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Author Topic: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night  (Read 43060 times)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Morning
« Reply #60 on: July 10, 2014, 06:43:33 AM »

Jade examined the odd light, slowly walking towards it as the voice spoke. As she stepped into the swirling light, her consciousness seemed to slip away... Which, was sort of ironic, considering she was about to wake up.  She slowly woke up, taking her face off the keyboard she had fallen asleep on. She got up and stretched a bit, looking at the clock... It read 6:30... 'Tch...It's a bit early to start working on that project...But...The early bird gets the worm...?' And without really another thought, she sat back down, and began to type away on her keyboard.


Enerxia seemed to limp towards the light, before her consciousness slipped away. She awoke her room, in her bed, and looked around. She felt like she had been sweating for the entire night. She felt an odd pain in her chest, as if she had been cut. Fuzzy memories of the fight within the dream, where the shadow had cut her. She felt...Afraid. Of what had happened... Because...Had what happened in the dream... Happened in real life...? Questions began to rush into her mind. There was...One thing, that took precedence. She quickly, or rather, sluggishly, made her way to where they kept the gauze, and did her best to patch herself up. She seemed to walk back to her room. Without even looking at her clock, she crawled back into her bed, and made her best attempts to drift back into sleep... This time, hopefully it would be a peaceful sleep.

[SIINTCA, sorry for the bad post, was doing well to get what I could out, again, sorry.]

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Morning
« Reply #61 on: July 10, 2014, 02:28:11 PM »

    He woke up with a start and looked around, he was back in his room. He looked at the clock and noticed that he slept in a bit. Crap... now he has two hours before he has to start working. He prefers getting up at 4:00, but apparently that was so vivid a dream that it took an extra two hours to finish. His room has papers scattered about on any surface available, his desk, the walls, the bookshelf, the dresser, and even the floor. He sketched a lot of them based on his dreams, and while that dream was a bit boring compared to his other dreams he had lately, it did give him an idea for a few ideas for designs, and on that note he starts to draw some of the characters he's seen in his dreams, including their keyblades, but only roughly sketching them since he still has to worry about food and a shower.
    Maybe I can show these designs to my friend over at Square Box, he's been wanting a few new ideas for a game they're developing soon.
    He remembered it had something to do with lions and chainsaws, but he can send these later, because right now food is the top priority now that he's done drawing.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night
« Reply #62 on: July 11, 2014, 10:04:34 PM »

TIME SKIP: It is now nighttime.

A letter has been placed in a location where each character is guaranteed to see it, yet no one can be seen or heard delivering it. Other than the piece of paper intentionally left behind, no other traces of the deliverer can be found. The letter reads:

Dear [Name],

We know about the strange dream you had last night, only, it was not a dream.
What you encountered in your sleep last night was indeed real, for you are what we call a Traveler,
someone who, upon going to sleep, can transport their consciousness to other universes, where it will then take a bodily form.
When you travel, your actual body remains here on Earth,
but you fall into a coma-like state until reaching a save point and waking up.
Your real body will indeed sustain any injuries that the body you have when traveling obtains.
Do not worry, time does not flow the same in each world as it does here,
but for now, until you are taught to control your ability,
it might be safe to go to sleep fully clothed, as for the time being what you will wear when you travel,
which is guaranteed to happen again tonight, will be what your wear in the other world.
When you wake from your travel, your journey will seem but merely a dream, but when you travel again,
you will receive all of your memories from both Earth and the worlds to which you have previously traveled.
This likely all sounds absurd to you, but do not be afraid, for the light is on your side.
We will meet soon.

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