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Messages - Flynt
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:42:12 PM »
When i came here, i knew nothing about Pokemon.I learnt lots of new things here. You guys taught me a lot and helped me "evolve".I registered on this website on January 28, 2011. Each year, i waited eagerly for this game to release, and even though i knew that this game will take a long long time to release, i never lost hope.I wish i could have helped me with the development. Anyways, I'm really enjoyed it here.I met so many amazing people here. This website will always have a special place in my heart because without this website, i wouldn't have met you all. Good luck in all that comes your way in the future. If nothing goes wrong, I'll be starting college in a month or two but i promise I'll stay in touch.
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:34:24 AM »
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:39:37 PM »
I want to download it and listen to it with Roloc and our kids in the car, but our internet is so slow, maybe I'll have Roloc download it while he's at work 
How slow? I consider my 4mbps internet slow and i could download it in less than half an hour.
« on: June 30, 2015, 08:46:49 AM »
I would also love that, I haven't battled in a long time on the server.
Same here. I would also love that (I'm not good at battling though)
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:09:12 PM »
I am not sure if we can satisfy people with what we have right now as a beta. A bunch of things had been scrapped to try over but then got laid down to work on later.
Then our best bet would be to put a PO server up (For now).Btw what do you think should we remove the mmo section completely or should we keep a thread to invite more pixel artists (for future)?
« on: June 29, 2015, 02:12:36 PM »
This pretty much expresses my opinion on the matter. I'd be willing to help in any way possible, but my time is more limited than it used to be and in the end, I'm just a moderator for the roleplaying section. My experience running a site is limited to that, and even then, by the time I took over for Jerry they weren't nearly as active. I can think of a few ideas on things we could do, however.
1.) Roloc, if I understood correctly, said he would be willing to put a Pokemon Online server up. If we could get that up and running, that was enough to keep the forums alive for a while. It gave us something to converse about in the random chats, and it made it easier to check up on each other. If we could actually get enough people interested, we could possibly organize some form of tournament like we used to do. Hell, we could probably even offer rewards; I don't have a 3DS anymore at the moment, but once I get one, I'd be willing to farm/give away shinies as prizes.
2.) Get rid of the MMO part of the site. Half the reason people leave is they get on, see it's advertising a game, and then see it's not out. They either leave after that, or look around to see how long it's going to take. When they see the latest topics, they abandon it because there's going to be no game— if we clarify the game is no longer in the works and that this is just a forum for Pokemon, it might get some people to stick around. Not sure, but it's an idea.
We had dedication, from what I understand. A large majority of the game was done, but this was just a hobby in the end. To my knowledge, a lot of the people who worked on the game were semi-experienced people (ex. Mr. Dark and Urmel) who actually went on to get full-time jobs with what they were doing, and didn't want to come home and work after that. Even more, several problems were encountered and when you lose a bunch of the work you did for free, you lose motivation.
1. If a large majority of the game is done, why not release a beta version and give rewards like rare shinys for submitting character designs and maps. The beta doesn't have to include too many maps. Just a way way for players to battle would be fine for now. Then we won't have to remove mmo part of the website 2.If a beta version can't be released then, like you said, a pokemon online server would be more than enough to keep the forums alive. I'll be online most of the time. PU has given me a lot. I learned so many new things and got to meet you all through pu.Pu is the reason i don't use legendaries and stealth rock.I learned the abc of competitive battling from pu. If there is anything i can do for pu, just let me know. I'll be more than happy to help.
« on: June 29, 2015, 11:46:33 AM »
Hopefully somebody with enough free time and dedication will take over and get things up and running. Despite the fact that PU gets 100 unique visitors a day, it's been dead for quite a long time now. Changing up things on the forum might stir up some activity, but that alone isn't going to be enough. I doubt many of the old members are going to return, so whoever takes over will probably need to think of a few ways to attract new members.
I think a big problem is that forums don't seem to be very popular anymore(Although, there are definitely at least a few exceptions. Maybe they haven't died out as much as I think they have; I haven't really been keeping an eye out for active forums.) Sites like Reddit have become extremely popular, and that seems to be one of the go-to options for most people who are looking for an online community. I think people are probably more likely to look for a Pokemon-related subreddit or something than to do search for a Pokemon forum. I think some self-advertising of some sort will probably be required.
Don't get me wrong though, I think it's possible to make this place active again; it's just going to need a lot of work and dedication.
If we had "dedication", the game would have been released by now.
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:02:55 AM »
« on: May 13, 2015, 12:09:47 PM »
Good luck cortexj. Hope to see you soon.
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:03:19 PM »
Congrats Roloc and MW!!! I wish the balance server was up. I still believe the game will be out soon. (By soon i mean when my kids start playing pokemon.)btw if you guys need any help balancing i am available 24/7.
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:00:15 PM »
Kind of wanted to stray away from typical sets, but Sharpedo is pretty awesome wth the change. No comments on my phyical houndoom though, so i'm guessing it's good. I use it more of a late game sweeper after my hard hitters take care of some of the more troublesome pokes, and have some crippling support from sableye, though sableye still needs work cause it's hard to make a set without taunt that won't get roflstomped by a fairy.
Houndoom is nice if you use it as a late game sweeper.(since most of the time Pokemon with priority moves would be dead by then) However if you plan on using it as a mid game sweeper then you should give him another coverage move.
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:51:46 AM »
Wouldn't it be better to give sharpedo 252 in spe.Sharpedo is fragile. Even with 252ev in HP, it won't survive a stab from a strong sweeper.
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:39:15 PM »
Not really. They are both good at different things. Though when it comes down to who can hit the hardest, luxray hits harder with volt tackle cause electivire only has wild charge.
You gave luxray volt tackle? I didn't know that.I take back what I said.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:20:35 PM »
Isn't electivire better physical sweeper than luxray?
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:47:21 PM »
I never gave into the WoW thing. Doesn't appeal to me. I was always into single player games, going multiplier if they were in the same room as me. I didn't catch onto MMO until a few years ago, and even though I am well versed in the Internets, I will still refuse to play WoW.
Same here.BTW wouldn't it be better to make a separate thread to talk about WoW stuff.(just saying)