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Messages - TheSolx
« on: October 25, 2012, 09:44:18 AM »
Being a person that almost never find web-comics funny... or other, non-manga comics for that matter... this actually made me laugh. And I don't even know who is the Knights... I just know they're a guild  Guess my humor is screwed up this week too >,> (In love for the first time. Everything is screwed up. Not meaning to brag off-topic, sorry)
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:46:52 AM »
What I've learned from being a Pokémon Trainer that is Pokémon related? Pretty much actually. I've learned the basics of type match-up, what is effective and what is not. When I first started playing Silver Version, which was my first Pokémon Game, I had no idea (well, duh) about the match-ups, except that Pidgeotto were effective against Caterpie (I blame Ash!). After I really got into the game and learning much more of the basics when I started playing Emerald Version, I've managed to get most of the match-up list in my head and know almost instantly what's effective and what's not against the different types. Which I hope will become a big + when I get a chance to start playing Pokémon with others... Haven't had that chance before, sadly. I've also learned that training your Pokémon to their max limit and giving them items and learning them different many moves to make them much more powerful, and even makes them able to defeat their weaknesses fast enough for them not to get hurt much at all  But then, that's against NPCs... Also, they are good friends and all that stuff when you are bored or just feeling... bad?
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:17:13 PM »
10. Trade ball:If you have 6 Pokémon in your party and you catch one, the Trade Ball will allow you to switch one of the Pokémon currently in your party with the Pokémon you just caught, sending the traded one to the PC instead. I can say I both like and dislike these ideas. Some works, some just doesn't (at least from my point of view). 1: Color Ball - There is no fun in getting a Shiny through using a certain kind of ball to get it. Breeding and searching is more fun, though being much more time-consuming, I'll agree to that part. 2: InvisiBall - You made one example to which Pokemon that might be easier to catch with this. And that is, as far as I know, the only one that almost always gets away. However, that problem is easily solved by using a Nest Ball or a Pokemon with Lock-On (or other Attacks) or Arena Trap (or other Abilities), which makes escaping impossible. The idea is just pointless. 3: UniBall - As stated before, using this ball will be felt like a forced Nuzlocke challenge and most likely will be rarelly used. So overall a bad idea. 4: Thunder Ball - Maybe good for Pokemon that in overall have a low Speed stat, though the Paralyze effect might become a pain. Rather than this, would a rare or expensive Ball that prevents Paralyze and/or other types of effects be a better idea? Something like an Anti-Ball? 5: Expert Ball - I do see the good idea in this, though it sounds like a Repeat Ball without the effect given by the SAME Pokemon. For a Trainer catching lots of different Pokemon, someone like me who's going for a full Pokedex, it's a good idea. Breeders might also get a good thing out of it. 6: Sweet Ball - Like everyone up to now have said, a good idea because there is one for Fishing and Diving. I've also started using Sweet Scent a lot when looking for rare Pokemon in the games. 7: Theif Ball - The idea is good, if not used on Pokemon that needs Happiness to evolve, I guess. But there is always ways to get that up anyway  I'd suggest a name-change though. Sounds like a Ball used to steal other's Pokemon, if you know what I mean  Dark Ball or Hate Ball or something... 8: Guild/Buddy Ball - The idea is good, though I have a feeling this will increase the spam-rate of Friend Requests and Guild Requests, which no one likes, right? 9: I see how this would be good for Breeders, but a new ball doesn't cost that much in the original games, and I hope the price on balls in PU won't shoot up too much, so this wouldn't really make sense... If there was a Breeding feature connected to this ball, it would be kind of weird, but also pretty great?  10: I like the idea, as I tire a lot of going back and forth between towns and plains when training, but as noted before, it could be used to get a unfair advantage (not counting Lv.100 Pokemon as unfair against NPC Trainers) in battle. I do see how it's good if you. for example need a Pokemon that uses a HM, and you got to go a LOOOOONG way back to town to get one though. The bad part would be that you can't get the traded Pokemon back to the team, making it kinda useless, at least for me. I usually choose the Pokemon in my party for a reason :|
« on: September 26, 2012, 12:18:48 PM »
I always make different answers on these kind of questions, but I'll try being honest withmyself this time and answer, and even say why... Kanto: Magneton. It might be a pain getting Magnemite and evolving it in some games, but when you get it, it's definetivelly worth it. It's Electric/Steel mix makes it great when fighting many types, and the Ground and Fighting types are the ones I've had most trouble with. Jotho: Granbull. I didn't really realize before recently that Granbull can be a great fighter when used right. It beats my old favorite, Feraligatr, because it can stand up against most types and won't have problems learning lot's of moves that makes trouble for the opponent. I specially like the frustrated Ghost-users I've been up against with Granbull  Hoenn: Breloom. Because it's a easy Pokémon to get, while it's also a strong one when raised the right way. It's Fightning/Grass mix does make it vurnerable against many types, specially Flying, but that doesn't really bother me when it's figting the types it's strong against. Unova: SamurottSince I started the Black Version about a week before I write this, Oshawott and it's Evolution stages have been in my team all the time! After it became Samurott and learned it to use Megahorn, it's been unbeatable. Even took the League on the first try, N and Ghetsis, only using Samurott, and that is a new personal record for me. I've always used at least 2 or 3 different Pokémon during a League run, so either this game is too easy, or I've finally managed to raise a Starter Pokémon right.  To be honest, the "fav's" on the 2 last generations I can't be sure about. The reason for that is that I haven't had a chance to play any of those games, and the anime makes me sick, so... yeah. But those I have tried aren't that bad overall. EDIT: Okay, so just a couple hours after I had written this post, I happened to be over at a friend's and got a early x-mas present from her and her boyfriend: A Nintendo DS Lite with Pokémon Black Version... and so, I've added a Unova favorite
« on: September 26, 2012, 12:05:28 PM »
Good to see people are still here  And I'm not even removed from the list. Funny, since I haven't been on in... about... half a year or so? Anyway, thought I'd just note that I might be back on the site, but moving from this guild. I know how the rules are I only need to use mono-type in guild event stuff, but I'm just not up for it  I'd rather be a loner running around everywhere with the types I wanna mix, if you know what I mean  I blame Magneton! It made me feel bad when I fought a Ground-based team in the Battle Frontier on Emerald  Anyway, see ya guys  Somewhere else on the forum
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:03:11 AM »
All the inactivity! Yeah... I'm bored and still just waiting... been in here a few times the last weeks, but it doesn't seem like any date has been set for the game yet :| I do still have my conspiracy theories though, but f them  Hi, long time no see, and bye again >.> Just thought I'd post to show I'm still here... kinda
« on: April 11, 2012, 07:05:57 PM »
[Random comment from Mr.Very Inactive until BETA] Hey all, long time no see... again... Been thinking about it a while, and again I might consider switching type from Ground to something else... however, I'm not sure which one yet. I've started to get a liking of Ghosts and Normal types :| Might so Normal, since there are many of them, they got some good secondary-types and they got Pidgeot >.< But then Ghost is a pain in the but since they're only Super Effective against Ghosts and Psychics, but only take Super Effective damage from Ghosts and Dark :| Also immune to Fighting and Normal attacks, which is nice... Sadly not so many of this type :| >.< This is hard. Gonna stay with Ground, just in case of thunder. Good thing I can be a all-around trainer when not attending to Guild stuff
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:54:38 AM »
Hurr hurr... Cheese logic... In other news, I'm gonna a rant a bit... Even though I don't want to, but it bothers me Weren't this game supposed to be done in December? It's been 3 months  I'm just starting to wonder...
« on: March 15, 2012, 01:27:25 PM »
*Starts new save on Emerald (Emulator mode, of course)* Not sure when I'll start, but I'll do. this sounds fun
« on: March 15, 2012, 01:18:04 PM »
About what Yuki just posted, I got something interesting from that too... Seeing back on all the glitches and things that were deleted from the codes, like Missingno, White Hand Ditto, and many other SCARY theories I've read and seen around, I'm thinking that Pokemon weren't actually thought to be mainly for kids, but for a wide range of ages, which it became  The fact that you were supposed to fight a zombiefied hand, not a dead Marowak, in Lavender Tower just tells some of that... At least I read that somewhere :| Not sure where or when, but it wasn't too long ago. And there there is that White Hand "Ditto" that have showed up, though haven't been confirmed by Nintendo as far as I know, were supposed to be a dead man that would appear several places when climbing Lavender Tower and then it would be his body and hand appearing zombiefied at the top. I'm not sure though, but sure doesn't sound child-focused to me xD But then they make scarier TV shows for kids over in Japan
« on: March 15, 2012, 02:41:11 AM »
*gets ready to nom pie*
« on: March 15, 2012, 02:40:19 AM »
I'm gonna be a downer and say you can make a charmander from the same sprite marowak > khangaskhan.... no the numbers of the pokemon don't correlate
The original idea WAS Baby Kang>Cubone>Marowak>Kangaskhan I think that was revealed in a interview with one of the producers, but I'm not sure :| And of course the numbers don't correlate! They changed the numbers! Or are you talking about code, cause them I'm gonna go over in the corner over there and cry a little.
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:07:40 PM »
It wasn't meant seriously  I were just thinking about the Mother Marowak
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:05:11 PM »
Although I can say that I do recognize all characters I cannot say this is good work.
You just added some stuff without any shading included making the sprites look a bit flat. You didn't even take the time to put an outline. And the biggest sin of all: you used default paint colours, these can be quite annoying for people with pretty sensitive eyes because the bright colours may give a burning feeling.
I did use shading actually (except on the Machop's hat), but it's not very easy to see...
« on: March 05, 2012, 06:31:25 PM »
I guessed so  Gotta agree that raging and (supposedly) becoming like that (if it's him) would be kinda... yeah.