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Author Topic: [RP] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds|Olympus Coliseum|Time:N/A|Weather:N/A  (Read 164805 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Tylan and Warren
Tylan stopped laughing almost instantly. "Don't... don't touch my cards."

Warren glanced at Tylan. "Soul, those cards are the last thing his brother gave him. Please don't just snatch them up."

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhistfulSoul

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I'm, so sorry. Uh. Soul placed the cards on the table and slid them over to Tylan. Why don't you two play, and I'll, just watch. He looked down at the cards and noticed the images on them were exactly like those he had in his dreams.

Wait a sec... Where did your brother get these?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 02:45:57 AM by Soul358 »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Tylan and Warren
Tylan shrugged, rounding his cards up.

Warren was silent for a moment. "A card shop in Radiant Garden, why?"

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Offline WhistfulSoul

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He had a strange feeling in his stomach, but Soul didn't know what from. I just... Feel like I've seen them somewhere. He shook his head. Must be some weird paranoia.

Soul turned to the window and sighed. Would you two like to hear a story.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 03:14:19 AM by Soul358 »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Leon noticed that Celine had fallen asleep in her chair.

Hmm, well this could be a problem, but you have summoned your keyblade before. Do you remember what was going at the times when you've summoned it? Emotions? Anything? If we can find something similar between these times, we might at least be able to get to you summon your keyblade, and who knows, it may lead us closer to who you really are, if of course that's what you want.

Leon yawned. The past few weeks were really starting to take a toll on him. He wondered how long it would be until his body and his mind would no longer be able to take all of the stress and just shut down. Hopefully never, and although he felt that he was faring better than a lot of the others, none of them could keep at this forever. What they all needed was some rest, and traveling on a gummi ship for a couple of days was not the kind of rest they needed.

Also, do you remember what world you woke up in? I'm sure you at least know that, or at least what it looked like.
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Sone thought for a moment, going back to the day he woke up.

Let's see.. I think I woke up in.... Traverse Town... I think. Yeah, I remember waking up next to a fountain, and when I looked around there was my keyblade in my hand and someone from the Calvalry woke me up- but I forgot his name. I felt dizzy, and my keyblade disappeared before I became fully conscious. I keep getting this vibe that my keyblade has a mind of it's own, it only seems to show up when needed. Anything before that is blank... oh wait!

It dawned on him, something he missed that he couldn't believe he missed.

I do remember wearing different clothes when I woke up though, but they had burnt marks on them. It was... it was...

He thought for a moment, the memory was fuzzy.

Sorry, that's all I remember besides my wooden sword.
. . .

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Leon, Celine, and Jack

Leon's eyes widened slightly, the memory of one of the last days in his home world trying to force themselves into his mind. He tried to shut them out, not wanting to remember that awful day. He tried to keep his cool, though, when answering to Sone.

Alright, well at least we have some information, but for now, I think it's best that we get some rest, as who knows what could be awaiting us at Port Royal, but I doubt it's anything pleasant. We can try to gather more information possibly when we return to Headquarters. For now though, we should attempt to clear our minds and focus on the mission ahead.

Leon was about to turn off the screen when he thought of something else he wanted to say.

Maybe try to practice summoning your keyblade over the next few days before we reach Port Royal. Try to bring up any emotions or memories you can from the last time you were able to call on it. Just don't waste too much energy, and remember, the keyblade does not have a mind of its own. The weapon is almost a part of you, and you have full control over it, but if it only shows up when needed, then make yourself need it every time you wish to summon it.

Leon bid a temporary farewell to Sone before shutting off the screen. He then walked around the ship a bit, trying to clear his find, but then Celine woke up.

What's wrong Leon? Is everything ok?

Yeah...yeah I'm fine.

Everything that he had just discussed with Sone was a bit much to take in all at once, and he wasn't sure what to think of all of it, but he also didn't want Celine to worry. Leon then sat down in the seat next to Celine, and she leaned on his shoulder, whispering to him in an innocent-sounding voice.

Leon, what we saw in Agrabah is just the beginning, isn't it?

Leon was thrown off a little by the question.

Well it was our first real mission, so I guess so.

No, I mean, there's worse in store for us, isn't there? There's stronger Nocturnes, villains more powerful than Jafar, and more people like Riku, but who aren't on our side, right?

Well, I guess so, but we have some extremely strong forces on our side to now, and with Riku-

Leon, we don't even really know if that was Riku. What if he was some new enemy. Besides, this war..it will cause a lot of innocent people to get hurt, won't it? All of those Nocturnes, maybe they didn't have a choice on what side to join...maybe they were forced...and then there were those three friends, Neesha, Raithen, and Mikto. They were a little like us, don't you think?

A lump began to develop in Leon's throat. Something about Celine's tone was different. She seemed scared almost, something that didn't happen too often, and this frightened Leon a little, but he tried not to let on that he was worried.

Well, yeah, they kind of were. But this is war, Celine, and people will get hurt, and even die, many of which will be innocent. It doesn't matter about the Nocturnes, though. They fight for darkness, and we are the light, and no matter what, we must stop them. With victory comes sacrifices, some of which are harder to deal with than others.

Celine, didn't say another word. She soon fell asleep, Leon feeling one of her tears falling on his shoulder.

Jack, meanwhile, had actually been awake the entire time, as it was fairly difficult to sleep on the floor, even though the ride itself was smooth. Something bothered him deeply, though. Why had he told Sone about his dream? More importantly, why had Leon never told him, his best friend?
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Kyra lie in here bed, a luxurious bed, of course, admiring herself in her miniature mirror, also luxurious, of course. She smiled, she still looked good, so why wasn't she the center of attention anymore? Was it her hair? No, still silky as ever, she reassured herself as she brushed a silver strand out of her eyes. Her skin? No, sexy as ever, she once again reassured herself, running a hand over the supple expanse of her naked legs, the short-shorts providing little protection. Maybe it was her smile! She grinned, full pink lips drawing into a stunning smile, revealing perfect teeth. No, still flirtatious as ever, she told herself.

She threw herself back into the bed again, landing gently on the luxurious sheets with a drawn out sigh. What could it be?! She stood and slipped on her pink flip-flops, momentarily pausing to admire her pretty silver nails, and walked out of her room to get some air. Most would have changed out of their pajamas, in her case an overly large white t-shirt that extended to mid thigh, covering her too short orange shorts, but she didn't care. More attention either way, shethought with a shrug.

Tylan and Warren
Tylan nodded with a ghost of a smile, bangs dissecting his eyes. He was trying to fight off the memories of that day, and a story would help.

Warren kicked back in his chair, planting his boots on the table. He had discarded his trnch coat, dressed only in his stonewashed black jeans and white t-shirt, revealing the strangely tanned skin of his muscular arms. His hair was its normal color for once, a rich golden blonde, and fell into his face. "Go for it," he mumbled distantly, leaving all his troubles behind as he was lulled to sleep by the rhythematic hum of the Gummi ship's engine.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Soul unrolled his hoodie's sleeves and took it off, deciding it was too hot. He had a quarter-length sleeve on underneath, but he felt that it was more comfortable that two layers.

This is the story of how the desired became the undesired.

Soul took his chair and moved to to the wall of the Gummi to give himself more support.

When I was still in school, a few years ago, me and my friends, we were told stories of the Keyblade masters Sora and Riku, and all of their adventures, and these great accomplishments that they had. Well we wanted to have our own Keyblades, we wanted to be just like them, we wanted to have our own adventures. Soul stared out the window.

I'm sorry Chase, Jayce, Aron. It's not how you wished it was. I wish I could be there to tell you what it's like, but this war... It's nothing like we expected it to be. Soul turned back to the other two, eyes glazed over by the memories of his painful past. I got Loneliness by a stoke of luck. He flicked his wrist to his side, summoning the Keyblade. I knew that I wanted one, but I was a kid, I was unaware of the responsibilities it came with.

Soul chuckled. We would always play Struggle with each other in our spare time, imagining that the Struggle sticks were Keyblades. He drooped his head in exhaustion and in personal defeat. I'm sorry I never came back you three. He paused to recollect what he was saying.

It was only a Shadow Dog. I was being chased by one. A singular Dog. It chased me into the train station, and I took a Gummi to Olympus. I was somehow met with more there, and I was forced down into Hades. I was scared and alone, and when they almost had me, I closed my eyes, put my hands up, and I heard a voice. When I looked up, in my hand was Loneliness, and on the other end was the shadows that were chasing me. I don't know how, but.. I got them.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Tylan and Warren
Tylan was silent, and for a few moments the only sound was the steady breathing of the three, and the hum of the engine. Finally, peaking through one stormy gray eye, his bangs shadowing his angular face. "It's always tragic. These powers take so much from everyone. Tylan lost his brother, you, Soul, lost your hometown, and..." Warren paused, a ghost of a smile creeping into his features. "I lost my soul."

The silence descended into the room again, Warren closing his eye, his chest rising and falling slowly as he presumably drifted to sleep. Tylan struggled for something to say to break the silence, but he could barely speak thanks to the stone in his throat, and he was grasping at straws, anyways. For the first time, Tylan gave in, submitting to his weariness. His eyes were sunken in, the once smooth skin surrounding them shadowed by heavy bags, and his skin was taking on a sallow shade. He hadn't been eating much, and it showed. He was always a thin personal, but he was always lean and muscular, now he just looked malnourished."The war has its tolls..." He finally managed to rasp out.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Soul could tell that Tylan was exhausted, as he was too. Get some sleep man. We've got another mission in Port Royal, and it will be just as if not more tiring. His stomach grumbled. Let's just hope they've got some decent food.

He looked at Warren, then at Tylan again. We'll win this. We might not get the stories that we hope for, or get even close to what Sora and Riku are. But I'm not in it for that, no. I'm in it so that no one has to go through what we have.

His head started to dip forward, an his eyelids drooped. He turned his chair so that it was in the corner, so he could sleep easily. I'll make sure we win this war.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds |Port Royal|Night|Raining
« Reply #371 on: March 18, 2013, 02:21:28 AM »

A few days passed, giving the Cavalry soldiers some time to rest. In the distance, Port Royal can now be seen. The moogle shops on the ships (the ones run by Cavalry) have also just beamed in a plate of bread, cheese, and a glass of water to those on the ships.


A portal opened up in front of the Nocturnes which led to a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean. This ship was run by Nocturnes, along with the rest of the fleet, and was headed toward the Port.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds |Port Royal|Night|Raining
« Reply #372 on: March 18, 2013, 02:28:34 AM »
Spion smiled as he noticed the portal.

Finally. something interesting to do..

He pocketed the book he had been reading and walked into the portal. He was amazed at the ship, but he was also was a bit annoyed that it was raining though.

Aaah...This is gonna play hell with my magic..

He started looking around, waiting for more nocturnes to show up, or something exciting to happen.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 02:35:12 AM by Meowth »

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds |Port Royal|Night|Raining
« Reply #373 on: March 18, 2013, 02:38:07 AM »
Tylan and Warren
The best friends devoured the food in a few bites, guzzling down their drinks, before dressing. Warren wore basically the same outfit, an army green trench coat, a white undershirt, black jeans and boots, but Tylan had changed. He wore a short sleeved, skin tight black t-shirt that clung to his torso, showing off his lean physique, black jean shorts, and specially made, durable black sneakers. His electric blue hair was straight, bangs brushed to the side to cover one eye, and a deck of cards in a metal case hung from his neck, held up by a thin silver chain.

"Get up, Soul." Tylan said quietly, kicking at him.

Kyra smiled at the portal, before waltzing over to her closet. What to wear? She sorted through the walk in closet, examining everything. A dress? No. Maybe a tank top? No... She eventually decided on a violet tube top that wrapped her upper torso, cutting off at the belly button and squeezing her bosom tightly, capris with butterfly stitched on the side, and purple and green sneakers.

With a smile she stepped through the portal and onto the ship. "The best has arrived!" She declared loudly.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 03:04:34 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds |Port Royal|Night|Raining
« Reply #374 on: March 18, 2013, 04:06:45 AM »

He gurgled his response to the kick, but with a smile. Keep kicking me and we'll start exchanging bruises. Soul jumped up, quickly changed into the same outfit he had, (blue shirt, cargo jeans, white sneakers and a gray jacket,) before quickly inhaling the food the other two left him.

He walked up beside Tylan and asked?So, race before or after the mission?

But when he looked out out of the Gummi ship and towards Port Royal and the bleak portrait in front of him, his only words were, It's definitely going to have to wait till later.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.