"What? An update?" I hear you say. That's right ladies and gents, after a lot of procrastination and some actual things I had to do, we finally have a new update!
A big thank you to Roloc, the newest member of the balance team, and Ponge for churning out over 60 new pokemon and giving me so much work to do.
The update will be live soonish, but if you want to beat the rush you can get the database here:
Jynx - Def boost.
Medicham - Valid for testing.
Breloom - Valid for testing.
Milotic - Valid for testing.
Froslass - SpAtk boost.
Eelekross - Valid for testing.
Shuckle - Gained Will-o-wisp.
Porygon-Z - Speed boost, SpAtk nerf.
Wailord - Hp nerf.
Lapras - General stat nerf. Lost Shell Armor, Gained Filter. Gained moves.
Sawsbuck - Valid for testing.
Reuniclus - SpAtk nerf.
Luxray - SpAtk nerf, Speed boost. Lost Guts, Gained Quick Feet. Gained Volt Tackle and Superpower.
Crustle - Atk and Speed boost.
Aerodactyl - Atk nerf. Gained Head Smash and Brave Bird.
Kabutops - Valid for testing.
Kangaskhan - Atk boost.
Omastar - SpDef and Speed boost, SpAtk nerf.
Clefable - Atk and Def boost, Speed nerf.
Rhydon - SpAtk and Speed boost, Def nerf. Gained Head Smash.
Roserade - Valid for testing.
Floatzel - Atk and Def boost. Gained ThunderPunch and Thunder Fang.
Mismagius - Hp boost.
Throh - Def and SpDef boost. Gained Spikes.
Sawk - Speed boost. Gained Bullet Punch.
Grumpig - SpAtk and SpDeft boost.
Delibird - All stats boost. Lost Insomnia, Gained Filter. Gained Switcheroo and Acrobatics.
Corsola - General stats boost. Lost Sucker Punch.
Lopunny - Atk boost.
Farfetch'd - General stats change. Lost Keen Eye, Gained Super Luck.
Huntail - Hp, Atk and SpDef boost, Def and SpAtk nerf. Gained Analytic. Gained Avalanche and Payback, Lost Sucker Punch.
Gorebyss - Hp boost. SpDef nerf. Gained Analytic.
Zebstrika - Gained Flare Blitz, Work Up and Swords Dance.
Xatu - Hp, Def, SpAtk and Speed Boost, Atk and SpDef nerf. Gained Air Slash and Nasty Plot.
Murkrow - Hp, Atk, Def, SpDef and Speed boost. SpAtk nerf. Gained Psycho Cut and Night Slash.
Shiftry - SpAtk boost.
Accelgor - Valid for testing.
Gardevoir - Hp Boost.
Walrein - Atk and SpAtk boost.
Onix - Hp and Atk boost. Gained Poison Tail and Head Smash.
Magneton - Hp Boost. Gained Flash Cannon.
Tangrowth - Hp Nerf.
Heatmor - Speed Boost. Gained Grass Knot and Nasty Plot.
Wobbuffet - THAT'S RIGHT. WOBBUFFET. Def and SpDef boost, Hp nerf. Gained Recover.
Aggron - SpDef boost.
Amoonguss - SpDef boost.
Whiscash - Def and SpDef boost.
Claydol - Hp boost.
Plusle - General stats boost. Gained Static and Cute Charm.
Minun - General stats boost. Gained Static and Cute Charm.
Pinsir - Hp Boost.
Volbeat - General stats boost. Gained Reflect.
Illumise - General stats boost. Gained Snatch, Taunt and Growth.
Purugly - Atk, Def and SpDef boost.
Probopass - Gained Spikes and Rapid Spin.
Lickitung - Atk, Def, SpAtk, SpDef boost.
Magmar - Hp, SpDef boost. Gained Nasty Plot.
Mantine - SpAtk boost. Gained Air Slash.
Seismitoad - Gained Bulk up and Calm Mind.
Dunsparce - Atk, Def and SpDef boost.
Bellossom - SpAtk and Speed boost, SpDef nerf.
- Gastrodon
- Cinccino
- Krookodile
- Ursaring
- Sharpedo
- Heracross
- Poliwrath
- Miltank
- Drapion
- Beedrill
- Exeggutor
- Druggigon
- Cryogonal
- Porygon2
- Hitmonchan
- Golurk
- Gallade
- Hitmontop
- Emolga
- Houndoom