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Messages - Anunnaki
Pages: [1]
« on: July 19, 2013, 05:29:56 AM »
I'm not on the team, but I completely understand the wait. Whenever it is finished, the MMO will be great, not some point and click mess. Plus, we do get updates, but, no offense, but you are not active on this site, so you would have no idea on the game's progress. We don't really need pointless negativity around here, either, so, although I have no real authority here, it'd be best if you just left, seeing as you don't want to be here anyway.
Im entitled to say as I please. If its too 'negative' for your fragile heart than don't read it thanks. And yes I am no longer active in this forums because I have come to terms with the fact this game is only a side project and has no priority to the staff in there lives which they seem to make quiet obvious with the lack of updates. Now im sure you all have some disappointment to await you when this game is released because the rate of which things get done around here you better hope no errors occur ingame because it will take months to fix. Poke Dawn of Darkness FTW.
« on: July 19, 2013, 05:20:00 AM »
Ok, I would like to step in. WE NEED ART! WE NEED ARTISTS! There can be no game if there is not art for it. We are working as hard as we can. I have been waiting for over two years, and I'm on the team. I see how hard it is. If you can't comprehend that, then this game is not for you.
Well like I said I have been watching the progress of this game on the forums and I havn't seen any updates in the past 3months and more. The development update section has not had an entry since February this year and the PU to do list hasn't been edited since last year. All im saying is you need to keep your supporters updated because the more poke mmo's that get released the more chance you have of losing a lot of your support. Now I apologise if I have missed any section that has new updates but I don't think I have and if this games development has been on idol this past 3month + then you right this game isn't the game for me cause I don't have another 2 years to wait for a primitive form of gaming. If i'm wrong about no work being done than im right about your lack of updates, either way I see it you either don't show the supporters the respect they deserve by allowing them to see ALL updated progress or there is no progress and this game wont be released until I die of old age. This game isn't for me which I decided before I started this rant based on how professional the staff are. I thought i'de let you know my thoughts before I deleted any bookmarks I had of this site.
« on: July 19, 2013, 04:37:44 AM »
Well I been watching this game for over a year and seen it slowly but surely get lazier and lazier with updates and progress reports. The staff here are either not showing the work they are doing or the work is simply not getting done. I like a game that is professional and keeps their supporters updated and from what I have gathered I won't find that here. Enjoy your non-existent poke mmo and thanks for the advise but I been playing other poke mmo's this past year and I must say I found one that has little issues and at least allows us to test the progress instead of watching out for non-existent progress. Goodday and goodluck
« on: July 19, 2013, 03:18:01 AM »
Waiting for this game to be released is like waiting for the world to end. Not happening in my lifetime. I'll be sure to recommend it to my grandchildren. Goodluck
« on: January 14, 2012, 05:05:33 AM »
I know it's your topic and all, but no double posting.
Ah sorry dude wasn't aware of that rule. I just had to clarify so people knew what I was yacking on about. But its all good the more I think of it the more I can see it would be too hard to implement what im talking about. + i would hate to prolong the game any further.
« on: January 14, 2012, 04:41:29 AM »
Oh and maybe critical strike was the wrong approach for a subject name. Criticals add extra dmg I'm talking more about giving a pokemon who has little chance of winning a battle an oppotunity to get afew extra hits before the inevitable happens. Im not sure how hard it would be to control the % chance a (stun/flinch) would occur pending on the difference of lvls and type advantage but I only wanted this to occur for those pokemon who really have no chance at a victory. So yea its probably more trouble then its worth but was worth throwing it out there
« on: January 14, 2012, 04:32:26 AM »
Lol yea I thought it may of disturbed the balance however I just thought a (stun/flinch, same thing too me) would of been an idea for something different. Its not like the game isn't a roll of the dice sometimes already (no disrespect) I just thought why not make things interesting when it comes to a type or lvl disadvantage. I got the idea from watching pokemon when you see on numerous occations a pokemon with a disadvantage weather it be a lower lvl or type disadvantage would often get two attacks in before the opponent attacks back. I feel it would only make the battle experiences more like the t.v battles which may not be the right answer its only a harmless suggestion.
« on: January 13, 2012, 06:18:49 AM »
I had an idea i thought I'de share with the community that involves Critical Hits. At the risk of completely changing the 1v1 system I had a theory of making pokemon battles as even as possible when it comes to type adv/disadvantages. My theory was say you have a an Electric pokemon up against a Water pokemon, the Water type has the obvious disadvantage so my idea was to give out critical hits which stunn the opponent and allow for the Water pokemon to have another turn. And to make sure one doesnt get too much criticals have a low % of criticals. Higher % for the higher disadvantage. And for battles where there is no advantage have no criticals. Was just a thought that came to me whilst sleeping and wouldn't be suprised if it was turned down  I ran out of time posting this thread and have more indepth ideas I would be happy to share with you if accepted.
« on: January 13, 2012, 12:52:07 AM »
its still active yeah, and you can have any type of pokemon, it can be mixed or one type, you decide
Yin - for people to aim to be the best
Yang - for people who want to help other people
you just need to chosse between one of these two
Awesome, well if I'm welcome sign me up for the Yang I would normally go for Yin as i'm the kind of guy who always strives to be the best however I prefer to serve and protect so I will aim to be one of the top dogs of the Yang crew  Looking forward to being a part of this guild.
« on: January 12, 2012, 01:18:23 PM »
Hi I'm interested in joining this guild if it is still active. I have a question because it was a little unclear to me: Do all members of guilds have to choose one specific pokemon type? I see some guilds are designating certain types and was just wondering if this is compulsory? I love the idea of this guild and would love to help protect the newbies against pkr's as this is what I do on all MORPG's i play.
« on: January 09, 2012, 01:29:46 AM »
WOW a non-profit game sounds awesome however if the game turns out as good as it sounds they should open a public donations. I know I will be donating if I see the makers are putting in 100% to keep the bugs out.
« on: January 07, 2012, 03:01:05 AM »
Dont forget the pokemon repel spray  I used to hate when I got caught in usless battles travelling through the low level towns. Thanx  P.S Also can we get bicycles at the early stages of the game ??
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