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Author Topic: [RP] Rescue the Princess  (Read 7633 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[RP] Rescue the Princess
« on: August 24, 2014, 05:43:48 PM »

The vast land of Sapience was once overflowing with many different races, with four of the most prominent, the humans, the elves, the dwarves, and the orcs all having a stake in the land's governing. The leader of each race held with them a powerful stone, the humans had the Stone of Time, the elves held the Stone of Life, the dwarves kept the Stone of Space, and the orcs the Stone of Death. It was unknown exactly what the power of the Four Stones could do, yet the one who would unlock their secrets was considered the most feared legend throughout the land.

Once, several millennium after the establishment of the four way government of Sapience (the four major races all elected one single king to rule them from any and all of the land's many races), a mysterious group of black-clad horsemen who called themselves the Darkriders emerged, claiming that they could unlock the power of the Four Stones. This eventually caused all of Sapience to be involved in a civil war, where many of the land's races became extinct, including the minotaurs, centaurs, satyrs, and many others. It scattered the now endangered elves, sent what little remained of the orcs to the corners of the world, and caused the dwarves to go into seclusion. With much of the land left open to them, the humans settled down where they were. The Four Stones were lost and never recovered.

The four races have remained separate in the three hundred and twenty-one years since the Civil War, save for when their leaders gather once every two years to govern. Members of each race are now gathering at the center of the midlands at the high king's castle, for human High King Draven Septonin's daughter has been kidnapped by the Darkriders, who haven't been seen since the Civil War. They demand that in order for Princess Septonin to be returned alive, they must be brought the Four Stones. Unable to comply, the high king had demanded an emergency situation, and is allowing anyone who he and the council deems able  to go out and rescue the princess, with the reward being any one wish, so long as it is in his power, to be granted to the person or persons that returns his daughter alive.


An ongoing summary of the RP's events will be posted here over time.


1. All posts must be at least 4-5 sentences long and have good grammar. Typos are ok.

2. Posts must have something to do with the actual RP.

3. You may not control another character without their express permission for ANY reason.

4. No god modding. You are NOT all powerful.

5. While flaming in character is allowed, there are certain restrictions. Flaming cannot be discriminatory towards any real-world race, religion, philosophy, gender, or sexual preference, and that they are characters attacking each other, not members insulting other members. Put another way: all flaming must be done in character

6. Profanity is allowed, although PU does have profanity filters. For the purposes of the RP, feel free to work around them, but do not use profane language in unnecessary excess.

7. Rules may be added to or modified by the GM at any time.

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 09:14:36 AM by Jerry »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100