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Author Topic: [Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas  (Read 9481 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:41:33 PM »
Profile rules/mechanics

-You are allowed up to 3 characters at once. Your main character must be a human, and you are allowed 1 animal/robot profile, and that profile is a companion character.

-You may choose any animal or robot as a companion for then provided lists. However, be mindful of what you pick. Some companions will be denied by GM discretion. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_creatures (In other words, do not choose anything OP like a deathclaw!)

-You must start off in your factions location. If faction less, you must start in a neutral location. Wastelanders may start anywhere that isn't a faction base.

-You may choose any weapon from this list: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_weapons. You are not allowed to have unique weapons, and your weapon will start off in a poor state. Your weapon may break randomly during the RP, so beware.

-You may choose any armor from this list: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_armor_and_clothing, except power armor(can be obtained through special means), and unique armor. Your armor starts in poor condition, and has a chance to break. Also note that the size of the armor can decrease speed. Add these factors to any armor, along with that armors usual stats. Example, Leather Armor gains the +1 endurance, and Metal Armor gains the +3 endurance, and -3 agility.

Clothing- No gains, No losses

Light- +1 endurance, no losses

Medium- +2 endurance, -1 agility

Heavy- +3 endurance, -2 agility

-S.P.E.C.I.A.L Can only have a minimum score of 1 and a maximum score of 10. Traits and perks will not help you breach these limits. For example, taking the claustrophobia trait with anything at a score of 10 will leave it at ten.

-Trait effects are applied after you distribute your points for your scores. this is represented by adding a + or - next to your score after distribution, or memorizing what the effect does under certain situations.


Strength- The higher this number is, the stronger you are. This ties into combat as it allows you to carry heavier weapons, hit harder with melee and unarmed attacks,  and as well as how much you can carry. It also ties into a lot of minor details, like moving heavy objects, forcing a door open, or whatever requires physical power.

Perception- The higher the number, the more you can see or hear (does not affect sharp eyes trait.) You will be able to detect enemies before they see you, identify distant objects, and even detect nearby traps.

Endurance- The higher the number is, the more damage you can take before you go down. It also affects how musc you can run, how much physical activity you can do, how long it takes you to get hungry or thirsty (does not counter fish gills negative effects), and your resistance to the harsh desert environment.

Charisma- The higher the number is, the more people like you. You just have a certain magnetism about you that makes enemies more likely to leave you alone. Not the same as speech or barter, but related to them.

Intelligence- The higher the number is, the smarter you are. It governs how much knowledge you have, and can come in handy in tough situations requiring brain power, such as identifying the types of enemies you face, solving complex puzzles, and event coming up with plans.

Agility- The higher you are, the faster you can go. This is not limited to running. It can also greatly improve your reaction times to situations, the speed at which you can draw a weapon, or swiping an item from someones pocket with fast hands.

Luck- The higher the number, the luckier you are. This governs a lot of things, but mostly what kind of loot you will find, and how often you can critically strike against a foe (critical strikes are usually 1-hit kills, depending on the enemy.)



Weapon Skills

Energy Weapons- Proficiency at using energy-based weapons.

Explosives- Proficiency at using explosive weaponry, disarming mines, and crafting explosives. Can be made a passive skill to use explosives as tools (NOT WEAPONS).

Guns- Proficiency at using weapons that fire standard ammunition.

Melee Weapons- Proficiency at using melee weapons.

Unarmed- Proficiency at unarmed fighting.

Passive Skills

Barter- Proficiency at trading and haggling. Also used to negotiate better quest rewards or occasionally as a bribe-like alternative to Speech.

Lockpick- Proficiency at picking locks.

Medicine- Proficiency at using medical tools, drugs, and for crafting Doctor's Bags. Also governs how well you can heal others.

Repair- Proficiency at repairing items and crafting items and ammunition. Also governs how well you can take apart things without breaking them.

Science- Proficiency at hacking terminals, recycling energy ammunition at workbenches, crafting chems, and many dialog checks.

Sneak- Proficiency at remaining undetected and stealing. Also governs how well you can conceal items, poison an enemy, and disappear into a crowd.

Speech- Proficiency at persuading others. Also used to negotiate for better quest rewards and to talk your way out of combat, convincing people to give up vital information and succeeding in multiple speech checks.

Survival- Proficiency at cooking, making poisons, and crafting "natural" equipment and consumables. Also yields increased benefits from food. Also governs how well you can make improvised weaponry (Using rocks and sticks, and leftover metal.)


Built to destroy- You are a tornado of destruction. You get slightly more critical hits, but your weapon has more of a chance to break.

Fast shot- You have lightening fast fingers, and can fire any weapon faster than most, but at the cost of accuracy.

Four Eyes- While wearing glasses, you gain +2 to perception, but -1 without them. Visors on helmets do not count as glasses.

Good Natured- Your passive skills both count as Major Passives, but your weapon skill becomes minor.

Heavy Handed- You can hit harder with your fists and melee weapons, but you can't score a critical hit with them.

Kamikaze- Your agility increases to 10 while in combat, but you take more damage from attacks.

Loose Cannon- You can throw anything faster, but you can't throw them very far.

Small frame- You gain +1 to agilty, but your limbs are crippled easier.

Trigger Discipline- You are more accurate with your weapons, but you can't fire them as fast.

Wild Wasteland- You see things differently, whether you want to or not. (Count as insane)

Claustrophobia- +1 to all attributes while outdoors, but -1 when outdoors

Early bird- +2 to all attributes during Morning and Afternoon, but -1 to all during Evening and Night.

Hot Blooded- You do more damage when you are at half health, but you lose 2 agility and perceptions when at half health.

Logan's Loophole- Chems last twice as long, and you will never become addicted, but you can only have one passive skill.

Skilled- You gain an extra passive skill, but you lose one point to all attributes.

Sharp Eyes- You can see easily under any condition, including the dark, but you have poor hearing.

Fish Gills- You were born with gills, allowing you to breathe underwater, but you get thirsty more often.

Lead Belly- You can drink dirty water and eat irradiated food with no problem, but you need more to satisfy your needs.

Hoarder- You can carry more items than normal, but you need to carry at least 10 items or lose 1 point in all attributes.

Gifted- You gain 2 point in all attributes, but you have no passive skills.

Cannibal- You can quell your hunger by feasting on your kin, but you will be considered an outcast from all factions.

Code: [Select]
[b]Username:[/b] PU Username
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] Must be 18-50
[b]Faction:[/b] You may choose factionless
[b]Job:[/b] What you job is. If you can't decide, the GM may provide you with one.
[b]Traits:[/b] Choose up to 2 from the list. You may choose none.
[b]Skills:[/b] Choose a major skill and two minor skills. Your major skill is the one you excell at the most, while your minor is one you are good at in one area. See notes for details.
[b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L:[/b] All scores start at 5. You get 5 points to spend. You can trade off points for higher scores(See notes).
[b]Items:[/b] Choose a starting weapon and armor. GM will grant you other items at their discretion.
[b]Bio:[/b] Must be at least two paragraphs long. The more in here, the more you will be able to develop your character. Go all out.
[b]Appearence:[/b] You may describe a character, but an image will work. Try for something gritty, as Fallout is not clean and pretty.
[b]Notes:[/b] Anything extra you want to mention about your character.

(Note, this profile works the same for animal/robot companions too. Just subtract joband items from the profile, and instead of choosing skills give a description of what they are good at.)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 05:08:45 AM by The-Blades-slave »
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Re: [Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 11:14:51 PM »
Username: Xetroc
Character Name: Salvador
Age: 45
Faction: Enclave
Job: Mechanic
Personality: Reserved, but can throw down when it's needed. He prefers to stay in solitude, even though his job requires he speak to others.
Traits: Good Natured, Heavy Handed
Skills: Major- Repair, Minor- Melee;Science
Items: Sledgehammer (x1), Handyman Jumpsuit (x1)
Bio: Sal's father was an Enclave Officer, and enjoyed the stories his dad would tell him. He grew up like a true patriot. After the enclave collapsed, he and his family was forced to hide within the Mojave. During his youth, Sal learned to repair everything around him in order to keep his family comfortable. Over the years, he refined his skill, being able to repair anything up to a vertibird.

When the Enclave reformed once again, Sal did not hesitate to sign up. With his machinist skills, he works in the vertibird hangers, running repairs throughout the day. He is considered one of the more trustworthy Enclave soldiers, and his officers report him to be a very gentle soul. Sal currently keeps contact with multiple suppliers, using his food rights to pay for new parts.
Appearance: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120414012426/fallout/images/2/2d/Haley.jpg
Notes: Sal is larger than most people, and he barely fits into his jumpsuit.

Username: Xetroc
Character Name: Cilus
Age: 22
Faction: Legion
Job: Recruit
Personality: Tenacious
Traits: Wild Wasteland, Built to Destroy
Skills: Major: Melee, Minor: Survival;Explosives
Machete (x1)
Legion Recruit Armor (x1)
Psycho (x3)
Bio: Cilus was born into the legion, and determined from birth to be a soldier meant for death. He was trained by Lanius's right hand man, Hermeus, to be a what he is today. However, Cilus failed a critical test in the legion, and he was placed as a lowly scout. Nowadays, he does what he can to try and prove himself to be the soldier he was destined to become.

As punishment for failing his test, he recieved the mark of Ceasar, 40 lashings in an X across his back. This was to remind him his new place in the ranks. Cilus didn't take that lesson to heart, and wears the mark proudly, being one of the few to actually survive a brutal ordeal. He has taken it upon himself to let nothing stand in his way.
Appearence: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/232/8/b/legionnaire_by_nordicia-d6ixg7t.jpg.
Notes: Due to Cilus's experience, he is forever haunted by the image of an evil nome, that tells him to do things he may or may not wish to do. This brings worry to the troop he was assigned to. He also has a crippling addiction to Pycho.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 05:26:31 PM by Xetroc »
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Re: [Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2014, 11:19:39 PM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Character Name: Warren Renniger
Age: 25
Faction: Faction-less
Job: Infiltration and intelligence
Personality: Warren has a no-nonsense attitude, and is cold towards most people. Due to long periods of isolation he has trouble dealing with his emotions when not hiding behind his mask, and most people take a disliking to his chilly demeanor instantly. He doesn't trust easily, but he can be very loyal when he does.

Traits: Heavy handed and claustrophobia.

Skills- Unarmed (Major)-Sneak (Minor)-Speech (Minor).

S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 2


Roll of boxing tape (x1)
Dark green over-coat (x1)
Assassin Outfite (x1 +10 Sneak)
Carton of Cigarettes (x1)
Worn metal lighter (x1)

Bio: Warren is an enigma, even to the residents of Goodsprings who knew him as a child. He appeared out of the dust like a ghost, a small leather bag of Caps clutched to his chest. He pressed the bag into the first townsmen he came across, croaking for a doctor. Then, he collapsed.

When Doc Mitchell got to him, he thought the young boy was dead. He was caked in dirt, skin yellow and ribs showing underneath his shirt. He treated the child to the best of his abilities, but Warren didn't wake up for nearly two weeks. When he finally came to he panicked, screaming for his parents at the top of his lungs. It took Mitchell nearly an three hours to calm him and explain the situation.

That was the one and only time any of the townsmen ever heard Warren mention his parents. It was arranged for him to Stay with Chet and Sunny, the town merchant and protector. They had been married in recent years. Chet taught him a lot about trading, and though Sunny tried, the boy could never get the hang of shoot a gun. On his sixteenth birthday, he left Goodsprings for adventure.

He still visited regularly, traveling all around New Vegas. The children of the town began to eagerly await his return, because he always brought gifts for each one of them with him from some strange place. Unbeknownst to the residents of Goodsprings, he had become a spy. He would sneak into the bases of the factions and steal secrets to sell to the highest bidder. He was good at his job, slipping in and out unnoticed most of the time. then, he decided to infiltrate the Legion base.

He was captured when he tried to free a young female slave, and soon was enslaved himself. He spent the greater part of two years enslaved, and then one day he got lucky. He, along with many other slaves, were to be transported. On the way to the location the Legion escorts were ambushed by raiders, and though the fight didn't last long it gave him enough time to escape. He didn't stop running until he was sure he was out of the range of the bomb collar all slaves were forced to wear, and then he only had a small reprieve.

His first order of business was to get the bomb collar taken off. He found a mechanic who said he would be able to remove it, but in the end he was only able to disable it. The mechanic apologized, but Warren thanked him anyways. Next e traveled home for the first time in two years to tell his adoptive parents that he was still alive. When he arrived in town he was depressed for a moment; the children who had looked forward to his arrival were no longer there, but he soon shook it off. It had been two years, they had grown up.

His adoptive parents were ecstatic, sure he was dead. When he explained his story they were horrified, and though his mother insisted he take a gun if he left again, Warren shook his head. He pulled a roll of tough tape from his pocket and showed her his hands, which were wrapped in it. He had taken up Muay Thai, the art of eight limbs. It would keep him safe, and unlike the guns she offered was concealable.

His step-mother was not convinced, but he steadfastly refused to carry a rifle. To appease his wife, Chet purchased him a young male cyberdog. It was a stocky puppy and black as midnight. He tried to deny it at first, but eventually caved and named the dog Modeus. The two became steadfast companions, both suited to traveling abroad.

It has been three years since he escaped slavery, and Warren has taken up infiltration again. Nothing pays quite like it, nor gives the thrill.

Appearance: Tall and athletic, with sharp gray eyes and dirty blonde hair. His skin, stained a soft gold from long days under the sun, is covered with soft white scars. The deactivated bomb collar from his days as a slave still hangs loosely around his, and when in public he wears a long dark green trench coat to hide himself.

Notes: He always keeps a pack of cigarettes and a silver metal lighter on him. he hasn't smoked long enough for his breathing to be affected and generally only smokes one cigarette a day to calm his nerves, but it can increase on especially hectic days.

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Character Name: Silene Nicole
Age: 28
Faction: NCR
Job: Soldier
Personality: Silene is fiery and courageous, never stopping to think things through. She is often reprimanded for her impulsive actions, rushing headfirst into situations when those she cares about are involved regardless of consequence. She hates to be pitied for her disability and will ream out any who try to make special exceptions for her.
Traits: Sharp eyes and trigger discipline.
Skills: Guns (Major)-Sneak (Minor)- Repair (Minor)
Sniper Rifle (x1)
Repair Kit (x2)
NCR Trooper Fatigues (x1)
Bio: Silene was born in Primm, a tiny town where Californians could game, during a period it was under the protection of NCR. The younger part of her life was peaceful enough, most disputes in the town settled quickly. That all changed when the NCR vanished, abandoning them at the time they were needed most. The town fell into chaos soon after.

With no authority raiders took up residence and began to terrorize the town. She hated it, and one day when she and her parents were walking home she told them just that. The raiders didn't hesitate to open fire, killing her parents immediately. A bullet embedded itself in her side, but when the leader of the group saw she was alive her brought the butt of his gun down on her forehead and vision went black.

When she woke up the world was silent. She came to find out that her parents had been killed. she was alive because a few anonymous residents of the town had brought her to a doctor (he had written everything out for her) and that he could do nothing for her hearing, though he offered to teach her sign language. Overtime she became fluent in the motions and began to learn to read lips, though she avoided leaving the doctors home for fear of the raiders.

She eventually learned about the NCR, and set her mind on joining. They had protected her town once, they had to be good people. They had not allowed the raiders to do what they did now. When she was twenty-five she set out to find them and join. It ook her two years to find and convince them to allow her despite her disability, and she has now been in service for a year and some months.

She is trained as a sniper, and due to superior eyesight, is the best in her stationed squad.

Appearance:  She is average height, dark hair cut into a bob and clear blue eyes. Her skin is rosy and tanned from long days under the sun, and her uniform is always freshly scrubbed and wrinkle free.
Notes: She is deaf. She is adept at reading lips, but can still make mistakes and is fluent in sign language. She does not like to be pitied for this.

(Note, this profile works the same for animal/robot companions too. Just subtract job and items from the profile.)

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Character Name: Modeus
Age: 3 (21 in dog years, I suppose.)
Faction: Warren
Personality: Modeus has been trained since just after he was born to smell, see, and hear any danger to his owner. He is fiercely protective of the man and vicious to all who threaten him. Anyone who is kind to his owner instantly earns his approval.
Traits: Gifted and lead belly.
Skills: Modeus is skilled at combat and has been trained to sniff out bombs and other dangers.

Bio: Modeus was turned into a cyberdog as a puppy after he lost a part of his head, his left hind leg, and his jaw. No one wanted to take him because of how much work and money it would be to constantly get his parts resized as he grew, until Chet came along and bought him as a gift for Warren. He knew his adopted son made more than enough to get the repairs done and would not neglect the dog.

The two were enemies at first. The pup-Modeus would yip all night while they traveled and give away their position, and Warren would muzzle it to quiet him. Then came the first trip to get the parts on the cyberdog resized, and the blond travelers opinion on the pup changed drastically. He whined and growled in pain through the operation, but he lived. The dogs grip on life was unbelievably strong. After that he treated the dog better, began training him to hunt the scent of bombs and to strengthen his muscles. He taught it to travel in the desert quietly, and it protected him.

In the lonely Wastelands, no two better friends could be found.

Appearence: Modeus is short and stocky, with fur darker than a starless sky. His head is largely metal thanks to the steel lower jaw and brain container, and his right eye is fused with pre-war tech to give him night vision and always glows dark green. His left hind leg is completely metal connecting to his hip, and his tail is severed at the stump.

Notes: Modeus is less injured than most cyberdogs. He'sl also a pit bull, cause chansey shepards.

(Note, this profile works the same for animal/robot companions too. Just subtract job and items from the profile.)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:46:57 AM by The-Blades-slave »
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Re: [Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 06:04:40 PM »
Username: Lubbies
Character Name: Wolf
Age: 19
Faction: Wastelander (faction-less)
Job: Scavenger
Personality: Untrusting, cold
Traits: Small frame
Skills: Major- Survival; Minor- Sneak+Unarmed
Weapon- Bear trap fist
Armor- Wasteland Wanderer outfit (+1 AGL, +1 END)
Bio: Wolf’s name wasn’t always named Wolf, no. She was not always distant from people. Wolf was born into a family of traveling merchants, she was a cheerful little girl and always played silly games during the day, to her, life was almost too good to be true… And it was. When she turned seven her family caravan was attacked by raiders and her family slaughtered. From then her name has been long since forgotten and her trust in humanity diminished. She lived a day to day lifestyle for years, learning to survive as best she could, sometimes resorting to stealing from travellers. Wolf is determined to one day find the people who killed her family and make them pay.
Appearence: Dark brown long hair, lean facial features, small body and mostly always covered in dirt.
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Re: [Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2014, 03:47:24 AM »
Username: GameBoy Advanced
Character Name: Steven
Age:  20
Faction: Enclave
Job: Traveling merchant.
Personality: A cocky salesman, much more likely to talk his way out of a  situation than to fight. Likely to approach you out of nowhere to sell his stock. Will crack sarcasm at every turn, specifically at his travelling partner, Joe.

Traits: Small frame, Four eye's.

Skills- Barter(major), Speech(minor), Lockpick(minor).

S.P.E.C.I.A.L: All scores start at 5. You get 5 points to spend. You can trade off points for higher scores(See notes).


Items: Wooden  bat(x1), Eyeglasses (x1), Dirty pre-War businesswear (1x), Dapper gambler's hat (x1), Fork(x1), Pencil (x1), Pre-War book(x1), Pot[Like a flower pot, Blades. Like a flower pot.](X1)
Bio: Steven's father was a merchant, much like he would grow up to be. It was only natural that he would grow up to continue the business his father had ran. And so he did, picking up most of the tricks his old man had, and doing all his could to become like him, kicking off his business at 17. Eventually getting enough currency to buy a Pack brahmin, and so, he no longer had to sell to the same old town's folk, he began to travel, selling goods to who he could. Eventually as time would have it, he would make a few deals that would come back to bite him, getting bounties placed on his head, getting mugged, raiders showing up, and what not.
Eventually he hired a mercenary, who he had heard called ' the luckiest man in town', which seemed like a good idea at the time. To be honest, Steven didn't even care if the mercenary was good, As he himself had some of the worst luck of anyone he knew, so, a little luck could do him good.
When he approached the mercernary, he gave him a deal that honestly, he couldn't refuse. Steven got to keep half the loot from those that would have to be killed, as long as the mercernary got a percentage from each sale. And from then on, the two of them traveled together.
Appearance: Steven is average height and scrawny, with pale skin and steely gray eyes. He like to dress sophisticatedly in bowler hats and suits, always scrubbed and pressed
Notes: Steven will refuse to give his name to most, only aliases are provided.

Username:GameBoy Advanced
Character Name: Joseph, or, Joe as he'll tell you.
Age: 20
Faction: Enclave
Job: Mercenary, currently working for Steven as a body guard.
Personality: Quiet most of the time, staying behind and listening to others talking, due to the fact that when he is to speak, he can never find the right words. More likely to shoot his way through a fight with a well placed shot, or a lucky shot, than by fighting hand to hand.
Traits: Trigger discipline and Early bird
Skills: Energy weapons(Major), Sneak(Minor), Repair(Minor.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: All scores start at 5. You get 5 points to spend. You can trade off points for higher scores(See notes).
Items: Laser pistol (x1), Merc troublemaker outfit(x1), Energy Cell (x3)
Bio: Joseph didn't really have a preferred thing he wanted to do when he grew up, and so he didn't really invest his skills in much as he grew up. He did, however, have inexplicable luck, if he had a thirty percent chance to win, he'd get it everytime.

 He never did pick up on this, though. And it really didn't seem like he was that luck when at age eighteen, when he was sent out to go on an adventure, see the world, he ended up bankrupt and without a place to stay, or money to rent a place. He did however, find his line of work. In his search for job's, he found out about a few people who had bounties on their head. After bumbling his way through the first one, and succeeding on the second one, both completed through sheer luck, he said he had found his calling. And thus he became known by the "idiot mercanery with incredible luck", however, only the incredible luck, part ever made it back to him, or his clients. Eventually, he struck up a deal with a Merchant known as 'Discord', and became his bodyguard.
Appearence: Joe is short and stocky, with messy brown hair and lidded green eyes. His skin is tan, customary of a resident of New Vegas and its scorching heat, and he normally wears a t-shirt and an old pair of gray jeans.
Notes: Has trouble keeping up with items; For that reason, will use Discord's Pack Brahmin to store items.

Username: GameBoy Advanced
Character Name: Sascha the Pack Brahmin
Age: 25
Faction: Enclave
Personality: A stubborn brahmin that sometimes doesn't listen to its owners.
Skills: Works as a Pack Brahmin, primarily handy for carrying items for Steven in the bag's that are generally secured onto her.
Traits: Fish gills, Lead belly
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: All scores start at 5. You get 5 points to spend. You can trade off points for higher scores(See notes).
Bio: The Pack Brahmin was bought by Discord at a market one day when he was, not much else can be said. Discord's used the loyal Brahmin since he bought it at age 18.
Notes: Anything extra you want to mention about your character.

(Note, this profile works the same for animal/robot companions too. Just subtract job and items from the profile.)
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Re: [Profiles] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 10:34:55 PM »
Username: Humen
Character Name: John Anderson
Age:  27
Faction: Legion
Job: Scout
Personality: Independent, Passive
Traits: Skilled, Early Bird
Skills: Survival(Major), Science(Minor), Melee(Minor), Repair(Minor)
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: All scores start at 5. You get 5 points to spend. You can trade off points for higher scores(See notes).
Legion recruit armor(x1)
Legion recruit helmet(x1)
Dog bowl(x1)
Bio: Born during the great campaign of Emperor Caesar across the Colorado River the Legion came across John's tribe. It was a small and weak after constant attacks from neighboring tribes. Caesar’s army quickly defeated the surrounding tribes forcing their surrender and John's was no different welcoming the opportunity to join the great Legion. The tribe's home had been reworked to a military outpost and all the young men, including John, had begun training to eventually join the Legion army. When he was ready to enlist at the age of 21 he had been under the impression he'd become a soldier like most of the others but through training John showed he was more cut out for intel and reconnaissance and was assigned the role of an infantry scout. He didn't mind though he was proud to just be able to serve in the Legion army and decided he would work on his own skills to be able to stay out in the desert for longer expeditions.
When John was 24 he was sent out with a small group through Southern Passage to Zion to explore the area before a potential conquest would be started on Zion. The region was filled with canyons and the tribal people seemed to reside within them. Using the higher ground from the canyons it would be easy to ambush the tribes. One day while John's group had been spying on one of the Deadfoot tribes camps when a creature, the size of which they couldn't even imagine, attacked them out of nowhere. It was giant Yao Guai and as it let out a might cry the tribe below seemed to recognize the sound as the had started moving about their camp gathering weapons and ammunition but John and his group ill prepared for such a creature where each taken down one by one. By the end of the creatures assault John was the last left standing, his armor had been cut straight through by the beast claws leaving deep wounds. Pushed to the edge of the canyon John had nowhere else to turn, The giant yao guai struck one last blow slashing John's face sending him off the cliff.
Miraculously, John survived landing on a near an outlying ridge off the cliff. John kept tumbling down to the canyon base attempting to make it to the tribal camp, he let the blood covering his body wash off in the river before limping his way to the camp. Searching through the camp John could hear the cries of the tribe facing against the Yao guai, he didn't care about what happen to that tribe or the beast. He knew he had to survive as the last one of his scouting group it would be a disgrace to die here, for it was left up to him to report the group’s findings. The only thing he could find inside the camp was a MedX but it only dulled the pain. Clinging to the canyon walls John made his way limping down the river picking up what plants he recognized as ingredients for medicine. When he reached a cave he started up a camp fire using the plants he found outside and fungus inside the crafted himself a healing poultice applying it to his wounds. The bleeding had stopped and the small wounds closed but the bigger ones left scars covering his body. Time passed inside the cave and the moon had risen John had fainted from blood lost a while ago. He had been startled by a familiar and freighting sound, it was the growls of a yao guai . John didn't know if it was the same one come looking for him after finishing the tribe or another one walking a stray but the shadow hanging against the wall told him enough to move. He put out the fire and moved farther down the cave following the luminescent fungi. Wandering through the cave John reached an open area and residing within it was a sleeping yao guai. John couldn't believe this it seemed the area was infested with the mutant monstrosities. Preferring his odds with the sleeping yao guai he took out a hatchet , the only weapon he was able to keep on him after the earlier fight, snuck  up to the beast thrusting the hatchet into its skull, silencing it before it can stand up but the hatchet broke after going through the bear he was forced to leave it in. without the hatchet he wouldn't be able to collect any meat from the beast. So John waited in the back of the cave till day break and would head back to the Southern Passage.
When John awoke it was already dawn his wounds had healed up thanks to the poultice there was only one thing out of place. When John tried to get up his lap felt heavy and when he looked up a baby yao guai, no older than maybe a few days, was sitting on his lap just staring at him. He jumped up sick of yao guai and Zion as a whole while the cub just began moving around his leg sniffing him. He walked back the entrance of the cave and the cub turned to follow him. The cub seemed determined to follow John and as he made his way back to the viewpoint on the canyon he was on yesterday the giant yao guai was nowhere in sight only the knife spear he had dropped and the torn remains of his comrades. The sight sickened him but Legion teaching say to never feel sorrow over a fallen soldier. Once John had picked up his spear he collected what supplies he could from his allies bodies, the cub that had been following him till now began made its way to one of the bodies and started to chew on one of the bodies legs. He ignored it and left just wanting to leave but the cub continued to follow him. It took 2 weeks for John to find the Southern Passage surviving on whatever creature passed his way and the cub always following behind him eating the remains of what he didn't.  At nights the cub would lay next to John and over the two weeks he grew attached to cub and it seemed the cub had imprinted on him.
When John had crossed the Southern Passage and found the nearest Legion camp he gave his report speaking of the many yao guai and that with the instability of caused by the death of Caesar and the Legate taking over a campaign through Zion should be held off. But the commander of the base seemed more concerned about the baby yao guai that had followed John back all the way from Zion. When he entered the camp the cub was almost killed on sight but John urged them to do otherwise saying it was a pet he picked up from one of the tribes. Proclaiming he would train it to assist him on scouting expeditions. John had just been making it up as he went but it all started to sound good when he was explaining it. The commander didn’t care what John planned to do with he yao guai cub but he told John that once it reached of age as a grown yao guai he would have to release it stating if it follows its instincts it could go on a rampage and slaughter innocents. John had agreed with the commander knowing how dangerous a grown yao guai could get. So from then to the present John raised the cub naming him Bane, the club clearly had grown larger and though some people were frightened at first the people but when they saw that he wasn't that different from a trained dog they grew to accept him like John had.
Appearance: Tall with short black hair and an average build. His body is covered in scars, the most noticeable being the one going down across his face, so he tend to cover as much skin as possible.

Character Name: Bane
Age: 3
Faction: John
Personality: Protective, Obedient
Traits: Clearly a natural fighter John has trained Bane to use his nose to track enemy scents.
Skills: Heavy Handed, Claustrophobia
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: All scores start at 5. You get 5 points to spend. You can trade off points for higher scores(See notes).
Bio: The First thing bane can remember since his birth was John's face and having only been born a few days ago assumed John was his mother. Although it seemed like John wanted nothing to do with Bane over time they grew closer. Bane followed John throughout Zion and back to Mojave where John had start being more serious with him. John showed him how to track and follow scents and as Bane grew older and began to show signs of aggression John had to calm him down. But whenever John is attacked Bane takes on more feral instincts and savagely attacks the enemy. John fears this may be a result of Bane growing more mature and if that happens to be the case then it will soon be time for John to take him back out and set him loose in Zion.
Notes: Bane is smaller than most yao guai only coming up to John's waist on all fours.

(Note, this profile works the same for animal/robot companions too. Just subtract job and items from the profile.)

Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword