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Author Topic: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining  (Read 125248 times)

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #345 on: February 23, 2014, 09:49:25 PM »

After he landed the final blow to the wolf Salamander desynced before the dragon could attack. Back in the real world Midou stepped of the stage as if disappointed in the match."Hmph one pluck of a feather and that entire mutt can do is whine. Pathetic." Looking back Midou saw the girls hands looked like they had just been burned and her sleeves scorched. "Was she in that condition before the match." he began to ponder before disregarding the thought taking his attention back to what really mattered, collecting his winnings.


Blanka saw his attack land successfully and watched as the flaming beast whimpered in fear. Assuming it was cause of him he began to approach wanting to finish the match before a shadow loomed over him and he realized what the beast truly feared. Looking over his shoulder Blanka saw a creature like no other and Blanka found him unable to move out of shock.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #346 on: February 24, 2014, 05:40:42 AM »

Dazed by the sudden rush of information coupled by Ash shoving himself through the crowd, Soul stood gaping for a moment before he realized that everyone in a battle was still in danger. His attention darted from battle to battle, making sure no one was incapacitated entirely, and found that Dagen seemed unperturbed by the happenings.

He looked over the crowd, barely getting a glimpse of what appeared to be Misty, sprawled on the floor, crying and cradling her arms. Her opponent, the one who Soul remembered to be somewhat of a pyrotechnic, seemed indifferent to what he had caused. Soul scowled, but knew he could do nothing to help. He did, however, shuffle closer to the general cluster of arenas, in case anyone was in need of immediate attention should their battle end.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #347 on: February 24, 2014, 05:57:58 AM »
Ash and Misty
Ash didn't move for a moment, the gears in his head turning. he hadn't been hurt, so the red orb had only recently been activated. Misty's opponent was smiling and making snide remarks, uninjured, while her arms were burnt. Top top it all off, the commotion had only started as Misty and this guy's battle had ended. It all pointed to one thing; Midou had the Red. "You son of a woman, is this part of your damn betting circle?"

Ash lunged across the stage, grabbing Midou by the collar and slamming him into a wall. He was the taller of the two by a good three inches, and bulkier. "Turn it off, right now. Turn it off or I'll make you pay." He snarled down at the gambler, breathing heavily and eyes filled with rage. His hat had fallen from atop his head, landing on the ground behind him in front of Misty.

"Ash, he doesn't have it! He's just an arrogant ass." Misty tried to pull Ash off Midou and winced, biting her lip. She didn't have time for this, they had to find who really had the orb. "C'mon, we have to find the orb before anymore battles end."

The raven-haired teen shook his head, letting Midou slide down the wall, back onto his feet. "Myst, I'll find. You're hurt, you gotta sit this one out." He could see she wasn't going to listen, and looked around for a solution. "Soul! C'mere. I need you to keep Misty out of harm's way while I find the red orb."

"What do you mean keep me outta harm's way, whose gonna keep you safe?" The redhead wanted to smack him, but knew it would just hurt her arm more. She knew he was right, that she would be no use, but it hurt her pride to let him go alone. "I don't need a baby sitter, especially someone younger than me!"

Ash glanced at her pleadingly, knowing he needed to get going, but not wanting to leave thinking she would follow. "Myst, you and Mom are the only people I have left... Please, keep yourself safe. for me." Like that her defense crumbled, and she gazed it him through tear filled eyes.

"Fine, Ash, I won't go after you."

His demeanor changed instantly, and he turned to Soul. "Misty will xplain the rest of what's going on, but I need you to make sure nothing else happens to her and keep an eye on the other battlers. I have to find the red orb." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tossed it to Soul. "Call Stan, he's in my contacts. Tell him what's going on." He cast Soul one last glance, and the nodded. He turned and ran towards the back of the catacombs, where the officials would be.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 06:07:05 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #348 on: February 24, 2014, 06:31:49 AM »

Midou was suddenly thrown against the wall by an emotional Ash Hakima. He had Midou pinned and began accusing him of hurting the girl screaming about some orb. The girl calmed him down and after a heart felt and frankly stomach curling moment he left leaving some other guy to look after the girl. Midou had no clue what he was accusing him of and hen it was all settled he began walking off  passing by the . But just then a voice went off in his head, similar to the one with Salamander. "That one is an obstacle but the girl is his strength. Finish her here and break his will to go on!" Midou didn't know where the voice was coming from but he unconsciously followed its orders. He coldly grabbed hold of Misty's burned arms clenching them tightly and a small faint glow could be seen coming off his mysterious ring.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 06:43:09 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #349 on: February 24, 2014, 12:39:23 PM »
Misty watched Ash disappear into the crowd, so absorbed in her thoughts she didn't notice Midou approach her. She gasped in pain when he grabbed her arm, whipping around to glare at him. She couldn't find her voice for a moment, and when she did, her breathing was labored. "Let.... Me... Go.." She knew she couldn't make him let her go, he was taller and stronger than her at her best, much less incapacitated. She felt helpless, and Misty Williams hated feeling helpless.

She had felt helpless at some of the most tragic moments in her life; when she had lost her parents, when her sister had lost her temper and told her that she was a mistake, and when she had heard about Daylin's death. She had always laughed at the damsel in distress in all those cheesy movies, remarking to Ash that it was a bad stereotype for women, but right now she fit that description perfectly, and she hated it. "Let me go!"


Ash struggled through the crowd, working his way deeper into the catacombs. The place deteriorated the farther you went, in some places the only thing holding the roof up being the newly instilled steel bars. he didn't like being down here, but this was where the nonbattlers resided. The Managers and triad were always back here, though most didn't know it.

He found the group of peopl he was looking for soon enough, running smack into a tall man with spiky brown hair and startling green eyes. It was Blue, a member of his older brother Red's gang. "What are you doing down here? If you're looking for Red he isn't here." the man glared at him suspiciously.

"I-I'm looking for one of the managers, people are really getting hurt out there." Well that's not a total lie, Ash thought, he doesn't need to know about the red orb.

Blue looked him over, and then nodded. "I'll fetch one." He strode off, glancing back to shout over his shoulder, "stay there!".  Ash nodded at the man, and as soon as he was out of sight, began to frantically survey the room.

It was just groups of rich men with too much money talking and bragging, the red orb isn't here, he thought. He still continued to look, unable to remove the image of Misty's burnt arms from his mind. If he failed, others would get a lot worse.

His gaze froze on a group of men talking about something in awe, one waving around something a bit larger than a small stone. Something red, and slightly smaller than a small stone. The red orb! Ash was about to take of sprinting for the man, but he saw Blue returning with a tall man in a tuxedo. He swore, and did what he always did in these situations; trusted his gut. He took off running for the group of fancy men with the red orb, prepared to punch the man out, take the orb and run.

He got halfway there, several members realizing what he was doing and shouting a warning, before a hand reached out of the wall and pulled him into darkness. He struggled wildly, unable to speak thanks to the hand clamped over his mouth. "Ash, it's me. Red." The raven haired man immediately tensed, opening his eyes to see his older brother Kaylen"Red" Hakima, eyes widening. Why was he here, in the middle of a dark hole in the wall that no one knew about?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #350 on: February 24, 2014, 04:44:31 PM »

Ash beckoned him over, asking him to watch over Misty. He was surprised to be entrusted with such a task, considering he knew, (if only slightly), how much Misty meant to Ash. The guy tossed him his phone, saying to call Stan and explain the situation. He was still a little dazed by everything, but he kept it hidden, not wanting anything to take him by surprise.

As soon as he turned the phone on, however, the opponent who had left such marks on Misty walked over and grabbed his arms. Soul caught the movement out of the corner of his eye, but the full of the situation was at the front of his mind. Oh shi- Not gunna happen. Holding the phone in his right hand, he aimed a quick jab at the attackers stomach with his left. Not waiting for results, he ducked underneath the two's clasped arms, used his left to push Misty away, and went to elbow the jerk in the chin. He may be younger, but he was just as large as the other and was prepared to do what was needed to keep himself and Misty safe.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #351 on: February 24, 2014, 06:28:00 PM »

Caught in the hail of crystals stabbing her she tried her best not to scream in pain. She heard a loud noise of static booming out of her communication gear. "What the--! Yume, what's going on!? "Gah... What the hell..." "Don't tell me, that guy!?" Nilakanta watched her enemy who seemed to flinch for a while at the pain her bullets caused previously and was about to get up again. The ceiling above her crumbled a bit when heavy footsteps sounded in the distance. 'I wont let that guy kill my partner...' She swapped to her rocket launcher. "What the-! What are you doing, the whole cave might collapse if you use that!" Nilakanta pulled the trigger...

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #352 on: February 25, 2014, 12:44:57 AM »

    Kokoshi was about to sprint and punch his opponent, but he noticed something odd... was he cringing in pain? Not only that but his opponent seemed to be trying to tell him something... He was about to ask what was wrong, but suddenly the dragon spewed fire balls at the both of them. Kokoshi made a defensive motion to cover his face, but the fire ball that was heading his direction seemingly faded into steam as his opponents ice attack blocked the dragons attack. Kokoshi raised an eyebrow, and turned to his supposed opponent.
    Uh... Thanks!
    He was confused as to what to do as he stepped back from the dragon. His opponent seemed to be in pain and he almost forgot the dragon could go after him as well. But his opponent, instead of taking a victory, protected him. However, before he could question what was going on much more he felt a searing pain in his left arm as he carelessly backed away towards a lava pit as it spewed fire. He bellowed in pain and immediately ran for cover, examining the burn on his arm and feeling every bit of  the pain, unlike before...
    Then he realized his opponent was in danger as well, and nearly knocked himself out with a slap with his good arm. He ran to his opponent's aid, he had no idea what he just did to him actually hurt. This normally wouldn't bother him, but considering he was just saved from a ball of fire, he felt like a complete moron.


    He cringed again, barely holding back a yell of pain as the bullet wounds took their toll, he couldn't even stand. If he knew this would happen, he would have been much more careful.
    So much for being numbed by shock... I'll have to find another way... Wait, could she have...!
    Realization hit him like a truck, he then looked to his opponent with a mix of rage and confusion as she was ready to use a bazooka after taking that hit and yelling in pain. This must have been that power X was talking about before the match! Realizing he was in immediate danger, he slammed both hands to the ground and rode a crystal flower toward another stalactite.
    Dammit, I should've been more careful!
. . .

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #353 on: February 25, 2014, 01:05:52 AM »

The missles missed their target when her opponent jumped in the air. The homing system trying to bend upwards to follow it's target but collided with the ceiling while it was making its wide turn. The impact was too much for the ceiling and with a loud noise the ceiling was cracking over their head. Stalactites got loose and dropped to the ground and big pieces of rock fell down. The dragon could barely move to evade with the crystal daggers stuck in her limbs. Before she knew it she got hit by a rock on her back and fell down on the hard floor while the rest of the ceiling covered her body.

Yume Tsuki

When Yume’s mind returned to the real world she gasped in pain, it felt like a few bones had snapped, but to her relief she only bruised her ribs. She coughed up a little bit of blood. She noticed stab wounds on the places her Astral had been hit by the crystal knifes. She bit her tongue preventing herself from screaming in pain. She breathed irregularly. She looked at her opponent in disbelief, it was impossible that he could be the murderer. She felt she would faint from the pain if she wouldn't sit down so she slowly slid to the ground sitting down until the feeling would disappear. Trying to grasp what exactly happened. She looked around and saw a few participants who actually died. "What the... Does this mean the user doesn't have to participate himself?" She whispered. Her mind went blank. She just couldn't think anymore. She just stared at the ground, waiting for the pain to pass.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #354 on: February 28, 2014, 09:04:45 PM »

    Kokoshi was about to sprint and punch his opponent, but he noticed something odd... was he cringing in pain? Not only that but his opponent seemed to be trying to tell him something... He was about to ask what was wrong, but suddenly the dragon spewed fire balls at the both of them. Kokoshi made a defensive motion to cover his face, but the fire ball that was heading his direction seemingly faded into steam as his opponents ice attack blocked the dragons attack. Kokoshi raised an eyebrow, and turned to his supposed opponent.
    Uh... Thanks!
    He was confused as to what to do as he stepped back from the dragon. His opponent seemed to be in pain and he almost forgot the dragon could go after him as well. But his opponent, instead of taking a victory, protected him. However, before he could question what was going on much more he felt a searing pain in his left arm as he carelessly backed away towards a lava pit as it spewed fire. He bellowed in pain and immediately ran for cover, examining the burn on his arm and feeling every bit of  the pain, unlike before...
    Then he realized his opponent was in danger as well, and nearly knocked himself out with a slap with his good arm. He ran to his opponent's aid, he had no idea what he just did to him actually hurt. This normally wouldn't bother him, but considering he was just saved from a ball of fire, he felt like a complete moron.

Big Daddy

Now that the two were on mutual terms, Big Daddy used his drill to point to the large dragon, indicating that they need to be smart if they want to survive. He resolved not to harm his foe, for fear of accidentally killing him. Nightmare clause was somehow activated, and he didn't want to kill a newbie. The dragon unleashed more fire, and Bid Daddy pushed Kokoshi out of the way, and barely dodging a few himself. The dragon was causing rocks to fall, increasing the danger.
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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #355 on: March 01, 2014, 12:39:32 AM »

The being of shadow was more focused on running than anything. The rampaging beast behind him, had all of his attention at this point. He turned away from the dragon, to see what was infront of him, just intime for what looked like a drill to go straight through his arm. He somehow...Didn't die, though. He kept moving, he felt like he had lost power, but his arm seemed to regrow, using part of the shadow's that had made up the rest of his body. '...Okay, I've got to try this out later. This is actually...Pretty cool.' He seemed to slow down a little, turning around to look at the opponent who had lopped off his arm. He spoke as he moved, his voice sounded...Off. And it was. As it wasn't his voice, nor anyone's he knew. Rather, all of the voices he had ever heard, his entire life. "Hey, let me give you a...Hand. There." He threw his arm at his opponent, hoping for it to hit them. As it flew, he noticed it left what looked like a trail of darkness...And followed it. He felt...Weak, now. He was at his smallest, he could tell that as he flew into the trail. As the hand stopped short, he shot out of the shadow trail, blades slashing towards his opponent.

Fluffy and Lai

The hound couldn't move. She had never found a creature she feared...And this...Well, this was it. It was something she hadn't seen before...A predator, that  can hunt her. The dragon loomed forward, before doing something. The dragon's massive front leg's raised up, and came back down, as it's mouth came forward with it. The last thing that the hound saw before Desynching, was the dragon's head coming down, closing over the green, beast like enemy's head, right as vision was lost, as the leg came down crushing...It looked like it was a tie.

When Lai came too, she felt an immense pain. It felt as if something had literally crushed her, she felt as if she should be dead...She not only looked as if she was in pain, she looked...Terrified. As if something had scared her beyond belief... Over all, one thing anyone could tell. Was that she was not, okay.

(I have permission from Humen to do what I did with the dragon, ask him, he'll say I did.)

[SIINTCA, especially since I think this post is on very, very, shaky ground.]

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #356 on: March 04, 2014, 03:30:01 AM »

He suddenly felt himself un-synch, and when he opened his own eyes, his entire body felt numb, but he had a piercing headache. He looked to his opponent, who he had just heard yell in pain. Nexalas experimentally tried getting up, now acknowledging that he was on his knees. He couldn't feel anything, but he soon started regaining feeling. He checked under his shirt to see if there were any bullet wounds, and there were wounds, but they were more like scrapes than bullet holes. He calmly assessed the situation: pretty soon the shock will fade and he'll start feeling unbearable pain, Yume opponent is badly wounded, and some of the battlers in the other synch stations started dying. He froze for a moment in fear, realizing that Denis and some of the others were still synched and were in grave danger. He tried not to panic as he walked to his opponent, holding her a hand.
Here, can you stand? We need to get you medical attention.
He knew whoever was behind this was in the crowd, but to run in and hunt him down would be foolish as he had no idea what to even look for... He had to put all his faith in his friends to make it out alive.


He ran out of the way of a few big rocks as his opponent pushed him out of the way to safety from the fire-balls, and decided it was time to do something risky. He stomped his foot onto the ground and took as stance as if he was about to charge. He looked to his opponent.
I'm gonna use my ult on it, it's the only thing that can take down something this big!
. . .

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #357 on: March 04, 2014, 10:47:12 AM »
Yume Tsuki

The girl didn't speak, taking the hand. Her body protested to standing up, but she managed. Her mind was still blank, focusing on resisting the pain. In her mind she saw the image of the scarf she bought from the mysterious man that afternoon. She had to use it next time. If the next astral battles are going to be like this one the chances of dying would be high. Then she realized something: These weird events so far always happened at the tournament. First the cops surrounding the building yesterday. Now the large amount of dying astral fighters.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining
« Reply #358 on: March 06, 2014, 09:28:17 PM »

The dragon wasted no time quickly and easily finishing off both John and Lai they desynced virtually at the same time. When John desynced he fell to his knees unable to feel anything past his neck. He gasped for air falling over to his side before finally catching some air and giving out a loud, hoarse cough. When he looked up it seemed he may have gotten of easy seeing his opponent tremble in fear and pain. "Well that was certainly an exciting match." John let out a lighthearted chuckle trying to ignore the fact he almost suffocated.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 09:30:21 PM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.