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Author Topic: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night  (Read 43051 times)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2014, 07:39:48 AM »
Enerxia and Jade

Enerxia began to respond to the other's quick words, when a loud ominous voice began to speak. The words seemed to unnerve the two, as they seemed to jump at the voice. Enerxia began look around for the voice, when only one thing caught both her and Jade's eyes. A large staircase made out of glass, had just...Appeared. Enerxia and Jade both slowly started stepping towards the staircase... Jade began to speak, mumbling her words. "I...Guess we don't have much of a choice...Do we...?" To which Enerxia simply nodded at, as they continued to move forwards.


Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2014, 08:27:28 AM »
Daylin watched as one by one, everyone began to make their way towards the staircase. He wasn't sure what they were thinking listening to the ominous voice in the sky, but honestly this dream was getting on his nerves. He wanted to the bottom of it and fast, even if that meant climbing some weird floating staircase. He was gonna regret this, he knew it, but... "Ah, damn it! He followed the others of the staircase, taking the steps two at a time.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2014, 02:08:44 AM »

Something akin to a panicked yell can be heard overhead as a boy with brown hair falls down at the start of the stairs. He got up groggily, last thing he remembered he dropped down on his bed to sleep, but then somehow he ended up falling down a void to get here... wherever here is. Nothing's hurting at least, and he looks around and notices people up the stairs and people who were about to step where he fell. He nervously waved a greeting.

Ehe.... Um, Hi. Sooo... where am I?
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2014, 05:29:36 AM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

[NOTE: Swapping Zoe and Kayla's colors, Zoe is now purple, and Kayla will be teal.]

As Aiden rejoined the twins, the other two girls they had been with walked up the stairs. There was a new guy with them now, one he had not seen before.

Ehe.... Um, Hi. Sooo... where am I?

"We don't know," Zoe said quickly. Whether this was a dream or not, although she didn't see how it could possibly be real, she could not allow her sister to consistently best her, even when it came to just meeting new people. Assuming this was real life, and assuming that what that ominous (and just plain creepy) voice said was true, which was absolutely absurd, by the way, then she would need an ally. Her sister and Aiden were charismatic enough to meet new people with rather ease, but she was not that open to strangers. If she would change and lead the new life she wanted, then it would start with this dream, assuming she would remember it once she woke up. "My name's Zoe," she continued, a bit nervous. She extended her hand towards this new boy for a shake, her actions quick and clumsy.

"Relax, Zo." Kayla put a hand on her sister's upper arm. She could tell that Zoe was nervous, and seemed to be desperately trying to make a new friend. The disembodied voice had admittedly caught her off guard and caused her to jump a little, but she tried to play it off and act like it was nothing. She acknowledged Aiden with a nod as he walked up, and then spoke to the group of four as a whole. "I think we head up those stairs," she said. "Regardless of what we all think may be going on, we're not going to find anything out by just standing here. It seemed obvious to her, but she by no means wished to be rude.

"I agree, I was just thinking the same thing myself," Aiden said, shoving his hands in the pockets of the red shorts that he had slept in. He was rather intrigued by this place, and while he payed no mind to the voice's warnings, he was curious as to what this strange chamber, as he would call it, held within.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2014, 12:42:09 PM »

still a bit confused, he nods and gets up from the floor and makes his way up the stairs, going one step at a time in a fairly fast pace.

Okay, this is just a dream, relax. If things get ugly you always have your metal pencil... wait!

He quickly checks his pockets. Empty. Figures.

Well, I'm doomed.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2014, 07:23:18 PM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

Zoe held her hand up for a moment as the boy walked away, ignoring her handshake. She dropped her arm and hung her head. This was just her luck. If it had been Aiden, or especially Kayla, there's no way they would have been ignored. She looked up after a short moment, and nodded towards the others. Yeah, let's go. With that, the trio made their way up the stairs and joined everyone else on the next floor, which was identical to the first, except it was tinted purple.


Once everyone had made it to the second floor, the stairs, along with the first floor, disappeared. Then, the disembodied voice came again.

Evil will rise. Heroes and role models will turn to the darkness. The worlds will be in need of new champions, but who will stand up to the task, and who will fall to the shadows?

As the voice said this, several creatures came from out of the floor. The were black, bug-like creatures with glowing yellow eyes, seemingly made of darkness. Not long after their summon, they sunk into the ground and headed towards each of the people on the floor, and once they got near these people they popped up and attacked them!
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2014, 08:21:43 PM »

As the first floor disappeared and the voice overhead started talking about darkness, Sean can't help but feel like this is all a bit familiar somehow. His thought process is, however, interrupted as a shadow creature pops up in front of him and attacks, Sean barely being able to get out of the way.


Sean reaches for his pencil, forgot that he doesn't have it, and then decides to put his fighting skills to practice... so he then flails awkwardly at the shadow, his fists seemingly going right through it as he regrets neglecting to practice his lessons. Then as Sean attempts a kick, the shadow jumps and tries scratching him, but he manages to roll out of the way. Then he and the shadow seem to circle around each other awkwardly, waiting for something to happen.

The one time I could use my metal pencil, I happen to drop it! If only I had a weapon...
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2014, 09:10:59 PM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

"...the hell?" While Aiden may not have payed much attention to the voice before, it certainly had him now as the dark creatures swarmed up from the ground, one of them lunging straight at him. He swung his left arm towards it as the creature jumped at him, his fist clenched as he went in for the uppercut. Aiden's eyes grew wide as his fist went straight through the creature, its claws then tearing through his white t-shirt and cutting his upper arm. He cursed, turning to face the monster as it landed on the ground. His arm burned furiously, but he refused to tear his eyes away from the shadowy creature.

"Ahhhh! Help!" Zoe actually cried out for help. If there was one thing she absolutely hated, it was bugs, and this one looked as if it were about to pounce on her.

"I got ya!" Kayla, who had not the slightest idea of what was going on, knew only that she had to protect her sister. She ran up from behind the monster that was attacking Zoe, and took a swing at its side with her right foot. Much to her dismay, her foot seemed to go through the bug-looking thing, which then turned around and slashed at her ankle. It just barely clipped her, drawing just a small blood, but it still hurt. "What are these things!?" she called out.

"I have no idea!" Aiden responded, reversing slowly and then pressing his back up against Kayla's, never taking his eye off the creature as it sunk back into the ground. "I can't hurt it," he said a little more quietly, now that Kayla was right next to (or rather behind) him.

"Me neither. What do we do?

"I don't know," Aiden was forced to admit. It was a phrase he had heard far too many times already.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2014, 09:32:52 PM »
Enerxia and Jade

They had made it up the stairs, and had even started walking around the glass floor a bit, before the ominous voice spoke again. Both Enerxia and Jade seemed less freaked out by it this time, as it had happened once already. However, the shadow like creatures, that began to spring up around them, well, that was a different story. Neither of them outright freaked out, but rather seemed to back into each other, as if back to back, watching as the creatures began to close in on their position. If there was ONE thing those two had in common, it was that they would stick together.

[SIINTCA, sorry for the egh post, wasn't sure what to post.]

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2014, 09:57:15 PM »
"What in the hell?" Daylin stared ahead in confusion as the voice boomed in his ears, and the shadows tore themselves from the ground. They were short, around his thigh at the most, and had beady yellow eyes and antennas. The claws on their hands looked sharper than they should have on such unintimidating creature, and they moved at a surprising speed.

He had seen the others attempts at fighting, but figured he might as well give it a shot. He swung at the head of the first one that lunged at him, and his phased right through. The claws of the shadow caught him on the shoulder, shredding his shirt and mixing blood stains with oil stains. He swore, and as the creature swiped again he stepped away. It became a  game of cat and mouse, with him just barely side stepping each blow. The game ended when he slid tot he side again, and another crept up behind him and slashed at his leg.

He swore loudly, then jumped back a ways, wincing at the strength he was forced to put on the injury. "Damn it, anyone got any ideas?"

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2014, 01:24:24 AM »
John Anderson

And Just like before the voice talks again from somewhere in the darkness. "Ugh. Even in my dreams the stupid freakin' oracles have to talk cryptic."  John rubbing his eyes an in annoyed fashion hadn't noticed the shadows approaching them until the he began hearing screams. The creepy black ants started jumping trying to claw at them. Luckily, they weren't that fast and John was able to step out of their way when they jumped to attack.

The shadow trying to attack John flattened its self and began crawling on the floor to John. He figured that while it was like that if he could land a blow it would be easy to dispatch. But when he tried to crush it under his foot the shadow proceeded to crawl under it and behind him. John followed it with his eyes still watching it move around in the flatten state until it jumped from the ground at such speed it shocked John.

John fell to the floor as the shadows bound sent him over to the back of John. Freighted he pushed himself back with his hands and feet to create distance from the creature. "What the hell are these things?! I didn't think this dream could get creepier then kids in their pajamas!"
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2014, 03:50:31 AM »

As the people were being attacked by the creatures, the voice came up again.

Be not afraid of the heartless, for this weapon, the keyblade, will be you beacon of hope.

Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

Zoe was the only one of three to actually look up when the voice spoke. What is even going on? she thought.

"A...keyblade? What's that?" Kayla said, keeping her back to Aiden as the two creatures circled them under the surface ground. Before he could respond, there was a flash of light in each of their right hands. A weapon, that was strangely reminiscent of a key materialized as the light faded away. Aiden's was primarily black, with a red grip and a gold guard. The blade itself was also gold, with shiny silver spike-like attachments. It was fairly simple, yet had an edge to it; Aiden liked it. Kayla's was rather different than his, almost a metallic silver in color. It looked as if it had actual stars swirling about it, and the handle seemed to contain the cosmos itself. It fit her quite perfectly.

I'm guessing it's this," Aiden responded to Kayla's question. Just as he said this, one of the monsters launched out of the ground at him, and he instinctively swung at it with the keyblade. It knocked the monster right on to the ground, and before it could get up, Aiden swung at it from the side, knocking it back. To finish his relentless attack of, he grabbed the keyblade with both hands and swung down at the creature from above his head. Before he hit it though, the creature sunk back into the ground and dodged his attack.

Kayla felt Aiden disconnect from her, but she couldn't look back as one of the monsters popped up from the ground and ran at her. She sidestepped quickly as it clawed at her legs, its attack just missing her, but catching it slightly off balance. Kayla took advantage of this and stabbed straight at this creature, knocking it down on its side.

Zoe watched, feeling hopeless, as Aiden and Kayla fought with these mysterious weapons. She held her hand out and looked at it, hoping that the flash of light that she had seen summon the weapon for her friends would do the same for her. Nothing happened. Of course, this was just her luck. Aiden and Kayla could fight and help save them, while she was forced to just sit on the sidelines and watch.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2014, 04:44:06 AM »
John Anderson

As the creature began to creep up on John the voice had once again made it apparent. It said there was a way to fight back with something called a keyblade but John was hardly paying attention to it. He only kept backing up trying to get away from the shadow then, suddenly a bright light flashed in his right hand and what  appeared was a strange object appeared in John's hand. It resembled the wing of an angel and gave John a feeling of vigor surged through him. "What is this thing?! Is it supposed to whatever the hell a keyblade is?? It doesn't even look like a key!"

But there was no time for John to complain about the name and actual appearance of this so called “keyblade". The shadow attacking him leapt once more, John could only tumble out of the way of its claws as it grazed its shoulder. Another light emanated from the hilt of the blade. It was in strange lettering nothing John had ever seen but somehow he could tell what it said. “There’s no need to talk about it, because the truth of what one says lies in what one does. What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Now this things tryin to get cryptic on me! This dream keeps getting more insane!"

But as John looked over he saw the other getting attacked, he saw the two youngest of this odd group huddled together as the shadows began approaching on them. John hadn't realized yet himself but, he had begun moving on his own to the girl’s aid before the shadows could jump to strike he swung the blade in the attempt to swat them away. When he realized what he had done, that the shadows had backed off he smacked himself in the forehead for doing something so out of character for him. “Great now i want to protect figments of my imagination. What the hell is wrong with me." When he looked down and saw the two he got over it not really caring about what he had just done, just let out a sigh exhausted with everything going on around him. "Hey, are you two ok?"

John lowered himself to get to eye level with him two when he asked the question. Forgetting about the shadow he had ignored to help the young ones. The shadow had crept up on john preparing another attack as it leapt towards john once more. But there was no time to dodge only hope this strike wouldn't kill him.
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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2014, 05:20:15 AM »
Daylin barely acknowledged the voice, too busy avoid the two shadow bugs chasing after him. His back was pressed against the edge of the platform, and even though he knew it was a dream, a feeling of dread gathered in his gut as the shadow cornered him. There was one to his left, and another to his right. they were creeping forward in their odd hunched walk, beady yellow eyes glowing and claws dragging against the floor.

There was a sudden burst of warmth in his right hand hand, and the feeling of dread vanished. The pain from his injuries lessened, and the shadows stopped advancing for a second. He looked down, and blinked in surprise. He gripped (what he assumed) was a keyblade. The blade looked evil, the dark wings and red claws of the weapon thirsting for blood. It wasn't a weapon meant to be pretty, it was meant for business. It suited the mechanic.

He raised the keyblade, a wicked grin on his face. His leg and shoulder were still sore, but most of all, he was pissed. He didn't give the creatures time to attack him again, throwing himself forward and slashing and hacking brutally. There was no rhythm to the onslaught. He gripped the blade with both hands and swung at the creatures repeatedly. The majority of the attacks didn't land on the bugs, but he didn't tire. When one did connect it would lift the creatures completely off their feet, sending them flying across the platform.

He was pissed off, and now he could hit back. It was just like old times.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2014, 05:29:49 AM »
Enerxia and Jade

As the shadows closed in on the two, one of the others seemed to rush to their aid. As the one helping them seemed to be fighting off the shadows, one seemed to be sneaking up on him as he asked a question. Jade began to answer yes, as she hadn't seen the heartless, but... Enerxia caught a glimpse of it, and, as if by instinct, she seemed to dash in, and swing...Well, at the time it looked like air. Mid Swing, what seemed like a flash of light appeared, and this odd looking blade seemed to appear. The blade cleaved into the side of the shadow, and went straight through it. However, as it flew through the being, it seemed to diminish the shadow's size. It lunged at her, the claws only being stopped by the odd blade, an eye near the edge of it staring straight back at the Wielder. She seemed to manage to over power the being, slashing into it twice more, before it seemed to diminish to mere nothingness.

Jade watched helpless as the others fought. No rush of adrenaline seemed to come fourth, no instinct, nothing. No...Way to fight back... For the first time in awhile, she felt, helpless.

[SIINTCA. sorry for the short post.]