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Author Topic: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night  (Read 43043 times)

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2014, 07:47:25 AM »
John Anderson

John looked over his shoulder to see the he was previously fighting lunge at him while his back was turned. Before he could do anything one of the girls he made the attempt to protect had struck the shadow away with her own keyblade." Uh, Th-Thanks kid " John rose to both his feet gripping his keyblade like a vice. If this wasn't some weird ass dream I might actually be a little ticked I got saved by a little girl. As he gripped his keyblade harder he felt more reason to fight.

 John turned on his heel to face the two shadows he had knocked away and held on to his keyblade with both hands he charged to them. One of the shadows had melded with he ground while the other stood waiting to see what John would do. Keeping the blade low to the ground he swung upward when he reached the shadow knocking it up. Griping the keyblade like a bat he swung at the shadow when it came to level with his shoulder. With each hit white feathers would burst from off the shadow and although not very noticeable the shadow size was beginning to lessen.

Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2014, 08:23:52 AM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

Kayla shoved her Keyblade into the helpless creature and it exploded into darkness. She turned around to help Aiden, but saw him just as he pummeled the monster, right when it popped out of the ground and charged at him, and it, too, burst into darkness.

"Not bad," Kayla chuckled, trying to make light of their situation.

"Thanks," Aiden replied, forcing a smile. As bad, and strange, as things seemed, now they could at least fight back.

"Hey," Kayla said, frowning, what happened to your arm? Are you alright? She ran over Aiden, looking concerned.

"Oh, yeah," Aiden replied, looking at his left arm himself "don't worry, I'm fine. I think it looks worse than it really is." In the heat of battle, Aiden had almost forgotten about the wound, which, along with the torn t-shirt around it, was now sticky and coated with dried blood. It must not have been very deep, for it didn't seem to be bleeding any more. "What about you? Did those things get you?"

"Just barely. I think one of them scratched my ankle a little. I should be ok."

"Alright, good. This is pretty crazy, huh? I mean, we're not even wearing shoes," Aiden said jokingly, but Kayla let off a slight smile, nodding in agreement. She was wearing a somewhat similar outfit as Aiden: a black v-neck t-shirt and black shorts.

"Aiden! Kayla!" The sound of Zoe's voice snapped the two of them out of their daze. They turned to see one of the ant-like creatures land right in front of Zoe, having been knocked away by the raging, foot-stomping guy from earlier. Aiden felt like an idiot, letting his guard down like that, since when did he become so lazy? He and Kayla sprinted towards Zoe as the creature recovered. Kayla, getting there slightly before Aiden, swatted it out of the air as it jumped at Zoe. Aiden ran over and bashed it with the back end of his keyblade. The monster sunk into the ground again after flying off to the side.

"Aiden, look out Behind you!" Kayla's call was just a bit too late as the creature caught Aiden on the back of his calf. Aiden was able to react quickly enough, though, so that the creature just barely scratched him. As he spun around, he tore into the creature with his keyblade, and exploded into darkness, much like the other one had before. He looked at Zoe. Did it get you?

Zoe only shook her head, giving no verbal confirmation. Rather, she said, "What's going on?" Her breath was shaken, and her skin was pale.

"It's just as you said," Kayla replied gently, we don't know."

"Not all of us are gonna live long enough to find out if this keeps up," Aiden added in, pointing in the general direction all of the others, who were also fighting against the creatures, some with keyblades, and another one or two without. Aiden hadn't been boxing in months, and despite the dangers that plagued everyone, he almost enjoyed the fact that he was fighting again. Even through his slight enjoyment, he was determined that no matter what this was, dream or not, he was not going to let his friends get hurt.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2014, 03:41:06 PM »

Suddenly, a strange brush appeared in Sean's hand in a ray of rainbow light, with an odd resemblance to a key-like blade... He decided to dub it keyblade as the voice says. Sean then smiles as he gets into a back-hand fighting stance, the heartless backing away a bit before leaping at him. Sean jumps at the heartless as well, slashing at it and launching it a good two foot away from the blow. Sean then takes advantage of this by running up to it and stabbing it in the head before it can get up, it then fades away in a stream of black smoke. He then turns to a random direction to see if any other shadow wants to fight.

Who wants some?!!
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2014, 05:21:17 AM »

As the keyblade wielders struck down the creatures in front of them, the rest sank back into the ground and disappeared. Much like before, stained glass stairs suddenly materialized out of thin air, leading all the way to a newly-revealed third floor. Unlike last time though, the disembodied voice did not speak.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 02:03:02 AM by foodonfloor »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2014, 11:13:49 PM »
Jade and Enerxia

The shadows around them began to dissipate, before disappearing. As the creatures around them began to leave, Enerxia began to something she hadn't done before. She outstretched her right hand, holding the Void's Touch, and began to examine the blade. The more she looked at the odd weapon, the more it...Looked back. She realized something as she held it out. The eye was...Moving, as if looking at things. However, there was on thing about the eye that she noticed. Whenever she began to stare directly at any point of the blade, the eye would look directly back at her, specifically into her eye's.

As Enerxia examined her weapon, Jade on the other hand, began making her way up the newly appearing stairs. Something was...Off about this place, and something was off about those creatures, and she, was going to find it out. She continued walking up the glass stairs, just a few questions bouncing around her head, other than the already apparent ones. "Something's not right... More stairs appeared, yet the voice didn't speak... And if the voice didn't speak... Well... Why didn't it? And even more... If the weapons that most of the others had, have anything to do with why we're here... Why am I here?

As the young girl in the hoodie walked up the stairs, more and more questions began to bounce around in her head. Enerxia, on the other hand, only started up the stairs when the other was already a quarter up them. It was as if she hadn't noticed, that her friend was ascending the stairs until then.


Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2014, 04:34:04 AM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

The trio watched, surprised, as the creatures suddenly disappeared before their eyes. They waited in silence as another set of stairs appeared, leading towards a new platform. Unlike before, the voice never came, and Kayla and Zoe ran up to Aiden, both looking confused.

"There was no voice," Zoe said.

"Well obviously."

"Why not?"

"Maybe it just didn't have anything to say. I think it's best for us to just move on."

Kayla folded her arms. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"No, but if those things show back up here, it won't be any safer. Aiden wasn't worried or confused about the fact that the voice had not spoken, unlike Kayla and Zoe, respectively, but he was rather curious. He wondered exactly what was going on, even more so now than before now that they had these giant keys.

"Alright, fine, I guess you have a point. Let's get going." Kayla immediately headed to and then up the stairs, with Aiden and Zoe right behind.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2014, 07:11:30 AM »
Daylin watched the others, knee sore from overuse and shoulder aching. He had no idea what was going on, but he had calmed down quite a bit now that he had released most of his anger on the bugs. "I have no idea what the hell is going on, but I might as well finish what I started.

He didn't mention it, but he was beginning to question this so called dream. his arm and shoulder really felt like they had been cut, it wasn't all shiits and giggles like any other dream he'd had. It was definitely noticeable. And, even though his instincts told him not to do it, he ascended the stairs with the others.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 07:13:42 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2014, 07:15:13 AM »
John Anderson

Striking the final blow into the shadow it dispersed in a black cloud. John was unsure if that meant he killed it, but he didn't really care either. He looked around and all the shadows that had been attacking vanished, but not in the black cloud John had saw. John was a bit disappointed at the sudden end of the fight. When he looked up another platform had appeared with a new stair case leading to it."Damn it just when we were able to fight back to." John reached into the pocket of his jacket looking for his pack of smokes.  As he lit the cigarette, slowly making his way over to the and up the stairs whispering under his breathe."When am I gonna wake up already?"
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 07:22:18 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2014, 12:33:11 PM »

Sean saw the shadows flee... he thinks? He wasn't quite sure what happened to them, but they were gone now, and that was the important part. He looks at the stairs that just appeared.

I swear to god I've seen this somewhere before, but I just cant remember. Guess I'll have to continue on and see if the next floor will jog my memory.

With that he walked to the stairs, heading for the third level.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Station of Awakening
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2014, 09:18:19 PM »

Just like before, the stairs disappeared as everyone arrived on the third platform. As if to make up from its absence from before, the voice returned.

The keyblade is not your only weapon against the creatures known as the heartless. These scrolls will unlock the potential held deep within you to use magic. It will aid you in your battle against the darkness.

A scroll then appeared out of thin air, floating directly in front of almost every person, encased in a ball of light. Each scroll contained a series of words in it, seemingly written in a language that didn't exist. Upon reading those words, the person for whom it is meant will then be able to use the magic indicated by the scroll.

Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

As the trio stepped onto the green-tinted floor, the voice sounded again, this time speaking about magic. Aiden looked over to the twins and raised an eyebrow, but they both just simply shrugged. Before anything of them could actually say anything, what appeared to be a scroll popped up in front of each of them. At first, none of them moved. If it was as the voice said, then it seemed that each of them could learn some sort of magic by reading it.

"What should we do?" Kayla asked. "Should we read it?" She was concerned that the voice could possibly be tricking them. It had seemingly led them through this place, and thus likely having caused their encounter with whatever these heartless were.

"I don't see why not," Aiden shrugged. They could give us more powers."

"And what if the voice is lying to us? What if it's dangerous?"

"And what if there're are monsters that these keys can't hurt?" He could tell that Kayla was obviously scared, something that he was not used to seeing. He put his left hand on her shoulder, gritting his teeth as his wound stretched and his upper arm flared with pain. "Look, I promise, it's safe. Maybe one of us should go first, just in case." Kayla's face didn't show any signs of approval at the idea.

"Yeah, I like that idea," Zoe spoke up. "I'll go first." She had to both be strong for her sister and show that she was strong herself. Plus, she hadn't gotten a keyblade like the rest of them, and if those bug things showed up again, she wanted to be useful this time.

"No, I can't let you do that," Kayla said, pulling away from Aiden and turning back to her sister. "I can't let you go fir-"

"You aren't my mom," Zoe said firmly, plucking the scroll out of the air. The light around it faded away as she held it in her hands. "Besides, isn't that part of the reason why we moved, anyway? So that we could make choices for ourselves?

"Zoe," Kayla began again.

"Stop, she has a point," Aiden interrupted. "Let her do it."

Kayla let out a sigh. Zoe could be stubborn on occasion, and she knew that her sister would read the scroll, no matter what she said. "Fine, just... be careful."

Zoe nodded. "Alright, here we go." Although nervous, she struggled, but managed, to keep her hands steady as she unrolled the scroll. She had to prove that she was strong. She glanced over the first words on the scroll, which glowed a dark blue as her eyes scanned over them. Her eyes matched that shade of blue, and so did her fingernails, and although there was no water around her, she felt as if she were drowning. She dropped the scroll and gasped for air, but she resisted the urge to cry out for help. Aiden and Kayla watched in horror as Zoe fell to her knees, having trouble to breathe. They rushed over to help her, but Zoe pushed them away. "No... I can... do this," she gasped. She forced her way through the pain, and it soon faded away. Regaining her composure, she picked up the scroll and returned to her feet.

"Are you alright?" Aiden asked, alarmed. He was unsure of what else to say. Kayla, meanwhile, was completely silent, terrified that she had almost lost her sister.

"Yeah, I think so," Zoe replied as her eyes and nails returned to their natural colors. She wanted to say that she was worried, that she wasn't ok, but in truth, she felt fine. The word "Water" echoed around in her head, and she felt urged to speak it, but chose not to as she glanced down at the scroll again.

"Wait, Zoe," Kayla warned, maybe it's best if you don't do this again. It isn't safe." She was too late though, as Zoe had already read the other line that had been written on the scroll. She immediately froze in place, for she felt like she was literally, well, frozen. Her eyes and nails turned an icy blue as this happened, and Kayla turned to Aiden, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Aiden, please, make it stop," she pleaded.

Aiden shook his head. "It's already done."

"Alright, who's going next?" Zoe asked as her nails and eyes once again returned to normal, and she no longer felt frozen in place. That sensation was just as frightening as the one before, but she had made her way through it. She was indeed strong, and now a second word was made prominent in her thoughts: "Blizzard."

Kayla watched, mouth open in shock, as Aiden reached for the scroll in front of him.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2014, 10:28:43 PM »
John Anderson

Making his way onto the platform, the voice once again speaks, about magic nonetheless. John couldn't help but feel this dream was turning into some messed up RPG. Thankfully the smoke he was enjoying kept him from screaming it at the voice in the futile attempt to get a response. Once the voice stopped talking scrolls, incased in a bubble of light, appeared out of know where lowering themselves to everyone. Taking out the cigarette to exhale the smoke John let the scroll fall in his free hand.

"Well now, let’s see what mystical power i get from this piece of scrap paper." John spoke out loud with a rather sarcastic tone as he opened the scroll. The lettering on the scroll looked similar to the one on the hilt of his keyblade, but he couldn't like he could before. As he looked over the scroll, the words turned a whitish grey and then for the first time since John arrived, he felt a breeze blow across his face. He blew out another cloud of smoke, but instead of simply drifting upward like it had been previously; it flew behind following the gust of wind. It hadn't seemed like anyone else noticed the wind, as it was getting harsher, John could see it blowing on the scroll as he continued to look down it. "What the hell is this?" The wind had really begun to pick up as John had to cover his eyes to keep debris from hitting them.

The torrent of wind began hitting as if it were a hurricane knocking John back, closer and closer to the edge. When he looked behind him he saw the bottomless pit of darkness below. He couldn’t fight back against the wind, and no one else seemed to be effected by it. Finally, as John had finished the last line of the scroll a blast of wind send John over the edge of the platform. John closed his eyes as he fell facing the fathomless pit ahead, but when he opened them he had been right back where he was originally standing, scroll in hand, with his cigarette just burning away. Everything seemed the same, which only made what had just happened all the more disturbing. John took his cigarette and put it out on the platform unsure of whether it was it or the scroll that brought the hallucination on. "I should probably start taking this dream a little more seriously or I'm gonna lose it."

Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #41 on: June 27, 2014, 12:53:54 AM »
Daylin glared at the sky as he stepped up onto the platform, the ominous voice really beginning to irk him. All it did was preach at him from the sky about things that only existed in The Legend of Zelda. First swords of light, then magic, what was next, fairies named Navi who wouldn't shut the hell up? He sighed and snatched the illuminated paper out of the air, tearing it open. The paper felt rough and sandy, speckles of dirt falling onto the floor as he moved his fingers. Ignoring that, he looked at the 'spell'.

He couldn't read the words. He felt like he should be able to read him, but they were in a language he wasn't even sure existed. He tried for a moment longer, waiting for his brain to make sense of them it. It didn't, and when he saw the prat from earlier start to glow along with his scroll, and the teenage girl freeze herself with a blizzard, it pissed him off. Why the hell did they get it so fast? He tightened his grip on the paper, and it crumbled into sand and landed in lump on the floor.

"God damn it!" Daylin stomped on the pile furiously, scattering it everywhere. Then, for good measure, the mechanic drew his hand back and punched the ground as hard as he could. His fist hit the platform hard, and this time, it ruptured in a circumference of two feet around him. He was standing in a broken pile of glass, his knuckles slightly bloody. He also felt more tired than before.

"We have a god damn mana system, really?!"
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 01:53:43 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2014, 02:12:39 AM »

As the voice spoke, this odd scroll appeared in front of her. She felt...Drawn to the scroll, as if she had to open it, and read the contents. As she began to open the scroll, she was able to watch. As One of them broke the glass with extreme force...And one froze over... She wasn't sure weather to be afraid of what she was about to read... Or be excited for it...For the possibilities... But either way, she would read it.

As she gripped the paper, it seemed to almost fill her with...Energy. She unraveled the paper, and began to read it. It seemed to be comprised of two halves... One was bright yellow...The other was a deep blue... She began to 'read' the first half. Staring at it, taking the shapes in. As she read it, sparks began to fly off her, slamming into the glass and eventually dissipating. A single word echoed through her mind as she finished taking in the first half of the scroll... Thunder. As the word echoed through her mind, nothing could stop her from muttering it. As soon as she finished muttering the word, and so, she did. As soon as the word's left her mouth, a bolt of lightning jumped from her hands, and slammed into the ground. While it didn't hurt anyone... It did make a noise, and even startle her.

She began to read off the other half of the paper, it seemed like it had been drenched in water, and then dried. The text seemed different from the last, yet she couldn't tell what it meant. It felt as if she had been learning like the first, yet, she couldn't understand a thing the scroll had on it. However, a single word seemed to dig into her mind, like the first one, it seemed... Like a trivial word, that she would have to learn to not use, or risk...Something, at least. The word was Water. This time, she made the decision not to speak the word. She felt tired enough... No telling what that would do.


Enerxia watched as Jade read from the scroll, and sparks began to fly off. One thing that she did notice, was water began to flow from the other's fingertips, and the mage seemed like she hadn't noticed it quite as much as the sparks. Enerxia slowly grabbed the scroll in front of her...With everything that happened to the others... What would happen to her...? Nonetheless, she began to open the scroll. It felt... Odd. The scroll seemed lighter than air itself.

The words glowed an odd whitish color, the shape seemed alien to her completely, and she couldn't understand a single thing on the paper. But...The more she studied the paper, the more winds began to slowly nudge her, before she was at the edge. The second she finished her paper, one strong gust of wind seemed to knock her off, sending her off the edge, and the scroll seemed to become translucent like a cloud. As she began to fall, out of instinct, the only word she could think of, was what she yelled. The word was Dash. And the second it left her mouth, a somewhat strong gust of wind seemed to fling her back onto the platform. When she fell back onto the platform, she began to stand up. She felt like she had the wind knocked out of her, as she slowly managed to stand up and looked around. She felt somewhat...Drained, after the entire thing. It was as if energy had been drained.


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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2014, 06:09:32 PM »

As the scroll appeared before him, he took hold of it and tried reading it, looking over the many symbols and what appeared to be random marks to him. He struggled with the language, not being able to make any sense of it, but just looking over the letters anyway until he reached the end of the scroll. He didn't feel any different, nor did he feel smarter after the experience, no matter how many times he read over it. It made very little sense, and he sighed and rolled it up.

No luck here, it all looks like someone went crazy with an ancient pen.

He thought for a moment, wondering what to do.

I guess I'll hold onto it, might be a good idea to try and look up information on this language later and try again.... oooor, He looked around, maybe someone could help him with this. maybe... no, I'll do this myself later. Besides, looks like I'm not the only one struggling.

He looked at the man who just broke a piece of the platform with his fist, and stared nervously at him. He made a mental note to never get that guy angry, even though all he did was break glass.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2014, 10:15:24 PM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

Aiden ignored everything that was going on around him as he read the contents of the scroll. The shapes didn't make much sense to him, but he looked over them anyway. They suddenly seemed to leap off of the paper and float into the air. He watched the symbols, struck with curiosity as they began to spin around him, soon turning red and emitting heat. The symbols closed in as they spun, soon slamming into his skin and turning it a faint red color. Aiden's entire body instantly felt hot, and the wound on his arm felt as if it were literally on fire. It burned like crazy, and he wanted nothing more than to scream out in pain, but right before he did, his skin returned to normal and the heat was instantly gone. Unsure of what had just happened, he looked over to Kayla.

"Go," he said simply, while attempting to make sense of whatever had just happened to him. Judging by the sensation he had just felt, he assumed that he had learned some sort of fire spell.

"But..." Kayla began.


"Alright, alright." Kayla pulled her scroll out of the air with shaking hands. She was still afraid, even after seeing that it was indeed legitimate, thanks to the bull-headed guy's smashing of the glass. She took a deep, hesitant breath, and unrolled the scroll, her eyes carefully tracing over each and every symbol. This didn't make any sense to her, and just as she was about to complain, the words started to glow a bright yellow. A trail of electricity, beginning from the scroll, shot up each of her arms, and then fizzled away around her heart. She felt a quick jolt of excitement, and then it was all gone, with only some sort of knowledge that she had just learned thunder magic remaining.


Once everyone had learned their spells, the disembodied voice returned.

Now, with your new tools, are you prepared to fight the darkness?

As if on cue, the same heartless from before, the Shadows, crept out from underneath the ground, while new ones, Virgos, materialized out of thin air.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100