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 Summary - ninja neb

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ninja neb
Personal Text:
I am here, just busy. And ill.
125 (0,023 per day)
Normal Trainer

Male Male
most of the time i'm in my bed, the other times im in the UK
Date Registered:
June 26, 2010, 11:36:03 PM
Last Active:
January 01, 2012, 01:06:00 PM

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About Me

The formula of Ninja Neb:

Benjamin = nimajneb = nimja neb = ninja neb. (Devised at a party >:])

Ben, 19. Xboxlive tag : BrummyChieftain
Fabourite quote: When you take away all impossibilities, you are left with the truth, no matter how improbable the truth may seem.

My Interests

I'm just a general gamer, i have no preferences over some genres then others.
For movies i prefer comedies or action movies.

Made by the awesome Tealize

Local Time:
March 31, 2025, 04:56:45 PM

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  • Offline Offline
December 15, 2010, 05:10:24 AM
I'm back from the vaults! lol

well... that was rude of me ... I could explain why I disappeared in a long paragraph but I'm lazy...so here's the short verison

"stuff happens"  :P

anyway what's up?


  • Offline Offline
October 23, 2010, 10:36:13 PM
sorry for the late reply, my laptop´s charger broke done (again...) and I really haven´t had the chance to get on the website expect going from the ps3 internet which is very very very ugly.......

anyway well yeah I agree! even though I didn´t play it (halo wars) im sure it was good/decent. :)


  • Offline Offline
October 13, 2010, 12:32:23 AM
lol cool! Bungie is good and really cares about its community, too bad that's their last halo game. I wonder how well Microsoft/343 industries will continue the series :)


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October 12, 2010, 12:54:15 AM
lol the psn community isn't good either sometimes, like we all trying to get some 'sexy kills' and then we die because we REALLY don't use teamwork :P. How's Halo Reach btw?


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October 11, 2010, 08:33:23 PM
the game is pretty fun and good, there's a bit glitches in the game and sometimes the frame-rate drops (sometimes though) but that really doesn't stop the fun. playing in Co-op (with a good buddy) is very fun and makes you keep playing the game, the Multiplayer is not that all great but hey its something to do, have fun in it, and get money for the campaign! Storyline is decent/good. The weapons, mini-games, combo weapons etc fun stuff makes the replay value of the game greater ! Overall the game is fun, it's those types of games that you could always can come back to have fun, joke around, and do all sorts of stuff!...I think that's enough for now :)

anyway yeah some RPs got shut down due to inactivity :P, that will change when the game gets launched.


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October 11, 2010, 06:30:53 PM
not that much expect RPs now the ability and that's pretty much it :p, on the gaming side Dead Rising 2 came out and I'm happily playing it ! :)


  • Offline Offline
October 11, 2010, 12:05:41 AM


  • Offline Offline
October 10, 2010, 10:22:18 PM
You're back?!?! well here's your "Welcome back song" sorry if that was cheesy :P anyway welcome back ! :)


  • Offline Offline
October 08, 2010, 12:07:32 AM
good, I reset the KH RP. I had to, NOTHING whatsoever was happening, would you like to Re-join?


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September 06, 2010, 09:57:11 PM
Neb went missing =3= Well...


  • Offline Offline
December 15, 2010, 05:10:24 AM
I'm back from the vaults! lol

well... that was rude of me ... I could explain why I disappeared in a long paragraph but I'm lazy...so here's the short verison

"stuff happens"  :P

anyway what's up?


  • Offline Offline
October 23, 2010, 10:36:13 PM
sorry for the late reply, my laptop´s charger broke done (again...) and I really haven´t had the chance to get on the website expect going from the ps3 internet which is very very very ugly.......

anyway well yeah I agree! even though I didn´t play it (halo wars) im sure it was good/decent. :)


  • Offline Offline
October 13, 2010, 12:32:23 AM
lol cool! Bungie is good and really cares about its community, too bad that's their last halo game. I wonder how well Microsoft/343 industries will continue the series :)


  • Offline Offline
October 12, 2010, 12:54:15 AM
lol the psn community isn't good either sometimes, like we all trying to get some 'sexy kills' and then we die because we REALLY don't use teamwork :P. How's Halo Reach btw?


  • Offline Offline
October 11, 2010, 08:33:23 PM
the game is pretty fun and good, there's a bit glitches in the game and sometimes the frame-rate drops (sometimes though) but that really doesn't stop the fun. playing in Co-op (with a good buddy) is very fun and makes you keep playing the game, the Multiplayer is not that all great but hey its something to do, have fun in it, and get money for the campaign! Storyline is decent/good. The weapons, mini-games, combo weapons etc fun stuff makes the replay value of the game greater ! Overall the game is fun, it's those types of games that you could always can come back to have fun, joke around, and do all sorts of stuff!...I think that's enough for now :)

anyway yeah some RPs got shut down due to inactivity :P, that will change when the game gets launched.


  • Offline Offline
October 11, 2010, 06:30:53 PM
not that much expect RPs now the ability and that's pretty much it :p, on the gaming side Dead Rising 2 came out and I'm happily playing it ! :)


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October 11, 2010, 12:05:41 AM


  • Offline Offline
October 10, 2010, 10:22:18 PM
You're back?!?! well here's your "Welcome back song" sorry if that was cheesy :P anyway welcome back ! :)


  • Offline Offline
October 08, 2010, 12:07:32 AM
good, I reset the KH RP. I had to, NOTHING whatsoever was happening, would you like to Re-join?


  • Offline Offline
September 06, 2010, 09:57:11 PM
Neb went missing =3= Well...