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Messages - Youngster Conor
« on: February 22, 2011, 02:20:01 AM »
Would you be able to make one of those for me, they're amazing.
Something with Charzard in, and lots of fire. The stick "Youngster_Conor" in the bottom right corner.
Please make this for me, but no worries if you can't.
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:46:06 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information? And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.
I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.
I like your idea but I'm not sure how it would work as you can hardly go straight from the starter town right up to the furthest away gym.
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:34:30 PM »
its just you... no one reads them.
I read them
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:32:55 PM »
The Game is a mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself. Thinking about The Game constitutes a loss, which, according to the rules of The Game, must be announced each time it occurs. It is impossible to win The Game; players can only attempt to avoid losing for as long as they possibly can. The Game has been variously described as pointless and infuriating, or as a challenging game that is fun to play.[1] As of 2010, The Game is played by millions worldwide.
Taken from Wikipedia.
Oh yeah i remember about the game now  also i'm loving that smily Urmel
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:29:51 PM »
that is the best way to learn... take on someone better than you and get saluted, learn how they did it and do better next time...
Except it would be slightly discouraging and might make someone quit if they just start accept a challenge then get slaughtered then just quit, Battling in the wild will be very good, but they will need some safeguards to prevent this happening, a level indicator is good and so is that you have to accept the challenge you can't just be started on by a trainer out of nowhere, maybe also that there is a "betting" limit and you can only put a certain amount of pokés at risk, this level would increase as you level up and would be based upon the lowest trainer level in the battle.
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:24:30 PM »
As Pokecentres are easily accessable, I would like to keep all quests at a beginner level. Advanced players would not be motivated to do these as the rewards would be low. For them, I would prefer NPCs in hidden locations to give harder quests, less fequently but with much greater rewards.
Yeah in places that you need HM's to access or maybe just in a few places far from civilization, i.e in the depths of a cave or in the middle of a forest etc. etc.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:52:05 PM »
Yes, <your name here>, you did just lose... trololol.
I don't get it :/ and what's with the troll face Mr.Dark oh high lord almighty how can i worship you today.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:49:22 PM »
You must be really lucky to get a job at Games Workshop, it would be such a fun job.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:47:00 PM »
Charmander by miles, it was the first ever pokémon i ever owned, he's a special little guy and also he pwns. Like the way they purposely put rock gyms first just to try and damage charmander.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:41:31 PM »
I don't really like this idea, Shinies are better off rare, and not able to just be gotten on an island no matter what you have to do to get them, they should be like that you're walking along then suddennly "OMFG!!!... It's a shiny!!!", make you fell more special having one than if you just have to go to an island, soon everyone would have one if that was the case. StarLite i like your idea.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:33:52 PM »
Would everyone see the same quest in the noticeboards or would everyone see random quests based on their level?
ie. there would be a pool of begginer, intermidiate, advanced and expert and every day a random quest is pulled out for everyone (Obviously some players would end up with the same quest).
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:08:46 PM »
I dunno, Spirit and I were hoping we could implement some kind of karma system, I mean look at how many games these days let you play the bad guy.
So kind of like the karma system in the game Infamous, and maybe you could make it that you can only do certain quests if your karma is a certain level.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:06:04 PM »
Maybe there could be a battle arena, in the main town/city or two or three, and their all connected and you enter in the settings you want then it will put you up against another trainer with those settings.
A battle area in a Pokémon Centre would be good, and it would be realistic if that was structured, then battles out in the open should just be no rules in them as there isn't anyone to "enforce" them, but maybe you can only battle people with a similiar trainer level to yourself to prevent experienced trainers slaughtering the newbs.
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:01:19 PM »
3-4 water tiles, changing daily is just too rare, feebas or even milotic just shouldn't be that rare, just because some people want it doesn't mean it should be made rare on purpose. And also just because it's rare in the console games doesn't mean it should be rare in P.U.