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Anyone still around? by Bing
[October 28, 2024, 11:23:32 PM]

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[March 28, 2023, 12:41:12 AM]

Holy crap my login worked. by Ez
[December 03, 2020, 08:56:26 AM]

Been a while. by Bing
[July 13, 2019, 04:47:06 AM]

Was Feeling Nostalgic (Pokemon Knights) by Monzta
[October 24, 2018, 07:37:00 AM]

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[January 23, 2018, 12:35:35 AM]

[September 16, 2017, 08:20:25 PM]

Been a long time. by Monzta
[August 27, 2017, 03:18:58 PM]

 Summary - Pwncess

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New Trainer

Female Female
California, USA
Date Registered:
August 17, 2011, 09:31:59 PM
Last Active:
August 17, 2011, 09:49:30 PM

Contact Me :)


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About Me

Names Megan.
I'm married to the man of my dreams. 2 years strong and he still makes my heart stop when he smiles.
I'm a huge bookworm and a consistent daydreamer.
I collect frog stuff, I'm almost always listening to music, and my dream job is to work with books (library, bookstore, author.)
I couldn't live happily without macaroni and cheese, root beer or ice cream.
I would rather vacuum up a spider then get close enough to smack it with a shoe.
My favorite places in the world are Disneyland, Monterey Bay Aquarium and Barnes n Noble.
I love Blue October. :repeat forever:

My Interests

Likes: World of Warcraft. Pokemon. Frogs. Zebras. Sushi Cat. Gaiaonline. Bitch Pudding from Robot Chicken. Being a nerd. Going to the movies. The beach. Seagulls. Sunshine. Camping. Holding hands. Warm hugs that last after you let go. Being tickled. Intuition roses. Laughing. Watching the stars. Running through the rain. Thunderstorms. Penguins. Photography. Disney. Hello Kitty. Jack and Rose. Reading. Guitar solos. Starburst. Pet names. Sunflower seeds. Burping. Pomeranians. Green tea. Fresh peaches. Boobs. Dinosaurs. Surround sound. Bowling. Going for walks. Coffee. Jack Skellington. Kirby. MnMs. Weed. Singing. The smell of new books. The silence of a library. The sound of typing on a keyboard. Furbies. Gir. Back massages. Blowing bubbles with gum. Grape Bubblicious. Cartoons. Sharpie pens. Freedom. Memories. Pictures. Letters. Promises kept. Driving. Tetris. Wonder Woman. Old coins and money. Comic books.

Dislikes: Spiders. Heights. The E.T. movie. Saying goodbye. Politics. Styrofoam. Ililterate people. Too much "Chatspeak." Drunk drivers. Accidents. Ignorance. Liars/cheaters/assholes. Misspelled words. Bad grammar. Talking on the phone. Sore throats. Hiccups that hurt. Ants in the house. Homophobic people. Animal abusers. People who talk on their cell phone too loud. Distance. Being forgotten or ignored. Loss. Gold diggers. Sluts. Selfishness. Migraines. Abortion. Mean dogs. Criminals. Murderers. Eye boogers. Guns. Clingy children. The sound of someone eating a banana. Fork scraping on a plate. Plastic utensils. Alcoholics. People who lack common sense. Sour candies. Deep water. Shampoo in my eyes.
Local Time:
April 01, 2025, 12:01:01 AM

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