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Messages - Aura-Wolf
« on: September 20, 2013, 09:23:09 PM »
No no. ^^ I'm sorry, I should have been here sooner, MUCH sooner...but I have been really busy too. Not anymore now but I was. I'll talk to her soon and see what she says.
« on: September 20, 2013, 06:37:50 PM »
I'm a personal friend of Craftswitch's. She is very busy unfortunately but I will contact her as soon a I can and let her know how anxious we all are. Maybe I could even start it with her permission. :3
By the way, I AM capturable, just to clarify things, which I thought I did in my Character Profile. However, I may possibly create a trainer if nobody adopts me.
« on: August 17, 2013, 10:23:45 PM »
just a heads up, all the pokemon know more than 4 moves, they can use any move they can learn naturaly and you can list a couple moves its really good at or give it TM or HM moves
And your level is maybe a teeny bit high as my highest level is 40 and i have 2 level 35s
Oh, my apologies. I will reduce the level and add three more moves. ^_^
I had to do so, so much coding on that profile... DX
« on: August 17, 2013, 10:22:38 PM »
Just waiting for it to start now after we get more people. XD
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:11:22 AM »
Glad you have it all figured out. I'll be joining as either a lone Lucario curious of trainers and their habits/Pokémons habits or as a Lucario already owned by one of the trainers that will be participating in this RP. So, if anyone wants a Lucario, I'm here! If not, try to catch me!~
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:02:47 AM »
It's my dream to be in Pokémon too, haha. As for this RP though, I really would prefer to be someone's Lucario if possible. I'll be joining as either a lone Lucario curious of trainers and their habits/Pokémons habits or as a Lucario already owned by one of the trainers that will be participating in this RP. So, if anyone wants a Lucario, I'm here! If not, try to catch me!~ I know this does not go accordingly with your suggested character skeleton but you already knew I wanted to be a Pokémon since we talked it out on the other site.
My Skill set in depth:
Species: Lucario
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (In human years)
Level: 40
Ability: Inner Focus (Can not flinch)
Nature: Timid (Boosted Speed, Lowered Attack)
Item: Focus Sash, Chople Berries, and sometimes Lucarionite (Any item as well, depends on the trainer if caught)
Type of attacker: Special Sweeper (capable of being a physical attacker as well.)
Area of focus and training: Special Attack and Speed, (some physical Attack possibly.)
Special Ability: Mega Lucario (a temporary evolution that requires a Lucarionite and changes his ability to Adaptability; can only happen during battle)
Moves (PP): - Aura Sphere (32) (Special move; base damage 90 with STAB boost, fighting type move that never misses)
- Dragon Pulse (16) (Special move; base damage 90 with no STAB boost; Covers dragon type Pokémon)
- Nasty Plot (32) (Boosts special attack by a devastating two levels)
- Extreme Speed (8 ) (Physical move; base damage 80 with no STAB boost; Normal type move with a +2 priority meaning it always goes first no matter how fast the opponent is)
- Close Combat (8 ) (Physical move; base damage 120 with STAB boost; Fighting type move that lowers both defenses when used.)
- Bone Rush (10) (Physical move; base damage 25 with no STAB boost; Ground type move with 80% accuracy and hits multiple times.)
- Dark Pulse (15) Special move; base damage 80 with no STAB boost; Dark type move that could make the opponent flinch.)
(Optional) Special Move: Ultimate Divinity (Move that brings together the auras and essences of light and dark energy, creating a destructive beam that incinerates, but can also control it to heal with its light qualities; a move given to me alone by Arceus himself; can also be called "Aura Storm")
Exact Stats:
HP: 118 Attack: 99 Sp. Attack: 129 Defense: 73 Sp. Defense: 73 Speed: 125
Other Skills/Traits And Personality: Has a bandaged tail, a trademark of mine that differentiates me from other Lucario as well as a bit more ruffled fur. Can sense aura up to fifty miles away due to being a well-trained Lucario. A very loyal and modest Pokémon to any trainer that I belong to; also polite, caring, has a natural sense of justice, is usually mature and serious, and speaks english as well as use telepathy. He still trains and hopes to be one of the toughest Pokémon one day to help keep the lives of both Pokémon and trainers safe from forces such as Team Rocket/Plasma or Darkrai, even if it means beating every Pokémon League in every region with a trainer. (Abilities obtained at higher levels): Can bend and manipulate aura to bend light in order to create invisibility for myself and one other being. Can also control the auras of other beings due to many years of training which mimics psychic-type moves but at the cost of my own life force.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, just let me know!
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:36:34 PM »
So if this is all fixed up now, where do we submit our character profiles?
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:37:07 AM »
Well, since we already talked it out on another site, I already know what this is about. XD So should I repost my character sheet here or elsewhere...?
« on: October 24, 2011, 11:30:29 PM »
User Name: Aura-Wolf Character Name: Kiro Character Gender: Male Character Age: 16 Starter Pokemon: Riolu (Had Riolu since 10, evolved to Lucario around 12). Pokemon Collected: Lucario, Servine, Larvesta, Zweilous, Lampent, and Electabuzz. Background: Kiro is true-hearted trainer who had dreamt of becoming a Pokemon Master ever since he was little. Later on in his life, he became friends with a Riolu he had saved from certain death. It was an illness of unknown origin. Kiro's father told him that Kiro and Riolu had matching auras. So, for a couple of years, Kiro's father taught him the way of the Aura Guardian. After two years, Kiro's father mysteriously disappeared around the time Kiro set out to become a trainer. The mother remained at home after retiring from being a Gym Leader in the Johto region. With his heart and mind set with his best friend Riolu, he set off on a journey to become a Pokemon Master. After turning 16, he had already recieved seven badges in the Sinnoh region but never attempted to obtain eighth and instead moved on to the Unova region and already obtained his first badge. Most of his time was spent learning more on how to read aura and training with his Pokemon. Kiro still has much to learn... Appearance: (He has darker brown hair with golden eyes like a Wolf.)
« on: September 30, 2011, 11:27:39 PM »
It felt like forever had past before the two Pokemon got tired. Deino was barely standing, and so was Dwebble.
Burgh: Let's finish this with Faint Attack!
Kiro: Ready Deino? Dodge and use Dark Pulse one more time and give it all you've got!
The Dark Pulse and Faint Attack of each Pokemon clashed until the two moves exploded with sheer force.
Referee: It looks like Dwebble is unable to battle.
Burgh: Very good, but I'm just warming up. Let's go Whirlepede!
Kiro: Return Deino! Good job, I'm proud of you. Okay, your up Snivy!
Both trainers sent out their Pokemon at the same time, each focused completely on the battle. Kiro began to think of a few techniques he should try using.
« on: September 30, 2011, 06:16:01 AM »
Nope. I can vanish when temperatures are high and reappear when temperatures are low.
« on: September 30, 2011, 06:13:50 AM »
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:32:24 AM »
"Each trainer can only use up to three Pokemon. Switching your Pokemon is permitted," the referee explained. Good, because I only have three Pokemon; Riolu, Snivy, and Deino, and none are very effective against bug Pokemon, Kiro thought with alarm, but still had the fire in his eyes.
Burgh: Without further ado, come on out Dwebble!
Kiro: (A bug and poison type, right? Hmm...). Alright, I choose you, Deino!
Burgh: It's time to have some fun!
Referee: The challenger will be the first to make a move.
Kiro: (Every decision I make will count, so I have to be careful). Ready Deino? Use Dark Pulse!
Burgh: Interesting, a Deino that knows Dark Pulse. Anyway, Dwebble, use Protect, quick!
Kiro: Dang it!
(I'll finish later, in a rush, as usual).
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:27:42 AM »
Oops! I'm so sorry. The titles kind of confuse me. ^_^;
« on: September 29, 2011, 12:30:24 AM »
Good! Now, I'll make it a little tougher with less hints: I am an Ice type Pokemon that has no gender. What Pokemon am I?
(Actually, this might be pretty easy).