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Author Topic: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas  (Read 18126 times)

Offline Tickles

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[OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:30:09 PM »
Every last detail of the RP is here. PM the GM, or post here if you have any questions.




Major Factions

NCR (New California Republic)

Leader- President Oliver Stone
Alignment- Lawful Good
Politics- Democracy

The New California Republic. Once a superpower in the Mojave, they have made a comeback to reclaim territories, and try to bring a fair justice system to the chaotic wasteland. They prefer to use diplomacy to settle disputes, but are not afraid to use force. They resemble the former U.S Government, but are more open minded to new ideas.


Leader- President Carl Hadrin
Alignment- Chaotic Good
Politics- Democracy

The Enclave. Remnants of the former U.S Government, and once the defining law throughout the Capitol Wasteland. They utilize any and all old war tech to expand their empire. Recently, they have risen from the ashes of their former glory, and wish to take the Mojave for themselves to establish a stable foothold, and eventually retake America.

Caesar's Legion

Leader- Emperor Lanius
Alignment- Lawful Evil
Politics- Dictatorship

The Legion, slavers and followers of their true king. They terrorized the Mojave in the past before Courier 6 defeated them at The Battle of Hoover Damn. With the recent death of the courier, they have returned to expand their territory once more. They are the most ruthless, and highly disciplined.

Talon Company

Leader- Commander Hawk
Alignment- Chaotic Evil
Politics- Anarchy

The Talon Company, mercs of all types that want one thing: money. They see the Mojave as an investment, and commit crimes of all sorts across their territories. Though they do not have a formal law, they prefer capitol punishment for any trespasses, no matter how small. Everyone in the faction has a price.

Minor factions


Leader- none
Alignment- Neutral
Politics- none

Citizens of the Mojave that prefer to travel around the wastes. Some are highly successful scavengers, while others have died in the harsh environment. They have no loyalties but to themselves.

Followers of the Apocalypse

Leader- Janice Alba
Alignment- Lawful Good
Politics- None

Doctors and good samaritans, they provide medical facilities across the wasteland. They despise the major factions for causing chaos in the wastes, but are never likely to turn anyone away, save for the Legion or Talon Company. They are interested in pre-war tech to research new medical practices. Their major compound is located in Freeside.

The Kings

Leader- The King
Alignment- Chaotic Neutral
Politics- Cult

The Kings follow the way of Elvis, emulating him in every aspect. The most notable impersonator is The King, who talks, walks, and looks like their pariah. Though they seem more of an entertainment business, they are in fact a gang that controls Freeside, and will fight off anyone that tries to cause trouble in their town. Travelers that commit charitable acts within Freeside are usually rewarded by The King himself.

Goodsprings Town

Leader- Sunny Smiles
Alignment- Lawful Neutral
Politics- Democracy

A small town consisting of ranchers and simple folk. They want no part in the war, and just want to maintain their way of life. Their biggest export is Bighorner Meat and fresh water, and are one of the few towns that has a school. Sunny Smiles is the new Mayor of Goodsprings, and she helped establish a simple judicial system that is founded on truth, compassion, and freedom.


Leader- None
Alignment- Evil
Politics- None

Multiple small groups of people that are willing to kill and steal. The only option is to eliminate them when encountered. Most are known chem addicts.

Faction Locations


Camp McCarran- Main Base

An old train staion that has been converted into a military base, as well as the home base for the recent president. Vertibirds can be seen on the back lots and the front grounds are littered with tents and firing ranges for the soldiers to train at their leisure. The monorail that connects to the strip is located here, but remains out of commission since the last conflict at Hoover Damn.

Aerotech- Storage facility

The NCR have recently took control of Aerotech company, and are using it as a makeshift storage facility. It is guarded round the clock. Inside are a large amount of weaponry, medical supplies, and food.

South Vegas Ruins- Under development

A former raiders den, the south vegas ruins have been cleared, and the NCR have set up an outpost there. There are plans to explore the ruins further to see if any raider stockpiles exist, but the low light conditions and gas leaks have made it near impossible without the proper gear.

Westside- Small town

The town of Westside was once a poor, almost known town in the Mojave. Since they joined sides with the NCR, they have seen a large economic boom. The two hotels located within the town have gone from brothels, to near luxury resorts (though you can still find a bed maiden if you wish). Anyone who works for the NCR goes here to work a small job, relax, or shop for new items.


Searchlight- Main base

The entire town of searchlight was once inhospitable due to radiation levels but it recently wore down, and life can flourish once again. Located here is an old firehouse, police station, church, and enough houses to fit the Enclave's needs. Nearby is the airport, which serves as the Enclave's HQ, where the radio equipment constantly churns out Enclave Propaganda, and is home to their Vertibirds and laboratories.

Cottonwood Cove- Small riverside settlement

A former Legion settlement that was abandoned after the Last Battle of Hoover Damn, the enclave have took up residence here, destroying anything resembling the legion, and converting it into a water treatment town. Fresh water can be aquired here, but only with permission from Enclave Officers, or having the right forms.

Forlorn hope- Training camp

An abandoned settlement that the Enclave have turned into a supply town. The multiple buildings house all kinds of supplies, from pre-war tech, to food. No one but Enclave soldiers are permitted here, and trespassers will be arrested or shot on sight.

Repconn Test Site- Run Down Space Station

The Enclave discovered this area hidden near Novac, and have staked claim here, analyzing all the pre-war equipment that lies inside. Signs seem to point to it once housing ghouls, but they have long since disappeared. Currently, they are deciphering old blueprints in hopes of creating a new weapon.


The Fort- Main Base

Once, and still is, the main  base of operation for the legion. They send their troops out by cover of darkness on rafts to venture into the wastes. It is the largest settlement in the Mojave, and is said to house hundreds of legion soldiers, as well as slaves. Training grounds, a fighting pit, a slave pen, and even the current emperors quarters are located here. Infiltrating this area is extremely dangerous.

Camp Guardian- Large training facility

A former NCR training camp, it now belongs to the legion. They have converted the entire base to serve as a training ground for new recruits. The conditions here are harsh, but it is relatively easy to infiltrate since the majority of residents are young men looking to become soldiers.

Callville- Small port

This only serves as the legions connection to the wastelands. Undercover legion soldiers act as regular people who will sell random "junk" to strangers, while smuggling soldiers into the wastelands at night.

Camp Golf- Spy base

Acting as resort town, this is home to many legion spies. They can easily keep track of the NCR from here, as well as keep notes on the other factions throughout the Mojave. People from all over come here to relax and enjoy themselves. It is not unheard of for people to disappear though, but rumors suggest that they may have drowned in the nearby waters after refusing to obey the NO SWIMMING signs.

Talon Company

Mojave Outpost- Main Base

Though smaller than the other faction bases, it serves Talon's needs well. They have established trade routes between their major territories from here, and even equipped the place to serve as a training facility. Mercenaries can come here at their leisure to get missions.

Primm- Casino Town

The Talon Company kept this town as small vegas, leaving the Viki and Vance casino running, and even renovating the Bison Steve Hotel. The Mojave Express was taken over, and only serves as a supply network for the other territories under the company.

Nipton- Prison town

Talon Company loves to take captives when it can, uses this town to house them. A large fence was erected around the town, and POW's from all factions can be found here for numerous crimes ranging from "looking at an officer funny," to "refusing to dance when I shot at his feet." Life here isn't as bad as being a prisoner of the Legion at least.

Slaon- Checkpoint

A strategic foothold, the company has taken Sloan and stopped all shipment of concrete from the quarry. Instead, it is now a checkpoint, and people that wish to pass by to get to the strip must pay a hefty fine, or are turned around and sent where they came from. It is then fastest route to the stip as well.

Follower's of the Apocalypse and Kings

Freeside- Both factions have a mutual agreement, and Freeside remains a nice residential town, with direct access to the strip. Though it was formally home to those that struck out on the strip, it is receiving aid and is experiencing a well known economic boom. Residents report it being a lot safer than usual.


Red Rock Canyon and all of the ranger stations- Notably dangerous places

The raiders, being pushed from their usual spots, have taken up residence here. The area is considered lost, and no one dares to enter. Raiders can still be found throughout the wasteland, in the numerous ranger stations, utilizing them to ambush passerby.

Neutral Territories

Goodsprings- An old west style town, it sports a Saloon, a School, a General Goods Store, and a few houses. There's not a lot of resources here, and the residents are well armed.

Novac- A refugee town, home to many that have displaced by the recent faction conflicts. It is overcrowded, and residents are genrally miserable.

Jamestown- One of the few locations to have peaceful super mutants, it has no resources whatsoever, and serves as a refuge spot for lost travelers in the mountains.

Hidden Valley- Nothing exists here, at least, to the naked eye.

Black Mountain- Once a place crawling with dangerous super mutants, it is now a highly radioactive ghost town, with one radio station that only plays white noise.

Repconn HQ- A home to dozens of robots that gained sentience. They prefer a peaceful way of life, and have since gotten rid of all their resources, save for parts to repair themselves.

The Vaults

Any and all vaults are home to unknown treasures, but are considered dangerous to venture into. Few have gone into these underground labyrinths, and none have returned. Have the found fortune and left to a beter way of life, or did they all meet a deadly fate?
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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 10:30:24 PM »
Our Story So Far
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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2014, 10:30:38 PM »
Xetroc's Backpack


Sledgehammer x1
Handyman Jumpsuit x1 (Helps with repair thanks to the many pockets to hold tools)


Machete x1
Legion Recruit Armor x1 (+1 END, Legion Faction Tag)
Psycho x3 (Increases atk damage for a short time. Makes user aggressive)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 05:28:17 PM by Xetroc »
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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2014, 11:15:55 PM »
Looks very well set up :)
Looking forward to joining this RP.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2014, 11:27:30 PM »
Warren's backpack
Roll of boxing tape (x1)
Dark green over-coat (x1)
Assassin suit (x1 +10 sneak)
Carton of Cigarettes (x1)
Worn metal lighter (x1)

Silene's backpack
Sniper Rifle (x1)
Repair Kit (x2)
NCR Trooper Fatigues (x1)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 08:06:37 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2014, 07:41:04 PM »
Wolf's Inventory

1x Bear trap fist
1x Wasteland outfit (+1AGL, +1END)
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 04:10:32 AM »
RP has begun. Get to it people. Once you guys get the first post, I will give you your first player events.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2014, 04:48:14 AM »
Discord's Backpack:
Wooden  bat(x1)
Eyeglasses (x1)
Dirty pre-War businesswear (1x)
Dapper gambler's hat (x1)
 Pencil (x1)
 Pre-War book(x1)
 Pot[Like a flower pot, Blades. Like a flower pot.](X1)

Joe's Backpack:

Energy pistol(x1)
Merc trouble maker outfit(x1)
Energy Cell(X3)

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2014, 04:50:29 AM »
Didn't know Discord was a drug addict

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2014, 08:09:53 PM »
Before I respond to any posts, I'm waiting on gba, and humen.
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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2014, 10:42:02 PM »
John's Backpack:
Legion recruit armor(x1)
Legion recruit helmet(x1)
Dog bowl(x1)
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2014, 06:56:44 AM »
I edited Warren's post now that I'm more awake. Should be better.

And yes, Warren defied logic and poured water into a hole of sand. #getmad

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2014, 04:34:46 PM »
Sorry for the extremely late post, not been on a computer until now. Posting now.

And Warren does what Discord makes a living off of. Deifying logic.

Edit: Sorry for the uber late late post, and it's not going to be posted when you guys see this, currently on mobile at a hotel I was told would have internet.

It didn't.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:49:55 AM by GameBoy Advanced »

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2014, 01:36:57 PM »
Nope, only Xetroc or I can kill him off because he's one of my npcs now. #bestplanever

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Re: [OOCC] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2014, 05:19:48 PM »
;w; you only make him do stupid stuff like cry... Gimme Jake >:Q__
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man