turns into a kik butt purple puppy! Try making a team of all purple pokemon! That is really fun. Granbull, Grumpig, Sableye, espeon, Nindoking, Cloyster Any way after fifth gen its hard to keep track of all the horrible pokemon. I hate how remoraid evolves into octileray. UNKNOWN- they don't do anything!! Manetric- useless in battle same with... Spinda- ... Bidoof- Lol, idk if I love it or hate it. Evolved form of Yanma- it looks mean >=( <3=Super Mighty!
« on: January 06, 2010, 07:23:29 AM »
How many Legendary Pokemon have they made? Should they have stopped and do you think the pokemon series/games are better with all the new pokemon that are continuously coming out? Also, do you have any fan made pokemon I'm sure everyone would enjoy seeing each others creations and giving out pointers or advise.
Snap to it! X3
« on: January 06, 2010, 07:13:20 AM »
Ok, I'm new so I am posting... Anyone direct me to an interesting topic? =)
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