I don't see PU team rude way explaining things, Kuhns made a topic back in Jan explaining how to get on the Pre-Beta list the
right way. If the PU were trying to make out "we're idiots" (I don't see how they are trying to make out we're idiots), it is prolly the little annoying people fault who ask dumb questions like "can I get on the Pre-Beta list" or "why can't a join the game".
Also don't try to make spirit look like a donkey, he was trying to help you see your point is dumb and that you stop before Kuhns flames you and makes you look like an idiot.
1. You also said something wrong,
"Kuhns is everyone on the PU team as rude as you? i know your trying to explain things but you seem to have said it(typed it
) in a way that shows your a......(sorry for using a bad word) a woman". Kuhns made this topic to help us get on the Pre-Beta list, also so people won't make topics about "how can I get into Pre-Beta?". She explained what to do and what not to do in the forums and it could help you get on the Pre-Beta list.
2. You also failed to quote which I'm just pointing out to you
I'm just trying to help and I recommend you say sorry to the PU team for your wrong doing.
I was expecting someone to say i was flaming which i'm not, neither did i say the whole PU team is rude i think some are quite nice, i didn't try to make spirit look like a donkey either but he shouldn't tell me what i can't say when i said nothing wrong, and all i'm saying about kuhns is that some of the stuff he put is irrelevant i just used the wrong choice of words

your also a new guy so all you had to say is your not offended by it or whatever you don't need to add to this and make it a big thing. can you also explain a bit more about what i said wrong with my first comment? i don't really understand