Name: Druddigon
Number: 621
Type: Dragon
Abilities:Rough Skin / Sheer Force / Mold Breaker
Base Stats:110 / 90 / 100 / 60 / 100 / 48 - 508 Total
Move Edits:No changes
Example Set ParaShuffler @ Leftovers
Trait: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Careful Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Glare
- Roar / Fire Fang / Ice Fang
- Dragon Claw / Sucker Punch / Fire Fang / Ice Fang
Explanation of SetUnlike most other dragons, his set attempts to fluster the opponent with phazing tactics and paralysis in tandem with Druddigon's good defensive prowess and annoying ability in Rough Skin. Dragon Tail phazes the opponent and deals extra damage as well, which can go a long way, considering Druddigon's good base Attack stat. While phazing, Glare cripples opposing sweepers left and right and allows Druddigon to be a great "parashuffler." Roar Allows him to even phaze oppozing substitutes away, but it doesn't deal damage, which is a shame. In tandem with Dragon Tail, you are sure to shuffle every single turn.
Dragon Claw is the preferred option for the fourth slot to give Druddigon a decently powered STAB move without negative priority, allowing it to hit the opposition hard after paralyzing them. However, Sucker Punch is also an option, which allows Druddigon to revenge kill faster threats. Finally, Fire and Ice Fang are an option for defeating steel types and water types respecively, which are a true nemesis for this pokémon.
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