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Author Topic: well  (Read 6364 times)

Offline tellko

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« on: January 07, 2012, 09:19:21 PM »
thanks for locking the tread before. i was being serious, i even asked nicely. i had a few ideas how that could be avoided, but now am gonna keep it for myself... and if this is how you guys stand up to everything, shutting up everybody that doesnt think like you, no wonder the game takes forever to create... grow a pair, would you....
Now go ahead and close this thread too!

Offline TheSolx

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Re: well
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2012, 09:28:12 PM »
If this is about this thread:

They solved it before starting the development. They've stated this a bunch of places. You posting a thread to ask why they locked your thread about something you don't have to worry about doesn't make the situation any different... Both that and this thread are pointless.

Offline tellko

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Re: well
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2012, 09:38:23 PM »
pointless was the way they answered. who answers like that, a child?
i wasnt here before it started, or visit here every day so i have no idea what precautions they made. i was only expecting a normal answer, because i was worried, thats all, not a one word blah...

Offline Reafer

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Re: well
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2012, 09:48:00 PM »
i had a few ideas how that could be avoided, but now am gonna keep it for myself... and if this is how you guys stand up to everything, shutting up everybody that doesnt think like you, no wonder the game takes forever to create... grow a pair, would you....
Now go ahead and close this thread too!
No one cares about your idea on how to avoid shutdown, If they did you would have gotten pm's asking for your help. Don't complain about the game taking to long to be developed when your not helping out at all. And lastly you need to grow up and grow that pair you were talking about. Look through the threads and read before you act like a know it all.
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Re: well
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2012, 10:54:04 PM »
pointless was the way they answered. who answers like that, a child?
i wasnt here before it started, or visit here every day so i have no idea what precautions they made. i was only expecting a normal answer, because i was worried, thats all, not a one word blah...

Well.. you asked us if we have taken precautions so we won't be shut down, you did not ask us what those precautions are. So basically we just answered your questions.

As said before by the others above me. There have been other threads about this, so a simple search would probably have found your answer.
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Re: well
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2012, 10:56:36 PM »
 Dear tellko,
 I'm writing this to you in the good hopes that it will reach you. The Team doesn't need your "few ideas" since they already have it all figured out. You see you are not the only one who takes precautions, and it would be very interesting to start a massive project without a backup plan in case something goes wrong don't you think? Now, the answers you received were most informative I hope. You see, when you don't care enough to check the rules and do a little bit of search, then don't expect others to care enough to give more than a moment from their time, a moment enough for those "one word blah...". Please have more faith in the Team, they are not people to jump headfirst without checking what's below. I'm sure it warms all of our hearts that you would care so much about this game that you post a thread in revenge of a thread so that your thread would get attention. Thank you very much. Please keep up the good work.

 Sincerely Genbor.
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Re: well
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2012, 09:22:40 AM »
That was deep ;D
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Re: well
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2012, 11:04:30 AM »
thanks for locking the tread before. i was being serious, i even asked nicely. i had a few ideas how that could be avoided, but now am gonna keep it for myself... and if this is how you guys stand up to everything, shutting up everybody that doesnt think like you, no wonder the game takes forever to create... grow a pair, would you....
Now go ahead and close this thread too!

Actually, we accept a lot of ideas. But most ideas we get offered are already discussed/planned thats why most topics got shut down pretty fast. There have been many topics about worries of shutting down the game, which we already have precautions for. Also, your topic was just a question if we had any precautions to avoid any shut-down, not "Can I share my ideas of precautions to avoid the shut-down of the game?"

And the reason why this game takes a long time to create: We have our own lifes too, we do this in our free spare time because we do this project for fun. Not because we shut ideas down.

Please make sure to use the search button next time before you start a new topic about ideas for the game. This can avoid this kind of frustrations and confusement.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline tellko

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Re: well
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2012, 12:09:57 PM »
No one cares about your idea on how to avoid shutdown, If they did you would have gotten pm's asking for your help. Don't complain about the game taking to long to be developed when your not helping out at all. And lastly you need to grow up and grow that pair you were talking about. Look through the threads and read before you act like a know it all.
Dont worry, i can see my knowledge is not welcome here, so am not gonna post here anymore. am just here to clean up some air...

Well.. you asked us if we have taken precautions so we won't be shut down, you did not ask us what those precautions are. So basically we just answered your questions.

As said before by the others above me. There have been other threads about this, so a simple search would probably have found your answer.
the thing is, you didnt even give me a chance to ask another question. you locked the thread after your short answer. am sorry if i overreacted, but i just hate being mutted.
btw, i did use search and all i could find was incomplete answer like "We have a plan, but its secret" or "If plan A wouldnt work, we use plan B (fakemon)". if there is a better answer i didnt found it, so i asked. i thought thats what forums are for anyway...

Dear tellko,
you guys just reapeted what other said before you, there is no point answering

good bye & good luck with your "plan" and the game