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Messages - fuzzy3158
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:02:11 PM »
I'll be posting here whenever I've made a new entry (like now) because the sub-forum does not appear on the update sidebar, and I do actually want people to read those
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:01:00 PM »
Pokemon #104, Cubone, Ground type, Lonely pokemon.
Intro: Cubone is a small pokemon that is best known for the skull it carries around on its head and the accompanying bone club. Cubone is a small bipedal, brown pokemon with a cream belly. It has two arms, one of which is always carrying a club. It has a large skull it carries around on its head. There are no records of what its head looks like below the skull. It also has a small tail, and may or may not have two spikes on its head as indicated by the skull.
Habitat: Cubone were originally found in the old Pokemon Tower in Kanto. After the demolition of the old tower, the inhabiting Cubone fled to the nearby Rock tunnel. From there, they migrated and now populate many caves and mountains.
Diet: Cubone’s main diet consists of mushrooms. It evolved this diet due to the mushrooms being the only available source of nutrients in the old Pokemon Tower. After they migrated to the caves, Cubone expanded their diet with cave-mosses and other plants. They will also happily eat berries and typically all other pokemon food, which are easily digestible by all pokemon.
Biology: Cubone is a pokemon that is traumatized by the loss of its mother, whose skull it apparently wears throughout its life. At night, Cubone cry at the moon to mourn the loss of their mother, whom they appear to recognise in the moon. During the full moon, the howls are especially mournful, and the skull resonates with the cries, emanating ominous sounds. It is speculated that a Cubone is born whenever a Kangaskhan dies and leaves behind its young. After the loss of its mother, the young will begin wearing the mother’s skull, as if to always have a part of his mother with him. This is suspected because young Kangaskhan never leave their mother’s side. Additionally, Cubone are reminiscent of young Kangaskhan. Finally, the fact that all Cubone have lost their mother, and none are ever seen with a parent, strengthens this theory. In combat, Cubone and their evolution Marowak wield two unique moves, Bone Club and Bonemerang. Especially Bonemerang is a powerful move which is often chosen over Earthquake due to its ability to break a substitute and still deal damage to the opponent. Some Cubone wear an especially powerful version of their regular club, a thick club. This thick club doubles the attack power of Cubone (and Marowak), and boosts their power well beyond what most other pokemon can achieve.
Pokemon League Commission notes: Class D: Since the migration out of the Old Pokemon Tower, Cubone have become plentiful enough to not require any protective legislation. Poaching Cubone for their skulls, however, is highly illegal and punishable with a sizable fine and several years to decades in prison.
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:02:34 PM »
Just so people know, Xetroc has moved the pokedex entries to a child board so I could become its mod. So the coming weeks I'll be working on improving abandoned entries and of course write new ones. (I'll try to do a new one every week, but I can't make promises.)
« on: June 11, 2014, 08:16:33 PM »
hey, it's up to me now Approved!
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:56:03 PM »
this one is actually done, but had been overlooked, I think. Approved as far as I'm concerned.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:54:51 PM »
I'm going to be looking into this one a bit more. Probably needs some work before approval is possible.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:52:56 PM »
I think this can be approved. I'll check it after unlocking all the topics that need some more work
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:52:01 PM »
this one hasn't been approved by Xetroc, so I'll check it and see if it needs improvements.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:50:53 PM »
this can probably be approved on short notice. I'll look into it soon.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:50:00 PM »
unlocked. I'll consider it abandoned and work on it myself but the owner can work on it too.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:48:52 PM »
This appears to be abandoned so I'll improve it myself.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:48:04 PM »
this still needs work so I'm unlocking it.
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:20:05 PM »
Since I helped improve this, and I'm now a mod (go me  ), this entry is officially approved
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:13:41 PM »
Pokemon #090, Shellder, Water type, Bivalve pokemon.
Intro: Shellder is a common water-type pokemon that is quite often fished up in the Kanto region. It has a purple shell that opens horizontally, with two spikes on top and two on the bottom. Inside the shell are its black, pearl-like body with two big white eyes and its trademark tongue.
Habitat: Shellder lives solely in saline water and in caves surrounded by it. It is often encountered by fishers who cast their hook at the pier. The Seafoam Islands are a good example of non-submerged habitat of Shellder.
Diet: Shellder has quite a non-specific diet, and will eat any small sea-creature that passes by.
Biology: The shell-pokemon is quite cheeky, and is more often than not seen with his tongue stuck out of his mouth, taunting anyone who happens to be nearby. This tongue is actually quite well developed, and is used to bury itself in the sand and to taste and catch oncoming prey with great accuraty. Shellder has a preference for specific tastes. One of the more unique favored flavors is the liquid that drips from the tail of a Slowpoke. Shellder loves this taste and will bite the tail, somehow triggering evolution in itself and in the subject Slowpoke. During evolution, it changes form to a spiral, spiky shell, though it retains the cry it has prior to evolution. Shellder can also attach to the head of a Slowpoke if it is wearing a King's Rock. In this case, Shellder undergoes the same transformation on Slowpoke's head, evolving into Slowking instead. After evolution, Shellder will inject its poison into Slowking's head, which actually boosts its intelligence. It will do this whenever the Slowking yawns. Shellder can also evolve into Cloyster when exposed to a water-stone. Shellder is well-known for its ability to produce beautiful pearls. These pearls often fetch a decent price if sold to a specialist. Disregardless of what most people think, Shellder in captivity do not produce pearls. The production of pearls requires almost absolute peace and quiet, which is impossible to obtain for Shellder that battle regularly. During battle, Shellder uses mostly water and ice-type moves. Its trademark moves are Clamp and Icicle Spear. Shellder exposes its soft inside body while clamping, and will naturally only use this move as a last resort. Icicle Spear is a move that hits 2-5 times, but some Shellder are so skilled with this move that they will always hit all 5 times. Shellder moves in water by facing backwards and opening and closing its shell to create a current. Its speed is higher than initially expected.
Pokemon League Commission notes: Class D. Catching Shellder is not restricted by any laws or regulations.
« on: May 19, 2014, 07:47:28 PM »
Pokemon #082, Magneton, Electric/Steel type, Magnet Pokemon.
Intro: Magneton is the evolved version of Magnemite, which can also occur when three individual Magnemite become one. Magneton is litterally three Magnemite fused together, linked in a triangle formation. For more details on individual appearances of Magnemite, see the respective entry.
Habitat: Magneton is rarely found in areas with high energy potential, such as densely populated cities, power plants and locations with geo-magnetic fields such as chargestone caverns.
Diet: Magneton can sustain itself by draining energy from various sources such as lightning, power plants, houses, etc. It is also able of consuming regular pokemon foods, although the method of consumption is not well understood.
Magneton's individual brains communicate by magnetic waves. The brainwaves have completely synchronized, leaving no trace of individuality between individual units. In case of Magneto being formed through the fusion of three separate Magnemite, their personalities are lost during evolution. Magneton is able to use his magnetic powers to fully ignore the pull of gravity. Ironically, this has not led to the ability levitate, which would make Magneton immune to Ground-type moves. In order to achieve levitation during combat, the move Magnet Rise is necessary. It is unknown why Magneton is able to levitate freely at any time except during combat. Magneton are capable of storing vast amounts of electricity. They are also capable of wireless energy transfer, and can use this ability to drain buildings and power plants from their energy at a safe distance. In certain cases, people have reported random blackouts of singular houses, without ever having seen a culprit. It may have been one or more Magneton in such a case. Although Magneton are completely mechanical pokemon, they are capable of emotions and can feel empathy towards others. Magneton are able to form a strong emotional bond with their trainer, although it doesn't have a way to physically express this. The presence of a strong geo-electrical or geo-magnetic field can cause Magneton to evolve into Magnezone.
Pokemon League Commission notes: Class D: Magneton is a relatively uncommon pokemon in areas where Magnemite appear. However, Magneton is not so rare that the PLC deems additional legislation necessary.