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Author Topic: [Profiles] The Second World  (Read 14428 times)

Offline WhistfulSoul

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[Profiles] The Second World
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:38:59 PM »
   You take the role of one of the heroes, chosen to prevent the destruction of both worlds. Despite there being two worlds to explore, your character remains the same. Below is the skeleton for this character. If you have any questions about the Profile or feel you are ready to submit yours, then PM me.

   Character Profile
Username: Your PU username. Include your Skype name so I may more easily reach you.
Name: The name of your character.
Race: What race your character hails from. These include Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, and Beastlikes. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages. Choose wisely.
Age: How old your character is. It is recommended that your character is not too old and not too young. Somewhere between the ages of ten and twenty five is most likely suitable.
Personality: How your character acts around others or on their own, what kind of traits they have, and most importantly, what qualities within themselves that govern their decisions.
Bio: Who your character is within the World of Man. Provide a brief (no more than three paragraphs) description of how your character grew up. If you wish to be the son/daughter of someone of a certain profession, then say so! If you wish to be educated or not, tell us! REMEMBER, the World of Man can still be considered to be within its Medieval Era, so tailor your character accordingly. And don’t make anything too tragic please. We are heroes of innocence.
Appearance: How your character looks. Describe primarily facial features, (eye/hair/skin color, any details about hair/nose/mouth/ears/etc., height and overall build of your character, and any features that may stick out such as scars or marks upon the body), of your character. You may provide a picture for better reference if you wish.

   Racial Bonuses
Human: Humans are what you would think: normal people with five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. They live the normal life of producing and growing. Being what they are, Humans are a strong peoples. They are also very good at crafts, as in smithing and weaving.
Elf: With their pointed ears, tinted skin and skinny figures, Elves are what humans would look like if they were more in touch with nature. Elves live the high life, communing with nature and easing their way through the winds of life. Light on their feet, Elves are much stealthier than the other races. They are also the more diplomatic of the races.
Orc: Orcs are a butchered and violent version of what you might get as the result of a cross between humans and elves. Their lifestyle is a tribal one, where the strongest have the highest status. Being what they are, Orcs are a strong peoples. Orcs are much more resilient than the other races.
Dwarf: If you fused a human with stone, you would get a Dwarf; being surrounded by stones for the duration of their lives, Dwarves are stout and stubborn. They don't have long educations, and more often than not begin some form of work early in life. Dwarves are much more resilient than the other races. They are also very good at crafts, as in smithing and weaving.
Beast: Beastlikes are humans that attempted to join the elves, but nature captured their hearts a little too well. Beast-likes don't have very sophisticated societies, but rather are hunter gatherers, like prides of lions. Being what they are, Beastlikes are a strong peoples. Subject to their senses, Beastlikes are much stealthier than the other races.
Half-Elf - As their name implies, half-elves are born from a human and an elf. Having no homeland, they are flexible in living and rarely judge solely on first impressions. They are natural in the trade of craft and have an affinity for being diplomatic.

   Things that are not allowed:
- Any character from any TV series, cartoon, movie, or manga/book. Your character should be entirely original.
- Any sort of high status for your character, (king/queen, war-chief, high priest, any sort of god). This makes your character a little over-powered.
- Any sort of abilities or weapons. These will be decided throughout the course of the story, and will be made fair to everyone.
- In depth character story. Remember, you are crafting the legend of your hero as the story progresses. Each character will evolve from the normal person they begin as to a true hero, (or villain), to both worlds as time progresses. Do not rush this process. Do not attempt to make it seem like your hero was chosen for any more reason than was already given. You will have plenty of time to develop your character as time progresses.

Fill this out:
Character Profile
Race :

NOTE: Over the course of the story, four more categories will be added to each characters profile. Details will be revealed through story events.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 01:41:43 PM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 07:15:48 PM »
Username: WhistfulSoul
Name: Tyrren
Race: Human
Age: 18

Personality: Overall, likes to be in the know. Prefers to retain some form of control over the things around him, including others and the confrontations he finds himself in, but is afraid to step up and prove that he can handle the responsibility. Likes to have things go his way, or in his favor. Loves to learn and to show off his talents. Will not stand up until the moment calls for it. Can be very lazy and does not like being faced with tasks, but knows when they should be taken care of and does so accordingly.

Bio: Tyrren has grown up in a small village his whole life, on the farm that he tends with his father. His mother is a merchant by trade, and is mainly on the road with the village caravan, along with Tyrren’s younger sister and brother. Like most boys his age, he stopped classroom schooling at the age of twelve to help his father, but he continues to teach himself and experiment in the hopes that maybe one day he can impress one of the girls in the village.

Tyrren owns two of the many animals on his farm: Raika, his horse, and Splint, his hound. Tyrren was sent out into the plains by his father to tame the horse when one of the two they already owned had fallen sick and seemed as good as dead. As luck would have it, no sooner had Tyrren returned with the young mustang than their old faithful got up and trotted over to meet the new fellow, effectively granting Tyrren ownership of a new horse. Splint joined the crowd when a few calves and a bull went missing one summer, and Tyrren’s father decided that they needed a watch dog. Tyrren and a few other boys traveled a few towns over to find dogs for their fathers, and they returned after a few days each with their own pup to train.

Besides tending to the crops and animals, spending time with his own pets, and further educating himself, Tyrren likes to spend time at the local forge. One of the only for several leagues, many of the kings men pass through to have weapons or armor repaired. Tyrren has always been allured by the many people who pass through and what new sights they have to offer, but he prides himself on the fact that he helps mend the wounds of the Royal Army’s garments of war, and he hopes that he might become part of it one day as well.

Appearance: Tyrren stands at a total of 6’, and although he is very lanky he has room to build himself up. He has short brown hair that he crops to his right side, and bluish-gray eyes that cannot sit still. He has an even tan from working on the farm, but is egg-white where the tan doesn’t reach. He has a plethora of scars across his body, but the two most prominent are the stretch marks across his back from slouching over the forge and a scratch above his heart from where he fell off Raika while carrying Splint back home and the pup gouged him trying to either hold on or get out. Tyrren has a very wide smile, but the purplish bags under his eyes keeps his facial expressions more on the serious side.

Role: The Knight. Tyrren is one destined for battle and responsibility, along with hardship and trial through strength.
Equipment: Tyrren is donned with the attire of a Royal Guard: a black long-sleeved cloth shirt under a chainmail chestpiece made of a dark metal, covered by a white jerkin with a hood; his hands have dark finger-less bracers with tiered plating that reach halfway up his forearm, which is the same dark metal that the chainmail has, but with a golden trim; beige cloth pants; and black boots that keep his pants tucked neatly in. On his back he has sword and shield: the shield is about the size of a buckler, but in the shape of a heater shield, and it is made of the same metal as the other equipment, with the same gold trim. In the center of the shield is the Royal Emblem: a swirling dragon head, with an orb in the middle, filled with smoke. The sword is about three feet long, with a simple cross-guard and a diamond-shaped pommel that frames a hilt of black leather.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 01:04:16 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 10:46:31 PM »
Username:Lubbies (Lubbilylub)
Name: Jake
Race: Beast
Age: 19

Personality: Jake doesn’t understand heartache, neither does he understand anger. He is always blissfully content without a worry in the world, this can lead to him being insensitive and downright delusion. However he does have street smarts. He has an almost clairvoyant ability of looking into one’s soul.

Bio: Jake used to have a surname, and a family to match. He was born with the most amazing features, his true mother is unknown to anyone. He had steel silver hair, blood red eyes, large canines and a long silver cat tail. He was found on the doorstep of a human family and was adopted. His family owned a bakery and made a pretty sum of money, he also had a human sister who was smart, kind and not too bad beautywise. Jake on the other hand was dumb as a bag of bricks and not very talkative.

Jake’s childhood was hard, beast-likes weren’t supposed to go to human schools, his parents tried to make him as ‘human-looking’ as possible but he was shunned for his hair and eyes and he never dared show his tail to his peers, he shaved regularly from a very young age, he avoided water at all costs and attempted to file down his fangs to try and fit in. A large fire caused the destruction of the bakery and the death of Jake’s parents resulting in Jake and his sister being penniless on the streets. His sister was struck hard and fell into a deep case of depression leaving Jake the responsibility of taking care of her. Instead of getting a job, Jake found it much easier to steal, because of his nature he didn’t understand that stealing was wrong but he did it anyway and very well at that.

A few years passed and Jake had almost forgotten his old self, forgetting his surname and family. His sister had slowly started acting normally again and by this time Jake had become quite the adept pilferer. His sister pleaded for him to stop and with her help start making a living but Jake only knew the art of thievery so he pledged to his sister that he would only steal from ill-hearted people.

Appearence: Jake is around 5’11” and is quite thin due to not having much food available. He has a messy mop of silver hair which covers his ears but doesn’t touch his collar and dark red eyes. He has a dark green jacket held together with criss-cross lace on the front and a bleached yellow undershirt. For pants he wears long, patched black trousers with a loose belt. He has large black boots with the laces missing. (will attempt to draw in the future.)

Role: The Assassin. Jake is destined to hide in the shadows, and strike at the right moment.
Equipment: Jake wears a hood with a black cloth covering his mouth revealing only his eyes and hair. His pants are black overalls, and a small dagger rests at his side. On his wrists are three throwing knives each, with a pouch on his thigh that contain more should he need them. Opposite his dagger is a rope and hook; the rope is a thick dwarven woven type, and the hook is made of dwarven metal.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 01:12:37 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2015, 11:37:38 PM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave (Skype: bladedhakima)
Name: Daylin
Race : Human
Age: 20

Personality: The epitome of a gentle giant. He does not speak much, a firm practitioner of the phrase 'actions speak louder than words'. His sleepy look may be misleading, but his eyes are very keen, and he  notices things many would not. He can barely read and write, and people with a higher level of education tend to make him uncomfortable, because he does not know what many of the words they use mean. He is very easily embarrassed about his level of schooling.

Bio: Daylin has worked as a slave his entire life, purchased as a boy by a farmer named Diodoros, who required help tending his farm. He does not remember his parents, but Diodoros, his wife, and his daughter are as good as family to him. He has not had a single day of schooling in his life, but the farmer's wife, Iowen, taught him the basics of reading and writing. He has no time to better his knowledge anymore, because from dawn to dusk he is out in the fields working.

Daylin is very grateful for how he is treated, because he knows he is very lucky. He is given delicious food, and supplied with good clothes. The family's daughter does his laundry for him, and he even has his own room inside the house. The only thing the family asks in return is that he keep up with the farm in Diodoros stead, for he is old now and unable to help with it. He feels forever indebted to them, and works his hardest from sunrise to sunset.

What precious little spare time he has is spent doing odd jobs to earn money to add to his savings. He hopes to one day make enough to buy his freedom from Diodoros, to be in control of his own life. He wants to one day be able to ask a woman's hand in marriage, and have a family of his own. To be able to own his own farm and land, like a man would. He dreams of one day being a free man, and being able to help others like Diodoros helped him.

Appearance: Daylin has a rectangular face with a defined, slightly pointed chin and a sturdy jaw line. His dark emerald eyes are big and spaced evenly apart, sitting below thick eyebrows that seemed to curve as a natural extension of his broad, slightly flat nose. His mouth is always closed in a thin, straight line, and his hair—naturally dark red, but brightened by long days in the sun—is messily shoved back to reveal a wide forehead, and falls to his shoulders. He towers at 6'9", barrel-chested and bull-necked, with thick, muscular arms.

Role: The Berserker. Daylin is destined for great power, but only if he is sure of the path he is walking.
Equipment: Daylin is equipped with large pauldrons, greaves and breastplate over a blue tunic with white sleeves, wrinkled black trousers, and heavy leather boots. He wears gauntlets crafted from a dark metal with cuffs that wrapped around his wrists lead into several interlocking plates that protected the back of his hand, as well as several more interlocking plates that protected his forearm. A royal blue cloak with gold trimming is fastened around his neck, hanging to his ankles. Strapped across his back is double-bladed axe, nearly as long as he is tall. The blades are  mounted to a circular centerpiece, consisting of a steel ring set with ten spikes around the edge, with a single, longer thrusting spike at the top. The haft of the weapon is crafted from onyx, black from the axe-piece down to the grip, leather bound for security. The pommel is of arcane: a small chalice, clutched tight by a wicked three-clawed talon.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 10:39:51 AM by The-Blades-slave »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2015, 08:21:18 PM »
Username: Flamelass
Name: Neicha Felwood
Race : Beastlike
Age: 21

Personality: She is quiet and shy, easily startled by sudden movements, she usually sneaks carefully when curious. Whenever she gets nervous she puts her mask on. She rather doesn't fight but does protect herself when she's under attack.

Bio: Leia lost pretty much everything to humanity. Bandits, soldiers. It didn't matter, they would all just trample over her land and leave nothing behind. In a desperate attempt she had lent money to set things up. But it didn't work out, and the loan sharks eventually claimed her house and she was left on her own. She was tired of it all and decided to leave and find a different place to live.

Neicha was the new name she took when she became a beast. Just like many others she wished to make change. The humans traveled into the woods in the hopes of being able to join the elves. By getting close to nature, they hoped they would turn into elves. However, fate took another turn and turned the humans into beasts. Most people started panicking, they didn't want to become animals. They wanted to be elves. But with nothing to turn back to, they had to live their lives as they are now.

The group of humans that now became beasts, hid themselves in the forest. Isolating themselves from the outside world. Neicha didn't mind having become a deer. But she accepted helping the other people finding a way to turn back into humans. While foraging for food, she also looks for many kinds of plants, In her own built hut secluded from the rest of the beastman she studies the effects the many kinds of plants have with the little tools she has.


Role: The Healer. Neicha is destined to aid her comrades and fix that which others cannot.
Equipment: Neicha is equipped with a staff that replaced her walking stick, and a sword is strung to her left hip. In her satchel she carries a large tome that details each and every herb, plant and others of the land they are in.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 01:09:38 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2015, 08:34:22 PM »
Name: Jacob
Race: Elf
Age: 23

Personality: Jacob is a hard working realist. He accepts his normal mundane life, in fact he prefers it. Jacob has a large prejudice against the humans that tried to join them and would rather avoid one and their families then have to associate with one, but he secretly fears their courage. He isn't that fond of the other races either but is more agreeable with them.

Bio: Born in the outskirts of his town Jacob and his family have lived there for generations. They've worked as farmers producing enough to sustain themselves and sell a little of it off on the side. He was trained by his mother and father leaving his education limited, knowing basics of society and barely passing for literate, he hardly ever goes into town. This didn’t change as he grew older, when morning came Jacob worked the fields and tended to the animals, by noon he was inside assisting his mother and sisters with the house chores, in the evening he helps his father hunt an animal in the nearby forest or fix up one of the animals in the barn, and at night he takes final watch to keep thieves and wild animals away.

Some people would probably hate this life, call it unfulfilling or something of the like, but Jacob sees it differently to him this makes sense, his father is growing older and as much as he tries to deny it he can’t keep up this type of work forever. His sisters are still too young to take over his chores so Jacob and his mother doing most of the house work, Jacob is the only one left to handle the rest, its what's needed of him, and as a caring son and brother how could he refuse or deem this a burden. This is his normal everyday life and he prefers it stay this way.

Appearance: Jacob stands at a total height of 5'10” with a firm, sturdy build, much unlike other elves. His skin is tanned dark from constant field work, with slick black hair and deep green eyes. Jacob is a thin sort of muscular, one that fits his spindly height.

Role: The Tactician. Jacob is destined for military intelligence, and a wrong decision could result in casualty.
Equipment: Jacob is equipped with a spindly staff and a mysterious satchel draped over his shoulder. He is outfitted in a brown leathery suit with green trimmings. Resting over top of it is a grey cloak and a black substance akin to velvet lining the inside. Pining down the cloak are metal pauldrons and covering his wrist ware vambraces made of the same material and design as his suit with a flat knife inside. Underneath the cloak strapped to his side is a curved sword inside a very ornate sheath.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 12:57:21 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2015, 01:57:13 AM »

Username: Desbear
Name:  Duriel Furykeg
Race : Dwarf
Age: 25

Personality: Duriel is a very simple man. He is blunt, doesn't have a filter on his mouth, quick to anger, and is rather rash. Now, it's not really his fault he doesn't think often, as he doesn't have much of an education, which shows in the fact that he cannot read or write much other than dwarvish Hieroglyphs. Now, rather than getting angry, or even a bit intimidated by those who have a higher education than him, he seems to laugh and chuckle at them, because to him they are no better nor worse than him. He knows that he has many more skills than them that still makes him useful, but also realizes that they are, y'know, smarter than him, as they both chose, and he is fine with it.

Bio: While Duriel has lived for what a human would consider quite a long time, he is still mentally 25, and as a simple dwarf, has had quite a simple life. See, Duriel had the same life as all of the dwarves, leaving their educations at an early age to start going from professions to profession until he found which one fit. He eventually latched onto one quite fitting, as it was the family tavern he began to work at; it was even their namesake, The 'FuryKeg' Tavern. It was a small tavern and much to his delight, even though he is family, he started out under everyone else working there, and enjoys his job there as their bartender.


Role: The Smith. Duriel is destined to shape the world around him, physically and magically, but with limitations.
Equipment: Duriel's shoulders and upper arms are covered by plated-steel that is dwarven forged, and thick chainmail covers his chest, hidden underneath a black vest. A dark green cloaked is fastened tightly around his ample sized neck, and his trousers are  rolled up neatly over his actually practical leather boots. Last, and certainly not least, there was a ornate maul of dwarven origin slung over his shoulder, crafted with metal and marble.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 01:00:53 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2015, 01:40:31 PM »
Username: Lunartic (Luna)
Name: Floressa Cally
Race: Half-elf
Age: 19

Personality: Floressa is an intelligent, soft spoken woman coming of age. But by how she acts, one would think she were 10 years older and a noble's wife. She walks with a sense of authority and speaks with a silver tongue. Of course, she is less formal around her close friends and family and sometimes prefers the nonchalance.

Bio: On the side of a frozen highway lay a wicker basket. Inside, wrapped in a soft white blanket is a child, with a note written with elegant writing: “My name is Floressa. Please give me good home.” And on that cold, fateful winter night nineteen years ago, she became the daughter of Diodoros and Iowen Cally. She could never remember who her real parents were, but she knew two things about them: one was a human, the other was an elf.

She always remembered Daylin, the boy who worked with Papa on the farm because Mama had a sack o’ potatoes to handle. A kind and tall boy - very tall - who Mama taught to read as well as Floressa. But while Daylin worked in the fields from dawn to dusk, Floressa continued to read and write. She didn’t like stories all that much - it was always the greatest knight who rode proudly into battle and won the hand of the princess and . . . Floressa never read past that part at a young age. She wanted to become a lady.

Over the years, she borrowed and read countless books about the art of the proper, sophisticated upper class. Most were supplied by close friends or traded for with favors. More than once she has played the part of mistress for a man at a ceremony. And each time, she had a knife hidden away that she knows very well how to use. God forbid she'll ever need to. She was taught by her late cousin - lost in a “hunting accident” - how to defend herself. He also showed her how to use a bow, on her request. After all, not even high elves spend all their time in a corset.

Appearance: Floressa is a beautiful woman, 5'7", with a slender build. Her work on the farm and archery range developed a strong physique as well. Her hair is long and fair, her ears are pointy yet rounded, her face is kind and smiling. Perhaps her most distinctive feature is her eyes. Half-elves are renown for their exotically colored eyes, but Floressa's are stranger than that. Her eyes are silvery gray most of the time, and if she concentrates hard enough they will stay like that. But when she allows it - or cannot control it - their color will change to reflect her emotions. Even if nothing else shows how she feels, her eyes will. The stronger the emotion, the brighter the color will be, and the harder she has to fight it to keep them gray.

Role: The Lady. Floressa is destined to walk among stars, but also to take them down from within.
Equipment: Floressa dons a fitting, brown leather tunic and trousers; a green, overcoat-like cloth skirt; a black leather belt and silver buckle around her waist; and brown leather boots that come halfway up her calf. On her left arm iss a leather bracer, over her right shoulder a quiver, by her left hip a scabbard, and in her hands a bow.
HIDDEN 3: This will progressively be unlocked over time, with more being added as time goes on.
HIDDEN 4: This will be unlocked at a different time for each character, and may possibly change.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 12:58:29 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2015, 07:46:23 PM »
Race Specific Species

Name: Stoneborn
Race: Dwarf
Positive traits: Fireproof, strong, females produce powerful milk, able to navigate mountains easily, can sense the things around them.
Negative traits: Blind, dislike the sun, overly curious, requires specific food or their health wanes quickly.

Appearance: Stoneborn are large and heavily built goats, although individual sizes vary greatly. Males are between 121 and 142 cm (48 and 56 in) in shoulder height, and weigh between 226 and 300 kg (500 and 660 lb). Females are noticeably smaller, with heights between 93 and 124 cm (37 and 49 in), and weights between 201 and 223 kg (445 and 493 lb). The nose is straight in profile, the neck short, and the back straight. The neck is also particularly thick and muscular in males, but much less so in females. Both sexes have beards, although the male's beard is more pronounced, and those of females are sometimes absent altogether. Located on the female abdomen is the udder, and on the teats on the male.

The female's horns are relatively smaller than the males, and grey-brown in color, measuring an average of 35 cm (14 in) long. Those of fully-grown males are black and typically measure about 127 cm (50 in), although in extreme cases they can grow to 148 cm (58 in). Both sexes have circular rings around their horns that represent annual growth, but males also have large transverse ridges along the front surface. The exact shape of the horns varies considerably between individuals. The stoneborn's feet are well-suited for climbing steep, rocky slopes with pitches exceeding 60°, with inner pads that provide traction and cloven hooves that can spread apart. The tips of their feet have sharp dewclaws that keep them from slipping.

History: The stoneborn have been with the dwarves since the days of old, when they ruled the highland and the lowland. Tomes tell that when the dwarves were crafted from the Stone they were alone on the land, and they built great fortresses to defend themselves from the dragons, enormous winged-reptiles with arcane strength. The fortresses protected the, but it was a double-edged sword, for they could reach no form of subsistence. The greatest smith to ever live, Harrowin, took his great hammer and from the mountain he crafted the stoneborn, beast that could produce milk that would give them the nutrients they needed to live. The tomes are unclear after that, but the stoneborn became a vital part of the dwarven society, and their milk nearly tripled the dwarves lifetimes.

Name: Slaur
Race: Orc
Positive traits: Very strong, powerful sense of smell, glue-like saliva with healing properties, fiercely loyal, thunderous bark, can survive in very harsh conditions with little water, iron stomachs.
Negative traits: Slow, loud, lazy and vain, massive appetites.

Appearance: Slaur are gargantuan, solid and long, with curved sabre tails held high over their long backs. An adult dog weighs between 408 and 544 kilograms (900 and 1200 lbs). They stand twenty hands high (6'6" or 198 centimeters) at the shoulder, and their legs are very stocky compared to the rest of their body. They generally appear very overweight with a short, smooth coat, and shed constantly. The coloration varies greatly depending on the area, however they usually have a white blaze and a white tipped tail. This allows their masters to keep track of them, should they ever go astray in the heat of a hunt.

This breed is known for its hanging skin, which causes the face to look depressed; this, for many people, makes them unintimidating. The dewlap and the trailing ears help trap the scent of what they are tracking. Its neck is wider than its head. This combined with the loose skin around its face and neck means that flat collars can easily be pulled off. The looseness of the skin results in the Slaur's characteristic facial wrinkles. The Slaur's skull is characterized by its large dolichocephalic nose, which grants it the best scenting ability of any known creature.

History: The Slaur first came about long ago, when the nomadic orcs attempted to breed an animal that was strong enough to carry supplies, and tough enough to survive the harsh conditions of the wasteland. It is believed they bred the dire wolf, a large and ferocious canine, with another creature of the wastelands to create it. From the wolf it gained strength and a sharp mind, and from the unknown creature it gained the the endurance to survive in the wastelands. It is unknown where the infamous bark it possesses came from, but when a pack bays together it is akin to a thunderstorm. It survives the harsh conditions of the dessert thanks to a pouch in its stomach, which can store large amounts of water that help keep the canine hydrated for weeks without a single drink.

Name: Grauks
Race: Elves
Positive Traits: Can run, swim, and fly, making them very versatile for transportation; can carry light loads of goods; quills are used as materials for arrows, both as fletching and tips
Negative Traits: very stubborn and temperamental; low endurance; misgrown quills will find themselves implanted into ones backside occasionally

Appearance: Grauks are giant geese, whose colors range between white and black. Most Grauks heights are between 4 to 5 feet in total, with the largest growing to around 6 feet tall. Their wingspan is usually around 14 to 15 feet wide, giving them amazing speed in the air. The males beaks are much longer than the females, and are lined with sharp teeth that enable them to hunt prey about half their own size. Females have a ring around their necks, which are about 2 feet long at the most, and have black eyelids and eyeliner looking feathers near their eyes. The Grauks feathers end in quills, which are laced with a substance that grants anyone unfortunate to prick themselves a nasty itch that lasts for days before ending in a rash. Grauk females are eligible to produce two eggs a year, one at a time. These eggs are about a foot in size, and hatch after about four months. Hunters and poachers have been finding these very large and valuable eggs more and more recently, placing the Grauk species in danger.

History: The Grauks were originally normal geese, until they began to die out due to poaching. Over time they developed quills and grew to enormous sizes in order to defend themselves, and the elves began to view them as very valuable creatures. They began to breed them and cut the quills off of the feathers where they were not wanted, and made sure they stayed trimmed. Eventually the Grauks were tailored to the elves liking, and actually viewed them as friends to their own species, rather than some form of beings that were above them. The elves began to appreciate the Grauks as divine creatures of nature, and began to protect their eggs from any who might harm them.

Name: Hauss
Race: Humans
Positive Traits: Very versatile in terms of work and travel; females are very fast and provide quick travel; males are very strong and have very high endurances.
Negative Traits: Take a very long time to develop; hard to train, have free spirits; the most valuable cannot be found in the wild and take time to breed.

Appearance: Hauss stand around a total of 18 to 24 hands at the shoulder, making them enormous horses. Females are smaller than the males, both in height and weight, whereas the males are always bigger and better for work. They usually weigh between 300 and 600 pounds, depending on what type of work they are used for. Hauss’ are usually gray or black in color, though there have been occasional white, brown, and dappled Hauss that were bred and kept for show. Male Hauss have shorter manes than females, but have longer tails as well. Female Hauss have longer legs and larger nostrils, which compliments their speed and running capabilities very nicely. Farmers found that when they attempted to place a bit in their Hauss’ mouth, they were greeted by very sharp and jagged teeth that are perfectly suited for carnivorous means. Baby Hauss are around 6 hands at the shoulder when born, and are always born white before changing colors.

History: Humans began to breed very large horses to tailor towards their needs on the farm and in transportation. They would breed a horse and begin their training towards their means at a very early age, setting their mind on their work. Once they got to an old enough age, they would be bred and the process would be repeated. The result was the Hauss: a huge work engine meant exactly for what it was bred. The only backfire was the fact that a young Hauss takes just under a year to develop fully, and by that time they are almost too strong to train properly. The largest Hauss’ at birth are sent to the Royal Guard to be developed into warhorses, while the others are sent to be trained as messenger or farm horses.

ty Blades <3

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [Profiles] The Second World
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2015, 08:08:32 PM »
NPC List

? ? ? - A maiden who resides in a grove in the woods. A veil of mystery surrounds her, with many questions left to be answered.

Orc Cheiftain – Zang Bloodspiller was a young Orc who was feared for his power. Stronger than all the others his age, the chieftain before him, Nicht, decided he was a threat that could not be ignored. The chieftain sent twenty orcs under his command to slay Zang, who promptly killed each and every one of them. Still covered in the blood from the battle, he marched to meet the chieftain in his own home, where Zang ordered that Nicht surrender his title so he could be replaced by Zang himself. Even after Nicht surrendered, Zang slew him for his attempt on his life. He now rules with no opposition, as everyone is too scared to face his rage in battle. He is covered in numerous scars, which stand out red over his yellowish skin, which makes his huge body look even more intimidating. His eyes are very thin slits, and his nose looks like it has been broken several too many times. His teeth are all crooked and bent, so it appears he has fangs and even a tusk, but he still speaks surprisingly clearly. He wields a double sided axe crafted out of Nicht’s spine and shoulder-blades, and scarce plate armor made out of the bones of his attackers.

Dwarven King - Chron Ironhammer won his leadership through a test of dwarven strength: drinking his way to the top. He was in a bar one evening, sitting next to an older dwarf, when they silently decided to try and out-drink each other. Hours upon hours had passed and they were well into the night when the older man passed out, and Chron continued to drink until what seemed to be a Dwarven Guard arrived to retrieve the king. Both the Guard and Chron realized what it meant: Chron was to be the new king. However, once the king had awoken, he denied Chron his title, stating that he had already been drinking long before Chron showed up, so Chron challenged him to a duel. Once the king had lost that too, he had no choice but to step down.  Chron Ironhammer now sits upon the Throne of Stone, wielding a hammer made of, well, iron. He is an average height for dwarves, but is very muscular from working in the forges day in and day out. His Stoneborn partner, Fraunches, is a small but very strong one. Fraunches is white with a large black diamond that stretches across his spine and down onto his sides, with very large curled horns that give him the appearance of a ram. Chron has grown his beard out so that he may look the part of the Dwarven King, but also to match his Stoneborn. He has deeply furrowed eyebrows, but soft eyes that speak of friendliness. His ten Dwarven Guards make sure to always be at his side, ready to defend him when they need.

Elven Lord – Mayla Greenleaf was destined for the throne: she was the most popular girl her age, whether she wanted it or not; anyone and everyone knew who she was, and they always praised her; when the elections came for who would be the next Elven Lord, Mayla didn’t even have a say when her name was entered, but she also didn’t deny the position when she won. She is very modest and doesn’t overuse her power as the Elven Lady, but when she wants something she makes sure it happens. She likes to walk among the young Grauks within the breeding locations, trying to decide whether or not she would like one as a companion, but she also likes to use it as an opportunity to get away from her responsibility. Mayla is very beautiful, with long black hair and very fine features. Her voice is a song that you know you’ve heard before but you can quite place from where. Mayla wears enchanted cloth armor under anything she wears, just in case of an attack, and always carries her father’s foil with her.

The High King - The current Ruler of the World of Magic. Not much is known about him; he is purportedly the previous king's adviser at an unknown point in time, and was chosen as successor when the previous king was found dead in his sleep. Few have seen him up close, and those who have do not talk to commoners. He wields a blade made half of steel and half of a strange white substance who some tell is bone. He is never seen outside his castle walls. The Royal Guards are the only men who have walked the ground both inside and outside the castle.


I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.