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Author Topic: Myrius Rough Maps  (Read 34070 times)

Offline Tickles

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Myrius Rough Maps
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:38:09 PM »
This thread is for any potential mappers out there. Below are our rough maps for the beta, and we want you guys to submit your work on them. I wish you all luck on this.

Port ouro

This is the starting town, situated in the south of the island on the coast, it was the very first settlement in Miryus, due to the large bay which made it an easy place to land. It is a small, cosy town where the inhabitants make their living off of the large numbers of new trainers and small amount of shipping that goes through the town. It was originally an all wooden town, however as the it grew, modern, brick and glass buildings were built further inland. A few older, wooden buildings, including the bar, are still present along the shoreline. It is well known across the region as a laid back place, making it particularly attractive to surfers and fishermen alike. Despite the fact that the surfers complain that the recent pier and docks have reduced the wave size, and the sailor's complaints about the surfers getting in the way.

In the town centre, a small square can be found, with the pokecentre and mart to the west, housing to the east and south, and the main road out of town to the north. If you were to follow the coast round, you would soon come to a small collection of fisherman's huts.

A - This is where the player starts. A gravel path leads into the main town. Into the sea is a modern pier, though still wooden.

B - The main town, mainly housing, although a few shops selling odds and ends are scattered about.

C - Fisherman's huts. Most are old and rotten, though one is still used.

Not sure if this is what you wanted, or if you needed more detail etc...

Ground: Sand
Environment: Palms, small bushes
Extra: WATER!, dock, ship(s)

Ground: Something like half sand (darker than beach sand) half stone
- Example: http://a.rgbimg.com/cache1nDHoK/users/m/mz/mzacha/300/mhijYBI.jpg
Environment: Fences, flowers, small trees
Buildings: Small/Medium sized log houses

Ground: Probaby two kind of tiles; One for the "main road" (can be sand like or paved) and other one for off-road (dirt)
Environment: TREES, bushes, flowers, rocks

- Surfers
- Town people
- Random people on the beach enjoying the sun

Rockbound Village


Rockbound Village is given its name due to the large jagged rocks protruding out of the water, and is located due west of Port Ouro. It is located by the clffs and is a prime location for rockclimbers (not hikers) who climb to the bottom to get a better view of Kyogre's teeth.

The town has no Poke mart, but has a pokemon center. The other houses are random homes except for the large building, which will be explained below.



Option 1: Monimex Storage Facility 3

One of many Storage facilities, this one is home to excess trainer products and is guarded round the clock. Guards on break are always itching to battle.

Option 2: Water type pokemon gym

This can be the first gym for players to go take on if they wish, and for the sake of the beta, have a sign that says the gym leader is on vacation.

B-Trainer Court (Optional)

I was thinking of having this become an ancient court, where the natives from long before used to battle. Trainers can still be allowed to battle on these  grounds, but instead of a chalk looking outline, it can be lined with rocks in a decorative way.

C-Cliffside Cave

A small cave filled with low level pokemon, mainly water  types and the famed zubat. It can be 1-3 floors deep, with the bottom level containing pearls from time to time.

D- Kyogres Teeth

More for decorative purposes, I'm not suggesting making Kyogre appear here.

Tiles and art needed

-Grass tiles
-Rock tiles
-Cave tiles
-Road tiles
-Kyogre teeth designs
-Trainer court design
-Houses (Stone houses preffered, maybe some log cabins)
-Pokemon gym or storage facility

-Pokemon trainers
-Random NPC's
-Guards or Gym Guide

There was talk about putting a lighthouse here as well

Hutan Village


A- The combination post office, pokemon mart, and pokemon center

B- The lumberjack's house, or woodcutter, whichever sounds better.

C- The Town center, which is more like a gathering place. Left empty to add things after, or to suit some quests (Potential spot for Monimex Building.) Also going with the whole underdeveloped look.

D- Lots of space for trees, and maybe tall grass to find pokes, also potential areas for the transformer and cell tower.

E- The trading post, which is a good distance from the town due to the locals not wanting too much commercialization. Figured it could be a monimex trading post that can help kick start the quest.

The branching path from the top left path leads to the hill for the electrical quest. I figured we could just let kamaran know about that since it is a small addition, and should be far enough to estabalish a connection to the village, and on higher ground. Or we can use that clearing to add the hill and have the quest marked there.

Declan's Thoughts:  Okay, here's my input. Firstly, for a name what do you think of Hutan Village? Hutan is Malay for Forest. Secondly, I think there should be a small clearing, with a dirt floor in the centre of the town with local amenities. As it's quite an isolated town, I think a combined hut for the poke centre, post office and mart. Another building that could be present is a trading post. This is where the lumberjacks that live in the town come to sell the wood they've chopped down, could also be used as a place to sell wooden furniture if player houses are eventually introduced.
   Next off, the personal huts of the inhabitants are spread out down narrow paths from the centre, I'm thinking that they should look pretty temporary. Not quite a camp, but not quite an established town either. Aside from lumberjacks, there could be hunters, explorers and of course bug catchers. The town itself should be situated in a lightly coloured forest, and situated on a crossroads with say 5 or 6 paths coming out (Pretty much what you already have). Some of these paths will lead to other towns, whilst others lead you deeper into the forest which becomes more dense and much darker as the player travels along them.

Fullgent City

Pronounced fuhl-juhnt, it is meant to mean luminous or dazzling. Before I get into the details, I felt as though the fourth town should be the center for everything on the island, though not located in the center of the region.

Theme: Large city, lots of tall buildings, meant to be the main town sometime after the starting town.

-Buildings needed
 ~Apartments (at least 4)
 ~PLC commerce building/PU dev team offices
 ~Trainer academy
 ~Alder's lab?
 ~Pokemon center and poke mart

-Special areas
 ~Town square- Like a fountain surrounded by NPC trainers, located in exact center of town, all other buildings around that.

 ~Bulletin board- For announcements, ads and the like. Possibly be used by players to post trade requests, battle requests, etc.

 ~Building floors
 ~Battle floor

 ~Bulletin board
 ~Office desks
 ~Student desks

Story: Fulgent City was built as the trainer capital of the region, as well as the prime location of the Pokemon League Commission. It was built atop a desolate wasteland where no Pokemon dared to take residence.

The city thrives by attracting trainers from all over, who wish to enter the official league challenge, as well as tourists who enjoy watching battles in the town square. The trainer academy offers refresher courses and battles with beginner trainers.

New map being made

About the PU dev team offices, I felt as though we should have our own building with clone NPC's of us for players to interact with. These NPC's would not battle, but would contain dialogue that each team member would have them say, as well as look like how the team member wants them to look like. They would get the top floor of course, but this is just a small idea that really has no other purpose but to make things look nicer.

Feel free to add any suggestions, or any tiles or objects I may have missed.

Myrius World Map Overview

This give you guys a rough idea on how big the region is, and what is where.

Again, good luck, and please post your work here, even if its halfway done. Also, interiors are welcome as well. Use your imagination guys.

Yuki EDIT: Port Ouro map updated.
Yuki EDIT2: Rockbound Village map updated.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 12:32:33 AM by Xetroc »
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 06:37:45 PM »
Ok, so I finally got the tiles we are working with ready. If you guys need want them, you can click here.

Use it in whatever map tool you want. They are already re-sized to PU standards, which is 32*32. For those that want to try the basics of mapping, I recommend Tiled. I am testing it out right now, but I'm no mapper, so you may not see any of that work. All we want to see is what you guys can make, so feel free to upload them here.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 06:40:39 PM by Xetroc »
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2014, 06:27:37 AM »
Interior tileset is ready-

Also, some eye candy on what I made using the interiors. Pokemon Center Nostalgia Edition Redone:

Roloc made some spaces too, but I don't have the links for them anymore.
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2014, 04:58:50 PM »

House 1, 2 & 3

Bug Gym


Poke center/mart

Abandoned house (Done by Miss Wednesday)


Mega Mart with rec room on the top floor

1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor

5th floor

Rest house
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 01:38:43 AM by Roloc »
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2014, 06:25:46 AM »
It's good to see you guys are making progress. Keep up the good work!

Roloc, I'm a bit curious about that first house. What's up with the water?

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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2014, 06:47:52 AM »
Koi pond. Koi ponds are really popular to have inside the house. Some people even take it further and have an "outside" koi pond on the inside of the house.
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2014, 07:16:01 AM »
I don't really see the appeal of having a pond inside of a house.

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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2014, 04:54:27 PM »
perhaps not, but some do. Its quite calming and relaxing sitting by it.

they can be very nice

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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2014, 05:25:28 PM »
I agree that ponds are calming and relaxing. I can see how you might want one if you live in the city or a large town, where you probably wouldn't have access to a secluded pond without traveling outside the town/city. There are plenty of ponds and such around the area I live in, so obviously there really isn't any need to have one inside, since you can just walk through the backyard to get to one.

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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2014, 05:51:52 PM »
Same here, Miss Wednesday and I live 3/4 of a mile in the woods on a dirt road and have 3 huge ponds around us and a small creek. But I still have a koi pond, though mine isn't in the house however I would like for it to be. I love fish ponds and tanks.
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2014, 05:59:07 PM »
Koi ponds are cool and the map looks great to me C:
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2014, 06:05:10 PM »
All I'm going to say on that is that koi pond house is going to for a special character on the beta. You guys will like them.
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2014, 06:12:45 PM »
Sounds good to me. Since all staff members are getting their own floor in the staff building, I don't need a house >:D

._. I shouldn't of said that, I was about to say more then that too. xD

This gave me an idea on another map that we needed. To the map editor!!
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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2014, 05:20:58 AM »
Sounds good to me. Since all staff members are getting their own floor in the staff building, I don't need a house >:D

._. I shouldn't of said that, I was about to say more then that too. xD

This gave me an idea on another map that we needed. To the map editor!!

Also, I agree with your other post. Fish tanks/ponds are pretty neat. Not cool enough that I would put a pond in my house though xD. A fish tank inside or a koi pond near the porch would be neat.

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Re: Myrius Rough Maps
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2014, 02:27:11 PM »
though one of the main problems people with koi ponds in real life have, is when they take good care of their koicarps they get huge, and huge koicarps are worth ALOT. So some thieves steal those carps out of the yard to sell them for a very high price. Which is probably why most people keep their koi pond inside.

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