Trainers Lounge / Pokemon Online
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:16:41 PM »
Does anyone play pokemon online, not the MMO, the battle simulator?
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Trainers Lounge / Pokemon Online« on: May 13, 2012, 09:16:41 PM »
Does anyone play pokemon online, not the MMO, the battle simulator?
Trainers Lounge / regions« on: February 12, 2012, 04:27:17 PM »
will pokemon universe just have the miryu region, or will it eventually have the other regions such as kanto,johto,hoenn,etc, i am not sure if this question has already been answered or not, but i am just wondering.
Games / Re: Things about the Pokemon Games you hated« on: January 02, 2012, 09:38:48 AM »
i don't like how there are over 600 pokemon, that is too many, catching them all has lost its meaning now, there are so many of them you can't name them all, i can probably name 85% of the first 151 and the 100 following them, why? because they were memorable.
Other Entertainment / Re: The Most Epic Music You Have Never Heard Of« on: December 30, 2011, 06:33:58 PM »
john frusciante is a very great musician you probably never heard of, he was in the red hot chili peppers( a great band, finally about time they got inducted in the rock and roll hall of fame), what many people don't know about him, is he has gone off and done solo work, and alot of it is very beautiful an touching, go listen to his album "curtains" or his more heavier album "inside of emptiness", total and utter masterpieces.
Other Entertainment / Re: Movies that blew you away« on: December 30, 2011, 06:30:29 PM »
scott pilgrim vs the world, a great underrated movie that just blew me away, i promise you it will go down as a cult classic, the graphic novel as well as the movie contain some videogame references, the graphic novels more the movie, and michael cera plays a good scott pilgrim, also got to love the gay roomate wallace, he completes the movie.
Other Entertainment / Re: Favorite Books!« on: December 30, 2011, 06:28:33 PM »
there's one book called the child thief, i really like it, its pretty much a dark fantasy version of peter pan, contains alot of language, some sick imagery that sort of makes me want to throw up, such as a man getting his guts ripped out by dogs, very descriptive there may i add, and peter's a badass. the story is pretty much about peter recruiting children to fight a war against the settlers on this magic island, who have been become evil by the magic, very good book, also i will say that the author is apparently worked on world of warcraft if that makes you more intrigued.
Game Features / Re: legendaries« on: December 24, 2011, 06:25:30 AM »
no legendary pokemon? why not? how are you suppose to catch them all, if there are no legendaries? here's a suggestion have them move around every now and then so they would be in different places, like in pokemon g/s/c, i see no problem with that.
News & Announcements / Re: Wish You all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Community!!« on: December 19, 2011, 10:02:41 PM »
is that kabuto in the window sill?
News & Announcements / Re: Wish You all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Community!!« on: December 17, 2011, 05:34:31 PM »
i wouldn't be able to have a merry christmas if i was spending it with a houseful of pokemon, i would be worried, because more than half those pokemon can either use a fire based move, or hyper beam, you tell them not to poop on the carpet and then BOOM, your house is destroyed lol
General Chat / Re: Who you gonna battle?« on: December 10, 2011, 01:30:17 AM »
the first trainer i will battle is joey, i hear his ratata is a beast now.
News & Announcements / Re: Public Beta coming this december!« on: December 09, 2011, 11:01:42 PM »I find it hilarious, and by that I mean cruel and unusual, that they happen to assign this to us the WEEK of christmas, the release of PU Beta, and just after I got Sonic Generations.its okay, sonic generations is only about 5-7 hours long, you should have time to play it at least 45 minutes a day if you want. 12
Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon« on: December 06, 2011, 02:53:44 AM »
I will most likely choose squirtle, i love charmander more, but i rather not go with the most popular starter, i won't make that mistake like i did in Pokemon World Online.
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